Avatar of Metronome
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Metronome
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2871 (0.76 / day)
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    1. Metronome 10 yrs ago
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I don't come over to these threads often, so I don't typically see what gets posted here :P

You would think the site would provide a system to report and move these RPs to their proper categories. That alone would liven up the Advanced section again.
It seems to me that the Casual section has been taken over by Advanced RPs. Plot descriptions 10 paragraphs long, drawn out, complex world building from the get go, and replies that are long winded and lengthy. It didn't use to be this way. What happened? Like...I just wanna write with some decent grammar and spelling, but not novel, man. I like world building, but my attention span isn't long enough to read through your dry description of the political and religious affairs of this country that I haven't even decided if I want to play in or not.

Ka'van had just pulled the hot water off the stove and poured it into his bowl of oats when Starfire waltzed in. He gave his lunch a stir and looked up as she spoke. He smiled. The two got along quite well, both being fish out of water on this planet. He was always grateful for her advice, although he took most of it with a grain of salt after...the incident.

But regardless of whether her advice on Earth life was sound or not, Starfire always had a way of cheering up a room. He liked that about her. Even Robin in all his seriousness couldn't withstand her antics without a smile. Most of the time, anyways.

He couldn't help but chuckle as she went on about taste. He wasn't sure where this was going, until she mentioned his oatmeal. "Oh," He looked down at the slop that had formed in the bowl. Ka'van ate oatmeal for every meal, every day. When he'd first found himself on Earth, the first few weeks had been absolutely horrible. He spent them sick and starving, trying one Earth food after another, most of which resulted in him becoming even more violently ill. When he finally discovered that oats were incredibly similar to a staple food on his own planet, and that they could sustain him...well, he kind of gave up on trying anything else. Any new food had the potential to make him sick again, and Ka'van's fear of that kept him on a strict oatmeal-only diet. Was he tired of them by now? Yeah, maybe a little...

"Mustard will make me sick, Star," He said in a patient tone. "These oats are the closest thing to Talgan food I've found." He picked up the bowl and stirred it, then took a bite of the plain, lumpy mush.
Would it be too soon for me to post again or nah?
Kvan and Star are def gonna be two peas in a pod!

Titan island was awash with sun. One of the tower's resident aliens had a penchant for soaking up the warmth and light on days like this. Although Ka'van couldn't technically tan, his skin being permanently the same, even shade of gray, he could certainly throw down a towel and sprawl out on the lawn. His black t-shirt drew in the heat, counteracting his cold skin. He was like a cat: he was drawn to warmth. It was one of the many things he loved about Earth.

Ka'van's relationship with his new planet was...complicated. He enjoyed the new sights, the new experiences, and most of the people, but at the same time, he longed for home. His communication with his people had been lost when the device sent with him broke. He hadn't been able to find anyone to fix it, at least not yet. Earth had it's ups and downs, what with the wars, the fights, and the violence among humans. He found humans...scary sometimes. His own people had only had war with outsiders who brought it with them; never their own kind.

But Earth also had good people, and he was relived to find friends among the Titans. They had certainly been a big help in getting him settled in his new world. Ka'van was forever grateful to them.

His sunbathing and thoughts were interrupted by his stomach giving an unhappy growl. He hadn't had a bowl of oatmeal since that morning, he figured it was probably about time. Ka'van pealed himself up off the lawn and floated inside. He phased through a wall into the kitchen, where he saw the team's fearless leader making lunch.

"Hello Robin," He said politely. The Boy Wonder was out of his cave for once; that was a pleasant surprise. Ka'van found Robin to be quite the enigma. He was brave, determined, and a great leader, but he often became obsessed with his work. Sometimes he wouldn't leave his room for days. Ka'van didn't think that this was normal human behavior, but the rest of the team seemed to let it go, so, he did too. He quietly began to boil water and poured his dry oats into a bowl.
In this world superheroes are managed by a giant company, with little to no say in what missions they get, what partners they team up with, and where they are sent. They are flaunted in public for PH purposes, but behind the scenes, they are little more than slaves. Some heroes are happy with this, as they are housed, fed, all expenses paid, and pampered. But some aren't so thrilled.

My hero will be an alien, and kind of a sadboi. He's definitely not happy with his living arrangements. Your hero may or may not be, but as the story progresses, the two will find that there's something fishy going on behind the scenes at this company.

To play, you must:

Be 18+
Be okay with weird alien anatomy
Be a high casual to advanced writer
Be able to post at least once every couple days
Not ghost.
Ok cool
I may have missed this somewhere, but where do the OC characters live? Do they all live with the team? In their own places?
What do you think about playing the human with the stone? I figured maybe you could dust off Evie or someone similar. Thoughts?
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