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    1. Leoven 8 yrs ago


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Current When will my muse return from the war?
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Where my gays at?
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Good night! Stay hydrated and keep safe! :*
7 yrs ago
Be back on Friday folks. Hopefully things over at uni will be okay then.
7 yrs ago
Why the fuck do I have a migraine???? The fuck???


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I've added information about the dragons and the countries. I'll try to have the OOC up soon, along with the character sheet and everything else!
Thanks for the interest so far, everyone. I'll get more info up as I finish them.

@ERode during the course of the rp, they're more like heroes crusading against an enemy. The main military force of each nation would be focused on defending their country from the Leviathans, and other countries should some seize the opportunity. Tackling the Leviathans head-on would be up to the Listeners and their dragons. Hope that answers your question!

《 P R E M I S E 》

A vast realm of beautiful landscapes, rich history and culture, and people of peace and prosperity, the land of Alona was a sight to behold.

Things changed when magnificent beasts of all shapes and sizes came to Alona from beyond the seas to make their nests in the beautiful continent, fleeing from an enemy that they could not defeat. While their relationship with the humans that lived in Alona had not started as easily as one might hope, peace and understanding eventually developed between the two species. This only grew when they realised that some humans could understand the dragon through physical contact. They were soon named Listeners, and were glorified as leaders for their wondrous gift. Alas, as is the perpetual flaw of mankind, greed and envy paved the way for what would be known in Alona for generations to come as the Dark Ages.

For generations, humans harnessed dragons as weapons of war, and the Listeners led the charge as monarchs, generals, and prophets. Centuries of war and destruction caused the degredation of not only Alona's beautiful landscape, but also the lives of its people. Humans and dragons alike died by the hundreds in Great War after Great War, to the point that further venture of their steadily growing animosity of each other would prove to be the final straw. While relative peace returned, hatred still simmered in the hearts of both man and beast.

Alona has been seperated into seven countries, and ruins of their once great united empire lay across the land. Pockets of civilization survived in the now harsh environment, and the remaining dragons have either taken to solitude or domesticity. As if faced by the wrath of the gods, Listeners have grown few and far between - the gift to man reclaimed due to their irresponsibility and greed.

Nearly a hundred years since the last Great War, a new threat has risen. The skies grow darker with each passing day, and the feeling of dread pulses within the hearts of all. The threat that the dragons had run from has found them... It has found all of them.

The Leviathans are coming. Can Alona survive?

《 C O U N T R I E S 》

During the very first Great War, eight Listeners of immense power and ability led armies against one another. Many Great Wars passed between these Listeners and their descendants until the Concordat of Jael, signed at the wake of one of the Listener's brutal and bloody demise, became the pillar for the terse peace that the citizens of Alona currently enjoy. Thus, the seven remaining Listeners created their countries, each taking a land of their own to grow and prosper.

< Sagewick >

Sagewick was once the capital of the great Alonan Empire, and the home to the seat of power. After the division of Alona, Sagewick continued to proclaim itself as the capital and boasted many powerful clans of Listeners. All forms of dragon had also made Sagewick their home, most prominently the noble Magnus. It is constantly at war with Shdowpine, due to border dispute among many others. As such, no formal border exists between them.

Located far north, with its major cities protected behind high walls, it is currently the least in danger of the impending Leviathan attacks.

< Mallowater >

Situated in the deltas and fertile riverside lands, many young hopefuls from other countries make the trecherous journey to Mallowater to enroll in the Academy. It is home to a large population of Lung dragons, who have become a key factor in the level of education the citizens of Mallowater have attained. The long line of Listeners from Mallowater could rival that of Sagewick's, and a deep camaraderie have run within both countries for generations.

Located south, it's in the forefront of the Leviathan attacks.

< Woodwyn >

In the mountainous region of central Alona, located to the south of Sagewick, the people of Woodwyn make their home alongside Dwarf dragons. They are a peace-loving state whose Listeners and dragons have taught the people the many ways of healing that are secret from the other nations. Their people are nomads, travelling to other countries to ply their trade all while keeping their lips shut on the exact location of their villages and dragons.

Woodwyn is not affiliated with other countries, and is known for their tendency to detach from the rest of the world in times of trouble.

< Wildeshore >

A peninsula connected to Sagewick, with its surrounding waters teeming with the cargo ships that Wildeshore is known for. Its people are naturally gifted in commerce. With the aid of the Amphitheres that make the area around Wildeshore their home, whose natural skills lay in fishing and hunting, Wildeshore has kept its firm hold on the food trade in the continent.

