Avatar of Legatus Bellum
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 39 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Legatus Bellum 7 yrs ago


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Ave! I am Legatus Bellum, you could call me Johann.

I have a very keen interest in history, specifically European history (despite me being an Asian). That was what brought me into war history and statecraft in the first place. Well, not really for statecraft. I've been interested in politics for a long time and had history as an edgy anarcho-communist when I was 12 (yes, I know, too young to be interested in politicking; I don't really blame my parents, though, they didn't know what I was getting into back then). Yeah, I had weird interests that aren't millennial at all. So yeah, the Art of War and the Prince are two of the books which I own. Then I went deeper into European history, and found that it shaped the world to what it was today. Politics and war, my 15-year-old self said, was the factor of change not only in Europe, but the entire world. Then, when I was 16, last year, I picked up Liddell Hart's work, Strategy.

Welp, that's about it.

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Seeing death all around him was not an alien sight to Michael. Neither was the sight of friends being mowed down in front of him. The blood-soiled sand, the thousands of casings. He had seen it a long time ago. Pools of blood collecting in between the bricks and potholes. When the landing craft's doors first opened, he had seen those that were dead, and when he stepped foot on the sand itself, he could hear them, screaming in agony. He actually blanked out for a moment when he heard the barking of orders somewhere nearby. They were going to unload. Like always, Michael couldn't see where he could help, and to him, the natural way of knowing was by asking. And so, he did. He approached a man who was being handed crates for him to just stack by the beach. The man was middle-aged and buff, yet he was only a private, like Michael. "Excuse me," Michael said softly; "what can I do to help?"

The man sighed deeply, and when the other person handing him boxes said that they were good, he turned to look at the boy. "You're a little young, aren't you?" the man asked.
"No sir, I'm nineteen," Michael replied.
"Thin, fair, graceful movement, way too polite for my taste. You must be Disas. What are you, like, a son of a noble or something?"
"No, sir, I'm the son of an officer," replied Michael.
"Well, I don't care," the man interrupted. "If you want to make yourself useful, you can start carrying these boxes over to point B. Honestly, I don't know where that is, so just follow those guys," he added, pointing to other soldiers transporting crates full of supplies. "Or can't you lift that? You look way too thin... but then again, you probably were raised and kept inside your little noble house."
"I'll go and transport some crates," Michael politely said despite the clear insult, grabbing a box. Being raised a sickly boy, he was weaker than most other soldiers. Really, he was merely a compromise, a nothing compared to the others. However, that won't impede him. The only reason he had combat experience was thanks to the fact that he joined the soldiery because of his devotion to his country.

Michael pushed aside his gun, and picked up the first crate in front of him. He had a small bit of trouble lifting the first crate of ammunition, but eventually, he got around to doing just that. It wasn't too heavy, lucky for him. He was careful in putting the boxes of ammunition down, taking time in actually organising the crates he managed to get to point B. After all, he wanted to be as organised as possible so he could make up for being a compromise.

Michael was born to a Disas family. His mother was a religious person, and his father was an officer in the military. At an early age, he became very sick with various diseases, giving him his yellowish complexion, as well as resulting in his thin body he hasn’t fully recovered from. This made his mother very overprotective about him while his father, when off-duty, was ordering him to do chores around the house.

At school, he wasn’t really faring well. He used to be weak-minded, enjoying unimportant and childish things, but he eventually grew out of them. Instead of pursuing the things his classmates liked doing, he enjoyed staying at home, simply reading various theories at a young age. He became very interested in history, as well. It was also at this point that he was filled with the nationalistic spirit of his father, but alas, he was still too physically weak. Instead, he wanted to pursue a political career.

Eventually, however, the Wrea Federation attacked his homeland, and immediately, he wanted to answer the call to arms. He was seventeen at the time, so when he one day escaped from home, he applied for the army. They believed his initial lie of being eighteen, but they didn’t accept him because of his physical weakness. He snuck back home, and despite his hatred of physical activity and despite his laziness, he began to exercise and eat more and more. In a year, when he was eighteen, nearly nineteen, he was fit enough by military standards.

