Avatar of Nightsage


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Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves.
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In Daemons 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
After a bit of looking May finally found the spot she entered from and slipped out and began to quickly walk towards her village, but as she walked the blizzard got worse and she realized that she probably wasn't going to make it though she kept walking for what seemed like forever until she tripped and fell not to far from the river. She tried to stand up again, but was finding it difficult to move as the snow began soaking through her clothes. With a groan she crawled over to a tree and gripped it as she used that to pull herself up to her feet before she looked back at the wall hoping that the monster who had been trying to protect her was alright. "Why am I so concerned about it?" She asked herself with a shake of her head before she before she began to walk away again but fell down again. "What's going on?" She groaned to herself, finding that she wasn't able to stand up anymore. May continued trying to get up until she heard something moving in the snow. Right away she saw that it was a monster, but didn't realized it had been the one trying to help her. May whimpered softly, probably attracting attention to herself even though she was trying to remain silent.
In Daemons 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
When Cade attacked the female then came back to May and showed her the way to the wall she realized that he was trying to fight for her and protect her. She smiled slightly, but was suddenly pushed out of the way by Cade which caused her to stumble back a few feet and fall to the ground with a small "oof" before she picked herself up and heard Cade cry out in pain. "Oh gosh, please me okay." She said as she slowly began trying to ease herself closer to the wall. She didn't want to leave him, afraid that he would get hurt though she wasn't sure why she was so concerned but she knew that she needed to get away of she would be okay. When the female was no longer paying attention, May stood still watching the fight for a few more moments before she began running for the wall again, lifting an arm to shield her face from the snow. She began to shiver, the cold beginning to affect her. She continued moving until she finally got to the wall, but at a different part so she had to go looking for the spot where she entered from as quick as she can before she was caught in the blizzard and died from the cold unable to get home.
In Daemons 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
When the larger of the two monsters launched itself at her, May screamed and tried to scramble away from it but ended up falling backwards, onto her back just as the first demon intercepted the second's attack and pinned the monster to the ground. Unable to move May watched the fight happening, unsure of what was going on. If she didn't know better she would say that the first monster was trying to protect her. Shaking the silly thought from her head she sprung up ready to run. Before May could run to the fence to safety, she realized that she would need to run past the two fighting monsters, and with how much they were thrashing and fighting she would surly get hurt, if not killed if she got to close so she just gulped and stayed where she was and tried to wait for the perfect time to run. Then she saw that the female had pushed the smaller monster off her, and turned her attention to May. "Oh God." She said as she tried to run past the demon and towards the fence.
In Daemons 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
May had just emerged from the fence, to the forbidden area where she was never supposed to go. The girl who was only 19 loved to go on adventures and she loved exploring the 'forbidden' places. She had walked a few yards from the fence when suddenly she got a strange feeling, like she was being watched. May turned towards Cade, not seeing him at first but suddenly something rushed at her. The girl screamed a but and took a few steps back, looking at the thing that was ten meters in front as it made a blood chilling screeching sound. Without needing to understand what was being said she began turning around so that she could run, but before she could she saw the second monster and she froze in her tracks. "This is why you don't go to forbidden places May." She hissed to herself. Sense May was could walk, she had always loved exploring new places and getting herself into trouble and the more you told her not to do something, the more she wanted to do it and all her life everyone had always told her "Do not cross the fence and go to the South." Up until today she had listened to him, but for a few weeks now she had been hearing strange noises so she decided to investigate, and learned that she did not like what she found.
In Daemons 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Okay :) And I filled the CS for my character out ^.^ And now I see what you mean xD How does one see that and not run away in fear xD
In Daemons 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Name: Meagan (May) Youngblood Age: 19 Appearance:
In Daemons 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Okay Hello :D
I'm interested. Shall I PM you?
Yes please :D
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