Avatar of MST3K 4ever
  • Last Seen: 11 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: MST3K 4ever
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 897 (0.24 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. MST3K 4ever 10 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current Moving on. One foot in front of the other.
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3 yrs ago
You do you know if you don't try? If you try and succeed...awesome! If you try and you don't succeed...at least you didn't let fear and doubt dictate your actions...
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3 yrs ago
You ain't always gonna win, but you ain't always gonna lose either. Stay strong, Keep the Faith, and do your job.
3 yrs ago
and the beat goes on...
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4 yrs ago
Okay...let's see what happens one more time.


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Tell you what I'll resubmit and maybe get a post or two for reestablishing her, but not worry about interactions with the others until Chapter 4.
Hey there everyone. I am considering getting into this one if you are accepting players still.

I was briefly in Chapter 2 but life got in the way and I walked away from a lot of things...including this.

I still have the character from Chapter 2 and I would love to play her again.

If you're accepting still great I'll have something in within the next 24-48 hours...if not no worries and peace to one and all.

Location: Corona Park

Caroline Dawson

Friday Afternoon

It was a Friday afternoon as the sun beat down on Caroline’s black sweat pants, a fire engine red tank-top under a white zipper sweatshirt, her sunglasses were tight against her face with her flaming red hair pulled back into a pony tail as she did an afternoon run through Corona Park. The park was practically deserted and Caroline was loving it. Her ear buds blocked out the world as she was almost running in prefect synch with the drums of Max Weinberg, of Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, as he was playing a drum solo to a live version of “Rosalita” from a concert two years ago in Seattle. Caroline knew someone who worked at the stadium where Bruce was playing and got her copy of the concert for Christmas last year. That concert never failed to make her smile, because that was the night not only did she use her radio “clout” to get in the front row, but she managed to be one of the young ladies to dance with Bruce on stage during “Dancing in the dark.” Most cases she would go running at the Luna Sports Facility, but at the moment Caroline didn’t feel much like being around too many people. Not to mention it wasn’t too far away from where the club blew up. Caroline didn’t need to go down there. She didn’t need to try and guess where Scott and Ann were standing or be part of the madhouse that was that area. Conspiracy theorists were already spouting off some of the most asinine theories ever, and Caroline was ready to kill anyone who said one near her.

Usually at this time Caroline was thinking about heading into the station to cut some commercials, harass the interns, or even touch base with Dave Burton, the afternoon drivetime DJ, and maybe even share a good laugh with him. However, this was not a usual Friday afternoon. Bob-O and the station’s owner Mrs. Popkin did, basically, an intervention for Caroline after she finished putting together the tributes for Scott and Amy. They could tell with one look that she wasn’t ready to go on the air, and with the anniversary of her mom’s passing less than twenty-four hours away Caroline was in rough shape. They insisted that she take off until the following Monday. Caroline had built up so much vacation that she could take off for two months and still have time left over. This was just beginning the start of a long journey that would take years for her to understand if ever according to her dad who she talked to after she left the station. Her dad was always there for her and his advice was to go out and do something that made her feel good. He suggested hanging out with friends, but the only friends that she had were at the station and they had their own grief to work through. They had decided to meet up at The Lighthouse around seven that night, but that seemed like days instead of hours away.

This was the first time in three years that she was tempted to have a drink. Caroline had sworn off drinking since the night she got so drunk she blacked out and woke up the next day in a strange room with a guy she didn’t know. From what she could gather the encounter was consensual, but it was the fact that all signs had pointed to Caroline being pregnant. She swore that if she wasn’t, she would never touch another drink again in her lifetime. Caroline wasn’t pregnant and she kept her vow but now her Faith in that vow, and to a point her Faith in God, was dramatically shaken.

