Avatar of Mataus
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    1. Mataus 8 yrs ago


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I hope you're having a splendid day :)

Currently interested in fantasy and sci-fi roleplays.

My discord is Mataus#3575 in case you need to contact me.

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To his benefit, the climb went well despite his injury. Had Paric fallen, the gash would have opened up again and the bleeding would once again be at an all time worse. The makeshift bandage had already absorbed all the blood it could and was crimson now, though the blood was slowly browning as it dried.

Despite Ayer's previous uses of his arcane device, the most impressive to Paric was the device's ability to move their boat and the durability it was showing in doing so. Ayer's assistance to take a break was also extremely welcoming. His body was aching everywhere in places that he did not know could ache. There was also a dull pain running up his arm, which didn't help him relax any. All in all, he felt like he had been on the wrong end of a fist fight, fallen off a building, and rolled down a very long staircase. He could barely imagine what it would be like to swim if their boat capsized.

A loud laugh disturbed Paric's fitful nap. He raised his head in alarm, only to see that Ayer was laughing... at nothing? This poor guy needed a drink. He flashed Ayer a toothy grin. "Laughing off the night, friend?"

"My name is Paric. I hail from the Eldi city, Kel. I would think you know of it and about it." He said, realizing with a grin that he actually had yet to introduce himself. "I think we're even as far as the saving business goes. Where are you from?"

Feeling the tap, Paric looked to where Ayer was pointing at a dingy in the water. It was perfect. It was exactly what they would need for a inconspicuous escape to a nearby shore. He waited till Ayer finished his comment, "good find, friend." The bit about not getting Wax Jury wet was a little concerning, especially given that Ayer was planning to use it in stride with moving dingy. After all, it was a difficult climb into a moving boat and they would need faster propulsion than oars, if there even were any at the bottom of the craft.

Paric had not been on a boat for a long, long time. In fact, he barely remembered why he was last on a boat. His best guess was a ferry that moved him across a body of water. He did know about the creatures that made the water their home... and about how many unfortunate souls found themselves in a watery grave. They would not want to be in the dingy long, less they find themselves being attacked. With any luck, those were just drunk stories. Told by sailors who wanted to spook their friends.

"Let me go first. I have the messed up arm. I don't want to fall during the climb and knock you into the water." He said, making his way to the nails that provided a haphazard ladder to the dingy. He felt strong enough to make the climb, his weight was in his favor, at least. "Here goes nothing," he muttered with an outburst of breath. He lowered himself over and began the climb.

It had been a long time since Paric had laid eyes on the docks. He had, on occasion, gone to the docks to purchase alcohol before the greedy merchants of Nillium got to it, but those visits had not been made sober. He did remember the smell, though. The smell of sea water mixed with dead fish, mixed with something foul. "I wish I had some memory of these ships or the distribution of guard." Paric scanned the area again, noticing several gaps in the guard's patrols, but he still could only see so much in the meager moonlight.

It didn't take long to figure out which ships were protected and which ships were left unguarded. Any person with some brains could guess that the large ships were the most protected, while the small, numerable, and insignificant ships would not be as important. However, taking a ship of any size would still attract attention. Especially if Nillium guards maintained a record book that kept track of all incoming and outgoing ships. No, if they wanted to remain unseen, then they would need something smaller than even those 10 man ships. However, he did not see anything like that, not next to the tall dock at least. Perhaps the height of the dock is hiding something smaller. If someone was crazy enough to attach a small boat to such a tall dock, that is.

Paric was about to talk it over with Ayer, but he saw his chance. The guards had left a small window in which the two could make a move towards the 10 man ships. He reached over and tugged Ayer's shirt. "C'mon, were going for those small ships over there. Keep an eye out for something smaller, though." Then he started on his path, staying in the shadows and keeping his head ducked. With luck the two would find the small ships not only unguarded, but also vacant. How they would sail the ships he did not know. Paric had heard a sailor boasting about the tech that the Nillium ships possessed, but he had not listened too much. If there was tech then Ayer could figure it out. If that tech needed mana, then he could supply plenty. Hopefully it is as simple as that, Paric thought.

The question of where they would go was not completely available to Paric. He figured that they would make their way out of Nillium and then North to a city such a Leias.

