Avatar of Mizos
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    1. Mizos 10 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current Okay so I have a bit of time off work and first thing I'm doing is catching up on everything. I'll be on and off for the first week of December catching up.
6 yrs ago
Haha things have slowed a bit, the end of the year can be a tad rough though. For the start of November I'll be be busy and up till the middle I'll be sporadic but I'm making time bit by bit.
6 yrs ago
To anyone I'm roleplaying with, for the first and more than likely middle part of July I'm going to be a little shaky on post due to general business.
7 yrs ago
Back to Normal.
7 yrs ago
To anyone I'm roleplaying with I'll be on and off during November so forgive me if I'm a little slow, I'll catch up and try to keep an eye on it though.


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Yuvo remained still as Kinoko approached, his eyes seemed to watch her movements as she approached, the moment she got close his eyes twitch for a moment but he didn't move. The attack landed without anything stopping it and Yuvo slid back slightly from the force, arms dangling from his side. He straightened his body afterwards and rotated his shoulders before leaning his neck to the side and cracking it. Though he had taken the hit dead on his expression hadn't changed throughout. He stared at Kinoko and a small smile formed on his lips before he raised his hands and started clapping.
"You're strong..." Yuvo said. "Much stronger than I anticipated...I actually felt that attack, that makes me happy."
Yuvo gave a small nod and stopping his applause raised his hand drawing the crowd's attention.
"I resign."

Another silence fell over the crowd the announcer glasses almost falling off his face as Yuvo kept his hand raised a small smile still on his face. He eventually looked over at the announcer surprised he wasn't doing his job which caused the man to step forward and scream into his microphone once more.
"It would appear that Yuvo...is resigning after one attack! That means...the victor is Kinoko!"
The crowd wasn't entirely sure what to take from what happened but they eventually started cheering as Yuvo folded his hands behind his back and made his way out of the arena, though he stopped next to Kinoko as he exited.
"You really are strong...it must be that Saiyan blood...Princess."
He continued forward vanishing into the nearby shadows afterwards his presence seeming to fade from the area almost immediately, 21 watched the scene before gripping her pants tightly and turning moved away from the others.
"Um...congrats Kinoko," Goku said crossing his arms. "That was...um...quick. That was a little strange."
"He purposely took that attack."
Goku turned to see Vegeta standing nearby, his attention still focused on the arena but he was clearly speaking to the two of them.
"He saw it coming but let it hit him...almost like he was checking something."
"...you got that feeling too huh," Goku said looking back at the arena. "...why would he do that though? Throwing a match like that over one hit. Do you know that guy Kinoko?"

Yuvo patiently waited for Kinoko to join keeping his eyes shut until she had stepped into the arena, he had yet to speak since his arrival and kept to that habit even as his attention moved to his opponent. He seemed to be patiently waiting for the fight to start. Once both were in the arena everyone gathered to watch the fight, even Vegeta taking a moment to stare out at the arena. Ryo watched the scene arching his brow beneath his mask, he wasn't sure sure why this girl looked so familiar, it bothered him slightly, the angry spiky haired one did too, he didn't know that many fighters so it bothered him. Though the moment he saw 21 he jumped and quickly moved away from her.
"A-A majin! What's a Majin doing here! Oh man I hope I don't fight her. Just...just stay a few feet away."
Ryo focused his attention back outside as the announcer made his way into the arena, taking a deep breath he got started.
"Ladies and gentleman let's begin round 2. Here we have a visitor from another world! Yuvo and the challenger Kinoko a lady with quite the determined look, both contestants look ready to fight so let's get started! Begin!"
The announcer moved out of the arena and Yuvo stared at Kinoko for a moment, bowing slightly he made motion with his hand towards her, a silent indication that she may make the first move.

