Avatar of Lewis251
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    1. Lewis251 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Hello I Rp'ed with Vatrou on the fallout site, recently he mentioned the Roleplayer gulid so I decided to check it out.
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Hello my name is Lewis I live in England, Hertfordshire where we drink tea, drive on the left side of the road and 6/2(1+2) = 9

I started roleplaying on the fallout site several years ago to help with my writing and have been hooked ever since... Heard about the roleplayergulid a while back and decided to check it out..

Will probably update this in an years time.

Most Recent Posts

Steve Cooper- 10:30 to 13:30- Salem

Shelby looked at the bear then to Steve, “Sorry sweetie, she's taken,” she rubbed Eliza's shoulder, “But, I want to say thank you again for getting her here to see the Doc, I owe you one.”

“Xiànzài yěxǔ” Steve replied “oh wait you probably don’t speak Chinese...it err mean “may you have an quick and easy recovery” Steve lied “ but you’re about to get clean up so I’ll leave you alone, hope you get well soon.”

Leaving the clinic Steve returned to the pleasure den and was pleasantly surprised to see that Edgar had cleaned out the old tailor shop which Steve had yet to remodel. “Good work Edgar”

“Hey Steve” Rose called out as she noticed him arrive “this girl showed up... saw you’re sign or something and wanted a job.”
Steve looked at the young woman probably in her early twenties and from the look of her hadn’t eaten for a few days “Hi... My name is Brooke I’m gonna be honest I haven’t done this sort of thing before... I mean I’ve had sex but I hadn’t charged people for it.”

looks desperate.. porbably better if rose tells her how things work but should be nice and supportive

“Welcome” Steve replied as he held out his hand to shake “like rose said my name is Steve, I’m sorta new to this too so don’t worry about being nervous but as you can see we are still building this place so how about you get a meal with rose and she can explain to you how things work here.”

“Cool... er thank you boss.” Brooke replied before she and Rose went off to get a meal.

Wonder if she can dance?

Heading up to his bedroom Steve took off his jacket, rolling up his sleeves and gathered up his tools to continue working on the pleasure den. Currently the pleasure den, which was formerly three joint buildings, was split into three selections along with upstairs (bedrooms) and the basement.

The right side building, the old accountant company had been turned into lounge area with Steve having built a small stage (including stripper pole) & bar area but notably lacked an bartender and could some more furniture but otherwise was ready.

The left side, the recently cleaned out tailor shop was going to be the drug den and whilst there would be few private booths at the back this would mostly a comfortable open area where people could get high and be encouraged to purchase more drugs with the girls.

The middle area, a fishing bait shop was for now mostly going to be used as storage/Johnny’s drug lab but the front part of the shop had be converted into a front desk lobby of sorts for the pleasure den (and counter for those only wanting to buy drugs) with access though new created doorways to both areas.

Steve task for today was decorate the drug den and to block off the accountant company’s and Tailor shop per-war entrances so that the only entrance to the pleasure den (Apart from the back door) was though the Fishing shop lobby, allowing them to control who entered & left and to ensure large weapons where checked at the door.

people will feel safer knowing they can keep pistols but don't want rifles all over the place.

Using his screwdriver and saw Steve disassembled the old tailor shop’s display cabinets, using the matching wood pieces to build a new “wall” to barricade /block off the store’s old entrance and create some wall dividers for the private booths.Going to the storage room Steve collected some of the tailor’s shop fabric rolls, using to cover the up the newly created wall and “doors” for the private booths which Steve had set up in the back of the store.

All that was left now was to add furniture, Tables and chairs Steve could make but mattress, which Steve wanted for the common drug area was something he'd have to find or buy..

Time to go and get lunch... Acey or Barney might know where I can find some mattress and maybe some nice chairs too.

