Avatar of MamaSushi
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    1. MamaSushi 9 yrs ago


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You know getting locked out of your account for 5 months is really, really great.

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"What am I looking for? A place to be safe from them... I've been on the run for the past year, they came for me on my 18th birthday. If I can't stay here can I at least sleep here for a couple a days? I'm sick of the running, too many people have died because of it. Last week, a group of them came after me, they didn't even care about the civilians... They shot two people, a husband and wife in an attempt to kill me. Two innocent people, who weren't the only ones, died because of what I can do. That, is why I am here." Chris opened his hands, "do you need me to prove that I'm not... Normal?" Valentine proved his point very blatantly, as his skin began to turn into sand. In a few seconds his body was made of sand, but still kept it's shape. "See?" he said as he turned back to normal.
She blinked, a chuckle coming from her voice. "Well, looks like you are in the right place, sandman." Dolor balanced her things for a moment, making a jerking movement with her head to follow. "C'mon, we better you get registered, unless you already know whats going on here?"
Ouch, mutant? That was rough. She continued to bundle the sheets as they began to slip to the ground. "...Depends, what exactly are you looking for?" Dolor wasn't stupid, she knew about the theorist and investigators that sometimes tried finding the location of Riverwood. While many turned up empty handed, very few individuals managed to get in, in the small time she had lived here.
I'm a little confused about "Shane" characters?
A teenage male sat in the shadowy corner of a local coffee shop. People inside seemed to ignore him, or even notice him for that matter. That's a good thing, because if one looked closely at the young adult, they might notice that he was a mutant. Little particles of sand hung statically in the air around him, barely noticeable. Christopher Valentine was on a mission. The young man had heard that Riverwood Academy was nearby and he was searching for information about it. He had been there all morning and it had taken quite a while to hear where it was. Valentine left the shop briskly, finally, he had made it. Being on the run for a year had been brutal. The X-Force was always on his ass. He still had nightmares of the people he had to kill in order to escape. Chris noticed that the X-Force was not keen on using non-lethal ways of capturing mutants, that didn't care if they died. Valentine finally found the school and was filled with relief, the running was over. He was never so glad to see a school in his life. Chris walked inside and looked around, hoping for some guidance. He hoped they would be as welcoming as hoped they would be. "Um, hello?" he called out, the placed seemed quiet.
Dolor was still carrying her sheets, hurrying to the washer room on the other side of the academy. When she noticed the newcomer, the young women stopped. Her hair was still it's orb of water, leaving a puddle now that she stood still. "Do you need help?"
Alright, incase there were too many characters joining/wanting to introduce themselves to the new comers, I adjusted my intro to run into someone if they want to interact with Dolor
"We'll see you soon, sweetie."
Those were the last words Dolor Obulier's parents told her the moment Riverwood took her away. It felt like centuries ago but in reality, only six years had passed since that faithful morning, when men in hazmat suits simply knocked on her door and told her dear old mother and father that their daughter had to be taken away for 'safe keeping'. Keeping hazardous children locked up like dogs, trying to keep the general public safe from themselves. Whenever it was explained to her like this, she felt worse then the previous time. Safe? To keep people safe, who had done nothing to benefit her, she was the one that had to suffer? What a load of bullshit. And in all honesty, she wasn't even mad at the academy for taking her in so suddenly, Dolor was more angered towards her parents. They just gave her up like nothing was wrong, they never wrote letters, or called, or even bothered to check up on their daughter. Probably too concerned with their normal child to bother checking up on their older one. It was like they sent her on a vacation of some sort, as if she was meant to be enjoying her time her. Regardless, Dolor had to deal with what she had, and soon she had adapted to her lifestyle at Riverwood Academy. This place seemed to get more students every day too, so it wasn't like it was some sort of ghost town. Plus the occasional fights that broke out were fun. Ever see a human tree go up against fly? No? It's hilarious, trust me. This place wouldn't be a permanent gig, not forever. The young girl was shuffling out of bed, stretching her arms out and moving her hair out from her face before realizing the small droplets falling on her face. Ugh, again? Her bed and pillow cases were completely soaked, her hair a large body of water rather then its usual dark locks. Dolor quickly snatched up her bedspread, hurrying out the room dragging them. Shit, shit. She had to get these dry, now, before classes started up. Plus, she had to get dressed out her PJs. Rushing out the room, she barley missed bumping into someone as her body buzzed out into an array of dust, each particule rejoining as her body reformed. The sheet however, didn't help, as it ended up wrapping around the other frame, pulling them down. "Crap!" She yelped, quickly stopping to help unravel them. "I'm so sorry, fuck,I didn't see you there."
Oh! Did we have a particular order we were going to reply by? And was there any way you prefer to have characters come in?
So sorry about the delay, I have been busy. All characters are approved and feel free to post IC. And, The One, what was meant by that was mostly killing off other charaters without permission. Or if we agree in the OOC that we will play out a scene a certain way but then you have your character not follow it. Stuff like that.
No worries! Glad to see ya back ovo Anyways, was there a certain order we were going to do replies in? Or is it whenever the character is mentioned/feels like speaking?
I think we're all set to go!
@MamaSushi Just going to give you a little advice I've learned over the years, but precognition is generally not a very good power for RPs for various reasons. ^^; Since most of the plot isn't set in stone, and usually in the best case scenario it ends up being an utterly useless power because of this. ...Also I find it a little weird that the "weakness" is that she can only see a few years into the future, when pretty much every time I've seen futuresight be used in stuff the nerf is that it's only able to see a few minutes into the future at best. ^^; Honestly, the invisibility and the psychometry (which is pretty cool though, and it's always fun to see that show up in stuff) are the less problematic of her powers.
Yeah I agree with you there, Rin. I was a bit worried about that ability, and let's be honest, abilities like those are not looked upon favorably.
I gotta agree, mainly because I originally had it as only being able to look an hour or so into the future as her limit. I changed it to years but I felt like it was too much. I didn't want to use the usually powers (Flight, shooting energy beams, incredible strengths) mainly because they're over played and cliche. I might have to do what CallaLily is doing and scrap the character.
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