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Hopefully you're still accepting.
I may have taken one sentence from the post and run with it a bit far. So here's what I have so far so you can tell me to get out if I took too much liberty with 'technology' before I make up an example post.

Jeez I'm rusty. But something's up at least.
Sorry again for the wait.
There were few things that could compare to a hot bath. A hot clean bath at that. It hardly seemed more than a few minutes before the knocking on the door started. Moira submerged her head one final time before stepping onto the cold stone floor, steam rising from her hair and skin. A muffled shout came from the hallway.
“Just give me a moment” She replied calmly, wrapping herself with a warm if not soft grey blanket. Moira was feeling particularly relaxed this evening, which was irrational, everything considered.

Her remark went unheard or ignored however as a girl, equally naked opened the door anyways. Outside where four others, all waiting their turn to use the bath. There was a twinge of guilt in Moira’s stomach, the water would be barely warm now, and cold for the last two girls. But it wasn’t enough to stop her from pushing past without a word of apology. There were more important things to worry about.
The note waiting on her desk for example. Amongst the other loose pieces of paper it could easily have gone unnoticed by anyone else, but Moira had been expecting it. Still, it did lurch the first wave of anxiety. The sanctuary may not be guarded, but not just anyone was aloud in the living areas, especially so late. Forcing her hands to stay steady, she unfolded the paper: Two street names and two numbers.

She dressed in a very faded red dress that had seen its share of tears and mending and donned a grey scarf over her wet hair and face. Lastly she took a thin vial, no larger than her thumb filled with a deep red liquid. After one last look at the door, she stole out the window and into the night.

It wasn’t cold, and the streets where abnormally clear, even for night. Barely two streets away from her destination, a mock bird-call sounded. Back the way she came, it would have to wait. Pace quickened, Moira reached the corner of the two streets. The first number was the building, the second the number of bricks towards the center, then the same number upwards. Reaching just above her head, she dug her nails into the mortar to work it loose; then froze. There was screaming close by. Different than the nightly dark-alley cries that happened far too often: This was unison of voices, bordering on a chant. The brick felt to the ground with a sharp clamor, and yet another folded note fluttered after it. Moira snatched it before it could touch the ground and squinted to read the ink by moonlight.

-Unexpected change, update by dawn, leave payment-

It was written in a foreign tongue, as they had agreed, but there was no signature. Not that would have given and reassurance. She pulled the vial from under her scarf and fingered the glass carefully. This wasn’t the deal, yet all the other information had been good. Whether now or in the morning it was too good an opportunity to ignore, even with the ever growing chance it was all a ploy. Holding a breath she placed the vial on the ledge and pushed the brick back in place, careful not to break the glass. The hardest part was walking away, and trying not to think what that delivery was going to be used for.

Moira began to retrace her steps in hopes of reaching the meeting before it ended. At the time of the signal its origin had seemed obvious, but as she drew closer she became less sure. The shouting was louder here, and the sound of hooves on stone. That worried her more than screams. Was it urgency or chance that prompted a meeting so near a Fireblade patrol? There wasn’t much time to question as she came upon the crowd that they were punitively trying to disperse. Death stained the air, more than one commoner lay in his own blood. More where being marched or dragged, likely for display on the morrow. And, in the center; the reason for such show of force from both sides. The body was disfigured horribly, thick blood still oozing out of now pale cold flesh. Someone had even gouged out the man’s eyes; more had looted everything from the corpse, including his underclothes. Only his large stomach and thick limbs depicted him as anything different from the starving commoners. Moira turned away from the wretched scene and was careful not to look away from the ground until after turning the last corners.

Her eyes passed over each over her allies, only two where obviously armed.
“Who do we have to thank for the tactful display?” She didn’t bother with any form of greeting. These where potential allies at best, not friends.
Eeek. Sorry guys un-foreseen real life things. I'm still here though!
Making first post, but if you have one at the ready Bing, don't wait on me. Moira's going to be late anyways.
*Slaps self - You had to remember one thing Lou. One thing.

& Edited.
I'm just going to put this here in hopes you're still accepting...
Not exactly a WIP, but I will need to read it over eventually. I'm tired though so not now. Just want to get something up. If I added/changed too much just let me know and I'll change or scrap it.

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