Avatar of Mogtaki
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Mogtaki
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2430 (0.64 / day)
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    1. Mogtaki 10 yrs ago


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@shylarahI dunno what to say welding takes time lol
Shu gave a little nod, tilting his head to the side a little bit before he sighed heavily. “Ooohhh…sometimes wonder if others feel same way, though. Learned a lot about family when I learn about stuff for being outside jungle, but they always say it was complicated. That word, all the time”, he spoke, not really caring about what was going on stage as Takeshi bet his opponent by throwing her out of the ring, “’That sounds complicated’, ‘it’s complicated’…only way to describe, really. They found it hard that family that was like me was not what I thought of as family, but I never knew what they knew to be family. I was the strange one in my old family”. He felt he should probably stop talking about it all since he was being watched so intently with everything he said or did taking centre stage. It was hard being careful about things he said when he was always thinking about it every day. It made him feel awkward as well as making it difficult for him to not think about his feelings. If he was to make them pleased he needed to act strong and not carry these worries anymore, It would make them happier if he didn’t worry all the time, that’s what this was all about.

The next few rounds went underway and Shu still didn’t really show much interest in watching them, instead waiting for everything to be over. The longer it lasted the better, usually, seeing as how he found comfort in not being in centre stage. He knew he was going to have to go in for it again and show he was capable of handling the pressure, he had a lot he had to prove to the others if he was going to show he was not suffering under his own doubt. His own match was coming up soon, but he didn’t know how prepared he was going to be until he knew who he was facing. There was a leaderboard he could look to that everyone was also paying attention to during the breaks, but he couldn’t read any of the names. He thought that maybe his name was the shortest, but turns out there was others who had short names too making it easy to mix them up.

Once his name was finally called he didn’t much like the decision of who he was up against, that being Sasha. He was somewhat hoping to bypass having to fight either Sasha or Ricken, but at least it wasn’t Ricken either way. Ricken didn’t really like him very much from the sounds of it, especially because of what he was but then again he couldn’t blame him for that. It was only Takeshi who was comfortable with who he was and shrugged off the hate, but he didn’t like carrying around the title himself. Lots of people probably didn’t like him because he was a Saiyan, he was easier to point out as one because of his tail too whereas only people close to Takeshi would know about his Saiyan origins or if he was pointed out on purpose as the son of the King. It made him feel bad for being one, but that probably shouldn’t be his top concern right now. Being face to face with Sasha was his main concern, mostly because he didn’t know how to fight her. It was easy fighting the big guy earlier, he was slower, but Sasha could be fast or anything inbetween. Gasping as the match went underway he became startled, his eyes quickly searching around before fixating on Sasha again as she approached him. Bouncing on his feet to try and get into it like she had he moved to approach her too, but she was quick to get close to him and pushed him with a palm force attack which caused him to stumble back. Only managing to catch himself with his tail he pushed forward again, crouching down low to the ground before he bounced forward on all fours from side to side, eventually throwing his feet forward to try and kick her off her own.
@shylarahI don't know I'm not the mechanic @_@
Cecil just didn’t understand any of this, worst of all was it was concerning him and his origins. He didn’t know what he was made for, only that he was capable of combat; however, Norman acted as if they were mindless and just went on orders only to be destroyed later. He didn’t want to do any of that, he just wanted to experience the countryside, meet new people and head off to the city he thought he belonged in. The city he was going to was supposed to be full of Machina and the chances of him finding another like him was pretty high in his mind. He didn’t want to be referred to as a ‘tool of war’, especially when he didn’t want to be seen as a simple tool. He was tired of not knowing what he was, he was tired of all the assumptions and guesses; he just wanted answers for once.

It felt like Norman had ran out of answers to help him with, everything now was just a case of ‘it’s possible that’ and ‘what if’ being the ‘right answers’. There was no ‘it’s definitely’ or ‘it is because’ with him, just questions that couldn’t be answered. It made him a little upset to the say the least, but just what he was he supposed to do about it? Nobody had ever come across something like him from the sounds of it, at least not out where ever he was. He would have to go deeper into the land and find where Machina were common if he was to ever find the answers, but if he couldn’t there then where? He didn’t want to go back to the factory, he would be dismantled for leaving it in the first place. Those men in the suits wanted him, they were probably part of the factory’s team. He was dangerous just by being around which was the most discouraging part of hanging around here. He hoped he wasn’t going to be too badly damaged for that long, maybe they’ll be out of this place before they knew it and back on the road again to not end up being caught by those men. He didn’t know, he didn’t even know what plans the others had conjured up while he was offline.

