Avatar of MichiCommander
  • Last Seen: 10 days ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 194 (0.06 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. MichiCommander 5 yrs ago
    2. ████████ 9 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Oh lord, I just realized I'm about to turn 33 next month. Still feels like I should be 29. Soon I'll be getting a senior discount.
1 like
3 yrs ago
Don't mind me, just jamming to some Persona music.
4 yrs ago
Nice to have my writing motivation back between being swamped at work and things happening in my personal life. Wrapping up Persona 5 Royal has also caused me to be a LOT less distracted as well. lol
4 yrs ago
Note to self: Don't work in a financial industry (student loans) in the middle of a pandemic. Things get crazier than you would expect.
4 yrs ago
Animal Crossing and listening to the soundtrack to Heathers the musical. Hell of a juxtaposition if you ask me. XD


Hey hey!

Names Michi. I'm an early 30 something in the states; I'm an otaku and a huge nerd with a snarky disposition. Sometimes I enjoy Magic the Gathering.

I've been RPing off and on since 2008, so for a good 14 years, and when I wasn't RPing, I was still writing stories. I started out as a 1X1 RPer and I love to RP in a canon universe more so than an original idea. However, I'm not opposed to an original idea RP if I enjoy the idea. Some of my favorite canon universes are Persona, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, My Hero Academia, One Piece, and Fullmetal Alchemist.

Feel free to reach out if you want to RP! I'm not always able to post once a day as I would like, I do get distracted and sometimes fall into a funk, but I think we all can relate to that at times.

If you're looking for a writing sample, check out this RP.

Most Recent Posts

And we're back open folks.
Fary sighed when Danny talked about the decline in the interest for Pokemon contests. She remembers her mother struggling to find something to do with her time once the contests died down. Her mother would just spend days training with her Pokemon for contests that would get cancelled due to a low number of registered contestants. Fary herself only was in a handful of contests before it slowed down. After that point her mom opened a grooming shop along side her father's breeding business. While it wasn't her passion, it was still something she could do with her family and that's all she needed.

Fary followed Danny up to the lab and blinked seeing it in such a disheveled state.

"Damn, Professor Juniper always keeps her lab looking neat. This... looking like someone let an Mankey run wild while trying to chase a Pidgy with explosive diarrhea."

She didn't see Gary Oak just in front of her was she spoke about the poor state of Professor Oak's lab. When looking around, she saw Gary smirked a bit when he commented to the her fellow group of trainers. She knew who he was the moment she saw him. Even in Unova, she made sure to keep abreast on the Pokemon leagues of each region.

She laughed a bit more when Charlie started acting star struck. She was use to meeting big names in the Unova Pokemon League due to her parents as well as dating a big name trainer herself. Fary was clearly not as impressed with Gary as some of the other members of her group were. That wasn't to say she didn't think he wasn't a good trainer.

"I had an ex that would talk about and bet on the Pokemon leagues from other regions outside of Unova so I know of Gary Oak even if Kanto and Unova aren't that close. Anyway, yea, we're here to take on the Kanto league. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Hey, as long as I know. I've had things I've had to deal with as well. Just keep me in the loop like you have been and we're good.
Emily growled and tried to buck the annoying bug off of her head, but before she was able to Lisa ran off with Aeris. Emily, still very much so annoyed huffed loudly and cuddled back into Fary's arms.

"Zorua, zo zo zor zor zor zorrrrr zorua!" That damn bug, always waking me up!

"It's nice to meet you, Fary. My name is Daniel, or Danny for short. I'm from Slateport City in Hoenn myself, though I've been moving around frequently in my life. I've been to Nimbasa, in fact."

Fary gasped seeing Danny after he spoke to her. "Oh my Arceus. I'm so sorry, I didn't see you their Danny. I didn't mean to ignore you. It is very nice to meet you Danny. This is my zorua Emily. She was bread for my by my parents."

When Fary said her name Emily popped her head up and gave a happy but still a bit annoyed yip to say hi to Danny then curled back down.

"My parents use to travel to Slateport all the time when I was younger. Mom would compete in the contest hall while dad shopped at the market and chatted with breeders from the fan club. Since Unova doesn't have any contest halls mom had to take me to Hoenn."