Packing up his tools Steve left the pleasure den and may his way to diner and noticed that Acey had seemlying hired a waiter, a cute young girl who appeared to be wearing shorts made from male trousers

“Hey Acey when did you hire the new girl?” Steve asked as he sat down at counter and ordered his meal “I’ll have today’s specia-“ But like everyone else in the diner was distracted when an rather angry looking Mouse named Brandi stormed into the diner.. she even appeared ready for something with her glasses off and hair tired up

karma overlords... looks angrier than she was before.

“OOOHHHHH, yes I can….BETTY,” Brandy outright hissed like one of those "snake" creatures that lived before the bombs at the waiter girl for some reason before kissing Ace.Steve turned to waiter, seemlying named Betty “don’t worry she hates me too!”

Mouse turned and walked up to Betty... Steve was unsure what Betty... who seemlying only been here a few hours had pissed off the little mouse so much but whatever it was she didn’t back down with them both giving each other the cutest looking angry stares at each other. “What's your fucking problem Toots?”

“YOU, you're my....my fucking problem bitch,”

He couldn’t stop himself longer; Steve began to laugh as the two girls argued over Ace and then it happened... The Angered One... Brandi with her cute little face of rage Punched Betty’s Mouth “oh karma overlords... she actually fuck did it..”

“Fight! Fight! Fight!” Steve cheered “What the hell are you doing betty? Punch her back!”
@Andronicus23 Steve said for Cost price, not for a Price. I guess they don't have that term in Mercia but it means sold for the price it costs a manufacture.

Ooc: wanted to give a quick reply to summer before replying to others.

Steve cooper – Salem

“Doesn’t fucking carry me?” she suggested sharply, frowning with alarm. “This right here is damaged goods; you’ll probably rip an arm off or something if you try to drag me out to a clinic.”

“Correct” Steve replied as he turned to the injured woman. “But then why the bloody hell would I drag you to the clinic princess? If I was gonna take you to clinic I’d carry you in my arms like the other injured woman and she was alot further away from the clinic than you are...”


“I can make him happier than your stupid drugs and girls, you can take that 25% discount and shove it up your…” but before she could swear hotshot came in and saved her.

A pointer! Need to training a radgull to come and bite it off...

Steve considered for an movement if he should reply back and break the little mouse’s heart (or finger) but doing so would like piss of Ace and ruin his advertisement plans. Besides Steve had an idea on how to deal with Brandy so instead Steve simply replied with an “of course.” As he finished of his coffee

She’s kind of cute when she’s angry

Once Hotshot and Brandy had left the diner Steve turned to Ace “despite what she said... I assume you’re okay with 25%? You will also have access to anything else build or set up later on like VIP rooms.”

“Oh and very nice coffee.”

Getting up off his stool and walking outside Steve lighted up a smoke as he watched as young woman he thought he’d seen yesterday riding on the Horse around on town. Until (or if) he could find an buyer looking after that horse would be an drain on resources and perhaps a potential bullet in the head from whoever was asking Ace questions about the Horse.

She seems to know what she’s doing...best to leave it with her, can always steal it back later anyway.

By now the doctor and his volunteer, some sort of tribal Man with numerous scars on his body, seemlying all from dogs on his body had carried “Princess” as he had nicknamed her into the clinic. Taking a puff on his smoke Steve walked down the street and followed them in.

Entering the clinic the doctor was talking to the tribal man “Can you please go to the owner and ask her to send what she can spare to the Church? Clean linens, medicines, or anything that can be used as bandages. I need more supplies. I have two patients who are being treated for gunshot wounds and I need help."

Once the tribal man had left to get supplies Steve walked up to the doctor, opening up his jacket pocket Steve pulled out a small bag of various different chems, opening it up he took out Several doses of Med-x, two buffout pills and a stimpack. “All I have on me right now, well the ones you need alteast but once you have dealt with princess and gotten some sleep come and see me and I’ll have Johnny brew up the meds you need.” Steve stated has he handed the doctor the drugs

“first batch will be free but after that For cost price.”

