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Samgolan Dawn:

Bassong Administration

Kamidye, National Assembly

“Good morning, my fellow members of the national assembly. I would like to call to vote, the Governmental Oversight bill which will introduce an official opposition to the government as well as an official speaker position which will keep this assembly in order.” Zaya Kolin continued to rant about the usefulness of the bill and reasoning behind it before finally voting along with his party.

Soussiam, Bourem

“And our current government continues to wage a war on our soil. Without checking for assembly or civilian opinion. There are people who are killed weekly and no one asks the families of our victims what happens or how’d they like this to be conducted. Meanwhile the Justice Department sits idly by as people get put in the wrong court system and force to pay the government for undo wrongs. Let’s not forget to mention how the Liberty Coalition receive major funding from organizations behind the scenes such as the blatant “Airplane Safety Act” which was passed without so much as a squeak from the apparent Democratic Alliance for Reform. Which has only voted in favor of their partner. All of this disgusts me!” Jasura spit to the side of his podium. “Corruption runs rampant in other departments, a nicely worded letter to the nigerian president supposedly had funds in it as well. I think a bribe? Meanwhile we have diplomats traveling to South Africa with no official report, reasoning or how his actions are being spent only that the tariffs had been lowered!” Jasura takes a moment to dab his forehead and do a sniffing smell. “Do you know what this all smells like? It smells like corruption at the highest level of authority. Which is why my party introduce the Governmental Oversight Bill and it is being called to a vote. It’s plan is to help make the government more transparent and hopefully lessen the amount of corruption already rampant in the government.” Jasura continued speaking on the matter in his home province of Soussiam

Kamidye, Shu-Shu

As Jakob looked around the shu-shu villages he shook his head. While the places were built in bulk and meant to house individuals and small families. After construction on that area finished it quickly became apparent how utterly a failure these were. The so call Shu-Shu places are no more the better looking shanty towns for the poor. While the young Jakob could have followed in his father’s footsteps and joined the military he knew it was better to be with the people and became an official member of the Dawn. One of his first assignments had been to help recruit people for the party from the Shu-Shu towns of Kamidye. Informing them of their traditionalist, conservative values and hopes to keep the country stable against the communists who still live within prisons throughout Samgola. He only hoped this was a stepping stone for greatness.

Samgolan Dawn:

Bassong Administration


“Sir.” a voice could be heard “Sir, Zan.” It went on. Finally Zan awakened dazed and confused before he saw his friends Ralin, Zaya and Jasura. “W-W-Where am I?” Zan said as he attempted to lean up before falling back down in pain. “Zan, you’re in the prison hospital, you were stabbed. Lucky to be alive right now.” Ralin said with a smile looking over his boss. “The goddamn communists who’ve still not been dealt with got ya. Luckily word has it the leader had an accident with the guards. Jasura said with a smile. “Just rest, sir. You’ll need your strength for the rest of your sentence. Who knows what the communists might do.” Zaya said as he paced back and forth. Zan slowly nodded “It is good to see you my friends. Are we alone right now?” The three of them nodded as Zaya shut the door. “Shortly before my arrest I had met with the Islamic Army leader. He said his forces weren’t as numerous as reports may seem and needed help getting weapons. While I am no longer in command use that information as you will.” Zan sighed as he moved his hand over the wounds in his stomach. “Furthermore, I am unsure if I will even return to a life of politics. I am a defeated man, stabbed, imprisoned. I used to run this country and how the damned CAPs have it. Jasura I heard you became leader use your strength combined with Zaya’s voice and together you will make an unstoppable team. But please go don’t make me keep you.” Jasura and Zaya wanted to say something but Zan stopped them and sent them out and they followed their commands. It was Ralin and Zan left. “Sir, I don’t know what to do. I fear if they don’t destroy the party, our rivals will. Without you as our voice, I think we may return to the sand.” Zan smiled and shook his head. “Worry not, Ralin if times prove dire I will return but I believe in the party. However I will need you help, I want to write a book. About my life and ideals, it must be shown to the country. Will you assist me?” Ralin nodded and quickly grabbed a pen and paper. They spent the next several hours discussing and figuring out the layout of the book.


