Avatar of Nate1008
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    1. Nate1008 5 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current "Two possibilities exist... Either we are alone in this universe, or we are not. Both are equally terrifying". -Arthur C. Clarke
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A mutated beast. I want to play as the enemy or foe. I will play as the leader of a clan of monsters who like to eat humans.
Hello! I would like to join this Roleplay, but before I do, I have some questions: 1: does my character need to be human? 2: can my character start out-side of the city? 3: Can my character be the "enemy" of the city?

I will try my best to stick with the rules and exceptions of this Roleplay and create a character that fits the story line. Thanks!
Again. This Role Play is dead, so please do not post anything here. Thanks.
Hello! Im back from another camping trip. Got back 10 minutes ago. I understand what you are saying Akay. I will create a second character if that is the requirement. I can multitask well, but I may lack in detail and description when posting. I will try my best, and I will create my characters later. Thanks for the feedback!
Hey there, @Nate1008, welcome back! I too have been busy so I understand exactly how you feel XD

As far as the alien race goes, I think Akaya and I are still a little bit skeptical on them.

How were you planning on creating a character with the race? What role is your character going to play? I’m going to update the roster in a minute to give you more of an idea on what type of roles we are looking for!

We just want to make sure everyone’s gonna be incorporated into the story :)

Also, I’ll probably time jumping us to the morning with the next post, so be looking forward to the hangover posts XD

I will be creating a swarm commander, a leader of a Si'gel army. The role he will play is an opposing threat to the Marauders. Like a bad guy or villain. My character will start by attacking outer human colonies.
Thanks! It was a fun time. Anyhow: I was wondering if I could create an alien character. I have an idea of what it is, but you will need to create a new race too. So, here is the race's information. If you do not approve, I will create a character with the races available.


The Si'gel is a hive collective of humanoid beasts. They construct their colonies under-ground, using a mixture of hardened saliva and stomach acid to create their structures. They build massive under-ground caves, caverns and tunnels. All connecting and interweaving to form their cities and towns. They multiply quickly, and build fast. However: They are quite stupid and weak. Due to their lack of intellect: They have not been able to form new technologies or advance in the ages. They are forever-more: Primal. They cannot build ships, vehicles, weapons and Armour. Instead: They use their natural strengths in evolution to upgrade and advance. They are powerful in their numbers, having millions upon millions of soldiers, workers and drones. They out-number their enemies 6 to 1. They are weak, though. Having only their chitin and flesh to protect them, and with claws and teeth as their only weapons, they are not very effective in battle. Although they cannot build ships, does not mean they cant have them. Queens enter ships before take-off, and attack once it has left orbit. The Queen takes over the ship, spawning brood inside and learning how to pilot it. After some customization's, the Queen has her own ship. Using it to fly to other planets, they colonize and control more systems. Able to withstand harsh conditions, as their home-world (or hell) is harsh and unforgiving. Born on the planet Di'Sathen, the worst planet anyone could possibly think of. The planet does not spin, one side constantly facing the sun, and the dark side never sees day. With no moons and harsh atmosphere, and the planet constantly bombarded by asteroids, the surface is a living hell. The dark side at -261.72 degrees, and the bright side at +16.25 Fahrenheit. The colonies on the hot side have adapted to extreme heat, able to withstand half the temperature on the surface of a star, and the other side adapted to the cold, able to withstand temperatures kilometers bellow zero. The Si'gel are tough survivors, but not very tough fighters. Always under blood-lust due to some failed evolutionary path, they always seek conflict. They wish to take over the universe, not because they want to, but because they must expand. Over-population has always been a problem for them, and because of their blood-lust, they wish to fight for land and territory instead of sharing it. This threat may be a challenge for the Marauders to overcome.

What do you think? I think it needs some tweaks here and there, but please do tell me if its good to go, or needs improvement first. Thanks again!
oh. sorry. I have a new discord. I wont advertise this one. (Im still desperate).
Hey guys. Im back......... yay. I have been busy with trips and vacations. But im back (and tired). I am still wondering if I can join this Roleplay..... If I already have been accepted, then I probably forgot... Anyhow..... see you guys later.
Guys... I have been offline for a while, and I have not done much on the server, but I have been using this time to create a new, better discord server, and waiting for new players. No new players have joined... But the new discord server is almost done. I do not think the Roleplayerguild server will work. I am discontinuing the Roleplay here, but the discord server is open. In short form: I am moving this Roleplay. If you want to keep your races, nations and planets: copy and paste them in the discord server. Here is the new discord link if you want to continue: discord.gg/KD9GJCf
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