Avatar of Myling
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  • Posts: 74 (0.06 / day)
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    1. Myling 4 yrs ago


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Helllooo everyone!

Alina 22 Fin Infp

Hi! I'm always looking new roleplays to join in. I prefer modern, slice of life type of rp's with bits of romance and angst.
I mainly play as characters of the same/similar age to me, and can do any gender or sexuality.
I do enjoy my fantasy and scifi from time to time too. I'm into clowns (not in that way) and bright colors.
Surprisingly I also love dark themes and heavy music (Hypocrisy, Charach Angren, Turmion Kätilöt etc).
Idk what to say. If you feel like messaging me: go ahead. I may be little slow at responsing tho.

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This seems so fun! Is there still lots available? ^^

I have way too many ideas. I feel like I could do character of any gender or any cabin~

Which cabin/gender is more needed? Or maybe I could create a female and a male character?

"Are you glad that I will be gone for a while?" There was a big grin on his face and a hint of mischief in his voice. It was actually happening. Tobias was alone in a car with his brother-in-law on his way to a love cruise. Few months ago he wouldn't have believed in nonsense like that. First Tobias previously wasn't able to take care of himself, so how could he have loved and cared for another person? Second of all he tried to avoid being alone with his brother-in-law. They were such different personality types and Toby couldn’t help himself: always when there was an opportunity he tried to provoke Seth. He was so serious and bland normally, that it was fun to see him show some emotion. But Tobias couldn’t do that. After all he had promised his sister to be on good terms with her husband.

"It’s not like you’re moving away. It's just a week, it doesn't change anything", the older man answered with a blank face. Tobias had been living with Tabitha's family for a couple months by now and it was getting on Seth's nerve. Tabitha had a habit of babying her little brother, which Seth didn't agree with. His opinion was that Tobias should just get a new job and move to his own place. Tobias knew he shouldn't be as dependent on his sister as he was. He really needed to move out and getting a new job wasn't a bad idea either. But he was scared. Scared he would get lost in dark thoughts, get devastated from not being able to play violin. At least he was nowadays so occupied that he didn't have time to think about such things.

"I will move when time is right." Tobias really didn’t want to have this conversation right now. After all he was going to a VIP love cruise to relax and have some fun. “Time is never right. You said you would be staying with us for a couple months, but it’s been at least five.” The older man kept a small pause. ”You should get over your hand injury already. You are not the only one in this world who faces misfortunes. You are at the age where people normally start to build families. But not you, you’re too immature for that. I really hope you find someone from that cruise.” Seth sounded pissed, but his voice got more apologizing during the end of sentence.

It was true but not something Tobias wanted, or needed to hear. He murmured in annoyance and faced the window, trying his best to not talk back. Or at least he reassured for himself that he was doing that. He was not going to complain or provoke anyone. However it didn’t take long from Tobias to start provoking his brother-in-law. “Well I might be immature, but not taking care of birth control or getting your kids taken to custody doesn’t sound very mature either, does it?” At that moment Tobias could see steam coming out of Seth’s ears. He was full of anger. Tobias knew he touched a sore point and started to regret his words. Seth had become a father at a young age when he was only eighteen. His girlfriend of that time had a drug addiction and he was the one left to do the childcare all alone. He had to drop out of school. He had a low paying job and he didn’t get any help from his family. In the end his first born daughter ended up in custody.

Seth had all the right reasons to be angry. “Im so sorry. You know I didn’t mean that..” Tobias started but it was too late: Seth wasn’t listening anymore. He drove to the next bus stop and came out of the car. He opened the back truck and started to throw Tobias’ stuff to the ground. Tobias came out of the car as well and couldn’t do anything, he just kept watching how his suitcase opened and his stuff started to flood on the ground. He frightened a little when he saw his expensive violin to drop, but he knew he had no rights to say anything. This was purely caused by him and his words, he just needed to take in all what was coming. Tobias only opened his mouth when he saw Seth going back to the car. “You’re not actually leaving me there!” It didn’t help, he was ignored. Seth started to ride away and Tobias ran behind the car. When he noticed his brother-in-law wouldn’t come back, he stopped running and went back to his luggage.

Firstly Tobias opened his violin case. There were a couple scratches on the violin, but it was mostly in good shape. Then Tobias started to re-pack his suitcase. Almost all the clothes were now dirty, but it was the smallest of his problems. What the hell was he now going to do? He had asked all his friends to drive him to the cruise terminal, but Seth was the only one he could get to give him a ride. His phone’s battery was dead and all taxes just kept driving past him. This was just his typical luck. Should he just try to hitchhike? At least he had some what fancy clothes. If he had his regular old band tee and ripped jeans maybe he would be mistaken for a homeless person. But did he really want to try hitchhiking? No, not really. At least for now he would try to walk to the terminal. There wasn’t too much time left but maybe he would be able to make it.
Eliel was glad he got to finish his apple, before anything weird started to happen. He threw the apple core close to the floor, and heard something: a scurrying voice in the background. Was it just a mouse or something bigger? The half elven was opening his mouth to speak, when something exciting started to happen. The ground beneath the old man Vander started to fade away. FAde? More like sink. It wasn't the floor fading away or sinking. There was a hole in the floor, it was just hidden by a rug. The hole was a problem. Vander was sinking and Sohn dropped his oil lamp. There was no light anymore, but Eliel didn't even thought about the problems that would cause. Instead he was thinking about something else.

