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    1. Natty 10 yrs ago
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Definitely interested. I'll see what I can put together over the next few days
Decided to take a mini break between seasons as I've had a lot on. Expect me back to normal this weekend!

Season 2 will actually have me finally use Strange quite a bit hopefully

Finished up this; will chuck it with my CS in the character tab.

And with that, Magik's season is complete. Writing this character has been an absolute joy, and I can't wait to take her further in season 2. I'll write up a quick season summary at one point over the next few days to go in my Season 2 CS and then get to work on continuing!

It had been hours now, since the events at the library. Illyana and the so-called Green Arrow had made quick work of releasing the hostages taken by the Metahuman Supremacy Front, immediately turning over their captors to a team of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents that had stormed the building once the towers had gone down. She’d avoided their questions, of course, taking into the night before they ended up throwing her into custardy too. The Government and their rules were something Illyana did not care for. Instead, she spent her evening moving about the city, laying a hand wherever she could.

The bulk of the work may have been done, largely it would seem by a masked speedster from Central City, but there was still plenty to do; Disrupting the riots that had arisen during the chaos; putting out fires that had started throughout the city; reuniting families with their loved ones.

As the sun began to rise over Star City, Illyana found herself sat atop the marbled roof of the Grell Museum, the site of her first impact on this city, in an attempt to catch her breath. Her work had taken her through the night. Normally she’d be exhausted and liable to collapse, but she needed to keep going. She had to, otherwise, she’d crack.

She attempted to take her mind off of things; moving her eyes down onto the plaza below. Government officials worked tirelessly around the remains of the Obelisk. Groups of workmen moved the large metallic chunks into the backs of vans marked by the Bulldog that was the group’s insignia. All signs of her previous combat with the gunmen had been cleared too. You could almost not even tell that this had been the site of a massive catastrophe. That hundreds of people had died in this city tonight. Magik knew though, and the thoughts made her cold.

The sound of crackling energy pulled her from her brooding. Turned her head, she watched as an oh-so-familiar flare of orange light revealing the presence of her teacher.

Stephen looked just as he had done when Illyana had last seen him the day prior, except that now heavy bags hung from beneath his eyes. Creeping her fingers to her own face, she wondered whether she looked as tired as he did at this moment. She certainly felt it.

Strange’s eyes moved around him, taking in his surroundings. He managed a short smiling as he noticed where they were.

I remember once saying that I'd bring you here one day.” His voice seemed almost solemn as he held his gaze over the museum’s roof for a few seconds.

Silence fell between the two, as Illyana’s eyes moved to the floor below.

You did good work. You saved lives.” His voice seemed jovial. Almost proud.

Not every life though.” Her words cut back sharply.

He shook his head quickly, stopping her.

No, no, no. Those deaths are not your fault.” He sounded awfully confident for someone that hadn’t even been there. “You did everything within your power to stop the Metahuman Liber-

Rising to her feet, she interrupted.

Not them.” She stated, her eyes still at her feet.

Strange grew quiet, trying to wrap his head around what she was talking about. Before he could ask anything, Illyana continued.

Yesterday morning. Before all this started, I went and saw your old friend. The Canterbury Cricket.” The words pained her as they came, but she had to tell him. He deserved to know. “I wanted to meet him. To recruit him. And… And we were attacked.

Her voice grew coarse.

And he was killed.” It took her some time, but the words finally came.

Stephen stood still before her. His eyes burrowed into her; his mouth slightly agape as he tried to take in everything she had said. In the silence that hung between them, Illyana swore she could hear the cogs churning slowly in his brain. That she could hear the disappointment in his breathing.

After what felt like an eternity he spoke.

I thought I sensed something.” He ran his hand through the hairs of his goatee, unsure of what to say. “It’s a shame. He was a good man.

He looked like he wanted to say more, but the news seemed to have overwhelmed him.

Illyana couldn’t handle the silence, so she broke it.

I’m going to avenge him.” She spoke with determination. "I’m going to make them pay.

Her words seemed to shake Strange to his senses.

Avenge him?” He exclaimed, his voice filled with confusion. “By the Ageless Vishanti, what are you on about?

She couldn’t stop herself. She had to tell him now. Tell him everything.

I’m going back, Stephen. I’m going back to Limbo and I’m going to put an end to Belasco once and for all.

It wasn’t an empty threat. It was a promise. A dark pact she’d just now made with herself in the morning light.

