Avatar of LetterA
  • Last Seen: 6 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: LetterA
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 721 (0.19 / day)
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    1. LetterA 10 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
hah hah h hah hhah h o k itS fuCK I gn d oNE LOOk I waStED 5 hOURs on mAKiN G BIO sPEci fIC ART r YO BAgELS R SO FUCkin HARD 2 DRAW
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8 yrs ago
ok take a good look at my bio bc im finna change it in the next few hours and i put 2 mcuch wor k into this bc im a fucckin idio t
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8 yrs ago
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# W A S T E M Y T I M E 2 0 1 6

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@Buddha whe z e, , ,, lies down this is he re now
o k o kkk o k v barren but after i watch this bad mo vie im gonna wrap everythin up n icc e e ni cee nice

Winter "W" Gabriele


The sight of Ash's skin burning red made a small smile play on Winter's lips, enjoying the effect he had on the younger man. It boosted his ego-- and though it's not to say Winter's ego needed any boosting, but honestly, what man wouldn't be flattered by someone melting under them? He let his hands pause in their massaging, resting under the shorter man, tucking his head between Ash's neck and shoulder, resting his lips on his heated skin.

A small laugh vibrated in his throat at the other half's quip, Winter responding in a joking, "Trust me, it's too cold outside to be touching her like th-- oh-" The comment was cut short by a mild comment of surprise, easily replaced with laughter as he landed on the bed with a light bounce, his hair tangling in his face as his slender limbs automatically reached for the covers, tucking it under his chin and batting his lashes playfully, letting them go without a fight as Ash took them in his hands. "Ooh, dominant, I like that," said Winter at the hand on his chest in an almost deadpan, except for the small smile in his eyes and the dimple playing on his cheek.

When Ash rested his head onto his chest, Winter played with his hair instantly, shuffling himself until they both were comfortable. He gathered spare bed sheet into a fluff, to prop his head up with and look down at his partner's deep eyes. Another smile. "Don't blame the good times," he said, his fingers gliding over the short hairs on the nape of Ash's neck. In a slightly more serious tone, lower and vibrating closer to his chest, he poked, "But seriously you should get on that. No one's ready for business talk, but we gotta do it."

Shivers ran instantly through Winter's body at the surprise attack on his neck, his cool facade instantly broken with a flush over his ears. He laughed breathlessly, the hand Ash was tapping entwining with the other man's. Their holds were similar and different all at once, with Winter's more lengthy and thin, just like the rest of him. Ash's, however, was protective and large, somehow both calloused and soft all at once. Winter tugged the hand up to kiss at it, quipping a playful, "Mm, you're right. That does sound better," the redness in his ears turning pink and cooling down.

"Still gotta get out and buy you're coffee though," he said, in faux reluctance, kissing Ash's knuckles again before tilting his head to kiss his nose, as though talking to a child. "This place won't be as warm without all the coffee."
i didnt even talk rel8ions bc i m a bO s s aS S B I TCH

b u T U HM
ur things should look a lil like this mayb

or even simpler????? t bh inni went W I L D

n then after u can list it w ya character sheets,, ,, , iTLL, , , ITTLL B LIT

Peridot "Perri" King

|| Acquaintance || Friend || Best Friend || Love Interest || Boyfriend-Girlfriend || Rival || Enemy ||

Justice Rivera
He's cute when he's an ickle lil baby and let's Perri carry him around places which is a plus. Plus, he's not afraid to fight her or light her hair on fire, and Perri enjoys the thrill of almost dying at the hands of a child.

Peridot "Perri" King
The coolest girl she knows and the raddest in the school.

Robin Lowe
The!!!! Prettiest!!!! Boy in Town!!!!! In a school full of delinquents it's almost rare to see such fear but he's so cute and terrified and Perri just wants to stab him in the stomach so bad--

Hana Graves
She seems kinda loony, Perri stays away from her. Overall just another face in the crowd-- if the crowd were in a blackout, considering the girl has a fetish for the dark.

Jackie Washington
Hehehehe, familiar face, sure. He's in her classes right? He's so dumb, but he's really good at playing her games. Maybe he's secretly a genius?

Arjuna Sonozaki
He's new and far too tall and built and generally too manly for Perri to show any interest. Admittedly, he has such beautiful skin, though. Otherwise, she has no further opinion of him.

Pat "Patty" Maddsen
He has such a pretty face, but he's sooooo tall-- If he were a little bit shorter and a lil' bit younger, Perri would no doubt be a bit more romantically inclined. The moments they've spoken has probably been few and far in between, but it's not to say she hasn't done her share of following him around.

Copen Thorsen
Tall, dumb, just like every other kid in school hehe?