Fary gave the boy a warm but somewhat lazy smile then heard the other boy talk to her.

Fary turned to Charlie and laughed a bit at his comment comment. "Yes, she really did get lost in the sewers. Castelie City has huge sewers that can be easy to get lost in. I told her not to go in but she was already set in her ways." Fary sighed thinking of that event as Charlie ran off. When he was out of sigh she turned back to Danny.

"We should follow the others to Professor Oak's lab. Shall we go?" Emily peaked up when her trainer talked about the lab.
Fary made her way to Aeris taking her time. She didn't like rushing around all the time; to her it was using up too much energy to make it worth the effort. Besides, she'd much rather enjoy everything around her. After all, that very moment wasn't ever going to happen again so she might as well savor it. Emily looked up at her as she walked.

Emily was just like her trainer, she liked to take her time getting from place to place, but she found Aeris to be a bit annoying. She didn't dislike the girl. She just hated that Aeris had a habit of waking her up from a nap with her fast pasted yammering.

"Zorua zor zor rua Zorrrr Zor?" Can't that girl take a breath?

Fary laughed some petting Emily.

"No no she can't Emily. She may be a ball of energy but she means well and you know that." Fary petted her faithful Pokemon as she approached Aeris and her new annoyed friend.

"I'm sorry about Aeris. She... well, has too much energy for her own good. Anyway, I'm Fary Nitashi. I'm from Nimbasa City Unova. It's nice to meet you. My, what a beautiful Cyndaquil you have there." Fary smiled some trying to be polite to the unknown trainer.
I hope your baby is feeling better.
Fary was drawing when they near Pallet Town. It was just some random sketches from around the boat and from back home in Unova. She was more then ready to leave for her Pokemon journey and the sooner she could get out of Unova and way from her ex the better. She knew that if she started in Unova she would have to face Grimsley at some point. The very idea was revolting to her, and who knows how he would act seeing her.

Her Zorua Emily was happily watching Fary laying right next to her. ""Zor zor zorua zor zo rua."It looks like we're almost there.

She was just about do with the sketch when her best friend Aeris yelled her name and ran over to her. Fary knew what was coming and quickly put away her sketch book knowing that if she didn't it might end up flying. She felt a firm grip on arm pulling her out of her seated state and flailing in the air like a helpless flag to the front of the ship from the shear energy of Aeris.

"Aeris for crap sake, you could of ripped my arm off." Fary sighed when her felt finally touched ground. She looked up knowing at that point she might as well and saw Pallet town right before her eyes.

Emily had trotted behind her flying trainer and sat down at her feet looking up and shook her head at Aeris and her bouncing bug.
@Hella CuteWell, the reason we like Skype is because we're on it all the time and if we have a question we can reach the person quickly. We've tried RP groups before and it didn't work nearly as well as Skype.
(Eh, it's fine. I'm in finals week right now.)

Alison looked at him slightly discussed at the joke, but part of it was still feeling ill. "This morning I heard a report about people after death reanimating. I thought the CDC was on top of this..."

She looked over seeing that he was being attacked. She had her gun ready but then her companion took care of the danger. She knelt down to check the body and when she got close she could smell death wafting off it the body. On further inspection she saw bullet wounds that would be fatal to anyone but he was still able to walk.

"This body has been dead for quite a while. Notice the bullet holes in the chest around the heart. No one could survive that. We're dealing with the reanimated dead."

She looked to the doors her companion mentioned and noticed they were the doors she entered the mall in. That meant her car wasn't far away.

"If we go out that way we can get to my car unless yours is closer. Ether way, I agree we need to get out of here as soon as possible and find some place safe until we hear a news report. As of right now being alone is a bad idea."

Alison knew something like this just wasn't going to blow over. They had to keep safe because if corpses are walking around then there had to be more outside of the mall, much more. She pulled out her keys holding them in the same hand as her briefcase and her gun in the other. She ran to the doors looking around her to make sure the path was clear first.

"God it's going to suck to run bear foot out there but it's better then being in here waiting to die."
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