Only guy in town who can patch people up... best to keep him happy and well supplied.... don’t worry get shot only for the doctor to not have any meds.

Leaving the doctor to treat Princess Steve headed up stairs to the second floor of the church only to find Eliza chatting with that sherbet girl who had rushed in and kissed her... Had she gone home last night?

“Sorry to interrupt” Steve said as he walked into the room and over to Eliza’s bed “I just wanted to see how you were doing, you lost alot of blood last night.”

“Oh and here I got you this.” Steve added on as he took out the small one-eyed teddy bear he had found earlier on in the clothes shop and gently handed it to Eliza.

Quite a few people are busy this weekend (myself included) So things have sorta slowed down but should pick back up on Monday. :D

So reading through these posts, is this a slice of life RP? I'm going to wait for @Andronicus23 to reply before doing anything, but there doesn't seem to be a coherent plot.


For the most part yes although we will probably have "town events" (for example a raider attack) everyone once in awhile to Spice things up :D

My character and @DinoNuts's character have asked about carrying Summer to the clinic can we do that?
James Williams- Gun shop Dealing
No way it's that expensive... Must be overcharging me

"Seems abit steep." James replied "Especially since I plan on using these weapons to defend the town, like I did with Connie earlier on when she was attacked by a feral wolf." (Discount check?)

regardless of whenever Sandra gave an discount or not paying 1300 caps would drain/was more than his current cap supply and it was unlikely James would find another Vault of dead gangsters to loot.... he needed something he could trade to reduce the price..

The shotgun...

"I'll back minute, just need to fetch something."

After killing Bishop James had stashed his shotgun, since if he started using it rose and perhaps a few other islanders like Connie would ask where he got it but as far as James knew Sandra hadn't seen it and once sold it would just become another one of shotguns Sandra had for sale.

Should be able to get 100 or maybe even 150 caps for this...

checking to see he wasn't been watched (sneak check) James reached behind the barrel he stashed the shotgun, picking it up he returned to Sandra's gun store and placed the shotgun and his cap bag on the table "You should easily be able to get 200 caps if not more this, so 150? for the shotgun and the rest of the bill I'll pay in caps." (Sale check?)

After finishing his dealings with Sandra James made his way back over to where Steve, Brotherhood (and maybe Tour guide Connie) where working on that brotherhood transmitter and seemlying managed to get to work judging by the beeping.

"It works", Steve said happily. "if we had the time using the tracker and the radio we could probably triangulate the position to within a stone's throw but time is something we don't have. If we're going to get the armour and weapons, at least, we need to go in the next few minutes. Once everyone's back, we need to go if we're going to do this. What do you guys think?" Steve asked in concluded

"No need, I've done abit of shopping already" Steve interrupted as he walked into the area "You can pay me back with one of power armour suits... and maybe a plasma rifle." he chuckled on

Opening up his backpack James placed the chest plates and leading lining materials down on a nearby table. Turning to Steve James passed him one the level action rifles and several boxes of .45-70 ammo (ooc: 100 rounds.)

"Shop only had one combat chest piece, probably should give that to TGC if she only has an pistol.... Anyway For everyone I got these metal plates, heavier yes but should stop slighter more damage oh and since we are fighting the atom fruitcakes I brought supplies to make lead lining... should give us abit extra protection against those zapper things they use but if we are heading out soon I'm gonna need your help Steve to make them."
Doing two each will be faster..

"Also got Tou-Connie 10m magazines and some bullets” James added on “I'll give those to her later on.” OR (if she is there) “Here you go” Steve said as he pasted the bullets & Mag to her.
Steve Cooper- Diner

“There was another injured woman in that apartment block; I carried her to the clinic last night... I’m surprised no-one in here saw that.” Steve replied as took a slip of his coffee.

Acey makes some good cup of Joe.

The Naive girl... Brandy if Steve called correctly walked in and spoke the injured woman as Ace at Steve, “By the way, there was some guy inquiring about the horse last night. I’d be careful if I was you.”

