Avatar of Mizos
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 696 (0.19 / day)
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    1. Mizos 10 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current Okay so I have a bit of time off work and first thing I'm doing is catching up on everything. I'll be on and off for the first week of December catching up.
6 yrs ago
Haha things have slowed a bit, the end of the year can be a tad rough though. For the start of November I'll be be busy and up till the middle I'll be sporadic but I'm making time bit by bit.
6 yrs ago
To anyone I'm roleplaying with, for the first and more than likely middle part of July I'm going to be a little shaky on post due to general business.
6 yrs ago
Back to Normal.
7 yrs ago
To anyone I'm roleplaying with I'll be on and off during November so forgive me if I'm a little slow, I'll catch up and try to keep an eye on it though.


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Most Recent Posts

I know it doesn't seem like it's just been a day with everything that happens, when you really think about the passage of time with the group it actually hasn't been terribly long. I think we have a good balance of drama, humor slips in every now and then and the tense air is fixed.
Hahaha that's fantastic, and I can understand that, I was checking to make sure a previous mention fit and even using the find function it took me about ten minutes knowing the page. I just kept thinking man this replies are long.
I'm proud yet sad all at the same time.
OH no it's...it's quite all right. Happy belated Christmas and New Year.
I had a fun start to my own, got a horrid cold and I'm finishing up my associates so I got extremely busy. Thing have slowed again so I'll be posting soon and I hope your job's going well.
Haha that is indeed true, still I'll always aim to make sure it's not a post a month.
Thank you very much I definitely need that now.
Larel watched Hotaru leave his eyebrows lowering slightly for a moment, he started to ask if something was wrong when he caught Mera's words, turning to face her he started to say something but just gave a small nod before walking her walk away. Larel crossed his arms and looked at the ground not exactly happy everyone was going their own way, but something about the situation caused him to remain silent on the matter. His thoughts were everywhere, not only thanks to Murio but it was hard to wrap his head around what he had been told. He wanted to collect his thoughts but he also wanted to hear Hotaru's and Mera opinion on the matter as he wasn't sure what to think about it at the moment.
He lowered his arms to his side deciding to think about it as he went to catch up with Hotaru, his eyes glanced over at Alari who had watched Mera go in silence his attention focused on the direction she had gone.
"Alari you-"
"I'll take care of the rooms, go catch Hotaru," Alari said glancing over at him with a smile.
Larel narrowed his gaze at him but turned and walked in the direction Hotaru had gone, Alari seemed to understand Larel's desire for him to stay away from Mera right now.
"...not sure what action to take," Alari said crossing his arms under his chest. "Larel may know about Negal now...if that's the case this may end badly. If he was working for Ai then he could have told him about his memories..."
Alari turned in the direction Larel had gone his eyes narrowing slightly.
"I hope it wasn't that."

Larel took a moment to catch up to Hotaru moving past the people who were awake now, he noticed a few of them seem confused but seemed to be going about their day, ignoring the fact they all had been unconscious moments before. Larel knew this was because Murio had messed with their memories, the only reason Larel was able to remember anything was because Murio did the same to him. However he told him that Alari had stopped any deep access to his thoughts, partially due to Zenmaru and the other to keep any outside source from trying to dig into his head. Larel didn't like that Alari had a locked door in his head, Murio informed him that was more than likely why he couldn't remember much about his past, but Larel had already guessed that, Murio just proved it by unlocking one of the doors. He didn't say how he could do it but it had something to do with who he was working for apparently.
"Sybil talking to you again?" Larel said as he caught up to Hotaru. "I do the same thing when Zenmaru says something mean."
Larel walked alongside Hotaru a small sigh escaping from him as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Alari's taking care of the rooms, so I figured I'd come to see if you're okay. I know we pulled you from that place...but...I figured I'd make sure again. It wasn't exactly like that but I got pulled from the depths of my mind once, for me it took a bit to recover."