As Jasura returned to Ziwa after speaking to his friend and companion Zan. He took time to think things over, his current plans of strength weren’t working he had no legal ground to stand on. Instead he would have to push the people away from the Liberty Coalition and their ideals. While the Brick and Mortar act appeared to be working wonders, the weakest link of the Coalition was the SPP. Especially after the wreck of things happening in Ziwa. Jasura would go to the sight of the Watongo village and the standoff. Meeting with the former hostages and the loved ones of the victums. Not for political gain but to whole heartedly show his compassion as he knows the terror in their eyes having nearly just lost his father figure.

Samgolan Dawn:

Bassong Administration

Dabrado ,Tenkosse

“9 months ago, not even a full year has gone by since the Tragedy of Flight 5122. A tragedy that could have been prevented had it not been for loose restrictions on Samgola Air. Zan Mahol made a promise to put stricter regulations on Samgola Air and other transportation industries for safety. Yet down in Kamidye party members of the Liberal Democrats proposed the “Aviation Safety Act”, in essence they wish to pay out 8 BILLION kamar to Samgola Air, who has proven nothing then to be inept in their duties and cost the lives of hundreds of people. This can’t be allowed to stand. Which is why my party and I will try to do everything in our power to not let Samgola Air have a their tax credit.” Jasura Hervit shouted to the crowd of people before them giving a salute.

Samgolan Dawn:

Bassong Administration

Kamidye, Prison

Zan was officially given his sentence. 5 years, 3 is he was good. He had traded in his suit and party pin for an orange colored Jumpsuit. He was brought in and while the guards frowned upon him he worried not about them. In fact is was his fellow prisoners he was worried by. Many of whom were former soldiers if not leader’s of the civil war’s People’s Front who had still yet to been dealt with by the Bassong Government. Zan was mortified but ready for whatever may come at him. It was his first day at lunch on January 17th, a man came over to him as he sat alone Gerald Yonway, former officer of the people’s front. He along with 3 others came to Zan and with a shiv and stabbed him in the arm. Zan immediately clutched in pains and guards ran over but not before being stabbed 4 more times in other parts of the body. He was sent to intensive care and it was unsure how he would come out but it was belief by the grace of Allah and the medical team he would survive.

Ziwa, S.D. province HQ

Jasura flipped over the table knocking the map and glass of water he had onto the ground breaking it. He had just received word of Zan’s official sentence, Zan had been a father figure to him. He was one of the few chosen by Zan to help Lead S.D. and now he lost him, for now at least. In the meantime he would have to rebuild the party and renew the confidence. His first action was to disarm any and all activists. At least for now, for now they would just be simple recruiters to the party attempting to round up support. Eventually when a majority for the S.D was made or if the country became desperate he would inform Zaya to bring up paramilitaries bill. For now, he had speeches to give and parties to smear, he needed to re-earn the supporters of the rural voters. But first with the introduction of the “Aviation Safety Act” he would head to Tenkosse sight of a tragedy to rally support against the government.

Samgolan Dawn:

Bassong Administration


After being offically confirmed as party leader Jasura’s first duties were to travel to the highly controversial area of Ziwa where the militia and the army had seem to be engaging each other. Jasura and his party marched in and promised that they would be there to protect them if they could. While legally parties were banned from having any security division, the law strictly said anyone may hold a weapon so long as they were sane and so Jasura and his “activists” moved into the province and were armed. Offering protection to towns and cities as well as recruiting new members to help. Jasura and his party would begin setting up operations here before expanding to neighboring provinces.

