Avatar of Nerdude
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    1. Nerdude 6 yrs ago


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@pugbutter Alright, I understand. Take your time if you need to.


@Nerdude Y'know... whoever we damn well please. I'll probably develop loose characters for some of them, but I'm not sure I'm prepared to individualize all 5 or 6 of them.

And thanks.

Am I free to fill one spot with Maarten Beldam or do you want him in the city?

Boy do I have a big post for you guys. Probably got a little carried away, if I'm being honest. Not sure how good it is, but... damn I didn't think I'd written so much. But I'm trying a little something new.

This includes some stuff for the Tarne crew. Nothing too important, though, mostly just world building. The most important part is probably the first paragraph, but whether or not your characters are around to learn said information is up to you guys.

Cartelom crew is now moving out, and you can expect all of the player characters to be participating in this expedition. How much of Hannigan's appearance, speech, and briefing you want to write a reaction to is up to you guys.

EDIT: I'm actually just terrible at predicting how big my posts are / are gonna be cause I've mostly been writing from my phone instead of my computer.

Not as big as I expected but definitely not small. T'was a good read and that's what counts. Who beside the player characters are on the fellowship of Cartelom?
Eveline De Ficquelmont, Cartelom

Cartelom wasn't an unfamiliar place to the De Ficquelmont family. While initially of a younger and lower nobility, Her father Leopold De Ficquelmont had through cunning wit, military endeavor, and an intricate understanding of dynamics between houses in Rhogein successfully climbed the ladder within its hierarchy. And the higher he climbed the more frequent his visits to, and the longer his stays in the greater cities of Rhogein, which due to his military prowess were mostly in Cartelom. And as such Eveline became an increasingly more important piece on her father's chessboard. Feasts, balls and banquets were the main playing fields and her purpose was to befriend the daughters of noblemen, and to court or be courted by their sons. Dressed in ridiculous dresses and absurd hairdos she and the others would put up pretentious facades with the former in mind. The memory of it, brought back upon making her way inside the keep, made her visibly cringe. The keep itself however was nowhere near the state it used to be in, a fitting reflection of how things had changed.

Eveline had taken seat, legs crossed on the floor against the wall of the hall where some like her and many unlike her had gathered to be part of Hannigan's plans. The crowd was a mixture of battle hardened veterans, whom while not all tall and broad shouldered were adorned in armor and weaponry of great quality or had stories written on their faces that clearly made them stand out from the average soldier, who although still well equipped, lacked the look in their eyes telling of what they'd been through out there. And then there were the volunteers much like her, who came to participate despite lacking experience and skill but with a financial need or an optimistic desire to be a part of the greater purpose. Some of them she recognized from the city streets she had walked aimlessly while still in the early shock of the slaughters, others she remembered as sons and daughters of noblemen, albeit they looked nothing like they did in the past. It was as if the last months had brutally beaten something into or out of them. Or maybe it was the lack of ridiculous dress up that revealed them as they truly were. With the facade of superiority stripped away they appeared no different from everyone else.

Then Eveline spotted a clean cut bald head a top an armor all too familiar and a shield on its back with a crest decorating the armor of the only remaining knight in service to her house. Maarten Matteüsz Beldam, towering at least a head above most in the room and nearly as broad as he is tall, a truly intimidating figure with arms and legs the size of tree trunks. The shield was nearly the size of Eveline herself, and the set of Axes attached right underneath it each sufficient to cleave a person in half. Not many were able to wield such heavy equipment. A man revealed himself from behind his broad figure and pointed at Eveline, "You mean her"? She could read from his lips. Maarten turned and his dead serious and often misinterpreted as angry glare turned to what was probably intended to be a kinder expression. It was difficult to read and hardly any different. It took knowing the man to notice the slight changes on his face, but even then it was a tough task to discern. To most his face just always looked the exact same. Angry. In true Maarten fashion he grunted out a low thanks, walked up to Eveline and squatted down in front of her. "Y'didn't forget anything?". He inspected the gear Eveline had brought with her. "Sword, sword, shield, leather padding, food. Tightly strapped and no loose fabric, can't get caught behind anything." She responded, proudly pointing each detail out with her hands.

