Avatar of Major Sharpe
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    1. Major Sharpe 6 yrs ago


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Ooc is 87 posts long, is this still open? :).

I'd like to join as an ambassador from Acirum, the land beyond the sea of stars, is such a spot still viable?

I think we've lost at least one interested party from the interest checks, so I don't see why not. Though, we've already got someone interested in playing an ambassador from a foreign power, and the idea, really, is for players to represent one of the Great Provincial Houses of Viexmeur. Plus, Acirum's far enough away that contact with Viexmeur is sporadic, at best. I'd be glad to have you in if you wanted to play a province, though.

Im okay with this. It could be that they sent many different negotiators into the forest. Low ranking of course due to the high mortality rate. But one would have come back with a name kam'till, and that he was willing to negotiate terms. Kam'till would have also wanted to keep this pact alive and by forming a blood oath with the king insures that his clan would be obligated by honor to continue to help the king. The only thing that would break this pact is the obliteration of one of the two the blood lines.

Makes sense to me. Let's say Laurensia initially proposed the pact, and was largely responsible for mediating the discussions. Kam'Till was interested in a closer relationship with the Kingdom, and Chancellor Vulmar convinced Childeric of the usefulness of having allies in Aborim. And I agree with the pact binding succeeding generations, as well. It gives Vulmar added incentive for making sure Gisela got the Crown in the first place, since she's Childeric's only living heir and without her the deal would no longer be valid. Which would have made the whole thing a waste of time.

They aren't as common in Laurensia either, since the dense forests make it difficult for a fully armoured person to navigate quickly. Most armoured knights who enter the area tends to wander out again several weeks later, minus their armour and with their arms filled with 'magical' items.

That makes sense, and would probably explain why Viexmeur never bothered to try and conquer Laurensia in the first place.
So would fully armored knights still be a common thing?

Oh yeah, definitely. Especially in the Crownlands and other populous, well-developed regions. They might be less common in areas that are less advanced, or where skilled smiths and iron are in shorter supply.
How is it going everybody? Oh, and how advanced will the kingdom be in terms of technology?

I'm doing very well, now that the server seems to be cooperating again. How are you?

As to your question, I would say in terms of historical European development, Viexmeur's tech level (and the rest of the known world) would be roughly that of early Renneaisance or a little before. About 1250-1350. Windmills, mechanical clocks, and wood-based paper all exist. No gunpowder, though.
Was going to have The Pact the King made with kamahl's father be part of a bid to stabilize the region

I will also move my character over to the characters tab tonight sometime

Makes sense to me. Who do you think would have proposed the pact initially, War Chief Kam'Till or King Childeric? I'm working on a write-up on Chancellor Vulmar, and I was planning on including a bit about his work negotiating it.
I've posted a CS for Queen Gisela (after quite a bit of server trouble) in the Oth spot of the CS tab.


I like it a lot. Good work.

Will we be drawing up a map of Viexmeur at some point, or just playing it by ear as far as the geography goes?

I only ask since we already have Montisle on the northwest coast, Laurensia in the northeast forests, Vrelan in the eastern mountains and Kam in the far eastern jungles and we all seem to be bunched up quite closely to one another. Will other provinces be more spread out, covering the other regions around the central Crownlands?

If not, I could always move Laurensia to the south, and switch Carmella's associations to the Qazadi rather than the Foronians. Hilly forestlands along the Great River as well as the influence of Qazad's many religions would play well into the provincial spiritual beliefs, and the trade of spices and rare artifacts from the friendly south would work well for the residents' reputation as swindling charlatans well respected merchants of antiquities and curios.

I've considered drawing a map, but my lack of artistic talent gives me some reservation about making one. I'd be happy to write up a general description, which, along with what has been submitted about existing provinces, could be extrapolated into a map if someone volunteers to draw it. They could just fill in the blanks as they see fit.

And I've thought about the concentration of provinces in the north, and I think moving Laurensia to the south would be perfectly sensible, if you'd like to do that.
Hey sorry I've been pretty quiet! I hope I can get my app up a bit later tonight, just so you know where I'm at!

Great, I'm looking forward to reading it.

I like it. Accepted!

Fighting politically, sorry/

It's cool. I just wanted to make sure I understood it correctly.
Its slow and laggy for me at time, but it still works. As for the Province, Vrenal used to be an independent Kingdom, and has since been conquered by the greater Realm it is now part of. They focus most of their military to fighting across the mountains. They haven't attacked other Provinces since, though there have been threats when food shipments are delayed.

Oh, alright. The way you phrased the last sentence just made it sound like Vrenal was still regularly attacking neighboring provinces.
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