But a single raised finger from Strange stopped her in her tracks.

Nope. I don’t believe this…” He shook his head disappointingly, his hand moving from his goatee to push back the curls of his hair in annoyance. “Just when I thought you’d started to understand. Understand that revenge isn’t the way.

His voice had grown angry. A tone Illyana had rarely heard during her time with him. A tone that scared her.

I was going to give you this.” He said, moving his hand into the confines of his blue robes.

From it, he pulled a striking piece of red fabric, which flowed elegantly as it moved as if a kite flowing through the perfect summer breeze. Tall and extravagant, it mirrored the exact same cloak that the Sorcerer Supreme was currently wearing himself. Illyana’s eye’s widened as she took in the fine piece of clothing, her mind full of questions.

I made it myself.” Stephen began, running his hand along with the fabric. “It may not be as spectacular as my own, but there are protective enchantments woven all through the fabric.

However, I can see now that I was wrong about you being ready.

With a flick of his wrist, the red of the cloak vanished. Illyana held still, her words stuck at the back of her throat.

Strange couldn’t meet her eye and instead turned his attention to creating a portal home. Creating a circular motion with his index fingers, an amber light cut a hole through the air, revealing what looked like a doorway to a warmly lit entry hall. He took a single step before pausing and turning back towards his ward.

I’m sorry Illyana.

With that he disappeared through the doorway, leaving Illyana alone once more.
Finally got around to writing up my S2 sheet. Let me know what you think; have added a few more potential characters too.

Forgot to say that I'll be finishing this up in a few days once the crisis is over and I get my epilogue post up
Finally got around to writing up my S2 sheet. Let me know what you think; have added a few more potential characters too.

Staring down the Metahuman Supremacy Front with a gaze that would’ve rivaled Medusa herself, Illyana felt her heart crumble as she spotted the large group gathered towards the side of the room away from the costumed villains before her. Her eyes darted around the faces of the hostages, taking in each and every one of them. Her eyes fixated on that of a young boy. He must’ve only been around five or six. His tear-stained face was frozen in a state of disbelief from her sudden appearance, the gag in his mouth probably the only thing keeping him from screaming in both excitement and terror. The gunmen gathered around them had raised their rifles towards her. That was something at least. At least the prisoners now had a sliver of hope that they wouldn’t be shot.

The fear they were emoting pained her, yet she kept held her glare. She had to remain strong.

How could she be so stupid though?

Her mind raced.

How was she meant to take down both the mutant terrorists and their armed goons?

She moved her gaze to the terrorists. There were three of them here. The obviously named Forearm, the guy she’d already knocked down who she could only assume was Kamikaze, and the red vixen herself Burnout; her eyes tearing into Illyana’s own with an intent to kill. The information the guard had reluctantly told her at the mercy of the Flames of the Faltine seemed to have rung true, minus the inclusion of the innocents here. Now it was time for the real challenge.

As if by some miracle, Burnout of all people gave her a fighting chance.

“Hold your fire boys,” She warned, flashing her eyes towards the goons. “She’s mine.”
Illyana had barely a second to prepare herself before the Metahuman Supremacy Front were upon her. The largest of their group heaved his body towards her, leaping into the air with a mighty bound, all four of his muscular arms above his head in preparation for his strike. Yet despite the imminent threat of his strength breaking her in half, Magik held strong. Channeling the shield spell she’d performed earlier around the tip of her staff, she swung it forwards violently. The force sent Forearms flying as if a baseball being hit by a bat. As she watched the brute crash into a series of bookcases, a blur of red caught her attention in the corner of her eye.

As she turned towards the oncoming speedster, she found herself too late to dodge the sharp edge of the crimson blade scraping across his side. Pain seared through her body as she rolled backward, narrowly avoiding two more lunges that would’ve definitely found their target if she hadn’t moved.

“You some kind of Witch, Blondie?” Burnout jeered, lunging her gauntlet’s claws towards Magik’s throat.

The metal clanged loudly against the Soul Staff.

Illyana stayed silent.

She pivoted backward raising it once more to defend herself from the numerous slashes that followed. Burnout moved quickly, yet as Magik grew to learn, she was clumsy. Unsure of her powers. She may have known how to fight, but not with this newfound speed. All she had to do was wait for her to slip up. Which was easier said than done when combatting someone with super speed.

