Avatar of Lola
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 367 (0.11 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Lola 9 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current When none of your partners are online and you have to do some adulting instead.
6 yrs ago
When your four month old decides its playtime at 4am. Zombie.
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
Hi all! I'll catch up with everyone on Thursday, work is a little crazy this week..
7 yrs ago
You know that it's a bad day when you have an allergic reaction to a jam doughtnut #mybodyhatesme #nomoredoughnuts


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Do be do.
Hi there!

It's just little ole' me looking for a partner. First thing's first, what am looking for? Well, a very random mix up of possibilities really. I can do anything from modern, to medieval and various time frames in between. Sci Fi isn't a big like of mine, so I do tend to avoid that genre, similarly magic based roles. However, I might be persuaded if you have a totes amaze scenario up your proverbial sleeve.

Rules, now I'm not a big rules kinda' person. I wont demand a writing sample like some elite author, nor will I judge if the occasional typo rears it's ugly head. That being said, I like to go between casual and advanced level, so multiple paragraphs will keep me purring along happily. I'm easy to get along with, but I do have a sarcastic sense of humour. Sorry, but I'm English!

A regular poster would be grand, but I understand getting busy. I have a life too. Mature themes are all good in context, and if they add to the story. No abuse or incest. 18+ partners please. Now, on to the touchy subject of gender! I am female, so I do enjoy playing a femme fatale, but I will go blue once in a while. I like to think I can do either. However, please don't just appear in my inbox demanding that I play your male role, it just makes me a little irritated.

So, on to the pairing list! These are all debatable, so throw your own in to the mix too.

Noble x Servant
Noble x Knight
Partners in crime
Pirate x Noble
Work Colleagues
Old Friends
College Professor x Student
Some kind of period costume drama
Modern day pairings (Slice of life etc..)
Some sort of Clark Kent and Lois storyline.

That's it for now, but I will update.

See you around!


First things first, I'm Lola, and I'm new around here! That said, I am definitely not new to the roleplay scene. I used to be active on the old guild, pre crash, but graduating university and all that education stuff got in the way for a while there. Still, now I'm back, and I am appealing to you guys to join me in some roleplaying.

What am I looking for I hear you ask? Well, I'm looking for a few reliable partners, that can reply pretty regularly, keep the plot moving along nicely, and post atleast 3 paragraphs. I know in some extreme circumstances its not possible, but I think its pretty doable most of the time. A good level of grammar and spelling would be fab, but we all make mistakes, its no biggy.

I have a huge spectrum of interest. I can do modern, slice of life, historical, crime thriller, the list is endless. I don't branch into fantasy or supernatural, I just cant stand it. Mature themes are fine, but I like my partners to be 18+, as I certainly am. So, I wont list any possibilities, but if you PM me I'm happy to share them. Do feel free to throw me your ideas. I really am a pretty easy going person. One last thing, please DO NOT message me if you will disappear after a handful of posts. I cant be dealing with wasting my time! :)

So, that's all folks!


I'm really feeling something Pride and Prejudice inspired, or something based in 1500's England,

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