Avatar of Mt Paragon
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 255 (0.10 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Mt Paragon 6 yrs ago
    2. ██████ 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Jest remember to read the Bio!
6 yrs ago
Friends? heh... right... *enter nervous laughter here* I dont have any of those :D
1 like
6 yrs ago
I had something serious land on my plate. I love all you people, and Im truely sorry to all those I left behind. I do hope you find it in yourselves to forgive me.
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6 yrs ago
6 yrs ago
Well~ Shit.
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Don't bother.

I'm a waste of time.

Most Recent Posts

Orsin Tanzini

After a long and uneventful flight which consisted of reading the information given by the tablet and a quality nap after all the eyes strain the Pilot finally announced they were getting close. At which time the same flight attendant asked him to follow her, so he did grabbing his backpack and tailing her through the first class and into the flight attendant quarters. She then turned to him and handed him another backpack, one with the lion on the back, looking much sleeker than his, as if its supposed to be aerodynamic or something. "What now!? You're taking my backpack now too? I cant keep anything?" She just looked at him and laughed.

"Its a parachute! Don't worry, your tablet will help you figure it out even if you've never parachuted before."

Orsin stared at her in astonishment. "Awe hell nah, I just got abducted and now you're telling me to jump out of the plane in the middle of no where. FUCK that. Not happening.

"Don't worry Mr. Tanzini, Our co-pilot and I will also be jumping with you. Surely you didn't really believe I was a flight attendant did you? I work for the school! I have a pretty face and I'm nice to look at so they make me one of the greeters. Trust me, I have plenty of papers I could be grading right now." She said with a smile so big it made her eyes squint, and a little giggle to top it off.

Just then the co-pilot stepped out of the cabin. "Why isn't he ready? We gotta drop in, like, NOW!" he scrambled helping Orsin put his backpack on the front of him and strapping his body and legs into the parachutes now full looking apparatus. "What. The. Fuck. I'm going to die." The door to the open air burst open, almost sucking him out. He held onto a metal bar for dear life, Watching the co-pilot then the flight- well not flight attendant jump he got to the opening himself. He was super psyched out, he couldn't move. A hand landed on his shoulder making him jump and turn around, the pilot. He smiled then gave Orsin a shove out the door.

>Fall towards this.

That voice was back in his head again, Was it really his tablet? literally in his vision a red, upside-down triangle appeared. He couldn't believe his eyes but he was too scared to do anything else, he dove straight for the intended target. He could see a huge complex, lots of sidewalks connecting great buildings that all looks either super modern and stylish or vintage and castle like. He couldn't really think right now, he was just focusing on the target, a big open field with what looked like a ton of people.

>Good. Now deploy the parachute.

Okay, how do you open the parachute? Wait- actually~

>You know now.

Did the tablet just teach him how to deploy the parachute?

>Open. Now.

Orsin pulled the clip and the parachute ejected. He was heading for the field but he was too high, he was going to over shoot it..

>Pinch these clips.

A pair of clips turned green in Orsin's vision. They were attached to the strings holding him to the parachute. He really didn't care, he wanted this nightmare to end. He pinched the clips hard and the parachute detached. He looked back at the field that was approaching way too fast, suddenly a bunch of students rushed under his impact zone with a large rectangle between them, one of them stepped on what was apparently the deploy mechanism and the rectangle exploded into an enormous cushioned landing zone. He hit it and sunk in about four feet, slowly rising back out. All the other people were beckoning him towards the opening, "Hurry up, pal. A lot of freshmen are going to need this, you're just the first one, Welcome by the way!" He stumbled out and fell to the ground. He saw his co-pilot and flight atten- whatever she was unclipping their parachutes after landing safely without the landing zone. Orsin then fell flat, flat on his back. Staring straight up where he had just come from, seeing another plane overhead. He was in a daze, couldn't hear a thing, couldn't feel a thing. Just laid there. No one made him move so he took his time. Scanning his environment. He saw some metal stands like at an outdoor sports stadium over to the side with banners with the print "Welcome Freshman" all over it. He Figured that was where he should go sit until he recovered. Which is what he did. Staggering to the bleachers and sitting in the first row, head in hands, trembling, terrified. Waiting for- Something. He didn't know what.
Alright everyone I am very happy you are all sticking around. Ive had a terrible few days and I just need to get this post done... I'm working now
I apologize for not getting the post up yesterday, hopefully I can get it up today, We will see what I can do. Again, I'm sorry.
What exactly are you looking for in the Sample post?

@my Lalia Ill fix it
@Groompy@MidnightFox@The Mad Hatter@KidKoshka@Polaris North

We were waiting for one more person to turn in their CS but I tried contacting them and they ignored it, so we are moving on.

I will have the progression post out for you guys tomorrow evening.
I want in, Still space?
Sure, Just a party on an adventure :)
No one likes Naruto anymore :(

I wanna throw it back to when it was super light hearted and full of jokes and pranks and life lessons and shit...

back before anyone dies or anything tragic happens... Maybe the RP develops into some of that but I just want to have that tight little group of little guys that all care a lot about each other and their sensei... ugh that would be awesome..

I need a cute little wholesome roleplay :)
I must apologize, I don't know how I feel about the quality of my post...

I hope it is good, But when I read it, it doesn't feel that way.

Surely my later posts will get better.
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