Avatar of Midna-Phobia
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    1. Midna-Phobia 10 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current A productive day CAN include a nap and if you think otherwise we can't be friends anymore.
7 yrs ago
Going on hiatus for any partners I may have sorry guys </3


24 years old | Eastern Standrd Time

Most Recent Posts

Name: Jessie West
Age: 20

Alias: Moon Knight

Arch Enemy:
Name/ Alias: Shade, AKA Night Shade, AKA Deadly Night Shade
Closed RP between myself and Song Book
Standing up the girl took a small moment to ready herself before diving back into the warm water. Although her vision underwater was not one hundred percent Melody knew it was a lot better than the average human, as was her breath hold. Probably a benefit of growing up next to the ocean and spending most of her time there. Flittering glimpse of silver skimmed past her vision, small fish and larger shadows lurked further beyond. Though it was too shallow here for the bigger predators, smaller ones that packed quite a bite reminded her to keep a respectful distance.

Reaching the submerged wreck, ruminants of an unlucky sea vessel, Melody made her way inside. She was able to quickly skim through another room of the wreck, more feeling than looking as she opened anything that would budge and an her hands through it, feeling for anything and hoping it didn’t bite her fingers off. Her hand eventually closed around something smooth, cold and metallic feeling and she thrust it into her bag, giving another quick run through the draw, feeling something else than had a coarser feeling to it. It could simply be a rock or shell, but things tended to grow on anything down here. After clearing the draw she decided to return to the surface.

The surface water broke and Melody took in a small gasp of air before she slowly swam over to a nearby rock. The ocean was calm today, and the recent weather made the water crystal clear. Pulling herself up onto the rock the girl pushed some of her raven black hair out of her face before placing the small, glittering item in her hand into the small net bag hanging off her shoulder. Free diving for treasure in the nearby ship wrecks may not be the most glamorous way of surviving but it was certainly better than some of the other options.

A familiar sound caused her eyes to turn skywards as a spaceship descended, eventually pulling into the port that had been built some years ago. People seemed excited, or at least intrigued about the approaching vessel. It flew no colours, so it wasn’t a ship of any governed body, so it meant potential trade and revenue possibilities for the local inhabitants. Seeing as how this didn’t affect her Melody couldn’t find herself getting very interested about it. Whoever they were they probably didn’t realise how small and insignificant a port they had just landed on was. Nothing exciting ever happened here.
Name: Melody Tourmaline
Age: 20
Closed RP between myself and Paragloan
This is a closed RP between myself and Thespian
Okay so recently I've been trying to start up some new RPs, both with my own ideas and the ideas of others. However after a LOT of interest that never got past the character sheet stage, I can't help but feel a little down, so I thought I'd widen the net, expand my horizons and try new things, so I am taking requests! :)

A few things:
-I usually write 3-7 paragraphs and would like something similar from my partner.
-Whilst I would prefer to play female I would be willing to do male if I think I can pull off the character or the plot is good enough.
-I would prefer OC plots/ characters unless I happen to be a big fan of the content.
-I do prefer thread, it helps me keep things organised but I can do PM if you really, really have to.
-I don't do sex scenes. Flat out. I'm happy to go as dark and gorey and mature as the plot needs but no sex stuff.

I do have a couple of RP ideas if anyone is interested, but ATM I'm going to try my best to take what is given to me so feel free to PM any ideas/ pairings or plots :)
-I'd prefer thread a thread based RP only
-I usually play female but can maybe swap if asked nicely (though I’m a bit bad at male romance)
-This is a historical setting
-I tend to write about 3-7 paragraphs and would like something similar from my partner
-I don't do mature sexual scenes (it’s just not something I’m into anymore sorry), however am happy to do 18+ in every other sense (gore/ themes/ language) so I’m fine if this RP goes to some darker places
-I am happy to work the plot/ concept around my partner. If you like the idea, but maybe not the setting or plot; feel free to say so and we can work a compromise.
-PM with any questions or interest.

((One side note with this RP, I am intending for it to be a younger coming-of age type RP))

It’s a fairly normal day for him, they were pulling port after a few months at sea, so most of the crew were a bit land hungry. However shortly after making port a girl swimming in the ocean just off shore catches his eye and the pair hit it off (or not, depending on how the characters gel again not too much is set in stone I’m happy to be flexible) and she even invites him to a party being held at the palace that night for the princess’ birthday.
Now a party at a castle is a bit different to his usual crowd, but he goes. To his surprise, when he arrives he find out she is the princess, and she fits in with this crowd about as well as she does. The other guests her own age saying some… rather odd things about her and it’s clear she’s not really as much a part of that crowd as she should be.

((That's all I really have for this one, just a set up more than anything so the plot is wide open for imput))
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