Wildeshore maintains a close relationship with the nomads of Woodwyn, but their relationship with Havenborough is strained.

< Shdowpine >

Shdowpine is an extremely religious country located in the far west. Its people are faced with harsh wintry weather, firmly enforced laws, and the vicious Frost dragons. The leaders of Shdowpine see themselves as holy crusaders meant to preserve history and recapture their promised hold on Alona. Much debate have been raised over the credibility of their claims, but every country in the continent understand that the people of Shdowpine are not ones to be reckoned with.

Their constant struggles with Sagewick have made them bitter rivals, and their relationship with other countries are just as strained.

< Havenborough >

Located to the far east, Havenborough is a country whose cities can be found deep within their many dense forests. Their people are regarded as barbarians by other countries due to the fact that their people are known for their strength and brutality and not their diplomacy. Wyrms stand alongside the citizens of Havenborough as they hole up in their fortresses, where the number of their population has grown enough to rival that of Sagewick's.

Havenborough warships are known to ambush cargo ships of Wildeshore, causing their people to constantly be at war with each other.

< Erihollow >

Making their home in the southern wastelands is the country of Erihollow. Its people are small in number, with only the sturdiest of its folk surviving the harsh lands and the trecherous intents of their kin. The dark times Erihollow constantly faces shine in the hard eyes of its people, and is reflected in their close relationship with the most physically powerful Wyvern dragons.

Southernmost in the continent, the already suffering nation became the first to encounter the Leviathan attacks. Many of its people have sought refuge in the other countries, with only Shdowpine and Mallowater to welcome them. Their long-standing hatred of Sagewick only grew with the self-proclaimed capital's lack of help during the Leviathan attacks.

《 D R A G O N S 》

Much of the dragon's history as a species is secret to most aside from their trusted Listeners. They are creatures of great strength and skill, with pure magic rushing deep within their veins. While the specific abilities among species may vary, every dragon in existence has the illusionary ability to appear human.

Over the years following the Concordat of Jael, many dragons have evolved to be less predatory and more domesticated. Their size has decreased and they are less in touch with their arcane abilities. Their lifespan has also decreased, with the oldest recorded dragon having died at 520. Dragons who have retained their original form are few and far between.

< Magnus >

Found only in Sagewick, the draconic race of dragons are mighty and fierce. Magnus dragons are firebreathers known for their massive wingspan, intimidating horns, and powerful legs. They are prideful, and will only work with those that they deem worthy. They are also known for their ability to command others through sheer willpower. Among the races, Magnus dragons have the shortest lifespan, maturing at 150 and dying at the average of 250 years.

< Amphitheres >

Amphiteres are natural-born hunters that can be found swimming in the deep seas surrounding Wildeshore and nesting in seaside coves. They are the second largest dragons, notable for their lack of limbs, and fish-like scales. They are extremely fast and stealthy, able to camouflage themselves with their environment, and can capture prey in their powerful jaws. They are helpful and humble, which can make them vulnerable to dark intentions.

< Wyvern >

Wyverns are the largest of the dragons, and their physical strength among dragons is unmatched. They are sturdy, much like the people of Erihollow, with razor sharp claws and an apetite for chaos. Those who are able to survive a pummeling from these beasts will find themselves soon succumbing to the virulent poison that coats their teeth and claws. They are very straight-forward, and are not known for their intelligence.

< Lung >

Lung dragons make their home in the skies of Mallowater. These limbless and colourful dragons are known for their wise and intelligent nature, and their close relationship with humans. They are able to tap into more arcane arts than other dragons, but find themselves more capable in terms of air elemental magic. They are more brain than brawn, and can easily be taken out by a physical blow.

< Frost >

Frost dragon harness the ferocious element of ice. They live in the mountain above the temples of Shdowpine, their iridescent scales reflecting the light in the thin mountain air. They are the oldest of the dragons, seeming to have been frozen in age, and are more hateful of humans. They are craftsmen, able to create enchanted weapons or artifacts for those who can convince them to do so. Frost dragons are notoriously slow in movement, and can be susceptible to attacks when they freeze in place.

< Wyrm >

Wyrms are nature dragons that live in the underground caverns of Havenborough. They are able to terraform the world around them, harnessing the elemental magics of both earth and water. These dragons are also known for their sly deals, utilizing the art of stealth and subterfuge to get what they want (much like their chosen Listeners). Unlike the other dragons, Wyrms are unable to fly and require constant sustenance in order to maintain their strength.