She moved backward, only to find herself attacked from a new angle as Burnout rushed around to her side in a flash. Illyana groaned as she went to parry, the continuous smiling on Burnout’s face doing nothing but angering her more. But as she moved, her foot slipped against the rubble beneath her feet. Tumbling backward, Illyana found herself falling from the balcony down onto the shelves below.

Free Falling for half a second, she snapped to attention, focussing into her staff which lifted her back upwards into the center of the room with a whoosh of air. Illyana watched as the joy dropped from Burnout’s face, forming a scowl. She wasn’t out of the woods yet, however.

A sharp hiss filled the air, as Kamikaze found his footing below. His body radiated with fiery energy as he took to the air, rocketing towards the sorceress like a torpedo.

He was moving with so much momentum that he couldn’t even stop at the sight of a stepping disc appearing in front of his target. Hitting the mutant energy, he vanished, only to materialize a second later. He’d only been moved a few feet, but it made all the difference. Appearing directly behind the blonde mutant, he shot up towards the balcony, finding a new target; Forearm, who’d been preparing to engage their attacker himself. The explosion rocked them both, shooting fireworks of red energy around the room as they were flung into unconsciousness.

“Oh, you absolute bitch.”

Illyana nearly began to gloat before the shout from Burnout took her attention away. The speedster had leaped through the air, and in a manner of seconds, she was on her. The blade sank into her side, clawing through both her clothes and then her skin. Illyana yelped loudly as she dropped to the floor. The metal of the blade had reached her ribs. She could do nothing more than cough and splutter, blood spilling from her wound and mouth.

How could she had been so stupid?

Her vision faded for a second. When it regained, the blade was gone, and the woman in red paced above her. Her body ached. Her side feeling as if she’d been torn apart. Burnout let out a laugh. Moving closer, she leaned down towards the broken witch. Using the bloody tip of her blade, she scraped it along Illyana’s chin, bringing it up to face her. Her ruby lipstick mirrored the blood that poured from her wounds. Her eyes were alive with the madness of a psychopath.

“Aw, so you really thought you could just burst in here and save the day?” Burnout jeered, a false sense of childlike innocence in her voice.

Illyana tried to tear her face away, her eyes falling on the boy from before. He was trembling. All hope was gone. He held to his mother’s hand as if his life depended on.

Burnout caught her gaze. Her voice shifted as she continued, growing colder.

“Get real, blondie. Like you ever had a chance.” She rose to her feet and turned towards the guards. Raising her arm, she pointed to the child’s mother, before calling out to the nearest guard. “Randall, now.”

The scream that escaped Illyana did nothing to muffle the ring of gunfire that echoed around the room.

Her voice slowly faded, breaking down into a series of broken sobs and croaks. Her eyes fell to the wood of the floor, broken. She didn’t care for the pain that flooded her body. It was already over.

“Do you want to know the best part?” Despite being nothing more than a whisper, Burnout’s voice cut through Illyana’s cries, silencing her. The villain was leaning over her once more, speaking quietly into her ear. “The whole world is going to blame those dirty mutants for this. And we’re going to get away scot-free.”

Her laughter radiated. It made Illyana furious.

Back in Limbo, Belasco cared not for the magics of mankind. He used his own instead. A home-brew blend of black magic; filled with hate. Filled with all manners of hate and anger. Filled with pain. He channels the edge of eternity. Perverting it. Giving it permission to spread like a virus.

That hate. That energy of pain. That was the force that erupted from Magik’s cold body as she lay there on the ground. It erupted in a fury of blackened smoke, with the spirits of those that had perished in the carnage today radiating through it. The force lifted her to her feet, returning the blood and guts that had spilled out back to its rightful place as her wound sealed.

As the darkness cleared, Magik found all weapons in the room pointed at her. The guards moved slowly, their eyes wide and scared. Burnout was no exception. The smile was gone now. Instead, she gasped in disbelief.

Magik looked down at her Soul Staff. The staff was a tangible extension of her soul. Its form was what came most naturally to her. Back when she had first called it into being, all she needed was a tool. A way of focussing her abilities. But not anymore.

Now she needed a weapon.

The sword that formed in her hand was black and elegant just like its former counterpart. A blade of energy ran like fire from the hilt, glowing a deep blue as it radiated with power.

Ignoring the shouts and threats from the guards she took a step forward.

You had a chance. Now it’s time for you to feel your souls bleed.

