Avatar of MST3K 4ever
  • Last Seen: 11 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: MST3K 4ever
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 897 (0.24 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. MST3K 4ever 10 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current Moving on. One foot in front of the other.
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3 yrs ago
You do you know if you don't try? If you try and succeed...awesome! If you try and you don't succeed...at least you didn't let fear and doubt dictate your actions...
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3 yrs ago
You ain't always gonna win, but you ain't always gonna lose either. Stay strong, Keep the Faith, and do your job.
3 yrs ago
and the beat goes on...
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4 yrs ago
Okay...let's see what happens one more time.


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@MST3K 4ever
Add him into the character section. 👍

@MST3K 4ever
By the way love the username. 👍

Thank you kindly.
I'll take the Lead Investigator
CS will be up in 24 hours from me.
The Atom

Atom started floating down the hallway to the lab. As she floated by it was always a weird feeling to see so many of the heroes she saw in media up-close and in-person. She wondered if they even really noticed her, and I had nothing to do with the fact that she was only six-inches tall. Atom wasn't sure why she came to League Headquarters at this time. The fact that she embarrassed herself in front of her boss, and that she was still stinging from the disappointment of being passed over may have had something to do with it. Here she didn't have to worry about anyone asking about her job or expressing sympathy over her dad. In this place she was just another figure in a costume. Granted she was tall enough to be some child's action figure, but Atom proven she belonged. Not only with her scientific mind but Atom showed on more that one occasion she could throw a punch and cause some serious damage.

Atom floated in front of the security scanner to enter into the lab. Usually someone would have to either speak for voice identification, or look into the scanner. In Atom's case all she had to do was hover in front of it. After a couple of seconds, the door to the lab gently slid open and Atom floated in. She cut on the lights and floated over to one of the lab tables with an image enhancer. Atom began to manipulate the buttons by gently floating over them, and then lightly pushing down on them. She was still studying a specimen that was brought in from one of the previous missions. It appeared to be floral but the cell structure was anything but floral and this scientific mystery intrigued Atom on so many levels. Just cracking one of the protein bonds alone would probably get her a Nobel Prize, but she didn't care about that. As she looked at the image Atom floated down to the table and began to slowly pace. She said, "Just remember Rhiannon, it's not the kill it's the thrill of the chase."

Just then Wonder Woman's announcement came over the speakers. On one hand Atom was disappointed she couldn't continue her study, but on the other hand she had a chance to get work with the others and that thrilled her even more. She cut off the scanner and made her way out the door. Once she made it into the hanger Atom floated at eye level so she could see everyone. She saw Wonder Woman and waited for her to announce what was going on.
The Atom

Dr. Rhiannon Palmer stood looking out a window in the dining hall as she nursed a bottle of water. It was a reception welcoming Dr. Kent Nelson to the Science Department as the new Department Chair, and Rhiannon wasn't feeling to sociable at the time. She thought that she was going to appointed as the new Department Chair. However, Kent Nelson applied at the last minute and with his reputation in the scientific community the Board of Trustees was falling all over itself to extend him an offer. Rhiannon couldn't help but wonder a bit if the time she devoted to her "hobby" took a way valuable time in politicing for the position. Rhiannon thought about that for a second and then discarded the thought. If she couldn't land the position on her own talent and reputation she didn't want the position.

Her best friend Dr. Celia Becker walked over to her and said, "Well on the bright side these receptions have an open bar, and day drinking isn't always a bad thing."

Rhiannon held up her bottle and said, "I gotta watch myself. In case I get a phone call about my dad and I have to high tail it back to Metropolis." In reality Rhiannon couldn't drink because she once had a couple of drinks, and without realizing it changed into The Atom. She then realized her body hadn't finished processing the alcohol, and she was a six inches tall and practically falling down drunk. Atom was so drunk she couldn't even focus long enough to turn back into Rhiannon Palmer for over three hours. Once she turned back into Rhiannon Palmer she had a monster-sized hangover for 24 hours.

Celia nodded and asked, "Got it. How is your dad doing?"

