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The Kingdom of Kalpia , the Enlighted Country

Kalpia Years 1800-1814

The Kingdom of Kalpia was one of the nations that maintained their neutrality during the time a great war ravaged most of the continent , many nations saw the Kalpian neutrality as something without a reason , but the fact is that the Kalpians had their own problems going on a war would make worse the delicate situation in the country. The delicate situation of Kalpia now called the Kalpian Succession Crisis , consisted of basically several pretenders arguing about who should be crowned king of Kalpia , each one backed by some branch of the royal family , some powerful aristocrat or even someone pretty rich from the bourgeoisie , either way most of them could not agree to give up the throne to anyone else because such was the way of the Seguthars a noble family that is known for their proud members no matter how small their position in society , this attitude has backfired several times in the history of the Seguthar and their possessions over the continent and most recently it had given birth to a king proud of his fanatism to the Kalpian religion of Malaritic , a religion that because of their conservative manners was frankly the origin of the succession problem as the king had little to no encounters with his queen and preferred to pass the time in the church , the priests considered him worthy , while the nobles thought of future trouble .

The king was called Santilt Seguthar I , a king that had leaded only one war on his entire life who after receiving a shot that put him near to death , pledged that if god saved him , he would forever follow all the teachings of the Malaritic religion until his death and sadly that was the case and it can be said to be the origin of the origin of the Succession crisis.

Back to the succession crisis there was a certain person from noble birth called Tariathus that presented himself as pretender to the throne and rightful successor of Santilt, the name of Tariathus had heard since the last king with the same died in a horrible way after he had be thrown to a dungeon and left alone with a jar full of Serranthian snakes , but that had happened in 1642 and few remember the story behind his imprisonment and it's not like someone cares about a king long ago death that may have done something very impressive or stupid to deserve such fate.

Tariathus was backed by the most powerful branch of the Seguthar family after all he was the son of the nearest cousin of Santilt and for the for that it branch it was a pretty obvious choice since most of the other pretenders weren't as close to Santilt and the throne as Tariathus , someone born and raised in the high nobility of Kalpia , someone with a lot of esteem from the previous king as he was the only that gave him company while he was at the great cathedral of Kaniarus and also helped him in his research to find holy relics , something that was fun for the young Tariathus but that also required a lot of dedication and patience from him , the moment he was selected to be the pretender of that branch of the family many hoped that he did not catch the fanatism of the previous king , something that they found out when Tariathus was found in the bed of one the court ladies , while the real reason behind that is that the poor lad broke the curfew after staying till very late to practice with his new horse and just entered one of the many rooms to sleep , the lucky lad didn't notice that there was someone in the bed and even more the young lady in the bed was someone that could be said was his fan and pretty much stayed quiet after the events.Tariathus was praised by his parents rather than punished and the king Santilt never knew what happened something that thankfully maintained him in high esteem.

Back again with the Succession crisis Tariathus while aware of the situation was almost never informed of the behind scenes actions , that his supporters had to do in order to secure the throne for their chosen one , even thought assassination was an approach that everyone decided not to use , things like sudden problems at home , bad headaches , rumors , debates between families and under the table deals between factions , one of those deals involved the holy cross that one of the most holiest kings of Kalpia wore hundreds of years ago , something that certain family desired the most in order to prove the rest of the families that they were the true preservers of family relics and history.This is a good example of why proudness will never stop to be the characteristic trait of many from the Seguthar family.

The most Tariathus had to do during his time as a pretender was to convince the rest of the aristocracy that didn't involve with the Succession crisis with a long prepared speech that he was the right one to be king , since until the moment of his coronation Tariathus was kept in one of the many mansions of his supporters , because they didn't want to risk anything especially rumours and popular scandals , things that could easily happen if one of his rivals really put himself to it.

At the end , Tariathus was crowned after a long and inconspicuous ceremony , where most pretenders didn't appear for some reason , Tariathus now with a crown changed from the easily manipulable guy to a more direct and proud guy , it is rumoured that his stance in the mansion of a certain mystic lover changed him the week before the ceremony , anyways this sudden change came well to the nation as his crowning at the age of 23 was well received by the nation , maybe because they were tired of old and long bearded guys that passed during their middle life crisis or maybe because he was a promising ruler , however , most nobles bet for the former as they were tired as well of that kind of stuff.