I L L Y A N A R A S P U T I N A E X - D A U G H T E R O F B E L A S C O E X - W A R D O F T H E S O R C E R O R S U P R E M E M U T A N T
C O N T I N U I N G C O N C E P T:

"For many years a man named Belasco tried to bury me. But I demanded to grow."

Raised and tortured as a child in the hellscape of Limbo by the demonic Sorceror Belasco, Illyana Rasputina finally found a home with the Sorceror Supreme, Doctor Stephen Strange. Becoming his ward, she turned her Soul Sword into a staff and sought to change her ways.

However, her torture continued to haunt her, and as such, she decided to finally get revenge once and for all. To do so, she sought to form a group of fellow members of the magical community in order to assist her in her quest. In doing so, she found herself pushed to her limits, encountering a number of foes, both new and old. The news of Belasco finding himself a new "Apprentice" rocked her to her core, leading her to finally redraw her sword once more.

The coming months became tough for Illyana, who found herself clashing against her mentor more and more. Despite his good intentions, Illyana felt herself pulling away from his teachings. Then, in the dead of the night, she left, intent on finding her own way.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

After discovering from the Demons Three that Belasco has a new prisoner in Limbo, Illyana is now motivated more than ever to make her way back into that hellscape and take him out once and for all. She also finds herself battling to control the anger and pain that churns inside her, brought into being in the form of her Soul Sword. She is taking strives to fight in two battles; one physical, and one mental. These battles led to Illyana clashing heavily against the ideals of her mentor, concluding with her striving to find Belasco on her own.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

♦ Doctor Stephen Strange
The current Sorcerer Supreme, Strange became a surrogate father and teacher to Illyana after her time in Limbo, helping her hone her magical abilities.

♦ Wong
Doctor Strange's loyal assistant, Wong runs and cares for the Sanctum Sanctorum. This loyalty extended to Illyana once she made the Sanctum her home, and in time a friendship between the two blossomed.

♦ Ragman
Rory Regan is a Jewish vigilante in Gotham City who wears the mystical Suit of Souls. Rory has vowed to help Magik in her fight against Limbo, with him and Magik becoming close friends.

♦ Belasco
A being of pure hate, Belasco is the ruler of Limbo and the being who trapped Illyana there for the majority of her childhood.

♦ The Demons Three
Led by the vicious S'ym, the Demons Three are Belasco's chief enforcers in Limbo. They acted as Illyana's "guards" during her capture; torturing her regularly.

♦ Piotr Rasputin
Illyana hasn't seen her brother Piotr since she was taken to Limbo.

♦ Rahne Sinclair AKA Wolfsbane
A Scottish mutant with the supernatural ability to turn herself into a werewolf-like creature.

♦ Danielle "Dani" Moonstar
A mutant able to manifest people's fears or desires as realistic illusions, Dani finds her and her family hunted by a demonic creature.

♦ Douglas Ramsey AKA Cypher
A young mutant with the ability to decypher any language he comes into contact with. He is currently assisting Dr. MacTaggert with her research.

♦ Dr. Moira MacTaggert
An expert in the field of genetics and mutation, Dr. MacTaggert has recently begun research on a series of mutated plantlife.

S Y N O P S I S S O F A R:

Vowing revenge on her former captor, Belasco, Illyana Rasputin sought out members of the magical community in an attempt at raising an armry against Limbo. Her search led her to the Ragman, and his suit of souls. After assisting the Gotham vigilante with stopping a mystical being named Master Belaric Marcosa, Ragman agreed to join her. The two met with another potential recruit; the Canterbury Cricket, however, that just led to further peril. Just as he was trying to convince Illyana that she wasn't the blame for the bad things that had happened to her, he was slain by the Demon S'ym, one of Illyana's former captors back in Limbo.

After fending off S'ym and the rest of the Demon's Three, Illyana discovered that Belasco had kidnapped another mortal, trapping them in Limbo just as she had been. Before she had the opportunity to process this news, the United States of America was rocked by a vicious terrorist act led by the Metahuman Supremacy Front. Doctor Strange sent her to look over Star City whilst he helped handle the crisis within New York, leading to Magik confront members of the M.S.F. alone. The group brought her to her breaking point once they began to kill hostages, leading to her transforming her Soul Staff back into the Sword she had wielded down in Limbo. With the assistance of the local hero Green Arrow, they took down the terrorist group's presence within the city, stopping the crisis from worsening.