Caroline without realizing it was starting to run faster and faster until she felt a sharp biting pain in the back of her left thigh, accompanied by a popping sensation. She realized she had just torn her hamstring. Caroline gritted her teeth as she tumbled to the ground. Grabbing the back her leg the pain was now a burning stabbing pain. “Damn it!” she muttered under her breath. The downside to the privacy that Corona Park offered during this time of day was that if something like this happened there weren’t too many people to help her out. Caroline laid there for a moment, and then said, “All right Dawson there’s only one person who can save you, and that’s you.” With that she managed to get to her feet, but she wasn’t putting much pressure on her left leg. She hobbled over to a bench and sat down breathing heavily and rubbing her leg. Caroline knew an ace-wrap, an ice-pack, and several aspirin were in her future. Caroline knew she would have to wait a bit for the pain to subside and once it was tolerable then she would have to move to get home before it stiffened up. Caroline said, “On the bright side, at least I’m sober.” She then saw a liquor store across the street from her bench and said, “For the moment at least.”

Life has gotten in the way. I will try to get a post up this weekend.
@MST3K 4ever

You got plenty of time, go for it. We're gonna do an epilogue after this skip to finish off the chapter.

Ok I'll have something in 48 hours.
How soon before this chapter wraps up? Trying to decide whether to do another post or not.
See you all further up the road.

Sorry I haven't established any relationships yet. I figured with this timeline getting ready to end it wouldn't be wise to get to in depth on relationships.

I promise that will change after the break I am really liking what I've read so far from everyone.
Celia didn't mind Earle in her lab asking questions and wanting to help. She knew he was vet and wanted to get things moving before the case grew cold. Celia knew that the first 24-48 hours in an investigation were critical.

The "Star Trek" ringtone made Celia smirk briefly as Earle went to another corner to take the call. She could hear brief mumblings about what was going on, but that wasn't her focus as one of her techs walked into the lab. The tech handed her a file and a plastic bag with the what appeared to be scraps and pieces. He said, "Here's the preliminary work up so far. There are some interesting items I think you should take note of Dr. Carter."

Celia took the file and bag and said, "Thanks David." He left the room as Earle was getting off of the phone. She heard his apology and said, "It's okay life gets in the way from time to time. No worries." Celia wheeled herself to a desk and put the bag and the folder on the desktop and said, "Well Agent Earle, things just got interesting."

She pointed to the bag and said, "The powder residue indicates that these shells came from a forty-four magnum. However, the shells themselves have been customized." Celia looked up at Earle and said, "They don't match anything in our database. Meaning our killer has money to get bullets like these done. They're a ceramic polymer with metalac elements in the base material meaning when they enter the body a lot of times they break apart causing the shreds to destroy tissue and bone far more effectively than an ordinary bullet. We've two rounds that are pretty well intact so that gives us something" Celia nodded and said, "That also means that the theory of this being just another gang banger on the wrong side of a turf war takes a bit of a hit. Unless someone in a gang knows someone with bucks who can get custom made rounds like this."

Celia then pulled out a couple of the photos of the body and used a pointer to point out two creases in the shirt. She said, "Those creases didn't come from our body bags. Which means that the killer did our victim in another part of town possibly, and dropped them where the body was found."

Taking a deep breath Celia said, "Our killer knows we would figure that part out. Custom rounds, a forty four, putting a gang banger in the wrong turf. This perp is very smart, and they are toying with us because they can." Celia looked at Earle and said, "Time for us to get to work."

Celia picked up the phone and dialed a number. She said into the receiver, "Ross? Hey it's CC how are you?...Not bad...listen I've a casing and it's not in our database meaning...yeah we need you to take look at it and see if you recognize the handy work....great I'll send one of my lab rats down within the hour....right...bye." Celia disconnected the call and then dialed three numbers. She said, "David get in here you're going on a field trip."

A young lab tech entered the lab and Celia put on rubber gloves. She put them on and pulled out a plastic bag, removed one of the intact casings, put it in the bag and gave it to the tech. Celia said, "Take this down to Ross he's expecting it."

The lab tech left and Celia turned back to Earle and said, "Ross Kraft he is the manager at the Gun Club on Wilshire. He knows about everything there is about guns and rounds. When we get stumped on something like this we call him up and he usually comes through for us." Celia closed the file and asked, "So anything else you can think of Agent Earle?"
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