As soon as you go through, the necromancer on the other side spins around and releases a fireball in your direction – unfortunately, there was no way that anyone could possibly have missed the sounds of combat and conversation in such a small cave, and sure enough, she seems to have been preparing for your entrance. Middle-aged, verging on elderly, and dressed in stained robes… the woman doesn't cut an imposing figure, but the damp patches and fluids staining her sleeves and hands show well enough what sort of work she's been up to.
While everything so far had been various levels of heavily decayed, the necromancer's latest creation is almost-fresh, if it weren't for the sallowness of the skin seen through their helmet, it might almost be mistaken for someone still alive, although this raises the question of how she possibly managed to find and drag off a member of the Legion to become a zombie.
The last of her undead raises its bow, but Lanessa seems to at least be finished with simply observing, the streak of lightning shooting through the air a testament to that. That puts down the skeleton, and just leaves you with your opposition.
While everything so far had been various levels of heavily decayed, the necromancer's latest creation is almost-fresh, if it weren't for the sallowness of the skin seen through their helmet, it might almost be mistaken for someone still alive, although this raises the question of how she possibly managed to find and drag off a member of the Legion to become a zombie.
The last of her undead raises its bow, but Lanessa seems to at least be finished with simply observing, the streak of lightning shooting through the air a testament to that. That puts down the skeleton, and just leaves you with your opposition.