With all the more disturbing thoughts going on in his mind he was fairly uninterested in what the crystal might’ve been for as Norman continued to talk about it. All it meant was there was one more mystery to add onto the table and he was probably never going to get an answer to it. It just made him annoyed now, definitely something that was causing him to feel angry about himself. Amuné suddenly appearing didn’t really help matters. He was in pieces and a possible danger to others if touched so attempting to was definitely out of the question. He didn’t care about how he was and whether he was in any shape that should be a concern, he would rather not harm someone else because he was prone to malfunctioning.

As the casts were completed Cecil stared at them as they were brought over, his eyes quickly averting away from the engineers as they came closer with them. He didn’t want to talk to them and hoped they wouldn’t want to talk to him, he didn’t know who they were or whether they would try and contact someone because he was capable of more than what other Machina were. He didn’t know who these people were or if they were affiliated with Norman, only that they were helping with the repairs. Gasping lightly when Norman sealed up his chest, frowning when Norman decided to ask him about the state of his body before. “Why does it matter? I melted. Who cares anymore”, he spoke quickly, “Any previous problems are null and void until I actually manage to move again”. The work on him was already underway even as he made the rather bitter comment, but it didn’t hurt or anything. He didn’t know if it was going to take long or enable him to move safely again, he didn’t even know if he was going to look the same after or even more like a Machina. He was fine when the only telltale was his gauntlets and eyepatch, even his legs just looked like stylised boots to others. He was worried about his future, especially when he was in a strange place that he had never heard of.


Kensen was pretty confident that the area was safe. Once the big one was gone then the rest of the beasts would retreat and remain away from the area, especially with the stink of the beast’s blood still in the air. Those things were like typical predators and knew to stay away from areas where their own kind had died, so bringing in a wood magi and a few specialists would be key to rebuilding the area and making it less conspicuous to the Church. It was all a matter of covering up the evidence, even if it could’ve been much less destroyed than it was now. There was just a mess everywhere and even if there were clearer areas to fly he didn’t particularly want to do that all right about now after using magic and with the other flightless lot around. If he was by himself he would be away already, but he had to make sure the others were safe especially when the pair had managed to get pretty hurt by the end of the fight.

Getting through the land was a lot easier without the trees and seeing where they were going. It shouldn’t take them long to find their way back since they didn’t have to search anymore, they could just walk straight in the direction they needed to go. What a pain it all was though, maybe one day they would invent a Machina that could carry flightless people from place to place so that he didn’t need to do so much walking. Looking to Gage as he made a comment about the pair he looked back briefly before grunting. “Tch, they barely know how to use wind or fire magic…” It was hard for him when he was an expert on both fields, something that was rather rare in the Magi world. Maybe he should try and help them out with that, but then again the Princess was hardly a nice woman and was constantly on his back when it came to keeping away from the clan. They were her clan, he was just a part of it because his own was. Looking to Gage when he practically punched him he glared from behind his goggles, even though Gage wouldn’t be able to see his eyes or overall expression before he huffed, looking away. “We are great fighters! Just hers had the number and overall brute strength…” he spoke before shrugging with a sigh, “Doesn’t matter though. If she inherits the clan as she is now, she’ll just be taken over and conquered…seeing how weak she is…”
Alrighty no problem I can probably toss one up tomorrow I'm pretty tired tonight
“Are you sure? All I hear is you trying to intimidate and mock me! That’s not having fun, is it?” Maybe if Takeshi stopped trying to act all big she would let him have a chance to make a hit on her, but right now trying to confuse him and push him a little was probably the more fun option rather than having him be all super proud of himself and try to show off. The crowd hated show offs, she had been to this event many times before and they would always boo them and treat them like the villain of this little event. It was all in good fun that they did, but it was still sometimes demoralising for the fighter not wanting to be the villain character. This kid was a try-hard, that was for sure. Coming close to getting him out she spun around again, jogging in place to keep her adrenaline going.

Listening to him briefly as he tried to talk sure enough the crowd began to treat him like a villain, just like she thought they would. That was just what happened in these events and it was no use getting frustrated with the outcome, he just had to learn how to loosen up and have some fun. Getting ready once again she was on the defensive, knowing he’d be the one to attack next logically. Moving slightly to dodge the jab she instead found herself grabbed, her foot trying to keep on the ground as she was spun before he let go. Almost flipping off the stage she ended up flipping over and having to grab onto the ground with her fingertips, halting just before she fell off. “Hey! Maybe the recruits will look up to you eventually if you have more fun!” Running around quickly she was back to going on the offensive, side stepping before making a sudden turn and sweeping her legs to throw him off balance just so she could try to kick him further to the edge.