Spreading his legs he brought one fist to his side and held his other palm outwards towards Kinoko getting into a fighting stance, though he didn't have much of a presence in the waiting room, that seemed to shift once he changed his stance. His form was a strong one and there were almost no weakness or openings from first glance, he was calm and clearly focused as he patiently waited for Kinoko's attack.
"Hmm...letting Kinoko have the first move...that might not be a good thing," Goku said bringing a hand to his chin. "I am curious how strong this guy is though."
Haha yeah I noticed, I had to take a moment as I didn't remember a Mary part, it all looks good though.
I'm still editing here and there but it's almost done.
Once everyone had went on the machine the tournament was underway, the contestants had been announced, Goku, Vegeta, Kinoko and Ryo were among them, though Ryo went by another name in his disguised form. Android 21 who was in her Majin form and the blue alien seemed to be chosen as well along with a couple of others, though 21 was making an effort not to interact with Goku and the others her attention focused on the strange blue alien who had been silent for most of the time.
"Hm...I didn't know 21 had entered," Goku said as he watched the two walk away. "Well if we meet in the ring let's not pull any punches, well as much as possible without using our energy. Don't forget to hold back when it comes to that, it'd be bad if we blew up most of the arena...especially since everyone's probably watching from the crowd."

Goku turned his attention back to the arena as the announcer stepped out and started rousing the crowd, Ryo stood nearby staring out into the open pathway towards the arena, wondering who was going to go first, the announcer called everyone out to draw their numbered balls with Ryo being called out first. With a shrug he reached into the box and grabbed the ball, looking at the number he nodded before taking a step back. Shortly afterwards a huge man walked out easily towering over the other contestants and reaching into the box pulled out a ball. Everyone did this until everyone had a number, 21 looked at the ball in her hand before glancing at the others.
It seemed for the starting matches at least Goku and Vegeta weren't going up against each other or Kinoko, they each had their own opponents, 21 one however seemed to be looking in Goku's direction her grip tightening on her ball. The blue alien stared at his ball before his narrowed gaze moved to Kinoko his purple eyes moving to the number on her ball before he turned and sat back down.
"All right let's start our first round! Our first match is....Borus and Kitsu!"
"Me?!" Ryo thought.
"Aww I wanted to go first," Goku said pouting a little.

Goku turned his attention to see a giant of a man walk past him a smirk on his face as he ducked and walked out into the arena, he was curious who this Kitsu was when he saw the masked person step forward making their way to the arena.
"...I have a feeling this is going to be an interesting fight...I think the lady will win. What do you think Kinoko?" Goku said looking over at her.

The two met in the arena and the huge hairy man rotated his arms before flexing ripping his black tank top in the process, he seemed like he was made of muscle and he flexed for the cheering crowd, a few voices calling out his name as he laughed before straightening his body, his shadow covering Ryo who stared up at him in silence.
"Borus returns to the arena again to make up for his narrow loss in the last tournament but how will he stand against the masked newcomer, a lady of grace who goes only by Kitsu!
"Why do they think I'm a woman..." Ryo said sighing and getting into the arena.
"Try not to break a nail while fighting, I might actually feel bad hurting a dainty flower like yourself," Borus said before laughing loudly and waving to the crowd.
"Oh yeah that's not sexist..."
"It's over for that girl," one of the fighters inside said. "Borus was inches away from the final's last year, he's been training since for this day. Poor thing got bad pickings for a first opponent."
"What's that cat got your tongue?! Are you so afraid you can't even speak, I don't blame you!" Borus yelled getting in Ryo's face.
"All right fighters! Let's get this show on the road! Begin!" The announcer yelled before moving away from the arena.
Borus got into stance but Ryo kept his hidden arms to his sides, Borus seeing this narrowed his eyes.
"What are you frozen in place, get ready!" Borus yelled.
Ryo sighed and raising his sleeve made a beckoning motion to indicate he was ready before lowering his arms back to his side.
"W-why you?!" Borus yelled running forward.
He slammed his foot down and threw a punch at Ryo, taking a small step out of the way Ryo stuck his foot out as he dodged the attack with a bit too much ease. Borus stumbled over the former's foot and fell out of the ring. For a moment there was silence as even Borus couldn't register what happened, Ryo bowed to Borus before turning and making his way back to the arena.
"U-uh it-it seems Kitsu is the winner with a ring out!"
"Oh...wow that was fast," Goku said rubbing the back of his neck.
Ryo mentally sighed as he made his way back into he waiting room, his gaze moving to the people inside before landing on Kinoko. He stared in her direction for a moment wondering why her face seemed so familar.
"Hey! Congratulations on your victory," Goku said raising a hand to Ryo.
Ryo blinked behind his mask but bowed slightly and walking past the two took a seat back on the bench as an angry Borus was escorted away.
"Okay! Let's not waste anytime! The next contestants....are Kinoko and Yuvo!"
The Blue alien from earlier stood up from his seat and made his way to the arena not bothering to glance in his opponents direction as he passed, his appearance was clearly not human even from a basic glance, he had what looked little rods coming out the back of his head, though there were only three of them, the rest of his head was bald and circular shaped. He had dark blue skin with red patches here and there on his upper arms and lower legs. He was dressed in a simple blue gi and seemed to have five fingers which he flexed once he was out in the arena.