Tariathus during his first two years of rulership learned many things and decided to invest in education , in order to not met more common folks that believed that the earth was flat and that the clouds were made of farts and also to improve the economic situation of the country in the long run , he made his army one of the most elite in his little region of the world by recruiting only the best soldiers in his realm and sending the rest to study or do something useful with their lives ,because of this poor John could not accomplish his dream of becoming a general a la not-Napoleón and had to study in the of the newly constructed universities of the country , with his administration skills Tariathus was able to make his reforms quite easily and for some reason the branch of the family didn't mind that they could not control him as they loved the new gardeners that could read them books to their children while they could go bet with the rest of their high class friends and also get drunk and experiment a la "la bella vida" style.

And so is the year 1815 and Tariathus looks like a promising ruler or just some king that got some common sense.

Nation Name: Kingdom of Kalpia
Head of State, Age: Tariathus Seguthar II age 25
Capital: Kaniarus
City Names:

Province Names:

Emphasis: (Please select two. Order is not important)
-- Population.
-- Education.
Brief History

-The nation of Kalpia has been subject to some changes in the last years , as the sudden death of the previous king Santilt Seguthar I has caused a large dispute over the succession of the throne that was caused by lack of heirs from Santilt , some say that his was because he was a fanatic of the Malaritic religion , the official religion of Kalpia , that promoted chastity and humbleness , something that most of the educated aristocracy refused to follow either because they consider it something for peasants or because they wanted to enjoy the pleasures that life can give to the wealthy and noble ,either way the succession ended when Tariathus the strongest candidate to the throne , who comes from one of the many family branches that hold a large portion of land in Kalpia and in other realms , as a young king many expect him to heard the advice of his council mostly composed from the aristocracy and some from the high bourgeoisie.
The Republic of Staratia

Map of Staratia:

The City of Tarind , the capital of the great republic of Staratia , where most of the government resides and where the big decisions are made by the president and the congress , all of his happens in one district in the city where most of the government buildings are connected by road , the security is not very tight and permits a lot of people to go through , like journalists and workers , giving the impression that the people should not feel limited by it's government at all something that sometimes is true and sometimes it's not . The government buildings were modernized in 1905 with most of them been made by several famous architects from different regions of Staratia , they were given the orders to show the multiculturalism of Staratia and because of that many buildings share at least one typical characteristic of architecture from either the west , the north , the east or the south of Staratia.

The Police force of Tarind is very well funded by the government and has been considered the best in Staratia for a long time , this is one the best places for the police to work on as rich people can grant them favours among other things if they rescue them or make a blind eye or something.

The city is near the river Galir , where there are at least three districts of the city , most of those districts are considered to be suburban and the situation is neither the best or worse economically , those three districts are where the most peaceful people lives coming from several parts of Staratia seeking to make an honest living and live in calm.

The urban districts are in the other hand not so calm and activity is relatively everywhere , soldiers , workers , government officials and others , walk through the wide streets of Staratia endlessly , this is the result of the industrialization of Staratia that started quite a while ago slowly and has been given an impulse by the government this year to move the society to a more industrialized one , this industrialization has given many ideas to artist that paints half roads one part paved and with smoke while the other non-paved and with green pastures and a bright sun.

Khanate Raids

With the raids of the Khanate coming up to us we have decided to mobilize 10,000 soldiers from the garrison of Droven to take them down , under the command of the famous general Johanes Barian.

Kavonia will be protected

First with the Jourans and now with the Saurilians , it seems that the Kavonians would not be able to stand with so many dangers and nations willing to destroy their republic and preach autocracy , something very despicable in Staratia and Staratian politicians had already promise to protect Kavonia from further threats and the Staratian population don't take failed promises lightly , the democratic tradition of Staratia is still strong even if there is corruption and inneffiency within the republic , Staratia shall remain the beacon of democracy and multiculturalism.

The president Alexander Suroi has decided to exert the influence of Staratia , on the continent putting up a new policy to make the republican nations safe from foreign threats , this initiative would be known as the Tarind Pact , that would try to get all democracies to cooperate for the safety of their citizens and Staratia would show the rest of the republics that they would protect Kavonia from the threats they faced.

The president has also arranged discussions with the Blacovizs Republic , the Republic of Zellonia , Kavonia , Dongaria and Xian , but he also knew that the persecussion of many of the radicals within the nation would make their diplomatic moves weaker than otherwise they would be but it was for something worth it.

