Avatar of Luna Amore
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    1. Luna Amore 7 yrs ago
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Turning her gaze to the right, she observed the black-haired man lost in thought. He was good-looking all right, and there was an aura of mystery surrounding him that was just irresistible to the petite girl. However, Isabella did have to wonder what was with the clothes. Why was he wearing a red robe to class? Maybe he was some sort of Japanese monk.

"Concentrate Isabella, concentrate!", the amber-eyed girl admonished herself noticing that she was paying more attention to the boy than to her teacher.

Isabella was a senior in college, this was the last year before she graduated as a veterinarian. She had studied so hard during high school so she could win a scholarship that would cover all of the university expenses. Then during the past three years, she had killed herself studying so she would not lose that precious scholarship.

Since this was the last year of university, the red-haired girl thought she could relax a bit more. She looked at her watch and noticed she was a few minutes late for her psychology class. She ran down the hall before entering the classroom.

"I am very sorry for being late", the amber-eyed girl apologized to her professor. She stepped into the room trying to make as little noise as possible. Sitting in the only available seat, her eyes caught the presence of a strange black-haired man sitting in the far corner of the room.
That is what I meant by freestyle...I create my character as I role-play it...
Okay...do you want to post first or do you want me to post first?
I don't know if you are familiar with my way of rping but I have a sort of free-style rping with no many rules...is that fine with you?

It sounds interesting and I was a huge fan of Inuyasha, so if you still looking for a partner maybe I can join...
While drinking her beer, Elaniel noticed from the corner of her eye a woman yelling in the room. The woman was ready to fight someone. Not wanting to get involved in someone else's business, the black haired woman kept drinking.


The blonde girl listened with great interest and attention to the conversation between Harley and Mr. Felton. "He is such a cool and wise man", thought Natalia to herself, happy and grateful to have such a great teacher.

"See you tomorrow, Mr. Felton", said the petite girl as her instructor walked out of the classroom. Upon hearing Natalia's thought about their teacher, the blue-eyed girl replied with excitement, "I was just thinking the same thing!" A sweet laugh emerged from her lips. " I guess great minds do think alike!"

Looking at the clock above the whiteboard, Natalia asked her friend, "Hey, Harley! Would you mind accompanying to my locker to check what my next class is?"

Outside of the classroom in the hall, Madison and her boyfriend were sharing a heated and passionate kissing session.

Jason was the captain of the basketball team and a heartthrob, which guaranteed his position as one of the most popular boys in the school.
In The Party 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay


It was true that during many moments throughout the night, Celeste had been scared and anxious; however, she was not feeling any of those at this moment. Maybe it was due to the exhaustion she was beginning to feel, but more than being afraid of Mei, she was thankful to the Chinese woman.

Feeling Mei's lips on her cheek, the green-eyed girl closed her eyes. Her cheeks turned red both because of the kiss and because she had remembered how aroused she had felt when Mei was about to bite her neck earlier that night.

She took a deep breath before opening her eyes. The more Mei talked the more the young woman became aware how kind the vampire next to her really was. A sweet expression appeared on the girl's visage as her host explained that not all vampires were evil.

As Mei had finished talking, Celeste's gaze switched to the man that had made her heart beat fast since the moment she saw him at the party. Perhaps it was just her imagination, but from the moment they met each other again before entering the cabin, the brown-haired girl had felt utter disdain emanating from Nero.

"Here we go again, Celeste...falling for another bad boy that will only break your heart in the end..." , she reprimanded herself. "When will you learn silly girl? But..." She paused for a moment. "Maybe it is not that he is a bad boy...maybe he hates me...".

Her being human was enough reason to dislike her but she had to wonder if there was also another reason why the black-haired man seemed to dislike her that much.

"I know...I am a human...and that I am an intruder in this house...but..I wish he would not look at me with such contempt". A sad and deep sigh escaped her rosy lips. Turning her eyes from Nero, she looked at Anton and Petra. " I mean...they are also vampires and they don't seem to hate me as much as he does..."

Her gloomy and worried expression was interrupted by a delicate yawn which she covered with her right hand. "What time is it now?" She turned around, her eyes looking for a clock in the room. "I guess I'll check the time on my cell phone..." It was then that Celeste realized that her evening bag was nowhere to be found.
In The Party 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Maybe it was that the adrenaline in her body that was coming down, but the young girl was beginning to feel very out of place. Mei's words made her feel a bit more comfortable. Giving her host a soft smile in return, Celeste wondered if other humans had been there before. She walked slowly towards one of the chairs in the room and sat on it.

Upon hearing her name, the green-eyed girl lifted up her gaze and looked into the Chinese woman's eyes.

"Why is she apologizing?!"

Mei had saved her and protected her throughout the whole night, instead of having her for dessert in the balcony at the party, so hearing an apology confused Celeste a little bit. However, the naive girl did not have much time to ponder about it since her savior had said something even more puzzling.

"She finds me attractive....she finds ME attractive?!" The immediate effect that those words had on the girl was more than evident. The intense red of her cheeks was highlighted even more by the contrast with her fair skin. Lowering her gaze, she tried to control the mixed emotions swirling inside of her.

Once Mei had finished talking and Celeste had calmed down enough to talk, the brown-haired girl stood up and walked towards her host.

She stood beside Mei and with a heartfelt and sincere voice, she expressed, "Thank you! Thank you for everything!", she paused for a moment before continuing. Her long hair that had been tied in a bun at the party was now cascading down her chest.

"Thank you for saving my life and for protecting me! Thank you for letting me sleep at your house tonight." She took a deep breath before proceeding. "You did not have to do all those things yet you did it."

The light in the room added a beautiful sparkle to her emerald eyes. "Thank you for giving me the most interesting night of my entire life! Thank you for making me feel desired and beautiful again. Thank you for everything!"

Biting her lower lip and tucking her hair behind her ear, Celeste thought of the only way she could demonstrate her immense gratitude to her savior. It was risky, but....it was worth it.

She bent her body just enough to reach her host's face and gently planted a kiss on Mei's cheek.
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