The day of the tournament began and all the contestants came forth for the preliminaries all gathering around the punching machine prepared to prove their might. The Champ made an appearance and waved to the contestants as always before punching the machine and moving away. A mess of contestants had gathered for the tournament, much more this year than last year making it take a little bit longer for everyone to get their hits in. Of course some of the Z fighters had shown up not about to pass up the opportunity to participate in the tournament again, though there were unfamiliar faces, some alien standing among the fighters as well. One Alien in particular with blue skin stood in the back arms crossed staring at the other fighters in silence.

Ryo was among the contestants but he wasn't dressed as the others were, for personal reasons he didn't have any intention of revealing to anyone that he knew how to fight, and as this was a televised event he had little intention of revealing his face. Due to this fact he was dressed in a changshan and white martial arts bottoms, though the Changshan had long sleeves concealing his hands, he wore a blue bandana on his head which he kept his hair under and a fox mask over his face, essentially every part of his body was hidden so he could avoid even the smallest possibility of being recognized. When it came his turn he walked up to the punch machine and gave it a very careful hit, the numbers wer0 above average but still beat out a majority of the lower ones. Some of the technicians nearby thought the numbers were off but after a close enough look decided the machine was fine.

Goku stood nearby a grin on his face after having just gone himself, he rotated his shoulders eyeing the other contestants to size up the competition, his eyes stopped on the concealed Ryo tilting his head a bit.
"Hm...wonder why she's hiding her face...though she's not the only one here in a mask," Goku said looking at some of the other fighters.
He wasn't sure why but he got a strange feeling from the fox mask one, that and the alien that was sitting nearby.
He had already gone his turn making sure to hold back to avoid raising suspicion, but when he looked to see who was next, he noticed the punching machine go flying, he reached up and scratched his cheek seeing a familiar figure in the crowd.
"He really doesn't know when to hold back..." Goku said.
Vegeta stood near the machine ignoring the frightened looks of the others before scoffing and leaving the area paying little mind to anyone nearby as he entered the waiting area. Ryo on the other hand was trying not to wet himself himself at what he just saw, that man seemed awful familiar, especially that scowl and that wasn't a normal hit.
"I'm positive I'll be one of the fifteen. I should move away from here," Ryo said turning and walking away making sure not to go in the direction of the angry looking one.
A new machine was brought out during this time the other fighters who didn't make it a tad relieved they weren't going up against that monster.
Goku let out a small nervous laugh and waved his hand in front of his face at the compliment, he was surrounded by strong people that helped push him, and getting to see Kinoko's growth was reward enough for any bruise.
Though there was a bit of an earful for coming home so late dinner seemed to be waiting for them when they returned. Goku wasted no time digging in though he couldn't help his thoughts wandering a bit to earlier, things had been peaceful lately which was a nice change, but if that was an actual fight Kinoko would have been in trouble. He could understand why Vegeta was worried but he still felt she'd grow into her own eventually.

