Avatar of NightinGem
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 117 (0.05 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. NightinGem 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Hey, so I won't have home Internet the few days at least so I won't be around much. But I officially moved into my apartment! Cheers, folks!
7 yrs ago
I named my Rowlet plushie Round Boy as a joke and now I can't let go of it for a more official name
7 yrs ago
I referred to an upcoming outing with my friend as a "playdate." Not only do I look 10, but I act it as well.
7 yrs ago
BE the dad you want to see in the world. I'm gonna be the best goddamn lesbian dad anyone's ever seen


I'm an eighteen-year-old autistic trans boy with a great love of people and Pokémon. I play Dungeons and Dragons and other tabletop RPGs, and am heavily involved in the Nuzlocke Forums. I tend to ramble quite a lot and can seem rather pretentious, as I have a large vocabulary and tend to utilize it without thinking. I swear I'm a nice person I just sometimes Aspie out and end up going on super intellectual, disjointed rants.

I'm an advocate for civil rights and hope to become a journalist some day. I'm very queer and have a wonderful girlfriend, and hope one day our love will not be regarded negatively.

I generally enjoy well-executed genre deconstructions and stories which focus on plot and characters. Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Gintama, Baccano!!, Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, and Avatar: the Last Airbender, among others. As a roleplayer, I tend to lean towards these shows and elements.

Most Recent Posts

Interested! I love the possibilities this concept brings, and the roleplaying style you're looking for is right up my alley. (Also, I love your vague description so far lol)

Hey, @byteoflogic, this looks like something you'd like, as well. :D
Realizing my Pokémon Diamond and Pearl release Chimchar cap is over 10 years old. Holy heck. I remember watching serebii like a hawk, waiting for info on the new generation. Crazy.
In CLOSED. 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@HushedWhispers Aaaah, alright.
Will do~
In CLOSED. 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Oh wait I have to tag you to inform you of my sheet rippity rip me. @HushedWhispers How does my sheet look? Anything you'd like me to change? Sorry if you don't have the time to look over it right now, hahaha I am so good at social stuff.
@Raineh Daze Ah shoot now I seem kinda pretentious, sorry. I always tend to overexplain things, even (and especially ;-;) to knowledgeable people. You can ask my girlfriend, the number of times I've given her Pokémon tutorials when she hasn't needed them...
@Raineh Daze Death From Above. It's a term often used in tabletop to describe characters who attack from, as Obi-Wan would say, the high ground, usually because of some kind of flying or jumping ability.
@Raineh Daze Oh no, toward @Mercurial, sorry. x_x
Liking where this little group is going. I feel Tsubame will either get along very well or clash irately with the fellow nobleperson, most likely the latter. She'll most certainly get along with Lutin, so long as she is not overly aggressive toward Keiko.
Keiko's eyes widened at the sight of the majestic stallion before her. The Shadowrender's worrying state and general aura of uncomfortableness forgotten, the young girl buried her face in the steed's flowing mane, still hovering in midair. Tsubame let out yet another beleaguered sigh as she cleared her throat and let out a small pulse of magical energy, bringing attention to herself in the most proper, commanding way she could think of.

"Attention, present magical girls and fairies. I believe we should turn our attention to Magical Girl Shadowrender, as this is her territory and plight." The matronly fairy turned her gaze to the injured spearhand, hoping this platform was satisfactory. At least Keiko had taken the time to peek out of the horse's hair.

@VitaVitaAR @Mercurial
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