Avatar of Narukami228
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    1. Narukami228 7 yrs ago


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Once everyone was seated into the theater, everyone went quiet. They knew that something had to be wrong. All three guild masters were seated on the stage waiting for there to be absolute silence. From right to left it was Kalona, Amleth, and then Felix. Felix still had that shitty look on his face that he had the night before. He was not impressed at all with the situation. After a few minutes, Amleth stood up from his seat and started to talk into the mic. "Thank you everyone for coming on such short notice. I realize that it's early and that a lot of you are still tired, so hopefully we can make this quick. As you all know there is a war basically knocking at our door. We have just gathered intel as of late last night that our town has been scouted out by what we think of as the enemy. Now we don't know exactly what is happening yet, but we don't want to take any chances. In response we area going to ask a few of the more experienced hunters to keep watch day in and day out around the perimeter of the town." The crowd started to rumble a bit to Amleth's words. Murmurs could be heard and people were starting to freak out a bit.

Isara looked over at Welkins with a worried expression. "What do you think is going to happen?" She said gently trying not to let her voice shake. Isara was a tough person, but even the thought of having to go to war raddled her too. Welkins didn't answer and just looked up at Amleth, waiting to hear what he had to say next. Amleth didn't say anything though. He just sat down and Kalona got up to speak. "Now I know this is alarming to a few of you, but you must rest ashure that this could be nothing. We don't want to take the risk and as Amleth was saying we need to keep a tighter guard. We will be going to the more experienced hunters for this so those of you still in class can count yourselves out on this one. We don't have anything against you, it's just that we want the higher ups to deal with this. With that in mind you all still need to keep up your marks and do well. That is all."

Kalona had a powerful voice when talking. It was rare to hear anyone talk over him. He was the first to leave though followed closlly by Amleth. Felix stayed for a bit only to look at Welkins and scowl at him. Welkins paid this no mind, like always, and started to leave the theater. Isara left too, but in a differen't direction. As he started to walk out, he caught sight of Reia sitting in the back. As seirous as everything was, seeing her face made him smile. He ran over to her as quickly as he could then stopped. "Hi." He said to her, smiling gently.
Welkins didn't get much sleep that night. He was far to worried about what was to come. The scout, the possibility of a war, Reia gone. It was all getting to him. Most of it was that his father wasn't around and in times like this he would always look to his father for guidance. 'This was going to be a long day.' He thought to himself. All night once he had gotten home, Welkins had started to write notes on what to say. There wasn't much he could say that he didn't the night before. This was going to be big and he didn't want to mess it up.

Once Welkins finally got ready, he started to make his way to the guild. On the way he spotted Isara who seemed to be walking in the same direction. "Hi Welkins." Isara said gently. "I hear there's going to be a huge meeting for all the teachers and hunters today. What's that going to be about?" She looked at him with soft and longing eyes. Welkins was to distracted to notice though. "Yeah." He said bellow his breath. "Something as come up and we might have a big problem." He left it at that and continued on.

As the two made it to the main building, Amleth was standing at the front doors waiting. All he did was look at the two and waved them in, showing them where to go. Welkins was starting to get a little antsy as he was slowly approaching the lecture theater. He had no idea what was going to happen.
By the time Ophelia and Roxas made it to the Hotel, he could finally comprehend what just happened. The two of them were walking and then suddenly they were running. It seemed like they had just stumbled across the werewolves they were after. or at least two of them. Regardless it was something that need to be addressed. It didn't matter at the moment though since they had to wait for Jax and Morthos to show up to talk about it. He thought back to Ophelia's later comment about taking the mission lightly and it finally occurred to him that she knew hardly anything about him. Same went for him about her though. That frusterated Roxas a bit and then started to think about what was going on. He figured after actually finding some of the werewolves, it wouldn't be a good idea to go out again later. At least not alone. It was up in the air at this point. Be fore he could open his mouth to talk to Ophelia though, Jax and Morthos showed up.

"Hey nice to see you guys again in one piece." Roxas poked fun a bit, but then shut up. There was a lot on his mind at the moment and he felt a little distant from the others. He knew Ophelia was going to explain everything to them, about what happened in the forest and then what they had found in the abandoned building. It was all excited to talk about and he was curious what the others had found out as well. It was already one day it proved to be a good hunt so far. It may have seemed like He wasn't taking any of this serious, but deep down, Roxas was trying to fight the urge to just run off and eradicate the beasts. Grown men and woman dying didn't bother him that much, he had seen and lived with that all his life, but when it came to children, well, stay out of the way.