Goku sat on top of his tractor arms crossed staring out at the wide field, he tapped his finger on his arm, his leg bouncing slightly as he couldn't stop himself from feeling a little antsy. He felt better after having trained yesterday, but it was tomorrow that really had him on edge.
"Tomorrow's the tournament...and I know Vegeta's going to come...Chi-Chi shouldn't mind too much as long as I bring some of the prize money home," Goku mumbled musing to himself. "It can't come soon enough though...there's got to be tons of strong fighters this year...I want to go and see who's signing up but if I don't get this work done I'll be in big trouble."
Goku sighed and realized he had to get back to work, he'd get a bit of training in later and he'd find out soon enough who was a part of the tournament.

Ryo stared at the huge building in front of him, Soru standing next to him with a small smile on his face, this was Capsule Corporation. He had only seen this place in passing but getting to see it up close was a whole other matter. It was utterly insane, he almost couldn't take it all in. He looked over at Soru who made a motion to follow as he brought him inside, Soru said he had gotten him some good work today, but he didn't realize it was at this place.
"Soru...how did you do this..." Ryo said.
"Apparently some of their workers ran away yesterday. Some Spikey haired demon came in and they ran off before he supposedly vanished into thin air," Soru said. "While they're hiring replacements I managed to snag a few of the spots."
"Spikey haired demon?" Ryo said. "That's...weird."
"I agree but I'm not complaining, they pay well here and Tasu gave you the bill for his dry cleaning right."
Ryo's eye twitched slightly at the memory, the man had spilled grape juice on himself but he happened to be nearby, he got blamed and his father footed him the bill.
"Shame your whole paycheck will go it, but at least that bastard can't hold it over your head," Soru said.
"...thanks Soru," Ryo said sighing. "I appreciate it. I really would have been in trouble if you hadn't gotten this job."
"No worries...now much as you may like too we're not going inside I'm afraid. We're handling the outside, groundskeeping is the only job today."
"Really...that's it...that doesn't seem to-"
Ryo froze as he noticed the huge grassy field stretched out in front of him, his eyes twitched as the land seemed to stretch on forever, the backyard was like a city in itself, and they had to take care of all this. He mouth hung agape but a hand on his shoulder pulled him back to reality, Soru rubbed his fingers together and Ryo hung his head.
"Yeah...I know...I need the money," Ryo said putting his hat on.
"Good...if we do a great job here they might call us back. I heard the head person Miss Bulma is tough but fair," Soru said.
"Really?" Ryo questioned.
"Also married with a kid too...which is shame," Soru said sighing.
"I feel like your signing your death warrant saying things like that. If she's this powerful imagine what her husband is like, let's just...focus on the job."
"Agreed," Soru said nodding. "I saw some women earlier I'll talk to on my lunch break."
"...tomorrow's the day...I'm actually feeling a little nervous...but I have to at least get fifth place...I have to. I didn't take any jobs tomorrow so I won't have any distracting thoughts."
Goku rubbed the back of his head as he looked at Kinoko, he knew Vegeta was going to beat himself up about this later, he tried not to let his anger get the best of him when it came to Kinoko. Though he wasn't going to admit that so they're talk later was going to be a long one. He brushed a bit of dirt off Kinoko and smiled patting Kinoko on the shoulder, perhaps a bit too hard considering they just finished fighting.
"Hmmm I'm not sure how to explain it but you lost your focus for a moment," Goku said holding up a finger. "That's what let Vegeta get the jump on you, he took advantage of that opening."
Goku crossed his arms and turning looked in the direction Vegeta had gone, he couldn't sense his energy anymore so he knew he was gone, which meant he could probably say this Kinoko.
"You're strong Kinoko and I'm positive you'll get on Vegeta's level, I think you'll even surpass me one day," Goku said holding up a fist and grinning at Kinoko. "You got that much potential we both can see it, and we want you to reach it."
Goku's smile faded however and he crossed his arms.
"You've still got a long way to go...you got power, but that's not enough. Whis taught us that the hard way. Vegeta wants you to surpass him though he'll never admit that. That's why he pushes you so hard...but he knows the kind of abuse you took and every time one of his punch's lands he remembers that, it makes him pull back even though he wants to go all out so you can get better. Every time you and Vegeta fights he doesn't want to hold back so you can be stronger and never suffer at the hands of someone like Frieza or Raditz again, but every time he hurts you...he wonders if he's no better than them. That's a constant struggle in his heart when it comes to you, so he tries to put distance between you. It's hurt you and force you to possibly relive that and make you stronger, or hold back...spare you that and watch you stay at your current power only to be hurt again."
Goku chuckled and scratched the top of his head.
"I didn't figure that out on my own by the way, someone had to tell me. Don't repeat this though, you know how Vegeta gets, he'll deny it and probably go off again. So this is just between you and me okay and don't worry I'll get him to come out on an outing together."
Goku smiled and motioned back towards the city.
"Let's head back, I'm starving and dinner should be ready by now!"
Goku noticed the look on Kinoko's face and narrowed his eyes, this wasn't good he knew that look. He started to say something when the force slammed them into the earth, Goku closed one eye before his mouth opened as Kinoko slammed on top of him. Goku stared at her one eyed shut as he fought against the force, his gaze went over to Vegeta who seemed to be having just as much trouble, though he noticed the boulder Kinoko was lifting up, he saw the agitated look on Vegeta's face. He wasn't upset he could tell that much and Kinoko was too a degree making them both sweat, by all means she had won their gamble, Goku wanted to say that but the boulder slammed onto Vegeta. He laughed a little seeing it expecting the fight would reach this point, but it's what Kinoko said next that made him quickly look back at her. That was a mistake, in one of their sparring sessions he could understand that, but Kinoko knew Vegeta, was she not thinking?!