“Thanks for the heads up.” Steve said as he turned around to look at the horse which was still tied up outside the diner. Was the person asking about the horse the one who shot Eliza?

Should find out either way could be trouble

Steve sat down on a empty stool just as Brandy walked around the counter and asked about breakfast...which she apparently cooked herself.

God I bet it was awful...

“It was good, though eggs were burnt around the edges… “Ace said seemlying confirming Steve suspicions but what worst is that she seemlying Stole the stuff from the diner and didn’t lock up afterwards! Acey would probably stop her from working at the Pleasure Den but Steve would have to find a way to exploit this naive girl from himself
Or perhaps I could wait until he’s finished with her? did flirt with Hotshot too.... Hmmm Yes vulnerable little Mouse.

“Have you seen the sign on the roof? You didn’t put it up there did you?”

Okay here we go... let’s get this over and done with....

Brandy exhaled through her nose and shook her head as she walked over to Steve and tapped him on the shoulder, “Excuse me,” she said sharply, “You put that sign on the roof of the diner? Do you own this diner? Did you ask Ace? Because it wasn’t up there earlier when I was here. That is unacceptable, go put that on you…Pleasure Den. That sign will make people leave, and what if they have children huh? You freely advertise drugs and other nasty things right there for everyone to see? That’s just wrong, you need to take that off of Ace’s diner…RIGHT NOW!!! It’s disgusting.”

“No it won’t.” Steve replied as he took a slip of his coffee

“I don’t know where you came Xiǎo gūniáng but I think you’re forgetting were in an apocalyptic wasteland and sure things may be fairly “normal” and safe in towns like these but out there.” Steve said as pointed to the wasteland “it’s a fucking shithole; everyday people have to fight for their lives against raiders, mutants, hunger and all other sorts of wastelands horrors...”
doudt she's even fired a gun before.

“You might think drugs are bad but have you ever fought a super mutant? Killed someone for bottle of radiated piss? Or... beaten, starved and locked up in a bloody broom closet by your own fucking father for three days? Have you? HAVE YOU?” Steve asked as he stated directly at Brandy.

Taking another slip of coffee Steve continued “For a small price I give people a escape from the karma overlords fucking hellhole that is the wasteland and allow them to indulge in their fantasies but No, you didn’t think of that did you?

“Whoa, hold on a minute there. No one is going back up there yet. First of all you could’ve inquired before putting a sign on my roof. What if you had fallen? I’ve been meaning to reinforce it, and last thing I need is someone walking up there.” Ace said as he stood next to Brandy and placed his hands on her shoulders.

“The roof is fine besides I’ve walked on weaker, wooden rooftops whilst under fire and didn’t fall off.” Steve replied "but yeah... probably should have asked first, sorry Acey."

Acey kissed brandy on cheek, “Now you need to calm down, okay? Frown lines don’t suit that pretty face of yours. Don’t worry I’m sure Steve and I will come to an understanding.”

“25% discount on all pleasure den services and products. I was gonna offer you that just to mention the den but I then though making a sign would be easier”

And more effective

Steve cooper- going to bed.

Leaving the church and overcoat Steve head back home, noticing the rad storm brewing in as he did. radstorms oddly never occurred back in DC, wherever this was due to being on the coast, the nearby radiated glowing sea or limitations in the dark gods power Steve didn't know but in an commonwealth they where an common annoyance, radiating people , knocking shit over, ruining crops and sometimes striking people dead.

Returning to the pleasure den Johnny was fast asleep in one of the lounge chairs, various different and half-empty drug inhalers laid scattered by his feet and on the table. Likewise upstairs loud noises could be hear coming from rose's room who was seemlying "entraining" an guest

finally earning some caps Good.

"Edgar, please clean up and take Johnny to bed."
"me clean."

Leaving Edgar to the clean up Steve made his way upstairs to his own bedroom, getting undress he laid down on the bed and injected a radaway... slowly falling asleep under the drugs dowsing after affect...

