Avatar of LittleBird
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    1. LittleBird 10 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
Current Currently busy with rl stuff. I plan on replying to everyone tomorrow! :)
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I’m good with whatever :3 Did you have a specific language in mind? Maybe an older one?
Not really xD I can come up with a few quick ideas though! Here’s a small list :

Just gonna post a few outlines first. I'll fill in all the bios later.

Hello! So I'm back on the guild and I'm ready to jump right back into roleplaying. I don't have any set plots, just a few pairings and maybe a couple of ideas to go with them! I'm open to hearing your ideas as well. Feel free to PM me or post here if you're interested :)

-I mainly role-play females as leads but have no issue in doubling.
-Rping multiple characters is fun so if you want to, just tell me and I'll be glad to rp more than just one character.
-I'm around a middle to high casual role-player. I can at least guarantee 3 paragraphs on average.
-I'm into a lot of different themes. From medieval, sci-fi, steampunk, etc.
- I like the occasional mature themes (I am 18+). I don't do smut though. Gotta fade to black or something when it comes to bedroom scenes.
-I enjoy adding a little bit of romance to all my rps. However, it gets boring if romance is the only thing going on so I often like to add drama, action, adventure, etc to my rps!


Any Slice of Life Pairing/idea**
Witch x Human
Mage/Witch x Prince/ss
Assassin x Knight
Prince/ss x Knight
Knight x Knight
Traveler x Prince/ss
Traveler x Noble
Traveler x Knight
Traveler x Traveler
Prince/ss x Servant
Prince/ss x Guard
Servant x Thief
Werewolf x Human
Werewolf x Vampire
Werewolf x Werewolf
Vampire x Human
Vampire x Vampire
Best friend x Best Friend
Detective x Detective
Pirate x Pirate
Pirate x Solider
Pirate x Noble
Mutant x Mutant
Mutant x Scientist's child
Mutant x Human
Ghost x Vampire
Survivor x Survivor

Fandoms :

- I only do OCs for fandoms. The universe or plots may only be slightly similar. It gets boring if everything is exactly the same. ;D-

Yona of the Dawn/ Akasuki No Yona**********
Fruits Basket
Ouran High School
Agents of Shield *
Maximum Ride
Walking Dead******
Once upon a Time**
The Wolf Among Us
The 100
Harry Potter
The Last of Us
Hey there!! It's been a long time since I was last on the guild but I have finally returned! I still probably won't be on very much and likely only have time for a couple role-plays. Soo here I am! c: I'm looking for a partner who I can talk to and work with to make for an enjoyable role-play! Communication is a must especially since I want to make sure that you are not more or less forcing yourself to give me a reply. I've been in situations where I didn't want to just stop the role-play but also didn't feel the motivation to reply so lets try to avoid that situation! :3

Instead of giving you a bunch of rules and junk, here's some stuff about me and what I'm capable of in a role-play.

-I mainly role-play females as leads but have no issue in doubling.
-I love roleplaying multiple characters. I just think it makes things more unpredictable and interesting. x3
-I'm around a middle to high casual role-player. I can at least guarantee 3 paragraphs on average.
-I'm into a lot of different themes. From medieval, sci-fi, steampunk, etc. I'm currently leaning towards slice of life but I'm really up for anything.
- I like the occasional mature themes. I don't do smut though. Gotta fade to black or something when it comes to bedroom scenes.
-I enjoy adding a little bit of romance to all my rps.
-I prefer PMs.

That about sums me up! :D Shoot me a PM if you're interested and maybe we can work out a role-play!
Thanks! :) And ok.
Finally able to post it now xD.

Name : Rebecca Holt

Age : 26

Appearance : Rebecca :3

Bio : She grew up in this town and has been there for nearly all of her life. Her father worked as a policeman and insisted she learn a trick or two about self-defense from him. Her mother worked as a teacher for the elementary school.

In high school she was known for very little. She wasn't a fancy cheer leader or some straight A student. Nope, she was just Rebecca. And as Rebecca she tended to have a few close friends and that was it. However, when it came to relationships, she usually bounced from guy to guy in unsteady relationships. Of course that was before she met him. When they first started going out, she figured it wouldn't be much different than the rest but it turned out to be quite unexpected as she actually,truly fell in love. Of couse she was rather depressed when he decided to go off on his acting career and they figured it'd be best to end things. But she never truly voiced her opinion, after all it would have been much too selfish of her.

This made it harder to get into college so she ended up just attending the small community college in the city. However, she couldn't quite adjust to the change in education and dropped out after her first year there claiming 'it didn't suit her style'. So instead, she just busy leading an average life with a normal paying job as a secretary.

Personality : Rebecca is an optimistic person when it comes to serious situations. Other times she may seem like a pessimist or just plain neutral about things. She's a friendly and rather open girl though there are somethings she may just simply refuse to talk about, be it bad break ups or something else. Rebecca is sarcastic, strong willed and sometimes quite the flirt. She is also quite sly and usually tries to charm her way out of bad situations or to get what she wants. In other words, she flaunts what she's got. Surprising as it may seem, she really not that conceited, nor is she really that arrogant.
I like the sound of it. I'm up for roleplaying it with you. :3
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