"....it's comments like that....that make all this training necessary!"
A burst of blue exploded from Vegeta hurling the two away from him and destroying the boulder in the process, Vegeta was in front of Kinoko within seconds his knee slamming into her stomach before his slammed both his fists onto her back knocking her back down to the earth.
"Vegeta! Stop!" Goku said climbing to his feet.
Vegeta ignored Goku and grabbed Kinoko by the front of her uniform bringing his fists back.
"You don't give your opponent the chance to surrender!" Vegeta said slamming his fist into Kinoko's face. "Did Kakarot teach you that! That's now how a proper Saiyan does battle!"
He started to punch her again when a hand wrapped around his wrist, he glanced back noticing Goku was holding him, he grit his teeth at the Saiyan's look before he shook his head at him. Vegeta pulled his arm free and released Kinoko.
"You're not helping Kakaort! Holding back against her, how is she supposed to become stronger if you coddle her all the time."
"Vegeta that's not-" Goku started but stopped as Vegeta walked away from him.
"You're both a disgrace to our race, can't stand the sight of either of you," Vegeta said before he flew into the air and vanished into the distance.
Goku sighed and rubbed the back of his head, he held a hand out towards Kinoko.
"It's not like Vegeta wasn't holding back too..." Goku said sighing. "Kinoko you shouldn't taunt Vegeta. You now how stubborn he can be..."
Knowing Vegeta he was going to vanish for a few days again, and would end up training by himself ignoring everyone.
"You should probably tell Bulma Vegeta's not coming home for a few days," Goku said crossing his arms. "I'll try and talk to him later...he was sweating so he'll have to keep his promise...still I think we should stop here for today. You lost a little bit of control again."