Shu really didn’t understand the concept of food and what was good or bad for him, everything was just confusing and it wasn’t as if he was the same as she was or anybody else for that matter. Everybody had ideas on what they were supposed to eat which was usually defined by what made them feel okay and what made them feel bad and usually he’d just keep away from the stuff that made him feel bad. He was used to feeling ill since he had to deal with it a lot in the past, but he rarely got very sick from food. “Ooh! Poison! I know that! Some food poison, make you sick! Strong taste usually bad!” Tilting his head curiously when she instead found it a little strange that he didn’t know his mother he soon looked down, trying to figure out why it was weird. He was sure there was a lot of people out there who didn’t know their own mother, him and Takeshi weren’t that unusual surely. Looking back up at her he tilted his head the other way before squeaking. “Ooh! Takeshi was wanting to! No really me, though”, he spoke, looking away again, “Looking for her would mean we need to go back to Earth and find the Dragonballs again, and Mister Viral was also wanting the Dragonballs so he would want them first but if there’s important stuff that needs wishing for that would mean not everyone can get a wish and…it confusing! It okay though, I mean…it okay for me. Family is more of people you like and want to protect and protect back rather than being same as you! Don’t really mind if no can find mother anyway. It complicated, it is…”
Cecil didn’t understand anything that was happening, he was just completely confused and scared. Sure, he could be told that everything was fine and that he should be calm too, but when the last thing you could remember was a panicky scene he had every right to be completely set off. It wasn’t fair for him to completely accept everything when so much was being forced upon him in terms of knowledge and awareness. He didn’t know what to make of the strange place, he didn’t know what he was supposed to do either when he was finally up and about too. It was a scary thought, all these people know that he was a Machina so did that mean he would have to act like he truly had no awareness or his own thoughts? Just how long were they supposed to be here for?

“Everyone’s fine?? I uhh…I see. Machina like me?” he questioned him, not entirely understanding what he was supposed to get from that. He didn’t know if it meant they had Machina in general or absolutely exactly like him. It didn’t make him feel very secure otherwise, he didn’t know what kind of people they were. It all felt unfair to him, being expected to take this all in after being switched off for so long, especially when he was in pieces. The worst part about all of this was Norman was talking about some sort of crystal in him, but he didn’t know anything about that or where it had come from. He was pretty distraught over all of this, he didn’t know what he was supposed to feel when everyone had their growing concerns developing over what was inside him and his own worry that he would become hated and feared ending with them forcing him out.

Listening to Norman explain what the crystal was just confused him more, especially the magic part. He didn’t understand, he didn’t know what that meant or whether he did use magic at all. “Prototype? I’m not a prototype…I don’t think…” he spoke slowly, trying to understand what would count as a prototype regarding himself and whether he was actually one. He wouldn’t know if he was a prototype unless he was told, he couldn’t search his database that deeply. Staring at Norman as he asked him about magic he frowned, not feeling entirely sure that he understood the question. “Using magic? I, uhh…I-I don’t know if what I use is magic, I mean…I don’t think it’s magic…” he spoke slowly, feeling greatly unsure about it himself, “I can release electricity! But it weakens me sometimes too. I don’t think that’s a magic type…and I’ve seen a lot of magic being thrown around too. What am I supposed to be able to do, anyway? What does the crystal mean?”

When Amuné suddenly showed herself in the workshop he was immediately startled, not quite expecting her to pop up but there she was. She was speaking too fast for him to process, something about wanting to hug him even though he was still in a fair amount of pieces and opened up. He found it quite hard to understand, she was going to put herself in danger if she dared try to touch him like this. “No I-I may give you an electric shock! I don’t know what’s been opened and what isn’t…”


While it was a concern that they wouldn’t be able to assist Ethan and Nymira with the greater creature, the Vazra were easily disposed of either way once they were outsmarted and forced into a state of confusion. It was easy to get rid of creatures like them, they were never going to be as smart as them so leading them astray was easy and the quickest way to get rid of them. It didn’t cost too much magic, Kensen had become pretty good at storing his energy properly and not wasting it all on stupid creatures like these things. The noise the other two had been causing was pretty noticeable that was for sure, but he had learned to ignore the wailings and noises creatures like that caused; however, this time it was pretty loud and definitely irritating him. They couldn’t just give that thing a quick death so that it didn’t have to make so much noise and nearly give him bleeding ears.

Groaning as he took the time to give his ears a rubbing he soon looked over to Nymira who insisted on grabbing his and Gage’s attention, giving her a staring at before he looked to the beast. Lifting his goggles momentarily but still keeping his eyes hidden from the others he gave it a brief analysis before fixing his goggles back in place. “Certainly seems like you did. That is pretty dead, alright”, he spoke, not particularly sounding fussed about the accomplishment. “I was beginning to wonder if I was going to have to cut you out of the thing in the end. Ever thought about getting some proper armour, maybe?”

