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    1. Murtox 9 yrs ago


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Antay sculps the earth

Being given the domain over the material things by the all-father was an incentive enough for Antay to continue his works on the first plane, his work continued to spread around the 2nd continent a large number of savannahs, jungles, mountain and rivers, all filled with life well with whatever life could spread itself over there. However, he noticed that the rest of his brother and sisters were focusing on water as a main source of water, and truth to it most of the creatures, the gnomes, and even the humans consumed water as if there was no tomorrow. It seemed so important to them that if Antay one day wanted to create creatures on his own image then they probably also needed water in grand amounts, thus he created many rivers and even a grand lake one that connected to the rifted sea through various large rivers.

However, he also thought that one day if the creatures he made would forget about him or not even acknowledge him, after all, they needed reminders to be kept in line, after all, the fragile humans kept dying and let's not talk about the gnomes, they were basically a snack to every predator taller than them. So he made a special place, too perfect to have been made by nature alone. Such a place was surrounded by mountains and jungles, tracks of savannah connected it to the outside world and inside it had four symmetrical lakes, connected to the main body of water through underground channels. If the creatures Antay once discovered this place they would surely remember it as "The Remembrance" a place that would let them remember, that there was a higher being who made these lands.

[The yellowish color should be considered Tropical savanna]

So technically we all have to negotiate with Hum to know how the afterlife of our worshippers will be? I am not so sure about creating a race anymore :v
There is no need to fill the world if you just make it all sea. Big think.
Antay finishes his new creation

The Rifted Sea will forever be remembered as Antay's first creation, he had shaped the lands with artistical dedication trying to finish what he had once started. Of course, that's what Antay's own mind thought about it. Following his other fellow deities, Antay also shaped the land to make it a ripe place for living for the simplests of beings creating two new things in this world, the savannah and the jungle. The jungle a place filled with trees that are dozens if not hundreds of times taller than the grass that could be found somewhere else, and the savannah a plain with yellow grass, a color that had become Antay's favorite for a while.

This new creation was not only filled with physical things but also those things that couldn't be seen so easily, for Antay gave these new lands his warmth and rain so that they flourish, he also made rivers that penetrated the mainland and when he was done. He finally decided to formalize his claim on what the consensus of Gods had agreed upon. He concentrated his power for the purpose of claiming the dominion over the smithing, a dominion for those that sought to one day create the perfection that the all-father had once made even if in much lesser magnitude.

Antay claims the domain of smithing

Antay Voices his claim

Seeing his brothers and sisters voices their claims over domains of existence, all that had been created by the All-father now claimed by those who were only his children. His inferiors, those who could not reach his power or magnitude of consciousness, yet they claimed. Antay was a man who wished to create to make and to perfect such creation, but then again what was he but a shard of the All-father, if he was to one day reach his heights, perhaps a minor thing would have to do for now.

"Brothers and sisters, the All-father is a master of creation due to him we and all that is exists. I cannot fathom the power needed to do as such, I strive to one day create a perfection such as that he creates. As such, I ask of you to allow me the stake on the creation of things on the material plan"

OOC: Antay claims smithing
I'll post up Turn 2 tomorrow so Lauder and Ascendant can send in their orders and post and if he wants Willy Vereeb can as well.

So tomorrow we start turn 2?
Should The Seas / Water be the same Domain?

How would they be different?

Same with The Earth (not really THE earth, just the planet) / Earth Domain?

Yeah, I don't see why "The seas" shouldn't be a sub-domain of water and the same with Earth.
Antay answers the call

Antay felt the call from one of his fellow beings. He once again wondered if he should attend such a meeting between Gods, however, unlike previous times it didn't take him long to realize, that it was needed to talk with the others. Otherwise, how would he learn more about the creation of his father?

Thus his consciousness traveled to the meeting point, he was but a ball of fire. He stayed in silence awaiting for the rest to arrive.
Antay contemplates creation

Antay walked on the water that had filled his rift in the world, it was but a barren land. For a long time, Antay wandered through this rift contemplating creation while not paying attention to the works of the rest of his kind, however, his contemplation took him nowhere. If he had been able to create but not create like his father, then what was his purpose? Would he wander these lands for the rest of eternity wondering only about how he was unable to replicate what his father had made?

Such a destiny was something that appalled the Elder God of Antay, wishing to understand creation better he left the grand rift that he had made and took some time to see the rest of the world for even if it was barren, he wondered if the other beings had made also tried to replicate his father's creation. But when his consciousness left the Grand rift, it encountered more than the two others that had been given existence by the superior God, Amelia and Nudriss. It appeared to him that ALNEUS had made more beings like him.

For a moment, Antay pondered what was the meaning of this new creation leaving aside his previous project to know the rest of the world, and once again he found no answer, tired of not finding answers within himself to ALNEUS creation he went back to his original intent of exploring. His consciousness then appeared in the grasslands of Edenia and then the wet swamps that IRA had given birth to. For him, their creation was superior to his, for now, there was no simple lifeless wasteland but one with the life of another kind, even if the lifeforce of the smallest of beings was insignificant compared to his, it was better than the nothingness one could find in the Grand Rift.

He replicated one such being, a small bacteria, and left it in the coastlands of the Grand Rift, yet unlike what he had seen on Edenia, the little being died for there was nothing for it to feed itself. Thus Antay realized another thing, much like him these insignificant beings required sustenance, Antay didn't know exactly where his power came from but he figured out that if he could make something like Illias, these beings would be able to feed and thus reproduce what he had seen on other places of the world.

Antay then once again began to contemplate, but this time, he contemplated about what kind of life he could make.

<Snipped quote by Murtox>

How did you do that graphics Murtox? And how did you know that length is 3 inches?

Paint .net Theo said that the northwestern island was about the rough the size that the shape land action could be used.
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