Gabriel Spurstein
Pretty, Pretty, Pretty boy, shame he's dumb and airheaded? It's not fun to be in love with someone so dull, dull, dull-- Perri wants to drown him in the fountain.

Iwazumi "Weird Kid" Kaito

Anita "Tree Bitch" Luzon
She has the hookups on all sortsa drugs and drinks!!!! How does she do it?? Maybe her loyal lil gang helps her with connections? Hehehe, Perri's never met a tree that liked lighting up so much.

Asahina "Miss Demeanor" Menoir
Solitary Confinement.
@Chicogal Nice,, accepted, , , ,,

if everyone can jus add copen's name in ,,2 the rs , , that would b c o o l

@RyoRyoRyokenyeah!!! just put it in a hider or smth--
omg but u dont hav 2 do it ))))): i kno ur stuck on mobile ,,, , , mayb all the codin is a
swea T S NER VO US L Y
ok intro psot is finally seT the fUCK UP
in case u thought both me n this rp was d ea d

also theres a fuckin relationship sheet made by liriia bc she is wonderful n since im a H O u guys r gonna fill it out

forewarnin liriia is like 1000000% has her shit more together than i do so U H iT LOOks INTIMIdaTIN BUT whEEN U GET INTO It iTs FuN
feel free 2 edit it in the way u want 2 like, not usin the symbols at all and just usin the color of the names as the shit or not usin the color at all n just usin the symbols--- this is more creative process n as soon as i finish w mine i will do the thinG!!!!!

(@inni did u already do one for robin as an example or wha T)
[code][center][ hr][h1][color=???]Character Name Here[/color][/h1][/center][ hr][ hr][center]|| [color=fff79a]☯[/color] Acquaintance [color=fff79a]☯[/color] || [color=#79f3c1]☮[/color] Friend [color=#79f3c1]☮[/color] || [color=8dc73f]♢[/color] Best Friend [color=8dc73f]♢[/color] || [color=bc8dbf]❀[/color] Love Interest [color=bc8dbf]❀[/color] || [color=#ee69df]♡[/color] Boyfriend-Girlfriend [color=#ee69df]♡[/color] || [color=#a7902c]♤[/color] Rival [color=#a7902c]♤[/color] || [color=#a72c2c]☠[/color] Enemy [color=#a72c2c]☠[/color] ||[/center][ hr][ hr]

[color=???]symbol[/color][b] Justice Rivera [/b][color=???]symbol[/color]
[indent]Thoughts on character[/indent]

[color=???]symbol[/color][b] Peridot "Perri" King [/b][color=???]symbol[/color]
[indent]Thoughts on character[/indent]

[color=???]symbol[/color][b] Robin Lowe [/b][color=???]symbol[/color]
[indent]Thoughts on character[/indent]

[color=???]symbol[/color][b] Hana Graves [/b][color=???]symbol[/color]
[indent]Thoughts on character[/indent]

[color=???]symbol[/color][b] Jackie Washington [/b][color=???]symbol[/color]
[indent]Thoughts on character[/indent]

[color=???]symbol[/color][b] Arjuna Sonozaki [/b][color=???]symbol[/color]
[indent]Thoughts on character[/indent]

[color=???]symbol[/color][b] Pat "Patty" Maddsen [/b][color=???]symbol[/color]
[indent]Thoughts on character[/indent]
[ hr]
[color=???]symbol[/color][b] Gabriel Spurstein [/b][color=???]symbol[/color]
[indent]Thoughts on character[/indent]

[color=???]symbol[/color][b] Iwazumi "Weird Kid" Kaito [/b][color=???]symbol[/color]
[indent]Thoughts on character[/indent]

[color=???]symbol[/color][b] Anita "Tree Bitch" Luzon [/b][color=???]symbol[/color]
[indent]Thoughts on character[/indent]

[color=???]symbol[/color][b] Asahina "Miss Demeanor" Menoir [/b][color=???]symbol[/color]
[indent]Thoughts on character[/indent][/code]

regarding the whole "he's not a threat" thing-- u realize i only meant when he was restrained right, when he's not actually supposed 2 b a threat bc ,, , ,, he's res trained, ,, , lmao
just explain whether or not he can still use his power despite his restraint as a small change, like, if people are aware of him using his power does it nullify it or can he still somehow force charm his way in? Lmao sorry to get technical but when it comes to abilities that control other people I have to get a bit more technical especially given I'm allowing op shit to even exist?

