Avatar of Mizos
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 696 (0.19 / day)
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    1. Mizos 10 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current Okay so I have a bit of time off work and first thing I'm doing is catching up on everything. I'll be on and off for the first week of December catching up.
6 yrs ago
Haha things have slowed a bit, the end of the year can be a tad rough though. For the start of November I'll be be busy and up till the middle I'll be sporadic but I'm making time bit by bit.
6 yrs ago
To anyone I'm roleplaying with, for the first and more than likely middle part of July I'm going to be a little shaky on post due to general business.
6 yrs ago
Back to Normal.
7 yrs ago
To anyone I'm roleplaying with I'll be on and off during November so forgive me if I'm a little slow, I'll catch up and try to keep an eye on it though.


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It was a sunny day in West City and people were enjoying a regular day of peace, earned after many troubles that had come to pass. Happy voices filled the air and the people wandered with little care in the world, attending to their personal matters with danger far off in their minds thanks to the valiant efforts of the Z fighters. Though many were particular happy for the bright sunny day in spring, not everyone was exactly pleased with their day had in store. For some it doesn't take much for such a beautiful day to be ruined and one such person was currently making their way up the long steps in one of West City's towers.

"...why is it always this tower?"
A man slowly made his way up a flight of stairs carrying a bucket of water in one hand, and a mop in the other. He was dressed in a blue jumpsuit that seemed a tad loose on him, though he kind of preferred it that way. He was tall and a bit lean with a fair bit of muscle in his arms, though it was hard to tell due to the jumpsuit. He blew a wet bang out of his face and adjusted the blue hat with the hand holding the mop as he slowly trudged his way up the stairs. Though he couldn't see the top floor the determination in his eyes showed his commitment to the minimum wage he was going to earn today and with a mighty yell he reached the top steps before collapsing onto the ground.
"Y-yeah...I did it...you the man Ryo...ugh."

The one named Ryo slowly climbed to his feet as he noticed people were standing around him, he had taken a job to clean one of the malls...one of the taller malls in West City, and they did tell him bottom to top, and after a painstaking workday he had finally made it to the top floor, though the pain of the whole thing was, the lower floors were probably dirty again so there was a good chance he was going to have to start over again. That idea filled him with no end of despair, but he shook his head and immediately got to work, there was no sense complaining about it, he was way behind on his rent and the growl of his stomach reminded him he needed this job.
"D-damn it...no complaining Ryo...unless there's some magic way to get a bunch of money this is all I really have. Besides this is nothing compared to training. You got this."
Ryo glanced over as a few children purposefully knocked their drinks onto the ground before asking their parents for another smirking at him.
"Sometimes I hate this city."

Full Name: Ryo Liu
Alias: Re-Re, Muffin, Utter Disappointment
Date of Birth: December 8th, Age 733.

Age: 46 (physically 28-33).
Height: 6’0".
Weight: 130 lbs.
Species: Saiyan-human half-breed.
Gender: Male.

* Bruss (biological father; deceased).
*Liu Yin (biological mother: alive).
*Beerus (Former Master)
*Whis (‘Real’ Former Master)
*Soru (Friend/coworker)

Occupation(s): Tempworker (generally Janitorial), Low Class Warrior.
Affiliation(s): None
Former Affiliation(s): College Student

Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Silver

Personality: Careful, Jester, Stubborn, Thoughtful, Patient, Intellectual, Optional Coward.

Power(s): None but apparently can go Super Saiyan according to Beerus
Abilities: Master close combat Fighter, Immense Physical and Mental Strength, Surprisingly Durable, Heightened Senses
Powerful Ki-control, sense, flight, poor manifestation outside of the body, skilled in using it to amplify his own power, medium regeneration.
(Relies more on his own power than blasts due to difficult to manifest)
Sphere of Destruction/Beerus Ball (Taught by Beerus, can’t manifest fully), Pressure Point attacks.

Theme Song: youtube.com/watch?v=hNtP8zJFL2M
Hahah thanks Sana on both fronts, the understanding and copying the rp and yeah you're right...I do post more than I did on Quizillia.
I will send it in a pm in just a bit.
It...felt so good to post.

I'm sorry it's come so late and isn't all that good but I really wanted to get at least something up.
I mean you are literally my oldest rp partner Sana, I may take a bit but I'll always get one up...though I wish I could get them out a bit sooner.
Alari came to a stop as they neared the inn, he stared at it silently before looking at his hand slowly closing it into a fist. A part of him really didn't want to reveal what he was about too, but after all the business with Kaori he wasn't sure what Larel knew. He sighed a little bit hoping things wouldn't go downhill because he decided to make this decision, but if Larel really knew what was going on and he didn't act fast enough Zenmaru could mess things up further. Lowering his hand he looked back at Mera for a moment, though he offered a smile it was pretty clear he was nervous about what was going to transpire, he turned back around and taking a deep breath walked into the inn pushing his glasses back onto his nose.
"...I really hope this doesn't go poorly," he said sighing a little.

"Hmm...I'll try. I know Mera-sama can handle herself...I just can't help but be on guard around him."
When the food was placed in front of them Larel stared at it for a moment, he closed his mouth feeling his mouth start to water from the scent alone, his stomach growling again to remind him of his hunger. He looked up at Hotaru and slowly shook his head before going to grab a bite.
"No it's more than enough, thanks Hotaru," Larel said with a small nod. "There's nothing that will stop me from enjoying this."
"We're back."
Larel raised his head as Alari walked into the room, the peaceful expression on his face quickly faded into disdain, his eyebrows lowered and his eyes moved to his weapon which caused Alari to raise his hands.
"Hold that thought Larel...though a part of me really doesn't want too...I think it's about time I shared at least one thing with you...and I like Hotaru and Mera to see it as well," Alari said. "It's...not going to be a good thing but it might answer one of your questions."
"....the fact you said might irritates me."
"I keep what I have to for reasons Larel...but with all that happens I feel like I should at least reveal one thing. If you would permit me a moment of your time everyone."
Haha thanks Sana I appreciate it. I'll do my utmost to repay that understanding in my post.
I was horribly wrong Sana, none of my business was concluded. With the Holidays coming up though the only thing I have is work and family responsibilities. Just wanted to let you know I'm still here.
I'm back and most of my business is concluded, I'll have a post for you soon.
Thank you and yeah I was on not to long ago looking for some Alari Wisdom... I haven't found what I'm looking for yet five pages in.
Oh Sana I'll be out of the country for a few weeks. (Been prepping for a bit now). Figure I'd let you know.
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