Kamidye, Holding Cell

Zan sat quietly and prayed in his Cell, he had just recently gotten out of the court. He believed he persuaded the court and that they would see things his way. He rose from the ground and walked towards the cell bars. Outside stood the guard Welida Bovak, a guard who served. “Bovak, whatever happens I want you to know you are appreciated for your service. To me and the country. Thank you.” Bovak confused turned around and zan had gone back to his bed to lay down.

Kamidye, National Assembly

“Again, myself and the Dawn will be voting no on this horrendous Brick and Mortor Act, firstly the amount of money put into it while we are already in a debt and losing money is horrid. Then you wish us to sacrifice the countryside landscape for highways and the urban settings when help is needed in the rural lands as well. For shame. As for the Lawful Protection Bureau, while we wish their duties were expanded we approve of wholeheartedly so that this government nor any that follow it may become corrupt.” Zaya Kolin. Strangely enough while before the Dawn members were wearing suits like any typical MNA, some Dawn members were wearing Black suits with a yellow tie, while others had pins. Zaya had none of this remaining an opponent to Jasura in any way he could.

“Furthermore, I would like to propose the following bills. Firstly the Governmental Oversight Bill. Which in it’s own premise allow myself and the other opposition parties to form a shadow government to oversee the current government. Secondly I propose the Parliamentary Military Oversight, which again allows the assembly to oversee the government specifically the military.

Samgolan Dawn:

Bassong Administration


With Zan still in prison pending the trial. Much of the party’s leadership met together upon the asking of Zaya Kolin, the most senior MNA from the Samgolan Dawn. He believed he had the support of the leadership. While many believed Zan would return at some point and some more loyal members were prepared to meet with Ralin Torph he however was nowhere to be seen, it was last reported he was on his way to speak to Zan and see if he could be of use in the courts. His other competitor Jasura Hervit to seemed to be missing in action. It was Zaya’s dream, he was unchallenged he was unanimously voted for as leader of the SD. “Thank you, Thank you, I pledge to you all right now we will work harder and while right now we may not have control by the election of 1996, I promise you I will be the President and our party will firmly be in control.” The members there clapped and nodded in agreement. They then moved to the main hall for drinks and to celebrate the night with a new party leader. However as the night wore on, a chill could be sensed. All of a sudden a large burst of people came in covered in masks and had batons. They shoved all the leadership back into the conference room. “What is the meaning of this who are you, I will alert the authorities!” Zaya said as he was pushed into a seat. The men then stood back and a man in a dark black uniform walked in and smiled. “Zaya, I apologize for my late arrival I had other business to attend to. I believe we had to discuss a new leader while Zan is away. I,Jasura Hervit would like to become the new party leader. All in favor.” Jasura there with his arms behind his hand looking around.

“You’re too late, I am the leader the vote was held earl-” Zaya was hit in the stomach with a baton and forced back into his seat. “Anyone else?” Jasura asked the rest shook their heads no and raised their support in favor of Jasura. Zaya while disappointed knew he couldn’t fight back now. Especially not with Jasura and his guards in the room. He was terrified he’s even still alive with all the stories told of Jasura. Ex-Special forces of the former regime, loyal soldier and adjunct to General Zan amongst other numerous duties, For now he would have to plot and get his strength. “Well then Gentlemen, first things first we must re-align our ideals we must make Samgola strong and powerful once more. I want a proposal introduced to give oversight or a questioning body to the main government. Perhaps a Shadow Government like that in the UK. Furthermore, Zaya make sure your men are all under control. I will begin hosting events and fundraisers to gain us some much needed support and trust back from the people. Until Zan returns you answer to me and my forces. Goodnight gentlemen” Jasura walked out and the men soon followed. The night’s celebration was over and tomorrow business would resume.