Quickly trying to take his mind off it all, Roxas looked over at Morthos. "Did you two find anything?" He figured they would have, but just wanted to be the one to ask. Jax seemed to have some books with her and he figured it wasn't for some light reading. They must have found something good. That was the hope at least.

"What're you doing? You know where two of those beasts are. Why are you just sitting here?" Ifrit decided to pipe up. This really didn't bode well with Roxas either since he really couldn't answer him in front of everyone. As much as Jax and Ophelia know, mostly Jax at the moment, he didn't want to make it known that he was still talking to his inner demon friend. He chose to ignore Ifrit for now and quickly grabbed a pen and paper. He wrote down, 'We will talk later.' on it and looked right at the paper for a second. It sucked to have him imprisoned within his body, but the upside was that Ifrit was able to see hear and feel through Roxas' body as well. "Fine." Was all the king of hell would say. Once that was over with, Roxas quickly crumpled the paper then listened to what the others were saying. Turns out they were followed and they would talk about it in the hot tub.
As Roxas and Ophelia made their way through the woods, they came across a hollowed tree. They were a distance from it and right as he spotted it Ophelia told him to shh. He knew that had to mean she found something. Figures since their prey was her mortal enemy in a way. Once hidden, Roxas looked to see what was there and it ended up being what they were after. Only problem. There was a child being snacked on. That made Roxas pissed thinking about what could have happened. He started to reach for his blades, but Ophelia beat him to it with her bow and arrows. Once he saw that, he just sunl back down and let her do her work. Finally not being on the receiving end of those arrows, Roxas was pretty excited to see what his girlfriend could do. If she almost killed him then this Werewolf should be easy for her.

Ophelia let the arrow fly and it hit the Werewolf right in the shoulder. This made Roxas smile. She started to move all over the place and it looked to him like she was teasing the poor beast. All Roxas could do was smile as he watched Ophelia. After toying with it she finally jumped down on the Werewolf and plunged her arrow deeper into it. Once done, he came out of his little hiding spot and helped her dispose of the body's. TO bad they couldn't get any info out of the damn thing, but at least one was gone. Once done Ophelia grabbed his hand and sent a text. He gently kissed her forehead then took a mental note of the place. It was getting dark so they had to make their way back to the other two. Doing so he memorized the path to the tree and started to make a plan for his return trip later that night. It would piss everyone off, but at least he might be able to get some more information. Besides, if he got in a fight, he could always use Ifrit to help him escape. He'd just have to make sure he had a timer at the ready at all times.

After he was finished thinking out his plan, which didn't take that long, he looked down at Ophelia and smiled. "That was fantastic." He said as they walked back into the town.
Right as Roxas was about to pay, Ophelia beat him to it. He felt a little bad, but didn't think to hard on it. Before they left for the forest, he went into the bathroom and changed into his cloak and put him mask in his pocket. They were going into a forest and looking for monsters. There was no way in hell he was going to go unprepared. He knew how well Ophelia could fight, but there was a possibility of there being more than a dozen. Once done, the four of them split up. Roxas and Ophelia left for the woods right away. Ophelia told him they were going to go to the south forest first which was fine by him.

Werewolf's aside, Roxas loved the forest. It was quiet and pretty. Everything he needed. "Alright where do you want to look first and what are we looking for?" He said in a serious tone. Missions were nothing to take lightly. He kept close to Ophelia at all times, pushing vines and brush out of the way. The forest was a little eerie and it felt a little too quiet. No birds or anything. "Tread lightly." He said low and deep. It was hard to prepare for something that he had never fought before. Although he did have help this time instead of all the others. Ophelia seemed to be sniffing out for the Werewolves while they were moving through the forest. At least one of them knew what to do. He did realize that Ophelia would know more about this since she was a Vampire and all. He'd just follow her lead through this.
Welkins was in mid change when he heard his phone go off. It was a text from Reia saying she made it safely. That was good he was a little worried about it. Once he got this professional guild uniform on, he grabbed his phone and sent a quick text back. "Be safe." He said. No need to worry her while she was on a mission. Once he was all ready, Welkins grabbed his rifle and new sabers then raced out of his house. This was probably the most he had ever had to run in one day. It didn't matter there was a problem and it needed to be dealt with. It took no longer than five minutes for Welkins to run full speed to the guild office. Once there he slammed his hands on the desk and startled Wendy. "Wendy we have a problem. I need you to grab Amleth and the others and have them meet me in my fathers office now."