However, the final nail in the coffin that made him pursue a military career was the death of his parents in one day. Her mother, while out in town, was killed in a bombing raid. His father, while in a jeep en route to the battlefield to be with his troops, was killed in a strafing run by a Wrea Federation plane. His hatred grew, and he saw his world crumble right in front of him. He saw the destruction that Wrea had brought to his nation. He joined the military a day after their funerals, giving the rights to their family home to his brothers.

Eventually, Michael was accepted due to a short supply of men. In the same day, earlier, an order was issued: all men and women capable enough were to be drafted, no matter who they were, whatever their history may be, or whatever their jobs were; they were all to be drafted. They took Michael, saying he was ‘good enough,’ and was given a two-month training course. Being a fan of high-power, high-velocity guns, he wanted to have a bolt-action rifle in hand, but they saw that Michael did not have steady hands. Instead, he was handed a submachine gun. He excelled in training, and he saw his own potential with an SMG. He would definitely be a stormtrooper. The thought of death consumed him, and that kept him awake. However, he soon concluded that all men die, and to die gloriously on the battlefield is better than dying sickly in a bed. He would die for his country, and he would not back down. He would protect his nation, and more importantly, he would protect his only family left: his brother and sister.

He saw the horrors of war once he was deployed with a single order: “Not one step back.” He cursed when he saw this fate he was given, rushing into a volley of machine gun fire. He charged, indeed, but his entire unit was wiped out. That was when he saw the reality of their situation: they were so desperate that their leaders were sending them in droves to die. He watched as his first friends were all annihilated right in front of his eyes, and his heart broke. But, there was no time for tears in war. Honestly, he was disappointed with this tactic of charging into enemy lines, but what could he do? An order was an order. If the nation lost this war, it would be the fault of the generals. For the first time in his life, Michael felt hopeless. On his nineteenth birthday, his present was imprisonment. He was captured while hiding in an urban battlefield by Wrea forces, and imprisoned.

He was kept in the nearest POW camp, and to his surprise only a week after, Gersan forces liberated the destroyed town, the Wrea lines of retreat cut off after a surprisingly brilliant manoeuvre to the enemy’s rear, crushing them and forcing them to surrender. Michael was impressed. He was liberated soon enough, and the first thing he asked for was his gun.

Michael was sent back to be reassigned to a new unit, and he was reassigned to the 7th Platoon of the 65th Spearhead Division. At first, he didn’t know what they were supposed to do, but when he was sent behind enemy lines, he knew immediately that they were going to distract enemy forces. It was the only reason why they were being dropped off in the area miles behind the enemy. Majority of those in the platoon were way older than him, and he tried to know about them. Only a man, a corporal, by the name of Isaiah Nekrivich was the only one who asked first, and Michael wasn’t able to ask back. The two established a good connection immediately, but Michael was continuously thinking: was this one a journalist? His questions sounded like questions a journalist would ask. However, the only question he asked before being deployed on the ground was: “How long are they going to stay distracted?”

@LetMeDoStuff Actually I haven't asked yet if I can put my character on the character tab yet. So, may I?
@LetMeDoStuffDone changing it to the AC140. Still no clue why the hiders won't work though
@LetMeDoStuff Will do

Michael was born to a Disas family. His mother was a religious person, and his father was an officer in the military. At an early age, he became very sick with various diseases, giving him his yellowish complexion, as well as resulting in his thin body he hasn’t fully recovered from. This made his mother very overprotective about him while his father, when off-duty, was ordering him to do chores around the house.

At school, he wasn’t really faring well. He used to be weak-minded, enjoying unimportant and childish things, but he eventually grew out of them. Instead of pursuing the things his classmates liked doing, he enjoyed staying at home, simply reading various theories at a young age. He became very interested in history, as well. It was also at this point that he was filled with the nationalistic spirit of his father, but alas, he was still too physically weak. Instead, he wanted to pursue a political career.