Paric watched in silence as Ayer's hands seem to turn into a blur. Or was that blur a cause blood loss? No, he was just being over dramatic. Within moments Ayer had the watch back together and had already slipped it into Philip's pocket. He nodded his head. "Impressive," Paric grunted, still holding the gash in his arm. Paric was sure that Ayer did not have any noticeable magical ability now, but the skill Ayer has shown with machinery was magical in itself.

Then Ayer was moving towards him with an orange and some cloth he had taken from Mop's clothes. Paric gladly took the orange, taking a bite immediately, savoring its sweet juices. "Tha-" his speech was cut off as Ayer pulled the cloth tight over his arm. "Damn! That hurt." He relaxed his arm and took another bite of the orange, hoping its natural sugars would give him some energy for the next stage in their escape. He cleared his throat: "so, friend, it seems no one has come to investigate." He glanced over at the entrance to their little backstreet. "We should make our way over to the docks... I need aid and a way out of this cursed town."

Paric had cut off his spell as soon as Mop's sword cut into his arm, jarring the bone. His hand was currently clasped over the wound, and blood was oozing through his fingers. Mop's strike had caused pain to reverberate throughout Paric's entire body, but shock had dulled the pain some. He was sure that the sword had even cut partially into the bone. Paric gritted his teeth as he thought about using his own magic to cauterize the wound. The blood loss was not an issue yet, but if he didn't seal it soon it would become a deadly problem. "Shit, shit, shit," he said breathlessly through gritted teeth. Cauterizing the slash in such a filthy place would lead to infection. He would need to get Ayer to do something about it.

He heard Ayer shouting that Paric could have done something else, but he didn't quite care about that anymore. The bleeding Eldi looked up from the puddle of blood under his bleeding arm and saw a sight that almost made him laugh. Ayer was currently caring for Mop. He had even gone as far to throw some sort of clothing on the guy, who had already rolled around in water to stop the flames. Damnit, Ayer, Paric thought, you're going to get us killed. That man isn't about to forgive us, he tried to kill me as soon as he saw me. He didn't want to say anything about it though. He needed Ayer's device. "Ayer! Can," he coughed, "can your device mend this?" He raised his arm, blood running down it as soon as it went vertical.

Truthfully, the last time Paric had been in this much pain was when he was first learning how to control fire. His spell went out of control and burnt half his arm. Some powerful Eldi healers had fixed him up. Now Paric was in a hostile place, with a slashed arm, and still didn't see salvation in sight. Not to mention the guards. I bet they're on their way. They must have heard something, Mop was coughing loud enough to wake up everyone in the area.

Paric's heart dropped as his wrist found itself in a vise-like grip. The world was that way, though. All one had to do was show was a hint of weakness and the world would take a shit on that individual. Then again, in a way, Paric had been greedy by not taking the chance to leave. But Mop had recovered fast, fast enough to possibly raise an alarm. After all, the strength in that grip was a testament to Mop's remaining strength.

The Eldi's only chance of avoiding injury, as unlikely as that seemed, would be to act quickly while Mop was still weakened. Paric, however, knew what he now faced. Was he ready for the outcome? Perhaps, as it would keep him alive. In a moment, quicker than a heartbeat, Paric made his decision.

"I have another hand." Immediately following his statement, Paric's free hand twitched, releasing a stream of golden mage-fire into Mop's chest, the fire was bent around Mop and behind him so it would not harm Paric himself.


Paric's poorly planned and executed leap caused him to hit the cobbles hard. Even though the Eldi had landed on his clothed shoulder, he felt his skin being peeled away as he slid on the cobbles. The air was knocked from his lungs, forcing him to gasp for the air that stank of dead fish.

A loud crack and flash had occurred when Paric had impacted the ground. The power of Ayer's attack rushed through his entire body and even now he could feel the power in the air. So that device had allowed Ayer avid skill at wind magic, but, then... quite a strike using lightning. Yet, Paric saw as he rolled to his back, Mop was still standing. "Now," he said breathlessly, "that is impressive." With a cough, Paric got to his feet. Next to his feet was a stone, one that fit in his hand perfectly. Paric picked it up.