Alari paid for two rooms informing that one would be holding three and giving a description of Mera, Hotaru and Larel, before taking the key to his room. Heading inside and closing the door he set his medicine case down before sitting on the ground. He took a deep breath and created barrier around the room to drown out noise, once he was positive he couldn't be heard he let out a loud yell clutching his head before falling onto his back.
"...what am I doing?" Alari mumbled moving his hand over his eyes. "Nothing going according to plan and I've caused so much confusion."
Alari stared at the ceiling for a moment digging into his kimono he pulled out Murio's doll, his eyes narrowed slightly before he closed them, he had only bought time for them. Alari wasn't sure what Murio had told them but Ai and Negal would realize Larel wasn't dead eventually, when that happened he'd be in trouble, he had to plan for that. It was hard to do however with Mera on his mind, he wanted to check on her but he felt in his current state he wouldn't be much help to her. It was taking all of his effort not to lose it as he was.
Alari laid still for a moment before snapping his fingers dispelling the barrier, he stood up moving the doll back into his kimono.
He removed his glasses and brought a hand to his eyes for a moment, he leaned his head back breathing out causing a bit of red smoke to leave his mouth, waving the smoke away he sat down on his knees before he took a few deep breaths.
"First let me calm myself, I can't do much if I can't keep myself calm," Alari mumbled setting his glasses to the side.
Alari shut his eyes and rested his hands on his knees before going still going into a light meditation.
...it has been a long month and thanks to all merciful heavens it's almost over.
Sorry for my extended absence I ended up caught up in so many things I found little time to enjoy the finer things.
My job anyway is indeed one I do like, but it'll be soon so I'm already working on another job. That's a good mindset to have, there's something satisfying about taking on a challenge and completing it.

I will have a post up in the next few days as I'm still settling a few extra affairs, I finally found some time to sit down so I wanted to give some kind of written update in the OOC.
Larel averted his gaze seeing Mary's response, a part of him regretted giving it to her but Murio made him promise to give it. He gave a small nod to her as she left as thanks for helping out before watching her leave. He was worried for both Mary and Hotaru and there was dozens of questions going through his mind, but with everything going on he didn't want to think about it about that moment, he had a headache and the idea of getting rest sounded great right now. Bringing a hand to his stomach he shut his eyes trying to settle a queasy feeling developing in it before he took a deep breath letting it out. Feeling a bit calmer he turned to Alari who spoke turning his attention towards the two.
"Rest seems like a good idea, with the seal gone the village people should be awake anyway. We could more than likely just take refuge there for bit," Alari said glancing back at the village. "I wouldn't mind a moment to gather my thoughts."
Larel brought a hand to his mouth closing his eyes for a moment, he was okay with moving but he was worried about Hotaru after what she just went through, though she mentioned they should keep moving so she seemed okay at least. Larel reached up and ruffled his hair before looking over at Mera and Hotaru.
"I'm okay with continuing, though I like the idea of having a roof over our heads tonight."

Larel glanced over at Alari his eyes narrowing at the man watching him stare at the ground, he arched a brow as Alari brought a hand to his chin the man's eyelids lowering slightly, he wasn't sure what he was thinking about but it was another thing on the long list of questions he had for him. Larel's conversation with Murio still bothered him, the things he spoke about, the 'secret's he revealed and what's more he informed him that Alari had a role in almost everything around him, but at the end of it even after telling him all this stuff he told him that he was trustworthy it didn't make any sense to him. He still knew next to nothing but he was aware of one simple fact, Alari had lied and he finally caught him in one.
Oh no it's quite all right I've been in the same boat.
I got a new job and school picked up so I'd log on and go "All right gotta post" only to realize I needed to turn in for an early shift.
I'd decided to post the next day and would completely miss my chance.
Speaking of which I'll have a post up tomorrow, or...technically today going off the hour.
Zenmaru nodded in agreement bringing a hand to her chin at Sybil's technique, it was straightforward but it got the job done and the best part was those who didn't listen couldn't really complain later when they were forced to suffer for their transgressions. She looked over at Mera as she added in her opinion grinning at her, it was nice to come out and converse with a like mind. Zenmaru took in a deep breath taking in the fresh air before looking over at Alari who seemed to be writing in the small notebook he kept on his person, pushing up his glasses he sighed shutting it and moving it back into his sleeve.