Eventually, however, the Wrea Federation attacked his homeland, and immediately, he wanted to answer the call to arms. He was seventeen at the time, so when he one day escaped from home, he applied for the army. They believed his initial lie of being eighteen, but they didn’t accept him because of his physical weakness. He snuck back home, and despite his hatred of physical activity and despite his laziness, he began to exercise and eat more and more. In a year, when he was eighteen, nearly nineteen, he was fit enough by military standards.

However, the final nail in the coffin that made him pursue a military career was the death of his parents in one day. Her mother, while out in town, was killed in a bombing raid. His father, while in a jeep en route to the battlefield to be with his troops, was killed in a strafing run by a Wrea Federation plane. His hatred grew, and he saw his world crumble right in front of him. He saw the destruction that Wrea had brought to his nation. He joined the military a day after their funerals, giving the rights to their family home to his brothers.

Eventually, Michael was accepted due to a short supply of men. In the same day, earlier, an order was issued: all men and women capable enough were to be drafted, no matter who they were, whatever their history may be, or whatever their jobs were; they were all to be drafted. They took Michael, saying he was ‘good enough,’ and was given a two-month training course. Being a fan of high-power, high-velocity guns, he wanted to have a bolt-action rifle in hand, but they saw that Michael did not have steady hands. Instead, he was handed a submachine gun. He excelled in training, and he saw his own potential with an SMG. He would definitely be a stormtrooper. The thought of death consumed him, and that kept him awake. However, he soon concluded that all men die, and to die gloriously on the battlefield is better than dying sickly in a bed. He would die for his country, and he would not back down. He would protect his nation, and more importantly, he would protect his only family left: his brother and sister.

He saw the horrors of war once he was deployed with a single order: “Not one step back.” He cursed when he saw this fate he was given, rushing into a volley of machine gun fire. He charged, indeed, but his entire unit was wiped out. That was when he saw the reality of their situation: they were so desperate that their leaders were sending them in droves to die. He watched as his first friends were all annihilated right in front of his eyes, and his heart broke. But, there was no time for tears in war. Honestly, he was disappointed with this tactic of charging into enemy lines, but what could he do? An order was an order. If the nation lost this war, it would be the fault of the generals. For the first time in his life, Michael felt hopeless. On his nineteenth birthday, his present was imprisonment. He was captured while hiding in an urban battlefield by Wrea forces, and imprisoned.

He was kept in the nearest POW camp, and to his surprise only a week after, Gersan forces liberated the destroyed town, the Wrea lines of retreat cut off after a surprisingly brilliant manoeuvre to the enemy’s rear, crushing them and forcing them to surrender. Michael was impressed. He was liberated soon enough, and the first thing he asked for was his gun.

Michael was sent back to be reassigned to a new unit, and he was reassigned to the 7th Platoon of the 65th Spearhead Division. At first, he didn’t know what they were supposed to do, but when he was sent behind enemy lines, he knew immediately that they were going to distract enemy forces. It was the only reason why they were being dropped off in the area miles behind the enemy. Majority of those in the platoon were way older than him, and he tried to know about them. Only a man, a corporal, by the name of Isaiah Nekrivich was the only one who asked first, and Michael wasn’t able to ask back. The two established a good connection immediately, but Michael was continuously thinking: was this one a journalist? His questions sounded like questions a journalist would ask. However, the only question he asked before being deployed on the ground was: “How long are they going to stay distracted?”

Cancelled due to lack of interest
Having an interest in war history and military strategy, I'm definitely interested in this.
Hail to you! I am Legatus Bellum. Now, I've made an account here before, but I've never really posted anything significant, and I forgot the password to that particular account, so instead of finding ways to actually re-access said account, I decided to simply create a new account with one of my underused e-mails.

Now, you may call me by Legatus Bellum, or Legatus, or Bellum... or just call me by my nickname, Johann. I like sci-fi and fantasy RPs with a massive amount of military and statecraft mixed in. Sometimes, I like to blend sci-fi and fantasy together. I am experienced in RPing, but I still need to get used to this particular site's layout. I look forward to meeting others, making some friends, and writing. So, once again, greetings, good day, and happy trails!
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