As soon as you list in the weakness his power either being nullified if the person is aware of it or something that makes it seem like there's an actual restraint other than him being able to do as he does except getting a little bit of skin art going on, you'll be accepted. Sorry that this is late !!
Justice Rivera

Reddened tan skin tickled a young boy's face as he stood with others, waving goodbye to a disappearing crowd. He'd turned his mother, who had unwillingly gone along to send him off to school, as a child momentarily before the crowd dispersed, earning a well deserved smack on the face. The woman didn't hold back even despite Justice having reverted to a child, he mused, holding the gate with his now much smaller hands.

"Well, time to look for some familiar faces," he grinned, pulling away from the gates and rushing past new students. Considering the actual school year didn't start until tomorrow, the day's free time allowed the prisoners-- ah, the students-- have some time to explore the school without being dressed in uniform. Some kids-- either new or just really enthusiastic about school rules-- had their black and white uniforms already on, but little children (like the kind Justice was pretending to be) were dressed in clothes their parents had helped them with before they left.

He made his way towards the statue by the fountain, where a girl slightly taller than him with long white hair played with the water. A few other kids played in the water itself, one even completely submerged, Justice making his way to sit on the ground beside the white haired girl. "Hola Gabby," he greeted with a playful grin, dipping his hand in the water as well, trying to grasp at the water and letting it slip past his tan fingers. "What's for lunch tomorro?"

"No lunch," said the girl-- who upon closer investigation would be revealed as just a very pretty boy-- "Cafeteria's closed tomorrow."
"Haha, funny, You like jokes? Seriously though, what is it--"
Gabriel gave a small frown, touching the collar on their neck before glancing up at the sun that shone over the large walls of the city. "Oh wait, haha, not tomorrow. There's the usual lunch sets and like.... pizza--"

The conversation was cut short by water being splashed in Justice's face, at which the teen in a boy's body stood up, pitching a, "Yo what the fuck--" a grin on his face as he clambered on top of the edge of the fountain to jump on who he assumed was the perperator's back--

Peridot King

Curly blonde locks waved in the wind as a girl hung upside down on a tree northeast of the open space, skirt showing off uniform shorts that were probably stolen. Using her hands as pretend binoculars, she searched the school, from the guards atop the watchpoints to the fights on the ground that weren't being stopped, she focused in and out of each scene with pretend, "Vweeeeeeen," noises paired with small bubbles escaping her lips as she did so.

"Such pretty little kiddies this new year," he cooed, grabbing the bottom portion of her jaw in excitement, her upper teeth clamping down on her knuckles. "I gotta go and greet em, I gotta~" As she pulled herself up with much trouble, holding her breath as her stomach hurt from the effort, her hand slipped and soon she was falling a distance below, her laugh accented by large bubbles escaping her lips.
T H E . S E C O N D . D A Y

The school gates were wide open, the small shops by the entrance bustling with life. Children cried in their parents' arms if the parents were present, cheering up only when offered a treat. The entrance ceremony had been yesterday, and today, the visitors that had come with the new students were leaving. Childhood friends said their goodbyes, promising to meet during the upcoming break, and those with no one to greet them made their ways to their rooms.

Even the rooms were solitary, with no windows. Those who had family with them found it awkward sleeping in such a suffocating room. Those who'd been there years before found it familiar. The air conditioner helped cool down the stuffiness of the room, and besides Greenwing wouldn't be Greenwing without it's shitty dorms.

As the noon slowly crawled past, more and more visitors started to leave, even the shop owners starting to close up shop. Food trucks were the first to go, followed slowly by the disassembly of the stalls. The front gates that was clogged with life only a day and a few hours ago slowly dwindled to the Greenwing Academy student body, gathering as their collars prevented them from following after their family, some teens picking up younger children over their shoulders to wave after the disappearing crowd.

As the gates shut close with a loud BANG, the speakers on all of the watch towers clicked on, buzzing the familiar, "FREE PERIOD" warning that so many returnees had been greeted with before. Confused new students looked around, past students immediately doing whatever they tended to do. A few stragglers watched from the gate as they watched two cruise ships sail off the island, trying to wave to a haze that was indistinguishable.

And thus, another year of Greenwing Academy began.
@Chicogal WHo A h!!!! SoRRY it was in a hider and i missed in in my
bU T UHM!!!!!! i Like it a Lot!!!! just one thing--- the restrained part should b a total "Yes" and I feel iffy abt him still bein able 2 transform freely but I LOOOOOOOVE the idea of him turnin blue so what if
wh a T I F
any time he transformed he turned blue???? no shocky shocky, though that can still b a weakness, but like, , ,, its js super obvious and kinda hilarious bc he's blue

or maybe u have another idea im jus throwin fun stuff out there!!!! i rly like his concept n ur overal execution tho!!!!!
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