It’s just an flesh wound, we have an mission to complete

Morning- Operation Roof

Steve awoke around 6.30am the next morning, for most people it may have been early but Steve who'd had trouble sleeping since before he started hanging around with Johnny it was rather later... perhaps the karma overlords had rewarded Steve for saving that girl.

getting dressed and grabbing a packet of sugar bombs from his secret stash Steve headed downstairs to see rose waving goodbye to the caravan guards she'd be "entraining" last night

"Have a good night?"

"They were okay but cheapskates didn't wanna share any of the drugs with me.... Rosey needs her jet "she winked hoping he would give her some.

Steve chucked as he prepared for himself a bowl of sugar bombs "little Rosey didn't get her fix last night? well Johnny fell asleep with half his crap unused, I asked Edgar to clean it up but he probably just put it all in Johnny’s room... it's yours if you can find it."

"Sweet" Rose replied as she rushed off to Johnny's room, hoping to sneak some drugs out before he awoke and finished them off.

As Steve ate his sugar bombs he thought about what he could do to improve the pleasure den, the first would be putting up that sign... he'd be doing that breakfast but he also needed to get an dancer for the lounge area, keep people entertained as they waited for Rose (and perhaps another girl) to be available.

"You can have the rest of these." Steve said to Edgar, handing the childlike mutant the half-empty cereal box "clean up the bowls afterwards however."

Going up to his room Steve gathered up some of his tools, placed the two support beams he'd built yesterday in his backpack and picked up the large wooden sign he'd built & drawn on yesterday... Steve knew the perfect place to put it but getting there... that could tricky.

Leaving the pleasure Den Steve may his towards the centre of town and the large brown building next to the church and Dinner. Once some sort of clothes shop Steve made his way inside and to the back of the store where he found a staircase going upstairs.

The upstairs room was wrecked and mostly empty with only a few boxes and mannequins in the room. On one of the boxes however was a small teddy bear, it was missing an eye and bit dusty but otherwise in rather good condition.

Taking you

Pocketing the One-eyed Teddy Bear Steve made his way over the window, the reason he came to the store in the first place. Opening up the rectangle window Steve looked down at the diner rooftop, it was damaged in some of the corner but only little bit lower and made of metal so should support his weight.

Fuck it worst case I fall on though.

Pushing the wooden board though the window first, Steve made the bold but also somewhat foolish move of climbing out the window and slowly down onto the dinner roof! Although 200 year old and rusted the roof was able to support him and with some sort of Commotion going on inside his "landing" he was seemlying not noticed.
Someone will spot me sooner or later need to hurry

Reaching into backpack Steve took out the support legs he’d built and screwed them onto the wooden board before positioning the sign on a more stable part of the roof and where it could be seen by people entering town.

Now to get the fuck off here.

Making his to the front of the dinner roof Steve slowly climbed down onto an old newsstand box before then jumping down onto the ground. Brushing some dirt of his trousers Steve causally walked into the diner like he hadn’t just climbed off the roof.

“Morning Acey, one black coffee please.” Steve said as he noticed another injured woman was in the diner “Another one? This is why I said the clinic should be moved to the first floor...." he signed "If you want carrying I'd do it after I’ve had my coffee. “

Caravan Guard #1 & #2

After spending the night at the pleasure den and then checking up with tom the caravan guards made their way to the diner when one of them noticed a sign was on the roof:

Looking for some entertainment after your meal?
Head around the corner to the Pleasure Den!
Also Hiring!
James Williams-Far Harbour

"I've got one old piece of combat armour for sale someone managed to scavenge up and that's it," Brooks replied, "This town ain't exactly swimming in military surplus after all. I've can probably get a few makeshift metal ones whipped up for you though. Almost as good as the real thing. The rest of the stuff I think I can pull together pretty easily. That'll be 800 caps total."

