Avatar of Nevix
  • Last Seen: 1 day ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1484 (0.49 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Nevix 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current PMing everyone on this website individually and asking “do you think my statuses are funny?” with an attached stock photo of a man (super buff) crying.
2 yrs ago
The people who wrote the instructions for my sister's new printer failed to consider that I might be tripping balls while trying to help her set it up.
2 yrs ago
I'm in the lab, cooking up a status that will make every mad at me, together. I can heal this website by being as wrong and annyoing as possible.
2 yrs ago
Met a guy yesterday who looked and sounded exactly like Hank Hill. Made my week. Logged in today and realized yesterday was this accounts sixth birthday. The universe gave me a gift for the occasion.
3 yrs ago
Finally getting to that age where I realize that I'm becoming my dad. Called some guy at work "old boy" because I couldn't remember his name. If I order any ww2 books just put me down like a dog, man.


Most Recent Posts

Andromeda and Aileen

"Finally!" Aileen said, immediately sitting up ramrod-straight. "A woman after my own heart. What woudl you like to hear about fir-" She stopped, narrowing her eyes. "Hold on a second." She leaned back, away from the visitor. There was something about her. Something familiar. "Oh! It's Andromeda, right?" She held out a hand, as if to shake. "We went to school together."

Andro smiled and took her hand "I thought i might have recognized you, iIm terribly sorry though I can't seem to remember your name" she blushed a little. "I wasn't the most extroverted at school, so i didn't get to know as many people as i should have"

"Oh, uh, I'm Aileen." She smiled, letting go of Andro's hand and leafing around her booth for a pamphlet. Of course, they were right where she'd left them. She pulled one out and handed it to her. Pamphlets were supposed to be enticing to look at, concise, and informative. Aileen's pamphlets were only one of those things. She'd tried her hardest, but they ended up looking more tiny textbooks than a proper handout. "It's, er, not exactly light reading." She smiled, sheepishly, and scratched the back of her neck. "Oops."

"Aileen, that's a pretty name, I'll remember it" Andro said, then watched as the woman searched around for a minute before pulling out a thick pamphlet. she flipped it open and laughed at her comment about light reading "Oh don't worry, i'm not one for light reading anyway, i'm sure it's exceptionally informative, Thank you!" she flipped through it, scanning the pages insteda of actually reading it. "Oh this seems quite interesting! If you don't mind my asking, Aileen, how long have you been doing this? Herbology?"

"Oh, for a while." She counted on her fingers. "Nine, almost ten years? Yeah, nine years. My parents were doctors, and I wanted to do the whole healing thing, but, well, I also liked plants." She smiled. "Anyway, I think herbology has less practical use in big cities like this, but in the countryside, or anywhere without hospitals and pharmacies every other street, it's more useful." She started talking faster, clearly excited by the subject matter. "I mean, for one, in most places out of the cities, you can find a lot of common medicinal herbs just around. Not to mention, if you teach a paitient to identify the plants they need for long term treatment, they can forage themselves and it's typically much more affordable than a perscription." She paused. "Er, not that modern medicine doesn't have its place. There's a reason herbology is considered an outdated art by many doctors, but that's where herbology crosses over with alchemy." She stopped, realizing she'd gotten carried away. "Of course, that's a whole other topic, because alchemy as a discipline is a great deal broader than just medicine."

"Oh I bet, I've always thought things like these were interesting but as I said, i've never really had the chance to learn about them, i've only ever read about them" she said "That must have been exciting having doctors for parents, my parents were the exact opposite of interesting, if the exact opposite of interesting was traumatizing" she shook her head and smiled again "Anyway, i've always lived in cities so i've always had the benefit of modern medicine but you never know, things have gone wrong before, knowledge of herbology would be a good thing to have, especially since my... physical condition forces me to lead a slightly reclusive life"
Andro glanced around, she knew she should probably move on, but she had no where to go and Aileen seemed interesting enough. "If I may ask, where have you been since school?"

"Oh, here and there." She made a mental list and recited it. "Most everywhere in the Eastern Hemisphere. Spent a while in Eoslai, and a little bit of time in the Freelands, but, well, there's few enough plants in the Sarolai, and fewer usable herbs. I was in Oasari, and I've been here in Kora for the last year or so." She paused, then perked up, as though remembering something. "Oh, wait, do you remember Edric D'Karst? Tall-ish, weirdly punchable face, talked to a necklace? He traveled around with me for a year or so, but last I heard he was headed to Oasari to go, uh-" She stopped, not sure if she should mention Edric's condition. He'd never really been secretive about it, but it didn't seem like her place to say. "-soulsearching or something."