I've written out most of the post. I'll have it for you tomorrow Sana, and it's quite the doozy.
Goku blinked as he watched Vegeta crash into the ground below, he scratched his cheek and moved a few feet away from Kinoko at that.
"I think you made him mad," Goku said. "I'm just going to move over here for a second."
The sky started to turn dark as lightning crashed around them, a burst of power exploding from the hole where Vegeta landed, it seemed his power vanished for a moment before a hand gripped Kinoko's shoulder with immense force, Vegeta hovering directly behind Kinoko his power coming out in waves as he glared at his sister.
"Grit your teeth."
That was the only warning he gave before his fist slammed into Kinoko's cheek sending her flying towards one of the cliffs, Goku brought a hand to his face as Vegeta built energy into his hands and started firing continuous blasts towards Kinoko only stopping when the cliffs themselves were basically ash.
"Vegeta that was a bit much," Goku said.
"I don't see any point in holding back if she wants to hang out with you that badly," Vegeta responded.
"Bulma's not going to be happy if she comes back all bruised."
"Neither is your woman."
The two Saiyan's looked at each other before realizing the mess they had got themselves into too, still they turned towards Kinoko knowing she wasn't going to go down from one punch and got back into stance, whatever would come, they'd deal with it later.

Ryo let out a small sigh and as he went to get more water, he looked over at Soru who was chatting with a few female executives nearby. A few looking particularly lovestruck, except Miss Haruna but she was always like that. Soru believed she was married so he didn't flirt with her, though it didn't make the scene any less painful, those woman didn't even look in his direction after all because he was a lowly janitor. Soru was in the same job and just watching how invested they were in the conversation was a little depressing. Ryo sighed a little and started filling his bucket. Hearing footsteps he noticed three young men approach, two of them in black suits, one a bit plump with a shaved head, and the other skinny with bob cut hair. The last one was in a white suit wearing pretty gaudy jewelry with slicked back black hair.
"Well hey there," the white dressed man said.
"...Hey Tasu," Ryo said removing the bottom of one of his mops.

The man next to him was named Tasu and he was the son of one of the executives here, the executive was apparently pretty high up meaning Tasu was rich, and the two next to him was his underlings, he didn't know their names so he just called the fat one Hench 1 and the skinny one Hench 2, the suits they had on were given to them by Tasu but they had family in the building too.
Tasu walked over and kicked over Ryo's bucket of water.
"Whoops...my bad," Tasu said.
"Ah it's no problem," Ryo said grabbing the bucket. "Happens to best of us."
Soru filled the bucket up once again only for it to be kicked over again, he mentally sighed as this happened on occasion, part of being on the lowest rungs of society. He filled the bucket again and held it this time since he was heading back, but Hench 1 tripped him causing him to fall and drop the bucket and mop.
"Yep...one of those days huh..." Ryo thought.
Tasu stared down at Ryo his eyes narrowing before he raised his black dress shoes and slammed them on Ryo's back.
"Oi...you got dirty mop water on my shoes. Clean it off...that's your job right!"
He repeatedly stepped on Ryo before motioning to his henchman who nodded and stepped on Ryo as well with the same excuse, after a few minutes of this the young men walked away laughing to themselves, leaving Ryo on the ground covered in dirt and bruises. With a small sigh Ryo climbed to his feet and brushed the dirt off his uniform.
Ryo turned seeing Soru run up to him, he helped him brush off the dirt narrowing his eyes at the figures in the distance.
"Damn it did those bastards do this...I'm sorry man, you should have told me you were going to refill. You know they attack you if you go alone," Soru said.
"Ah you seemed busy and I figured I'd try," Ryo said.
"Dude you always come first...unless she's really cute. In this instance though you can just have me come with you...or at least stand up for yourself. Hell I'll get fired with you."
"Nah I like the pay at this job," Ryo said grinning at him. "I can deal with this anyway."
"You should get some Martial Arts Training or something man, there's plenty of places around here like Mr. Satan's place or something. Anything so you don't have to put up with this...I can cover for you if it hurts.
"Nah I'm fine," Ryo said picking up his bucket. "Let's just get back to work. The sun's setting."
"Damn it...it's hard to be mad at you when you're such a good friend."
"Thanks Soru I-"
Ryo started to talk but stopped seeing Soru talking to a nearby woman, he brought a hand to his face and trembled slightly. He did say he was fine so he couldn't blame him but he could doubt him just a little more.

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