Larel wasn't sure what Mary meant until the bright light followed, he shut his eyes only to open them finding he was back in his own body, he brought a hand to his head feeling it pounding but he glanced over at Hotaru. Seeing she was back out he let out a content sigh and stood up though he stumbled a little holding his arms out to steady himself. Seeing Mera look over at him he raised his hand to show he was okay before squeezing the bridge of his nose. Taking in a deep breath he seemed to regain himself and his attention moved over to Alari, when their eyes met Alari moved his hands into his sleeves expecting some kind of random insult.
"What's the inner circle Alari?"
Alari's eyes widened slightly finding Larel ask a question instead, one he was both surprised he knew and wasn't too keen on answering.
"You protect the inner circle, what is it?"
"...Murio tell you that?" Alari questioned his face returning to normal.
"He told me a lot of things, you know my sister as well...she's called Negal isn't she?"
Alari's eyes narrowed slightly but he closed his eyes not offering a response, Larel glared at him before shaking his head.
"...fine...you don't have to tell me now, I have a headache anyway but we will talk about it later."
Turning Larel made his way back over to Mera and Hotaru ready to continue north, Murio had shared a few things with him and for once he knew things Alari didn't, or at least he knew but didn't know Larel's knowledge on them at least. He was going to use this opportunity to get some real answers from the man.
Larel dug in his kimono and pulled out her flower, the one she gave Kaori before holding it out to her.
"...he told me to give this to you and say sorry," Larel said. "He seemed intent on protecting it."

Mera's touch brought Alari more comfort then he could put into words, he gave a small nod to her words offering a smile to show he was a little better at least. His eyes moved to where Murio used to reside and his eyes narrowed a little, there were so many unanswered questions and it bothered him, but it seemed Larel had most of the answers. His eyes moved back to the sleeping Larel only to see Zenmaru stretch a bit a small yawn escaping from her, he sighed a bit crossing his arms under his chest as he watched her. He definitely couldn't show weakness in front of Zenmaru though her sideways glanced showed she had seen the comfort Mera had offered him, though for some reason she chose not to comment on the matter.
"What did you want from all this..." Alari mumbled before shaking his head.
Zenmaru meanwhile rested on the back of her hands, she glanced over at Sybil seeing the two of them were out and offered a small grin before respond to her.
"None that haven't been interrupted due to unfortunate circumstances," Zenmaru said. "I have to say I enjoy your work, made things a little more interesting around here. When Mary got kidnapped, that was fantastic the look on their faces hahaha, that was the greatest."
Zenmaru laughed a little before letting out a relieved sigh and staring up at the sky.
"No matter how many times I whisper for that boy to kill the ones he cares about he just won't listen, I'm just looking out for him."
"I might need to increase the power of the seal," Alari said bringing a hand to his face.
"By the way I always wanted to ask your opinion, do you find it more fun to kill them yourselves after they've suffered, or let them suffer and kill themselves, I love the latter personally, Anata never answers me when I ask."
Alari kept his hand over his face a long sigh escaping from him.

Larel glanced over at Mary hearing her comment on Hotaru's subconscious, he didn't wholly understand but he nodded to show he at the very least was listening. When Hotaru spoke he kept his attention on her remaining still as she reached up to touch him, his eyes lowered a little but not out of angry or worry, more concern then anything as she checked to make sure he was really here. Once it seemed she knew he was alive he smiled at her words. He was glad he was dear to Hotaru at the very least, she was dear to him as well but he didn't feel right speaking at the moment so he just remained quiet. His attention moved over to the small glimpse of her parents causing him to missed Hotaru's approach, when she hugged him his eyes widened a little and his arms went out slightly.
He glanced over at her not wholly sure what he should do right now, but as she spoke to him his expression softened a bit and he lowered his arms a bit.
He went to return the hug but she pulled away before he could wrap his arms around her, hearing her stammered speech he chuckled a little, he wasn't used to seeing Hotaru so nervous.
"Don't worry about it, friends hug each other I didn't mind," he said resting his hands on his lap.
When Mary spoke Larel glanced over at her nodding in agreement, hearing Hotaru wasn't sure how to do so his shoulder drooped a bit.
"I hope you have an answer to that," Larel said ruffling his hair. "With Zenmaru I just wake up. Could we wake her up with a loud noise or something..."

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