Wendy looked Welkins dead in the eyes with confution. "Welkins what has gotten into you. It's past 3 in the morning why are you even awake at this time?" She said gently, but alarmed. Welkins just shook his head and grunted. "It's a matter of national security. I've spotted a scout. I don't have time to explain just get the guild masters now Wendy!" He was out of breath and ready to pass out. On top of running around most of the day, now he had to deal with the guild masters at 3am. They were not going to be impressed with him. Wendy just nodded and started to make calls to the other masters and Welkins made his way to his fathers study.

Once there Welkins grabbed a few more chairs and set them up. Kalona was the first to arrive and looked at Welkins. "What the hell? You look like you've seen a ghost." Kalona stopped and looking in concern. "No, but I may have seen what could be an invasion." He finished getting the three chairs set up and then sat at his fathers desk. "We'll wait for Felix and Amleth to arrive before I go more into it."

It didn't take to long for the other two to make it. Amleth seemed tired, but awake enough to hear what was going on. Felix never liked Welkins so he was just pissed. "What's the meaning of this Welkins. You do know it's past 3 almost 4 now." Felix said grumpily. Welkins waited for them to be seated before he started. "Okay since we're all here now I think I can relax a bit. I'm sorry to call you three out so late, but we have a problem. I was finally able to get around to doing the watch that Amleth asked me to do a few days ago and I saw a scout that was not our own in the distance. As you three know I can use magic and can enhance my vision with my eyepiece and I'm telling you I know what I saw. It was a man in a uniform I had never seen before." Kalona and Amleth seemed to get a little uneasy when Welkins was explaining what he saw, but Felix seemed to not really care to much. "Listen Welkins." Felix started. "I know you may think you saw.." Felix was immediately interupted by Amleth. "Felix shut the fuck up. You are the lowest rank here and we know damn well what Welkins is capable of. Just because you don't like him doesn't give you the right to start mouthing off or shutting down what he saw. If this is what we think it is then we have a really big problem."

Amleth really liked Welkins and would always take his side. Even though he was superior to Welkins, he still treated him as an equal. He knew that what Welkins was capable of and could trust him with his life. For this reason Felix didn't like him. "Okay fine." Was all he was able to manage. Amleth stared down Felix then looked back at Welkins. "I'm sorry Welkins please continue." Welkins smiled at Amleth knowing he was his favorite guild master. He was even told that he could take Felix's job if he ever wanted. Again another reason why Felix didn't like Welkins. "Thank you master Amleth. Now as I was saying I think we need to look farther into this or at least have someone on a night watch from now on. We would need four of us to cover all of Galia. I don't know if you guys have any idea's on who, but I will gladly be one of them." He smiled then looked at the other three. Kalona had been silent this whole time and finally spoke up. "Well I agree with both Amleth and Welkins on this one. I think we do need to take this seariously and place a few hunters on watch at night. Welkins you do enough as it is I think you need to get some rest now and again. You can't save anyone if you are tired. I know your father would tell you the same." Welkins knew he would say that so all he did was nod.

Felix seemed to just be annoyed at this time, but saw how the others were so he puckered up. "Alright well I think that we should hold a meeting with all the hunters and teachers tomorrow and see what they thing. We have a few on missions right now, but I'm sure there's still enough. Welkins I know you were just told not to worry about any of this, but if no one will stay up then we might need to take you up on your offer." Welkins nodded again knowing that Felix was only being nice to him now because Amleth got onto him. "Alright well we will reconvean tomorrow. Welkins I want you in your fathers chair tomorrow for the meeting. You saw everything so we are going to need you to explain it again to everyone else." Amleth said and with that got up and wished everyone goodnight. It was to be a long day tomorrow and they needed some sleep. Felix left right after Amleth and gave Welkins the stink eye. Kalona stayed back with Welkins for a bit and talked to him. "I really hope that it's nothing. We can't afford to get into this war." He said gently. "I know Kalona, but if we do then we'll need everone's help." Welkins said then started to clean up. Kalona just smiled then said goodnight.
Roxas nodded and listened to Jax as she laid out the plan after they ate. He was excited to get back to doing missions and even more excited to do it with Ophelia. "Sounds good to me. I don't mind taking the woods." He looked over at Ophelia and smiled. It was going to be interesting working with other people again so he was going to have to learn to cooperate with the others. After he finished eating he got up and looked over everyone. "Alright lets break then." He said with confidence eager to get going. He didn't really know much about this place so he figured for now he would lay low and follow Ophelia and Jax's lead. The only thing that bugged him was that they would have to cut off the search at 10. That would have been the best time to go though. Catch them in the act and follow them back to the Alpha.