A hole? Why it even was there? Someone would surely drop there if it was covered, so why anyone would do that? Eliel was thinking so hard that his normally smooth forehead was covered in wrinkles. Despite his hard thinking he missed the obvious: it was a trap. That's why the hole was covered. "Ha ha… well this surely sinks doesn’t it?" Marglor's joke broke up Eliel's thinking. The young elven didn't know how to react so he just shook his head while grinning. However marglor wasn't all about jokes: he went to help Sohn and Vander. To be honest, Eliel didn't care that much if something happened to Sohn since he was always so mean to the elven kid. Vander on the other hand.. Eliel didn't want him to get hurt by all means.

Eliel wanted to help Vander, but he was small in size and not that strong. He didn't know how he could help, even if he joined the others it wouldn't do anything. But the youngling wasn't dissapointed because of this. Instead he had another idea in mind. What if we just let them be? If they get dragged in the hole we just need to figure a way to get them out there!" Eliel was happy: small problems like those just made the whole experience more fun and interesting. This would become a fun adventure!

So.. I was feeling confident and decided to post some of my art. To be honest the whole reason behind this post is to flex with my art skills lol. I'm actually a sad being who wants compliments :D But yeah I'm a human and also able to create trash, for now I will only publish art that I think is good. But I will definitely post some trash too!

Sidenote: was too lazy to edit these pics so most of them have my old nick "Errara"
Sidenote#2: I do sometimes art trades, but then my art will be more cartoony since it's faster

A image of my Harry Potter oc jeremy and small work in progress image, I often start by doiing a scetch traditionally.
The last version is me trying to make him look more cutesy and hufflepuff like :D

Tbh this one I don't like. It seems flat? I probably didn't use enough colors to shade and higlight the face.

This is more cartoony, maybe semi-realistic is the word here, but I like it very much! Made for a rp.

Made for the same rp as the previous, I really like this too!
@CajunRobinHood I have only a little bit written down and it's kinda dumb :'D But here, you go!

Muse A is a fallen angel who is lost. They don't know their place in world. After thinking about it muse a applies to Hell in order to start working as Demon. They know nothing about Hell or demons just scary stories from other angels. Muse B is older demon who is ordered to to show muse A around hell and teach everything about their new world. Muse B hates to be a baby sitter for good for nothing angel. How muse A reacts to seemingly uninterested muse B? And where Muse B's hate towards angels comes from?
Eliel stood silently and played with his hair, curling the brown locks around his fingers. He was only half listening what the mayor was saying. The young half elven was extremely excited. It could be said that of the group he was the one who didn't took the matter as seriously. To him going to the abandoned building was just fun and games: one big exiting adventure. This was exactly what he needed, a nice break from everyday life. Eliel's life consisted just from days that felt like copies of the previous days all same.

The mayor stopped speaking and Eliel woke up from his daydreaming. Just now he started to realize the people who belonged to the search party. The old man Vander, a close acquaintance, no: a fraternal figure, the merchant Eliel knew just by looks, some pretty woman he had never seen and Sohn... That was a Man the elf didn't want to see. They were not in good terms since the older one "caught" the younger one from stealing one of his lambs. Oh poor Sohn. He had some serious problems of in listening comprehension, and he wasn't even that old!

Hmm... What was the search party for again? A dog, no. A kitten? No, they wouldn't make such a big deal of some animal disappearing. Probably some human got lost. Oh, that's it! They were searching for a little girl, mayor’s daughter Claribel to be exact. Eliel rocked himself while he was observing the surroundings. Sohn took the oil lamp which was offered to him, and went to the abandoned manor, others joined his ranks. Eliel felt a gentle nudge, Vander who wanted to get the youth's attention and pointed to his ear. The young half elven realized right away what the old man meant. Eliel closed his eyes as if it would help him hear better. However there was only silence in the air.

Eliel opened his eyes, when he heard someone offering apples. Eating apples in middle ow search party? Why not, no one is able to explore with an empty stomach. "Oh, I would like to have one!" He said loudly, in a happy tone. He formed his hands in a position that was good for catching things. He was ready to get some apples!
Btw I made a new character and now I'm not sure which one to use :'D
I'm leaning towards the new one. Tho if I choose him I will write more about his personality~

Edit. I ditched the new character and decided to keep Florian~

Edit#2. I changed some bits in my character (fixed his bio)

@AewinAah, thank you so much! Okay, I will join there~

@AewinThank you! I tried again and got it work little better, there's still some mistakes tho.
And I may also change the fc since I'm not sure if I like the current one anymore.

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