"Now," Paric began as he approached Mop, "I've had my fair share," he coughed, "of blood. So has my friend, I would think." He was now standing in front of the motionless man whose eyes still showed comprehension. "Maybe you will bleed out here in this terror of a town. Maybe you'll survive, found by some guard only happy, not from you being alive, but because he'll be rewarded." He coughed again, his lungs still recovering from his impact. "I do not care which way your destiny flows. I just want a damned drink." Without Malice, Paric raised the hand the stone was in and struck Mop on the side of the head.


Paric questioningly furrowed his brows as Locke began to speak. Philip? Who the hell was Philip? Paric began to move his hands up and slowly backtrack when it hit him. Oh, he thought, the guard we just incapacitated was Philip. To Paric there was not any sign that would have predicted Locke's lightning fast charge. The Eldi did not have a chance to even think about how he would use his mana, as he was too stunned to do so, nor did he have the time. Instead, he launched himself sideways, the launch being weak with his fatigued legs. Had he been of complete health the leap would probably have been enough to safely dodge the entire rush, but his weak leap made it possible for him to be caught if Locke was able make a change in direction.

There was no chance that Paric would have been able to conjure a spell that would have stopped that rush. From the split second Paric was able to see Locke he had noticed something unnatural about the drunk. It would have taken more time to gather and release a devastating wave of fire capable of stopping that headlong rush. For all of the Eldi's natural ability with magic, he had to rely on his agile Eldi physique. It seemed Locke knew this as well, for he had not hesitated when the situation became known to him. It seemed that the situation would lay in the hands of Ayer. Even if Paric managed to dodge, Locke would probably be right behind him.


Paric had walked over to a wall to lean on as he watched the guard walk further into Ayer's trap. With his adrenaline gone, his legs were killing him after all that running. It was going to hurt to just walk to the ships, he was sure running would strain or pull a muscle, if not worse. Both of their fates rested on Ayer's shoulders, but the young man seemed somewhat reliable even if he had yet to prove himself. Paric shook his head slowly. What had he done to himself?

Ayer's strike was announced by a loud pop followed by a flash of light. Paric's eyes widened at the strength of that blow. It had been wind magic, he was sure of it. The flash left him confused, however. Did that device actually work so well as to expel elemental mana? He shook his head again. Ayer was turning out to be more useful to their survival than he thought. That blow had actually pushed the man into the wall which had caused a audible thump. Paric pushed himself off the wall and started over towards the man laying on the ground. Ayer was checking the guards pulse with relief flooding his face. So the guard did survive that blow.

Paric heard the shout and footsteps as he was halfway to Ayer. Ayer was already raising his device, his hands working over the many buttons and whatever else was on it. Paric turned towards the oncoming man, realizing who it was. Mop. "Whaa..." Paric had sworn the man was drunk off his ass earlier. Yet here he was, coming straight for them. Paric felt a faint trace of mana swirling around his hands as he realized he would have to fight. "Ayer," Paric muttered, "I hope you have something for this commander." There was more than simple cruelty that allowed a person to become a commander of Nillium. No, Mop would put up a fight. Paric just wondered if the man was capable of strong magic.

His ruse had almost worked perfectly. Paric realized that he may have faked being drunk to well. "Hmm," he mumbled uner his breath "I guess I drink too much." He shrugged and looked over at the guard. The poor man's shoulders had dropped, probably thinking that Paric made it all up for attention or something. Then again, he didn't feel too bad, given what the guard had been happy about. It didn't matter though, the guard was still headed in Ayer's general direction, only at a less excited pace.

For Ayer, it was only going to be easier, with the guard's awareness even further down. Paric wondered how that device Ayer had would work. Ayer didn't mention how he planned to use it, how loud it might be, what it could do the the guard, or anything of the sort. Ayer had simply... stepped off with what seemed to be confidence in his device. Their plan was working though. It reminded him some stories he had heard as a child. A classic bait and knock unconscious trap.

Paric looked away from the guard and down at the flask he held in his hand. It almost felt good to stop drinking. Almost. He would have find something to drink if they escaped, even if it was that terrible stuff the homeless drank. He'd gone down to their level before, but it is hard to go poor as an Eldi mage in a town such as Nilliam.
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