It didn't matter much. If he wanted to, Roxas would go out and check for himself. Stealth was his middle name and all.
Welkins watched as the train pulled away. His heart was heavy and he didn't really know what to do. Once the train was off, he turned around and started to walk home. He took his time this time and decided to walk around and try to take his mind off of Reia. Was he in love with her? He wouldn't have acted like a fool if he wasn't. It didn't matter at this point. She was gone and told him what she thought. Regardless it still was going through his head. As he walked home some of the towns people smiled and greeted him. Welkins did his best to be friendly and smile back, but he just didn't have it in him. Instead of walking home right away, he went to the armory and got some more bullets and two new sabers. After buying everything and talking for a bit with the owner, Welkins started to make his way home.

It was dark by the time he made it. There was a small breeze and some clouds in the sky. Tonight Welkins was going to set up on top of his windmill and keep watch of the town. It was something he had been meaning to do, but never got around to it. He knew all about the attacks on the other towns and wanted to be sure no one was going after Galia. If that was the case then he wanted to raise the alarm and try to fend off who all he could. Using the magic in his eyepiece made it much easier for him to see at night. He didn't use it often, but it was always nice to have available to him. Once inside, Welkins made some dinner and then set up everything he needed outside. It was still summer so it wouldn't be to cold, but in the case that it was, he brought a blanket.

For the first few hours there wasn't much happening. Lots of animals and some farmers, but that was about it. It wasn't until around 3am that he saw something out of the ordinary. Someone was scouting out the town and he didn't know who it was. The uniform wasn't anything he had seen before either. The moment Welkins saw the guy, he disappeared. Welkins knew this wasn't good and got ready to run over to the guild masters and tell them about it.
Welkins Ran as fast as he could to the train station. He had to see Reia before she left. He had to know if his feelings for her were true. They must be if he was running so hard to see her. People looked in his general diraction as he passed by, but he didn't stop to say hello or anything. He was on a mission of his own. As he rounded the corner, he saw that the train was still there. 'I didn't miss it.' Welkins though as he started to slow down. Not but a few feet away now he could see Reia standing there talking. "Reia!" He shouted out trying to get her attention. She didn't hear him it seemed since she was just about to get on the train. 'Come on you can shout louder.' He thought to himself and then yelled again. "Reia!!"

Reia turned to look at him seeming a little shocked that he was even there. Welkins finally made it to her and was out of breath. "Reia.." He started, breathing heavly now. "Reia I can't let you go without telling you this." He coughed a little then stood up straight. "I'm in love with you. I don't know why and I don't know how, but I'm in love with you. I know it's only been a few days, but It's just how I feel. I've never felt this strongly about anyone before." Welkins looked at Reia in the eyes and smiled gently. He had no idea how she was going to react to him or even if she felt the same back. Why would she, they just met. This was ridiculous. The second he finished talking, his mind raced and though of all the possibility's that could happen right now. It didn't matter though since he wouldn't know until she said anything.
Welkins listened to Reia as she talked to him. "No everything's fine with Isara now. None of this was your fault." He said gently. She seemed to get it, but still felt bad. She haded him the key to her house and he took it with a small smile and agreed to watching it for her. "I hope you'll be safe." He said gently. "I really care about you and I don't want to lose you." Still feeling a little down he took her hand and smiled. She handed him her number and promised to call can keep in touch. "I'm going to have to hold you to that." He laughed a little to himself.

Reia had to go now and Welkins knew that she did. As much as he really didn't want her to. She came up and hugged him real quck before she left. As she was about to leave Welkins grabbed her hand and pulled her back into a hug. "Be safe." He said low and gentle then let her go. She smiled at him the turned to walk away. He watched until he couldn't see her anymore and closed his door. One the door was shut he walked over and started a bath. The bath was warm and it helped Welkins relax a bit. Once he got in, he leaned back and closed his eyes. He opened them again when he realized that he was tearing up. "What's wrong with me? I never get this emotional about people leaving." It puzzled him for a bit then realized he also never felt this way before about a girl. He realized that he was in love with Reia. This stunned him more than anything and he couldn't move for a bit due to the shock. Why was he in love he just met the girl three days ago. The second he was able to think clearly again, he drained the water and got dressed quickly. Once dressed he grabbed his rifle and ran out the door. He wanted to catch Reia before she left. He didn't want there to be a goodbye but to be a see you soon.
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