“I thought there was a navy base on this island? Never mind I suppose metal plates will get the job done just as well enough.” James replied as he took two smaller pouches out of his cap bag, each with 500 caps inside and began to take 200 caps out of one of them along with putting the smokes back in his pocket to use another time.

1200 left but that should be enough for the guns.

Gathering up all the items James placed them in his backpack. It would take some time to make and then attach/apply the lead lining plates (ooc: not sure it’s an coating or extra plate?) and the gun store would be closing anytime now, thus James had decided to buy the guns and then get that handyman guy Steve to help make the plates.

Maybe get TG or brotherhood too...

Later on - Lee's Guns and Ammo

After finishing his business at Brooks James followed his instructions and found Sandra lee "excuse me, Sandra lee? Is your store still open I'd like to buy some guns and ammo."

A sullen looking woman stepped up to the counter and looked James in the eye, "I suppose so. But make it quick, I want to get everything locked up before nightfall."

“Don’t worry this will be quick, I need two of those level action rifles and about... 200 bullets.”
200 should be enough for now at least
Steve Cooper- Church

“El...Eliza, Eliza, Eliza, ELIZA!!!”

Steve turned around to see that Shelby girl (or “sherbet” as he had nicknamed her after that per-war food type) who seemlying knew Eliza... and likely more than friends judging by the fact she had pretty much rushed over and groped her.

Blindly the sherbet reached out with one hand and pulled the Waylon guy (still no good nickname for him.) down and hugged him whilst apologising for something

“Hey where's... My Hug?... I’m the one who carried her here.” Steve chuckled, still abit out of breath.

The sherbet and Eliza then talked for a few movements; it appeared that Eliza had left sherbet for some reason in the past but judging by Eliza’s reply it was likely done to keep her or perhaps someone safe but now sherbet was the only one left...

Wonder if this has to with her being shot? Will have to keep an eye out.

Steve then turned and looked at overcoat “perhaps we should leave them for abit.”

Heading downstairs with overcoat Steve lighted up a smoke, offering one to overcoat he looked up at the remarkable intact “Cross” on the wall behind the preacher’s little stand or whatever that thing was call. Supposedly the guy being hung up and left to die it was the son of god or some nonsense and had “died” a very very long time ago to make the world better.

Well that didn’t seem to work very well.

“11 years ago, Downtown DC... the capital building.”

“The Talon Company had been hired to clean out the super mutants there... don’t know who by or why that was above my paycheck but whoever it was could afford sending a whole fucking company.... “

Probably those enclave guys... No else would give a toss about a per-war government non-military building

“Battle went on for weeks, shiton of mercs, mutie and even a few tin-cans caught in the crossfire died and we probably wrecked the place more than the bombs did but for the most part my squad, Delta remained intact but then... my friend... and squad sniper Samantha was shot.”

“It was only a small wound in the leg and she stubbornly said she was okay but should have ordered her to the doc..” Steve stated as he began to wander around the church, looking at the remaining holy symbols/art along with the occasional look at the window towards the dinner

Alot of new people have arrived

“But no I was too focused on the mission, I wanted that fucking behemoth dead and I needed Sam to do it... Mutie bastard had kill alot of mercs and main reason why the mutants hadn't been cleaned out yet... whoever’s team killed the fucker was bound to get a promotion...”

And be the guy doing the ordering for once.

“Turns out the bullet had hit something important... we where right in the middle of trapping that behemoth when Sam collapsed and without her we failed to killed the behemoth, who then went onto massacre the entire 4th and 5th platoons before that Vault kid showed up and shot it.”

Wonder what happened with that kid... sort just disappeared

“By some fucking miracle of that guy.” Steve said as he pointed at the guy on the cross “I survived the capital attack... I lied about what happened and was praised for a “successful mission” fuck I was even bloody promoted. Talon company didn't care about the losses, only that the job was done.”

“I know that I freaked out earlier on but what happened with Eliza reminded me of Sam... And I didn’t want that happening again..”
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