They were pretty filthy so that was gross, he didn’t want to touch either of them that was for sure. Both of them weren’t without injury either, they appeared to had sustained a fair bit between them but that was hardly an alarming thing. They could get fixed up once they got back to Mutebo, but for now their job was done and they were ready to go now. Looking back at the destroyed forested area he sighed heavily, frowning a little. “Hmmm I guess we should call a wood Magi out here to restore balance. Those things just wreck everything in their path, you know?” he spoke, not really talking to anyone specific before he turned around, looking to Gage, “If you’re done we should get out of here before they show up…”
Shu stared at Sasha for a moment before giggling a little when she touched his face. “No! Always eat healthy anyway! Although…what is not healthy? Don’t know the things that are the healthy thing but the not healthy thing!” He didn’t know what was going to do harm to him or what was going to be good for him, he never had to think about such things until fairly recently when Takeshi started to feed him all sorts of strange food. Even the people who brought him out of the jungle to teach him human ways gave him very simple dishes to not startle him too much. They treated him pretty well, but it did seem that they were aware that he was better adventuring than staying with them all confined to one environment. He knew if they didn’t send him out that one time he wouldn’t even be where he was now. Feeling fair content with everything he looked to Sasha when she practically whispered to him, finding it a little difficult to hear at first before he squeaked. “Ooh! Don’t know her, but Takeshi said we were going to find her! I think he forgot though”, he spoke, looking back briefly, “He having fun in space more”.

Jura was a fast one and probably knew she would be outclassed if it was a real fight, so this was still fun either way. He was able to dart around and try to catch her too, but she was just that little bit more patient and was capable of running circles around Takeshi without getting caught. Having a bit of a laugh about it she noticed Takeshi’s feigned frustration, him trying to turn everything against her for whatever reason. “Give it a rest! Don’t you know how to have fun in a non-sarcastic manner?” she laughed, flipping backwards as Takeshi continued to try to hit her back. It was going to be easy tiring him out if he was going to keep being all rigid and acting like the big guy. Jumping back a few spaces she kept an eye on Takeshi, noticing he was coming right at her again with another kick She was prepared, she had been leading him in this direction specifically for something like that. Immediately she bounced into the air, flipped forward and tried to kick Takeshi as he passed, aiming to push him over the edge of the ring so that she might possibly secure a win.
@shylarahWell she raaaaaaaaaan away didn't she O:
It had been a silence that felt like it lasted an eternity, yet also the shortest as if it was simply a blink in time. Cecil had been switched off for so long without a constant power source and to go from a battlefield to staring up at a foreign roof had panic set in almost immediately. Where exactly was he? Cecil didn’t have any recollection on how he got from and how he got from one reality to the other. So much had been lost inbetween that the moment he was reactivated there was an immediate panic that set in. He couldn’t move, his body felt like it had been partially cut off from the rest of his control centre. There was an immediate sense of panic, he didn’t know where he was and the familiar voice of Norman didn’t help matters either. He didn’t know the guy fully, it wasn’t his fault that he was immediately panicking at the sight of him.

“W-What? Where-“ His voice sounded a little distorted like there was feedback, his power cut bringing on a slow reboot of rather than an immediate regain of everything. His body was still booting up, his resources still taking a moment to awaken and boot up themselves. Nobody else was around him other than Norman, he didn’t know where anybody else was either. Trying to look at his body he couldn’t really see anything, he could barely move his own neck to tilt and look up. Listening to everything that had happened to him he didn’t know if he even wanted to see what had happened, it sounded like he was near destroyed. “These people? Who? W-What’s going on??”

Norman wasn’t really explaining anything, but then again he was the one who hadn’t just woke up after only remembering destruction. It wasn’t fair for him to be treated like barely anything happened and this was just a minor inconvenience. It was an awful state to be left in but it wasn’t as if Norman was going to understand, he functioned differently than him and wouldn’t exactly have a memory capable of understanding how he got to where he was. None of it was fair to him and with Norman acting so casually over it everything simply sounded as if he was owned by Norman. Now thoughts of him being sold off to Norman was going through his mind, especially when nobody else was around and he didn’t know where they had gone off to or how long he had been switched off for. He was under a fair bit of distress and the others weren’t around to help him understand what was going on.

“What…but I-…w-we were fighting and I was helping! I helped, right??” He didn’t know if it was because they had all died that they were missing, or maybe they just had better things to do. Who knew really, he wasn’t being given much benefit of the doubt that he was indeed successful in accomplishing something big and had successfully defended his friends. Norman probably wasn’t concerned with telling him much, probably because this was just all work for him at this point. Hearing him mention a crystal in his chest had him confused, he couldn’t even look to see what he was meaning. “What? No! H-How did a crystal get there?? Is it a foreign thing? I don’t know what’s going on, why don’t you tell me first??”
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