Avatar of Lekkuen
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    1. Lekkuen 10 yrs ago


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<Snipped quote by Genni>

Not magical equipment. She has divine weapons.

Divine is counted as a form a magic, which is why in the sheet supernatural is: magic based stuff that doesn't fall under magi or divine/infernal

But yeah if we combine Tech and supersoldier into a general science, magic still wins out.
<Snipped quote by Lekkuen>
I'm not sure I'd agree. Qiao and Bud are definitely magical, and V3 has some magic equipment for some reason, but the others are all mutants, lab accidents and super soldiers.

For example, Nicotine's vapor-based abilities are a second generation mutation inherited from her mother 'Tufo'. That's the Portuguese word for 'Wisp', not the town in Italy or the bean-based vegetarian foodstuff tofu, just in case anyone was confused. No magic involved at all with her powers.

Qiao, Bud, finn are magic, Sike is magic, V3 while not magic has weapons that fall under magic, that is 5 magic connection to powers. With someone else having cleared a supernatural by me, so that is a 6th magic related.

For metahumans we have Nicotine, and V3, and copy cat so that's 3

for tech we have Hardline and Meltdown

for super soldiers we have v3 and Vera.

If i forgot anyone sorry. But my point is that 5-6 people have magic connections, and while there is nothing wrong with that, it's why I decided to make something else to not fill it with that.

@Weird Tales and yes Finn is approved
Anyway should have mine up tonight. And an IC by tommorow night at the very latest
Cyn's ability isn't magic based, She's a mutant

Didn't say all are. Just the magic types are majority, even if spellcasting itself isn't.
I was actually going to make one, but felt too many people had magic in some form as a base/power source. So when I saw Finn and decided to go with a different thing that I'm currently working on.
Wei meant tons
@SimplyJohn Hardline is approved

@RumikoOhara Copy Cat is approved

@Yahtzee Silver is fine, if you want you can have either the fire be able to used easier or the physical strength be up. If you want him as is that is fine, but just saying he can boosted some if you wanted him to be more front line combat.
Cowards afraid of their great homeland!
For the record, gonna give the couple people still making there characters some time to finish before starting the IC. I have a more active character of my own to add as well. We should have the IC up by the weekend though. Any additional help needed feel free to ask
<Snipped quote by Lekkuen>
Hubba hubba hubba...

So... if her medicine were to... let's say, go missing, would that leave her vulnerable to someone slipping into her bunk in the middle of the night and having their wicked way with her?

Just as an example, you understand. Not that I'd plan on anything like that happening, heaven forbid.

Heh, perhaps
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