Avatar of LostPride
  • Last Seen: 21 days ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 196 (0.09 / day)
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    1. LostPride 6 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current Got a new PC!
5 yrs ago
I just started reading "Discipline and punish"... Foucault, I'm already tired of your shit
5 yrs ago
Thinking on a new Vikings 1x1 🤔
5 yrs ago
And I'm officially 23 now...
5 yrs ago
Always be in the game and keep rolling. Step up, and in the ring if you dare. Always be in the game and keep going. Nobody said that life would be fair


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New: Around the world

The story begins short after a rebellion in one ofbtje Empire's provinces is crushed by MC, a general at the command of very experienced soldiers. By the time she arrives to the capital as a hero (word of her victory spreads fast) she finds the place in a big trouble: The Emperor has passed away and has no child to take the throne, the senate (of which Mc is part of) is elected as Empress.

Mc knows not everyone in the Empire is happy, that there are many problems to solve thus decides to travel across the Empire to see the reality in which her citizens live.

How Yc meets mine has to be discussed
Skyrim: many ideas

I'm bringing back some old ideas as well as new ones, home someone is interested


Well I will need some help with the plot.

The story starts with MC, a mercenary who gets paid by the Kingdom of Rodos to fight in the against an enemy invasion, these are not humans but demons! From the Demonic Empire at the other side of the Ghost Sea.
MC goes into war, where he encounters demons of all spices: werewolves, lizardmen and more, due to his great swordmanship skills he defeats them yet is surprised by the attack of beautiful dark haired woman, who turns out to be the Governor of the Demonic Province of Argalos.

The fight seems to end in a draw and the Demonic army retreats back to Argalos, however when MC returns to his tent outside of the Kingdom's walls he is surprised by the female demon once again
So I am here once more looking for a female roleplayer willing to help with this new idea.

The story begins in the Continent of Almara, more exactly in the Kingdom of Rodos, MC, who is the only child born from the King and late wife. The future of the Kingdom seemed to be on her hands but the new Queen had other plans for her and plots with other noble houses to make MC lose the King's favouritism. Yhis is how during the war between Rodos and another Kingdom the Queen manages to accuse MC of high treason against the King and the Kingdom by helping the enemy army.
MC is exiled and put on a ship to a small island where she would live in solitude, however the ship gets caught in a big storm. Mc wakes up in an unknown island and soon realizes she is not alone. This is where YC comes in: a warrior from one of the small cities that that are in constant fight for territory
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