Taking a drink Rhiannon gathered her thoughts. She then said, "He's hanging in there. The League is going to announce that they're going to enshrine him into the Hall of Fame on Thanksgiving night during the pre-game of when the Stallions play Green Bay. Mom says that'll probably be his last public appearance. She told me she doesn't expect him to be around much longer after that. If we're lucky he might make it to the first week of next year."

Putting her hand on Rhiannon's shoulder Celia said, "I am so sorry Rhiannon. I really like your family and that you all are going through this is just gut wrenching."

Looking at Celia Rhiannon put her hand on top of Celia's and smiling she said, "Thanks C. It does help keep things in perspective though."

Turning back to the window Rhiannon took another swig from her water bottle and asked, "So have you met our Lord and Savior Dr. Kent Nelson?"

Just then another voice chimed in and replied, "Oh no need to be so formal Dr. Palmer. When we're here at work Dr. Nelson will do just fine."

Rhiannon felt her eyes grow larger, and the look on Celia's face told her that her career at Gotham University could be crashing and burning right in front of her. Celia quickly turned to Nelson and said, "Oh my Lord, I mean good afternoon Dr. Nelson. So nice to see you."

Giving a slight nod he replied, "Thank you Dr. Becker. Since I am the guest of honor, as it were, I thought I should be here."

Nodding Becker said, "Good call Dr. Nelson. If you all will excuse me this is going to be awkward enough. No need for me to add to that."

Out of the corner of her eye Rhiannon saw Celia leave. Rhiannon closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She turned to Nelson, opened her eyes and said, "How about we try this again without my sarcastic comments? Welcome to Gotham University Dr. Nelson."

Nelson stepped towards Rhiannon and replied, "Good afternoon Dr. Palmer and thank you. I do have to say at least you're being honest about how you feel. Ever since I got here it's either people are kissing my ass to the point I think it's chaffing, or they look at me like I told their kids the truth about Santa because they feel I stole the position from you."

Rhiannon said with understanding in her voice, "I'm sorry Dr. Nelson. Not only for my comment but that I forgot what it's like to be the new kid on the block."

Giving a small smile Nelson replied, "Thank you Dr. Palmer, and we're colleagues first and foremost so please call me Kent."

Smiling Rhiannon said, "All right if you call me Rhiannon, and I do respect you and your work. Although, I do admit that yes I am a little disappointed that I didn't get the call but you certainly deserve it. The work you've done in physics is really fascinating."

Nelson took a swig from his champagne glass and replied, "Thank you Rhiannon, and I respect yours as well. Your work on the protein bonds in the nucleic cell structures last year was incredible. I still can't believe you saw things in there that most of us completely missed. Even some of the most powerful microscopes missed the images you captured."

Trying to suppress a smirk Rhiannon said, "Well I just have the gift to see things in ways others can't." Rhiannon looked at her watch and said, "If you'll excuse me Kent I do have another appointment this afternoon." She stuck her hand out and said, "It was really nice meeting you and I look forward to working with you."

Shaking her hand Nelson replied, "You're excused on one condition." Rhiannon asked, "And that is?" Nelson taking his hand back said, "Well, as you noted I'm the new kid on the block. I could use a tour guide for a day or two. Not to mention I make a mean stake sandwich for dinner when it's all over."

Without even thinking she replied, "Absolutely, Saturday morning at 10. Meet me in front of the statue of John Gotham."

Nelson said with a smile, "Looking forward to it Rhiannon."

Rhiannon walked away and made a beeline for her office. She closed the door and stood in the center, took a deep breath, and concentrated. Within a matter of seconds the room around Rhiannon grew taller, and when everything was finally still Rhiannon saw that she had changed into The Atom.

Atom looked at her costume and said, "Interesting day, I go from feeling like I'm six inches to actually being six inches." Shaking her head Atom floated to her phone and dialed a number. Hearing a couple of clicks she shrank to microscopic size and rode the signal all the way to a number in Washington DC. Once she reached her destination Atom re-emerged from a communications console and grew back to six inches. Atom was now in the League's HQ and she floated upwards into the middle of the room. She said, "Someday I would love to see all of this at my normal size."
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