The morning after the attack, Illyana confessed to Strange about her plan to kill Belasco during an emotional conversation, leading to him walking away disappointed in his ward.

Illyana found herself battling to control the anger and pain that churned inside her during the weeks that followed. Sadly she succumbed to these feelings during an adventure where she brutally killed a group of fleeing enemies. Following the event, an argument broke out between her and Strange, leading to Illyana finally deciding to go her own way...

P O S T C A T A L O G:

S E A S O N O N E:

S E A S O N T W O:

Same as before, this section is for a list of hyperlinks to your ongoing IC posts as they're created.

A sharp screech cut loudly through the library as Kristine Calverly moved the whetstone over the claws of her gauntlets. The noise was the only sound to be heard from within the Star City Public Library, bar the occasional chime of the servers stacked in the centre of the room or the occasional shrieks from the streets beyond its walls. She merely let out a menacing smirk as her four-armed compatriot Michael McCain flashed a scowl in her direction, before returning his gaze back towards the monitor.

The sight of the muscle clad behemoth pouring over the computers bemused her greatly, a fact she made no attempt to hide. The look of fear on his face as he watched the battle of New York on the machine’s monitors merely added to the smile on her face. For a man who went by Forearm you think he’d be used to the horrifying appearances of the mutants that flashed across the screen, yet here he stood like a whimpering baby, clutching his extra pair of limbs as if they would fall off at a moments notice. Kristine couldn’t entirely blame him for his fear. The blue-furred demon that jumped about the screen was enough to make any man’s skin crawl. But that was why they were here; to put an end to the scourge of their kind.

She watched as Forearm reached into his pocket, producing a pill bottle. The pills inside rattled frantically as he poured a number into his hand, before shoving them down his throat with a large gulp. After a few seconds, his body stopped fidgeting, his artificial arms growing more relaxed as the painkillers did their job. The experiments had had an effect on all of them, Michael more than the rest. She looked down at her own hand, her palm the only part exposed from the ragged claws she wore. Her veins pulsated vividly, a deep purple from the Velocity 9 that gave her her abilities. Sure the enhancer gave her speed, but the pain it gave her, as a result, was worse than her cramps. It was a pain she had chosen though. It would all be worth it in the end.

“Has the Grell tower regained contact again?”

Haruo’s voice called from the balcony above them. He spoke sharply in an authoritative manner, his eyes unmoving from the tablet in his hands. He looked almost fearsome in his suit of red and white, the visor covering his face making him appear just like one of the mutants she’d previously spotted on the news. He played the part well, although for Kristine it was often hard to see where Haruo ended and the Kamikaze began.

McCain gave a questioning look to the central monitor which displayed a series of flashing lights over a wireframe map of the city. He shook his head with irritation.

“Nope, and no contact from the squad there either.”

“The new Robin Hood?” Kristine asked if only to stop herself from making a comment at the pissed off expression on both of her teammate’s faces.

“Doesn’t look like it,” Michael said, rubbing his chin with one of his multiple arms. “Looks like some crazy blonde chick just whooshed through and beat the crap out of them.”

The news brought a smile to Burnout’s face, her gaze running alongside the edge of her blades.

“Perfect. A new wannabe hero for us to gut then.”

Haruo’s stern voice cut her off, as he moved around the balcony above until he backed a large bay window that looked out over the city.

“I wouldn’t get your hopes up Burnout.” He jeered, oblivious to the skyline darkening behind him. “It would take a miracle for anyone to find us here.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, the window behind him exploded with a mass of sickly black energy, as if to mock him for his naivety The blast took out a large portion of the upstairs wall, with debris and broken glass scattering everywhere. Kamikaze followed suit, his body plummeting to the ground floor like a ragdoll.

And then, just as quickly as the explosion came, it was gone, replaced by the visage of a young woman. She stood menacingly on the remains of the balcony before them, the sleek black staff in her hand radiating with a poisonous energy. Her hair was a mess of blonde, with her now scruffy fringe covering the entirety of her forehead. Her clothes followed suit; torn and ragged, the rock band logo on her shirt unreadable due to the splatters of blood and the tears that cut through it.

Her eyes were alive with all of the fury and anger that the hordes were fighting with outside. All of the fury of Hell.

Burnout locked eyes with the newcomer, brandishing her claws dramatically.

“Finally.” She uttered, gritting her teeth with a murderous joy.
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