Kamidye, Holding Cell

“Zan, rumors have it you’ll be sentenced to prison and already the infighting has begun. Zaya and Jasura trying to claim leadership. What should I do, what will the party do without you?” Ralin asked Zan as Zan was writing in his notebook. “Well, for now keeping me informed is good. But until the court decides their verdict I will be stuck here. But it’s not all so bad the guards treat me well being supporters of the Dawn. I am more worried for if I am sentence to prison, the communist and their leaders who’ve still yet to have been dealt with. The goddamn Liberty coalition cares not for vengeance, to indebted to their Capitalist American backers. It’s outrageous, but if I am released I assure you my return will be stronger than ever. If I am not I will have to hope for the best. I’ve even begun writing my beliefs and ideals, if you’d care to help I need someone to find me a publisher” Zan looked up and smiled at Ralin his trusty aide. “Of course Zan, anything I serve you. As does the rest of the party. I’ll speak to you when I can, I must make sure the party is intact for your return.” Ralin called for a guard to let him out but not before providing a Salute to his commander. Zan returned it. Smiling yet in his eyes he could see nothing was ok, whatever happened things would be changed forever.

Samgolan Dawn:

Bassong Administration


With Zan still in prison and rumors of his verdict to be of guilty, Zolin Kaya head of the Dawn in the National Assembly met with some members to discuss who would take over. He knew he would have to fight with Ralin Torph, the aide for Zan Mahol. As well as the former SDSF leader Jasura Hervit. When Zan fell however so long as Zan remained out of prison he couldn’t be seen as a coup. As such he spent 300,000 and asked 9,000 of SD activists within his own province of Nambé to slander DAR supporters and buildings as well as begin hosting protests against LD’s own supporters especially the corporate businesses within the region. Hoping to gain support and weaken the SD rivals in the area.


As Zan sat in prison shaking his head ashamed of what was happening. In the regions of Ziwa he had heard news of small engagements and what was happening. He knew the IA were merely testing the strength of the enemy. However during his confinement, he got to know the guards who were unsurprisingly SD supporters. They both had voted for SD and were ashamed that Zan wasn’t made President and now they hear of the “liberty coalition” blocking everything the SD and voting across party lines. It is as Zan feared the Capitalist American Puppets controlled everything. He had a lot to think about in his cell perhaps he would write a book.

Samgolan Dawn:

Bassong Administration

Ziwa Province

While the SDSF may have been cleared out the overall party of the Samgolan Dawn was still very much active. While it was no longer militant they had heard rumors from the citizens during Zan’s talk in the province and decided to give away free arms to those that were thought to be in need. They handed our weapons so they could be protected and under the current law it was all legal which was the best part. Though some might say turnouts were excessively large and not all citizens were from the province the SD members didn’t care they wanted their voters and each citizen to be safe and to defend themselves if needed.


Zan had recently just returned to Kamidye, there had been buzz all about his arrest and what this could mean for Samgolan Dawn. For now he still held the power, but should he go to jail the party would become divided Ralin Torph the chief aide would attempt to lead but isn’t widely recognized, Zolin Kaya was the head of the SD in the National Assembly and while SDSF was formally disbanded Jasura Hervit held significant sway and to see who would come out on top was something Zan didn’t wish to see. He had to pray and not be jailed, less all his work would be for nothing. While Zan in public remained strong behind close doors alone in his cell he had to rethink his strategy but he knew even now, he informed his members what needed to be done in the Ziwa province.

Samgolan Dawn:

Bassong Administration

Zan while in Bousem had received word about the recent notices of the SDSF to be disbanded or to face treasonous charges. Zan laughed, the President himself acknowledges the warrants of my concern and wishes to tell him that the police and military’s own duties are to provide a secure area. But at what point do they stop providing a secure place for everyone and promote an oppressive regime forcing the opposition to back down. No Zan would not allow that he would take the legality of the SDSF to court. Surely a small band of 7,000 men would be warranted especially in such a hostile land that the government sees the need to send a large force to secure the region. Furthermore, the police as well as military have far more pressing issues then to stand and protect political speeches or events such as fighting corruption, capturing criminals or securing border lands where the so called oppressive national militias are. These among other issues would be brought to the forefront of the first national court case of Samgolia.

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