Andro blushed a little at the mention of Edric "Yes, I remember Edric" she went to run a hand through her snakes and pushed the hood back in the process. she heard a couple gasps of surprise. Gorgons were few and far between. she frowned a little but ignore the sounds "Good for him, I've considered going on that sort of trip myself but i'm woefully unprepared for something like that" she heard some whispering break out nearby and pulled her hood back up. "Did you like traveling? I traveled some when I was a child, I liked seeing new places"

"Oh, yeah I love-" She was interupped by the sound of someone clearing their throat. She stopped, and leaned over to see what was quite possibly the most tired, haggard, pissed-off intern she'd ever seen.

"Yeah, I need one of you pamphlets." He said, only very thinly masking his contempt. More like than not, some bigwig doctor was having run back and forth. She might have felt sorry for him, if he wasn't such a dick about it. "Like, uh, now." Aileen sighed, looking at Andro.

"We can talk later, yeah? Do you have my number?"

"Fucking hell." The intern muttered, quietly but audibly.

Andro was used to being snubbed but she really didn't like it so she would have glared at the intern if the man could have seen it "No, I don't but, if you write it down for me really quickly, I can get out of your way" she held out the pamphlet to her with a smile, deciding not to move even though the intern was standing right behind her. "It was really nice talking to you and i'll give this proper read as soon as I get the chance"

Aileen wrote down her number, her writing hasty and almost embarrassingly poor. She smiled, nodded, and then turned to the intern.

"So, you said you wanted a pamphlet?"

Andro waved at Aileen and stepped out of the way, deciding now might be a good time for some food, she'd been walking for quite a while at this point. "I'll text you later!" She called to the woman with a smile as she headed out towards the shops near the expo to get something to eat.
No dice, sorry

Might be good to let this cool off for a while. Then, I'd get am etherpad or some shit started and get some people collaborating on making a whole new interest check.
I forgot to sub this. I'm still here!
Edric D’Karst

Edric sat at a booth in what was quite possibly the most crowded diner he’d ever eaten at. It was a dive called Nora’s Cafe, and it was entirely unprepared for the massive crowd that came along with the Expo. It was a few blocks away from the bulk of the festivities, but it was still packed. Edric had been lucky enough to arrive early, and secured himself a booth. Cracked red leather seats, but damn fine chicken and waffles, if he said so himself. Not that he could really taste the chicken under all the pepper he’d sprinkled over it.

Granted, he’d finished his meal about an hour again, and had since been mercilessly taking advantage of the diner’s all-you-can-drink coffee to keep his seat. The workers were giving him the stink eye, but seeing as how he’d come to Riesling directly from a lengthy sojourn in the Palvaya Mountains, he wasn’t feeling quite ready to brave the crowds. There had been a month-and-a-half long stretch where Azamor was the only person he’d spoken to.

I like to think I make for a riveting conversational partner.

”Oh, shut up.” Edric said, laughing good-naturedly. Unfortunately, no one else in the diner could hear the other half of that conversation, and a family in the next booth over glanced at him nervously.

Aileen Deckard

Aileen sat behind her booth, a rickety wooden thing with a sign that read “The Role of Herbs and Alchemy in Modern Medicine.” It wasn’t exactly deserted, every few minutes a bored looking doctor would come and take notes while she lectured. When surrounded by high-tech, well-funded booths that showed off the bleeding edge of Eos medicine, her little ramshackle display was looked far from impressive.

She groaned and put her head down on the booth’s counter, idly drumming her fingers all the while.
Looks good. I'd change a few things in the OP, though. No Aubrey, anymore. ;)

Also, was that line about treating cyborgs an in-joke? I remember being confused about it in the original RP, lol.

Figure we can also do a bit of our own lore and world development, but that can come later.

All in all, pretty stoked.
I volunteer if you don’t want to

You, my friend, are a saint.
Feel free to make us the RP then, @Nevix! :D


My fingers betray me. That was supposed to say "rather not GM". Though, if I must, I will.
I can help with development and direction and stuff, but I'd rather GM.
I added Paul Walker on Xbox, but he just spends all his time on the Dashboard.
I like my women like I like my coffee beans.

Transported from South America in a burlap sack.
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