The Republic of Staratia

Non-Agression Pact with the Seljuk

The Nation of Staratia has joined a rather supported but controversial non-aggression pact with the Seljuk Empire declaring that there will be three years of peace between both nations , not that there wasn't peace already , nevertheless , most parties in the congress did not oppose since after the disbandment of several parts of the military hurt a lot the Staratian power projection over the world and that this pact gave time to Staratia to rebuild their forces and build up the neccesary industrial capabilities to maintain those forces well supplied and well paid.

The Rifle of the Staratians

The two designs presented to the Staratian officials didn't quite satisfy them as both had several problems , one was too complicated to produce and manage , while the other required much polishment in order to be of acceptable conditions for the military , for this reason the officials gave the Huber Steel and F&L Industries more time to give improve their designs with the specific orders to make them more reliable and simple.

The Staratian Arms Industries

The Staratians military after it's sudden disbandment had to something to improve it's current condition and so it did , after their presented a budget that would subsidize Huber Steel and F&L Industries enough so that they could each open another factory in the country. This obviously put up the government under budget back again but would be necessary if the Staratian Military wanted to return to it's former glory.


The Republic of Staratia

During the Denouncement crisis , some politicians of the Conservative Party saw the enthusiasm of many other at protecting peace and democracy , but could really Staratia protect their own values , it was sure that Staratia had a large army and a large navy , but how to maintain it , Staratia was a non-industrialized country that could hardly compete with others in the region , most of the military equipment was bought a couple of years ago thanks to public donations and fundraiser events that were held continuously in the past thanks to many genius politicians between them the president Alexander Suroi , who put the country back on it's feet after an economic depression. Now the current administration had similar problems regarding money , so when a petition from the president came to reduce the military expenses , the opposition party could do little but observe the red numbers in the papers and nod to many of the facts that the conservative party made regarding expenses.

When the marshall of the military forces received the notice , he was infuriated by the decision of the congress to reduce the numbers of soldiers from 2 Million to 250k active and 250k reservist , 1/4 of the previous military.

The Staratian Popular Alliance also pushed to put a new economic minister someone called Gustaf Arnfried Giehl , who had quite a lot of experience in economics but that still did not have the chance to put his skill into something bigger , while at that they also rallied their own voters for the future elections , that would come next year.

Staratian Parties:
-Main: "Staratian Popular Alliance" ,
-Opposition: "National Democratic Party" and "Staratian Socialist Democratic Part"

The Republic of Staratia

[Stand Firm]: We must support the Kavonians! To stand down would show that appeasement is our foreign policy. We will stand firm in recommitting to the support of our fellow Republic.

The Republic of Staratia continued their efforts to support the Kavonians in the current Crisis , even though previously to the implication of Blutland and Tyro-Antari they only saw it as a small diplomatic move , the recent events made the politicians in Staratia looked to win more votes , as always , by supporting the Kavonians in a way of propaganda told to the masses as monarchist versus republicans a fight that has existed since before the creation of Staratia and the other republics in the Continent and the politicians wanted to win that fight sooner or later or at least pretend to win it.

Later in the same month , they proposed a conference between all nations that has been shown their support to one nation or the other , with this they wanted to show up that Staratia was willing to set up the stage for that peace could be prevailed in the continent and supporting the other republics.

Use political cloud
Recruit General 1, Carl Jonatan Vieth

Improve Relations 3 with Estalia

The Republic of Staratia

In April , life continued as usual in Staratia , the rural population enjoyed their lifestyle reading the newspapers (every weekend) and books , farming the land and enjoying some minor spectacles and competitions in the local village , however , in the cities this was not the case since in the cities the life continued to become busier and busier , as the industrialization spread on Staratia and the people started to get used to the growing smokestack and dust . As an example of this the protests of the workers in March of this year became known as the "Gustavian Protests" a not so original name but that set up a new precedent in the country , with syndicates gaining more members and control over the working sector that while still, a very small % of the population was important for the industrial production of Staratia. The members of the congress and several ministers have started to set up talks between the syndicates and the new industrialist in the country in order to avoid further problems in the future , nevertheless , there are people that think the talks are just plain and void , essentially useless , is still yet to be seen if this will continue or halt for the time being.

In the Diplomatic Stage , the minister of foreign affairs Tiedemann Ernst Königsmann continued the preparations for future talks between Estalia and Staratia regarding the trade tariffs on their strait , as expressed in his own words " This is something that must be done for the improvement of Estalian-Staratians relationships that have maintained cold since 1906" , he expects to send the official message to the Estalian government in November.