< Dwarf >

Dwarf dragons are small, growing no larger than an average house cat, with a more lizard-like anatomy than other dragons. They strive in the sheltered cities of Woodwyn where their saliva, known for its healing capabilities, has greatly aided the people that raise them. They are naturally domestic, and have no capability for fighting. They rely on their human counterparts who defend them against threats to their life.

《 O O C 》

DragonFall is a fantasy-action roleplay set on the backdrop of Alona, which is currently facing the threat of Leviathans coming from the southern seas. This is a remake of Descent of the Dragon from RoleplayGateway and was originally Beach-Born-Boy's back in 2014. I was given permission to remake it and have only gotten to it now. DragonFall takes much from Descent of the Dragon, but will have certain differences in terms of plot as I don't really have a lot of information on the original plot.

There are a few key elements for DragonFall:
~ I require at least 2-3 paragraphs per post. Be descriptive. Be aggressive as a roleplayer. Don't just reply for the sake of replying. Add to the story to make this a fun experience for everyone!
~ I'll only be needing seven players, each one controlling both the Listener and dragon of their country. I'll be controlling NPCs and such to move the story along.
~ While the roleplay will mainly be dealing with the physical threat of the Leviathans, there will also be situations when the Listeners' relationships with their dragons and each other will be developed. There's also plenty of mystery to be discovered in the ruins of Alona.
Mina couldn't help her low whistle at the sight of the Salamence. Dragon-type Pokemon were pretty powerful, but she found that she never had trouble with them. After all, she was a Fairy-type specialist.

Her eyes narrowed towards the two when Anabel approached her Pokemon. Two powerful beings in calm companionship; it was quite the sight. Mina itched to sketch them, and whipped out her sketchbook to do just that. She took a few moments to draw the image in front of her before nodding towards Anabel. She pointed the end of her pencil towards the officer's hair and said, "I can see that." Amusement danced in her eyes as she finished her sketch. "Colour is everywhere and means a lot of things. Red can be passion and love, but can also depict blood and rage. Black is professional and classy, but it's also dark and intimidating." She nodded at the image in her sketchpad and made a mental note to finish it at a later date. The book was strapped to her back before she continued her line of thought. "Colour says a lot about a person. Lilac is graceful and elegant, mature and refined. The flower named after it also symbolises first love.

"I think I know more about you now, Miss Anabel," Mina nodded to herself before she looked over at the Salamence. "So? Let's go for a ride. I've never seen Alola from the sky."
@Leoven Maybe explain in more detail how Nailah came to work for the royal court? Perhaps she first held a position of treasurer or whatever (because she's good with money) before being selected to become a Vizier because going from a famous merchant to a Vizier seems a little too forced.

I actually kept that part vague because I wasn't sure exactly how Viziers were chosen, but having her be the Overseer of Treasury before working her way up to Vizier is actually a great idea. I'll add it to her bio later.
"Please... Look after Miss Anabel."

Mina gave an abrupt turn, her hand raising in a salute, before eventually letting out a laugh. Looker's look of concern and Anabel's irritation at her partner's actions, adding to the seriousness of their situation just seemed ridiculous to Mina. Honestly, why did she have to go and involve herself in something so troublesome when she could have just stayed put and paint, and pretend to think about what her trial would be. Perhaps she'd make them paint flowers, but then that would be too subjective. Something that resembled Pokemon Contests from other regions, maybe?

She blinked out of her thoughts when she saw the face of her... well, her partner now. They were partners, going to hunt some crazy creature from another dimension. It actually sounded quite cool, although Anabel didn't seem to share the same amount of enthusiasm.

"So, Heahea is on the other side of the island. We could fly, if you have Pokemon up for it, or we could take the bus." She didn't dare suggest walking, because she knew if she passed by a place that inspired her, the beast would be long gone once she was done. Plus, it was far.

While she gave her companion time to contemplate, Mina took an opportunity to try and get some answers. Questions swirled around her head: Where did those creatures come from? What are we going to do when we find them? How dangerous are they for the people and Pokemon of Alola? Were there more of them in other regions?

"What's your favourite colour?"
@Blu I finished Nailah. I'm not sure if all things make sense and if I got the history right, but there she is!

Got room for one more?
Got any room here for a wisp-like ghost thing? Not really sure where I'm going with this yet but that's the idea.
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