Avatar of MissIndependent
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 60 (0.02 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. MissIndependent 7 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Hey guys! Holidays are over (yay!) but tomorrow afternoon I will be out of town this rest of the weekend visiting family in MI. Will be back Sunday evening!
6 yrs ago
Starting Monday (12-17) I'll be off for a couple weeks for vacation and to spend the holidays with family. I'll reply as much and best as I can!
6 yrs ago
I'm back! Check out my new/updated interest thread an let's get something going!
7 yrs ago
Looking for a few more partners. ♥ Please PM if interested. :)
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7 yrs ago
Back after a long hiatus!


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Most Recent Posts

Captain Marty Robinson
Captain Robinson
Marty is a kind, old man. He wouldn't hurt a fly. He adores his ship and absolutely enjoys being out on the ocean, to him it's his personal escape. He's always there for a shoulder to lean on and wouldn't mind lending an ear to someone whose in distress. Marty hardly ever loses his cool with anyone and is typically composed and in check with his feelings. Despite his age, he is actually pretty fit and doesn't mind helping the crew on the ship. He's very skilled in pretty much anything and a quick learner.
Not a lot is known about Marty, and not a lot will be known since he dies in the shipwreck. His ship is named after his late wife, Georgia, who died from breast cancer five years ago. They had two children together, sons named Lucas and Paul who both are married and have children of their own, leaving Marty with two sons and five grandchildren between the two- three granddaughters and two grandsons. After his wife died, Marty put his whole life into the ship. After purchasing it, he repainted it and painted her name on the side and opened it for the public. It's just a small cruise ship that can carry a small load of passengers, many people have called Marty crazy, but to him it was his escape after the death of his wife.
Additional Information:
He's got a simple anchor tattoo on his left hand he got after Georgia died.

Elizabeth Blake
Lizzie is what she prefers
Lizzie is a carefree and kind soul, she's got a "I don't care what other people think of me attitude", and she doesn't. She is a unique individual and that doesn't bother her one bit. She's usually all smiles and always sees the positive in situations and refuses to see the negative. She's soft spoken and a little shy at first, but once you get to know her she's a friend for life, but she's the type of person to put all her trust in you but once it's gone, it stays gone and she's reserved. She gives her all in something or someone she truly cares for and about but sometimes that ends up being her downfall.
Lizzie was born into a lower class family. She grew up having next to nothing, but her family and herself were real close, something not many families in America can say, sadly. She's the only child, which only meant her relationship with her parents was that much better. When she was four, her father died in the line of duty, he was a police officer with the San Diego Police Department, so it was only Lizzie and her mother for awhile. Lizzie's mother ended up remarrying Lizzie's stepfather, who she liked, and gained not only a stepfather but a stepbrother as well, Calvin, and surprisingly the two were close, almost like blood siblings. Lizzie was always a good student and graduated top of her class, making the honor roll every year she attended and never missing a day. She is currently studying law at Stanford and only has a couple more years left before graduating. The cruise is a present from her mother and stepfather for all her hard work.
Additional Information:
She's got her belly button pierced, three piercings in each ear, a tattoo for her father's memory on her wrist, and a rose with flying petals on her right hip.

Julio Rodriquez
Julio is a very dangerous man, not one you want to play games with because he could make you disappear and make it look like a complete accident. He wasn't always this way, but a cruel life on the streets and getting involved with the wrong people and dangerous gangs can make you this way. He has an ice heart as people would call it, he remains emotionless and doesn't let his emotions get in the way for getting the job done. He is focused and driven in his work and doesn't care what stands in his way, he usually always gets it done.
Julio never had a family growing up. He was an orphan from day one, his father ran out on his mom when she found out she was pregnant and his mother didn't want to have a bastard child, so she left him at a foster home, who was not very kind to kids, so when Julio was thirteen, he ran from the foster home and began living on the streets, that was when he got involved with the gang and getting into serious trouble, he's been in and out of jail and began dealing drugs when he was sixteen and now runs the ring, he's also a hitman and has murdered more then he can count on one hand.
Additional Information:
He's an extremely dangerous man, his body is covered in many tattoos, and his left ear is pierced.

The OOC is up! Post your characters there and soon as we have enough we'll get going!


Everybody's worse fear when boarding a cruise ship is it wrecking and either drowning or being stranded, or being eaten by the sharks who inhabit the salty ocean depths. If it goes right, going on a cruise could be very relaxing, a break from reality, just being out in the open with not a worry in the world. What do you do if it does go south, if you ended up stranded on an island in the middle of the ocean? That's what happens to a certain group of individuals, all strangers to the other. After a huge storm causes the ship to wreck on an island, the remaining survivors have got to band together to survive, which includes finding food, shelter, and really learning their survival skills.

But it isn't long until the group runs into trouble and discover they're not the only people who reside on the island, but that it is also a popular trade spot for some dangerous drug smugglers along with a deadly tribe, who really don't approve of the newcomers, so now the group has to not only survive the island, but survive the smugglers and tribe islanders as well and fight for their life.


- Don't godmod another persons character. You have your own, so stick to it/them.
- You can play as many characters as you wish, as long as you can handle it, and I don't care what gender, but I would like to try and keep it even because I would like there to be some romantic elements in the RP.
- Keep it PG13, since this is a public forum. So any mature content fade to black.
- I get real life can get in the way sometimes, but if for some reason you're going to be gone awhile let us here know so the RP isn't being put on pause because you failed to let anyone know. If that's the case we will work around it and you'll be kicked out of the RP, unless you give me a good reason.
- I'm not too picky on length, just no one lines. Give at least a paragraph, but more is great and encouraged!
- Have fun and get along! This is made to just have fun, let loose, and escape reality for just a little bit! Any questions do not be afraid to ask!


Ship Crew-
Captain Marty Robinson: MissIndependent

Elizabeth Blake: MissIndependent
Johnny O'Marten: Piddle

Drug Dealers-
Julio Rodriguez: MissIndependent
Neil Vanderzee: Piddle
Daren McDonnell: Infamous Empath
Willis Conlon: Infamous Empath

Island Tribe-

Character Skeleton::

[Character Image - Would prefer realistic since this is a realistic based RP]

Age: [These are going to be adults, so at least over 21 years old]
Personality: [Can keep this brief and let it reveal through the RP, just give us a basic idea]
Backstory: [Can keep this brief and let it reveal through the RP, just give us a basic idea]
Crew, Passenger, or Smuggler/Tribe:
Additional Information: [Anything you want to add about your character, such as interesting facts, tattoos, piercings, etc]
You can have as many characters as you wish, and either gender, but I would like to try and keep the genders equal.
And as for skeletons:

[Character Image - I'd prefer realistic images since this is a realistic RP.]

Age: [They're adults so over 21 years old, please]
Personality: [Can keep this brief and reveal through the RP]
Backstory: [Can keep this brief and reveal through the RP]
Additional Information: [Any fun facts of your character you'd like to add]
Yes, I was thinking beginning it off on the boat and play it out from there, I could play the captain whose controlling the boat when it wreaks and he just ends up not surviving and then I'll have my main character, and I agree to bring the baddies in later on. Can't get it all going off at the very beginning because then it'll get boring later on if we don't stretch it out. Great brainstorming guys! I'm working on the OOC thread right now!
I think just neutral grounds for drug trading would be best, but we'd still need a couple people to play the "bad guy" role anyway or have some NPC some roles.
Quick brainstorm- anyone got a creative name to title it? I'm terrible at thinking of titles.
That's perfectly fine! I'm going to get to working on the OOC now guys and I'll put up the link here, thank you all for you're interests!
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