The Kavonian Denouncement was a small but noteworthy diplomatic move from the Kavonians a small nation that sought to protect peace in the region or at least their own peace by some analyst , Staratia while not having a strong precedent of intervening in foreign affairs besides the Estalian Crisis in 1906 , saw little interest in the matter only willing to send up a diplomatic message to the Kavonian that would set up the position of Staratia in the matter. It said the following.

"Us Staratians are glad that Kavonia , a fellow republic , wants to protect the interests of their population from the ever raising armies of nations like Kavonia , yet is true that they have the right to protect their own nation from threats , they should at the least be willing to talk with their neighbouring nations to reach diplomatic solutions for their problems , something that we encourage for all nations in the continent . Because of this reasons we will back you in this incident."
The Republic of Staratia

The response from the government to the protesters was carefully made as none wanted to lose votes in the next election in 1916 , an election that took long because of the massive population of Staratia and something that was sacred to all Staratians as well , and the many parties in the nation had to look for every vote as the population is certainly divided on many ideologies some going for socialism , some others to nationalism and so on . At the beginning of the debate to see what to do about the protesters , the socialist party made some remarkable speech about the rights of the workers and the need to increase their rights in the nation , the nationalist said that they should be incremented in wage but not given more rights , the liberals sided with the socialist on this one and the conservative also agreed with the nationalist , but the most radical party one that was ultranationalist said that they should simply put they down by the police and returned to the their workplace in order no not disturb the economy.

All of these opinions were given in the course of a week , until a final vote was called and each member of the congress was called to vote on a solution for the protests , the tension between parties was obvious and everyone wanted to win and winning here means winning more votes outside as the press was allowed during the debates along with some leaders of the syndicates being able to speak in front of the entire congress.

At the end the socialist and liberalist won the issue and gave an speech in front of the miners in Gustavia, Staratia , they promised them rights and higher wages , the laws they wanted to implement would cost the government $1 Billion in order to affect all the nation and not only miners there , the laws would come into function next year along with higher wages and all of this had to be coordinated with the respective companies in order to not cause a economic problem in the long run.

However , this was not all , the socialist had promised , to the rest of the parties , to not press any issue and calm the waves of workers in the near future and they did as they were told to , for the sake of more achieving their political goals in the future and not causing too much pression in the government.
<Snipped quote by silver or lead>

Sounds excellent.

@Murtox Listing all your expenditures as "Maintenance:" is not acceptable. Don't do that.

Keep your ledger in accordance with the Budget hider on the first OOC page, listing all expenditures formally.

Alright , I will update it then.
The Republic of Staratia

Rural , Not heavily developed and mostly very big , the republic of Staratia has seen many years of peace since it's conception but also of distrust and betrayal within it's own borders , even with the advancement in a more political stability in the country there are still many problems to be solved such as the situation with Estalia that makes trade in that zone more difficult , along with the rising tensions in the eastern parts of the continent , Staratia has found itself with the need to mobilize an even bigger army at the expense of it's people , taking down long term plans of industrialization and infrastructure projects . However , with the new party in Staratia arrival to power , many analysts predict that Staratia will go through a more peaceful and self-development route for the next years , retaking industrialization plans and internal development.

But for that to happen the military , that holds significant influence in politics have decided lobby for military support too , with the incorporation of new armament factories and more military production. Taking a part of the budget for their own plans.

But this it not all a recent economy boom in Staratia has made a new company rise to prominence in Staratia taking the luxury goods market mostly for themselves , the new company in question Junker , with some from the goverment was able to expand greatly their bussiness from a small conglomerate in one of the major cities of Staratia to a national conglomerate.

In other news a massive infrastructure project is going on costing the nation over $5,000,000,000 , that will help restore and build new infrastructure over the nation , the expected maintenance of the roads will also be high and quite costly for the government but this investment has been done both by private and national entities that expect to get profit in case of the private and a greater good in case of the national entities.

In an effort to standardize the national weaponry , the military minister has sent a request to multiple companies to present designs on fast fire artillery cannons from 75mm to 105mm and rifle designs that can be easily mass produced. The cost of this military project is about $2 Billion , $1 Billion for each company selected to the job. The rest of the military budget has gone to R&D.

Lastly , the automobile industry just starts under the lead of the company Tastra , one of the pioneers in cars and combustion engines.

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