"Helmet?" he Said softly tapping her on the head. "Don't have one.. yet.." The proud Eveline quickly made way for the student getting scolded by a teacher, even though the man probably didn't intend for it to be as such. "plating?" he said tapping her on the shoulders and stomach, although it felt as if being shoved around. "Not used to moving in that yet." Maarten nodded understandingly and rose up from his squat. "Familiarity with material trumps the material itself. Next time we practice in armor. That is if you don't lose your guts before then". He then noticed the bearded man next to Eveline leaning against the wall. Maarten respectfully nodded at him as to acknowledge the man and his accomplishments. He exchanged no words, but it was as if many had been spoken with that simple nod. "Hannigan will need me. I will join you after all this is done." And so Maarten turned and disappeared into the crowd, for as much as a man like him can blend into one, bald head sticking out a fair bit above the rest. Eveline redirected her gaze and looked up at the bearded man next to her. "Hi." She said and turned her eyes back at the crowd waiting for Hannigan to appear. Heart pounding in anticipation for what she was about to throw herself into.
I assume Cartelom people are going to meet up with Captain hansolonigan?
Eveline De Ficquelmont, Cartelom

A small hand held oil lantern dimly lit the corner of the church hall just enough for Eveline to go through her morning routine. Not long ago it used to consist of her maid Johanna waking her up with idle chat, a pre-heated bath set up by Johanna before the earliest signs of a sunrise, a selection of freshly washed clothes put together with care by Johanna followed by a meal Johanna had prepared. She could remember clearly the words she'd always wake her with in a genuinely cheerful spirit. "Rise and shine", followed by whatever topic she felt a need to ramble on about. To her guilt she couldn't recall the sound of her voice despite being her maid since birth. Over the past weeks as all the pieces of the horrific events fell into place Eveline had concluded she missed Johanna more then the others. She had been with her more than with anyone, and even though they were twenty years apart Johanna had to have been her best friend, if not the only one.

Her morning routine now lacked any of those things. She woke before the nuns and women and children whom had taken refuge in the small church, always at the exact same time as if an inner clock mandated it. Although there was some who never slept. So Many had come to the church there was barely room left to sleep, it was more or less shoulder to shoulder. The beds consisting of just blankets on the stone floor were hard and cold. Most of the warmth was provided by the people alongside one another. With much effort she'd tip toe in between the sleeping mass to the toilets and wash with a rag and a bucket of chillingly cold water. By that time some of the nuns would wake and they'd share some of the bread Eveline had brought for the church the day prior. They rarely exchanged words, neither did they today. By the time the others were waking Eveline was dressed and on her way out, and once out turned and eyed the grim structure before making her way to the military grounds and barracks not too far removed from the small church.

The church had a sense of solidarity, even though that solidarity was one of a shared bleak hopelessness. Many had experienced horrors much akin to hers if not more gruesome. Most however were spiraling further down in that misery. Their faces, their body language and the sounds of their voices were drenched in it. But she couldn't fault them for it. She understood the sentiment far too well. While there are small rays of hope emitted by the minor successes the military of Cartelom had achieved, many were simply too shaken to the core to register this emotionally. When in the church she felt herself dragged down into that dark abyss by the people there. If it wasn't for the fact it was a safe haven for women she'd find residency elsewhere. Eveline could probably find a better and safer residency using her status and the tiny bit of wealth she had remaining, but having led an easy life prior to all this she chose to have the opposite. For now. An easy life doesn't make for a strong person. And a strong person is what she had to be in this new world. And so with hand tightly gripping onto the hilt of her sheathed blade, she made her way to volunteer for Captain Hannigan's cause.

Story lines should converge through proper storytelling and story development, rather then through condensed narrative exposition. If an early get together is possible with the above in mind than I am all for it. If you feel it isn't then I am against it.

Cartelom group coming together sounds like a natural development, be it sooner or later, one way or the other. Same for Tame.
You can consolidate or stay split up, doesn't matter much to me as long as you don't insist on staying half a world away for the foreseeable future.

I've got some ideas on getting you guys together, though. Don't you worry.


EDIT: As I hate to double-post in RP OOC threads (and don't feel this is worthy of a separate post anyways), I'm editing into this comment that the IC will not be going live today (Monday, June 3rd) due to summer classes and associated work. I will try to make sure the IC goes live on Wednesday, but I don't feel I can promise that with how fast paced I'm expecting one of my classes to be. Luckily I've only got two days of classes, so my time shouldn't ever be totally consumed by summer school.

Apologies for this delay and I hope it doesn't last longer than I'm expecting it to.

Apologies accepted. Can hardly wait to be a post closer to my death.

Deus Vult

Cartelom's the place to be!
I was thinking of starting either Monday or Wednesday, as I don't want to leave everyone waiting around here forever, but I'm hoping we can get the last of our applicants in by then.

And we can start wherever we want, but it seems like Cartelom is the hot new vacation destination.

What's Cartelom like actually?
This looks pretty neat! I'm thinking of writing up a character who is a religious fanatic of questionable sanity. The gist of the idea is that she has "visions from God" that aren't always true. In reality she experiences hallucinations and delusions, but due to the whole "medieval society" thing she can't exactly have this diagnosed and treated.

Having said that, would it be possible to have a "future sight" type magic? Due to the nature of this ability and her lack of mental stability, I imagined it as @ArkmageddonCat writing the visions, and it would be up to my character to decide how much of the vision is true, if any of it. Thoughts?

I am liking this idea. 'S a great set-up for so many things.
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