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    1. Lvl Down 10 yrs ago


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@Kindos@Undying Curiosity

I am assuming that by turns he means number of attacks afterward. Like using a five word spell would mean you couldn't use those words until after 2 extra regular attacks. Kind of like a form of a buffer time for spells in games like WoW and stuff like that. I could be wrong but that is how I took it.

Well, I wasn't sure on how to explain it, but LostDestiny, you are very close to how I would have explained therefore we'll go by what you said.

BTW is there any event someone would like to happen next?
Aegis just sat there in amazement as Mega Gator began to tear up the town. Kit came up from behind and somewhat annoyed said, "The heck Aegis, you make better than to touch pretty things laying out in the open in a dungeon!" She slapped the back of his head. "Really what where you thinking. Especially doing that by yourself. Are you crazy?" Aegis rubbed the back of his head a smiled slightly at Kit then shrugged. Some players began to attack the boss, others still stood in awe wondering what the heck had just happened.... He was surprised when Yash attached the gator than stated that he would aggro. Yash aggro? Well it was a good thought, but Yash would be low on hp if he got hit once. Granted he could dodge the attacks, which works as well,but Aegis preferred the classical aggro tank. That's why she built Aegis solely for the purpose of taking hits. He looked around and spotted a person casting some healing. Making his way over, he asked to be healed and once he was back to normal, he to got closer to the boss, but instead of attacking, he looked for people that needed to be shielded. That was what Aegis liked to do, shield those weaker from attacks.
NO problem. As long as we keep rolling I am fine.

Its also nice to see someone else willing to take aggro.
Go ahead. I wonder if they lost interest.
Ahh yes. I almost forgot about that.
So is everyone busy or something?
I did read your post, it just didn't seem that she had entered. At least from what I read, but I am sorry if that isn't the case. Its an easy fix and edit one sec.

Edit: Edited Post. Sorry about that, I didn't realize your first sentence in the last paragraph was you entering. my bad.
Just talk about what you would do to stand watch and/or set traps along possible boarding areas and or breaches.
Aegis continued his way down the dank corridors of the sewers, surprisingly, there was not a single monster around. His nerves were almost at his wit end. He had been down here for a long while now walking down the corridor. It seemed to have no end, yet there was not a single monster around. Aegis' stamina was actually starting to get low (which is rare) from keeping his guard up as he was traversing the empty sewers. Muttering to himself how he might of hit a bug in the game, he still continued on down the corridor.
Eventually Aegis saw a light emanating from the corridor further on down. Intaking a stamina potion as he went, he walked towards the light which led him to a wide open room. In the middle of that room was a small crystal shard on a pedestal. Aegis knew that this had to be a trap. Wide open room, precious looking item in the middle, on a stand. Yet, he was to curious to know what it was. The beta didn't have anything like this and he wanted to know what would happen. He was probably the first person to see this area. Creeping closer to the crystal he could now look at the item more clearly. "Hmmm. Gator Crystal? Odd name for such a beautiful green gem." Aegis liked the color green, and although he really didn't want to take any unnecessary risks he still grabbed the gem off the pedestal. He cringed just waiting for something happen. Silence... nothing was happening. Aegis knew better than to not let his guard down, slowly making his way to the door he had entered from, he was 10 feet away from it when the door suddenly closed. "Ahhhh crap. I knew something like this would happen."
There was a loud cranking sound and a secret wall began to lift up and water began to pour out of the opening. He was about to make a remark about a water trap being super lame until he saw what was behind that wall. A huge Gator lay waiting there glaring at Aegis. Aegis couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the dimensions of the gator displayed to him.

Mega Gator

Class:Field Boss
Height:10 ft.
Length:30 ft.
Weight:1 ton

Aegis' eyes popped wide open when he read the field boss section of the information displayed. Before Aegis could finish the words he was about to say, the Gator immediately charged maw open wide. Not given enough time to cast a stronger defense spell Aegis was only able to get the words Large, Shield, Endure He set himself into his defensive stance and a large magical shield with ridiculous defense appeared before him large enough to cover the Gator's massive maw. He braced himself for the colossal impact.
His magic shield was shattered, the boss' strength was outrageous, after the magic shield was obliterated, Aegis with his two enchanted shields managed to absorb the rest of the attack severely draining his stamina and causing 20% of his HP to disappear. Aegis would have commented to himself about how crazy this was but he didn't have the wind in him to do it. Using another word, Endure Aegis gave himself a boost to his stamina and with that boost, pulled off a small acrobatic feat to get away and behind the boss and make a crazy dash for the exit. He had noticed that the wall that opened was also the exit out of the death trap so making his there as fast as he could he managed to pass the threshold only to hear the rumbling of yet another charge from the Mega Gator. Aegis knew he couldn't survive another attack, only someone with stats like his could have survived a full on attack by himself, but doing so had pretty much left Aegis defenseless and unable to do much else.
The rumbling started getting closer and Aegis managed to do a side roll into a branching tunnel avoiding the boss' attack. He shortly heard a massive crack as the Gator slammed into a wall. Continuing his mad dash down the hall, Aegis popped another stamina potion and did a full sprint action. He managed to get out of the tunnel and into a familiar passage of the sewers. There he saw Yash battling some rats. He also saw Kit and her summons fighting as well. Relieved but also worried for his friends and their safety, he stopped and explained the whole situation. Yash must have thought Aegis was crazy, until he too felt the rumbling and soon enough the massive gator charging straight towards them. Aegis quickly exited the sewers at a nearby waypoint and appeared in the town square. Out of breath he looked for Kit, then looked for Yash who (he hoped) no doubtedly followed suit to get out of the sewers as well.
Aegis thought he was safe, until, he felt what seemed an earthquake and out of the ground erupted the Mega Gator. The town of Ramshorn had turned from a safe zone, into a field boss zone. All players in the area were now under attack, and no one would be able to leave until the Gator was taken down, or everything was destroyed. Aegis couldn't believe his eyes, he had no idea the creators would insert such a mechanic, and it seemed that Aegis had prematurely, brought about Ramshorn end.
I'm posting, give me a few minutes.
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