Avatar of NobodiesHero
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 262 (0.10 / day)
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    1. NobodiesHero 7 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current One of my five year students just punched me in the face. I'm so proud of them. (I teach martial arts btw)
6 yrs ago
Even companies like Netflix are against the removal of net neutrality. Why did it get voted out? Political bullshit. They know what would have happened if they put it to a public vote.
7 yrs ago
Two older guys are sitting in Starbucks next to me, loudly insulting their frugal friend for his small TV and the fact that he doesn't eat take out. People are stupid.
7 yrs ago
@LordofthePies I call my sister Moo-Doodle.
7 yrs ago
Hit my word goal for day one of NaNo, just 29 to go. Hahahaha.


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Giving the thread a little bump.
There was another who had just watched the news. In his hotel room in Pyrite was Dilan, one of the members of Team Rocket who were in charge of Orre takeover. He wore the uniform of a grunt, but was in fact one of Giovanni's right hand men. He scoffed as he turned off the TV. "Those idiots didn't take long, did they?" He muttered to himself. Already it was going to be dangerous to the wear the uniform that he loved so much. With a shake of his head, he stripped off the uniform and began donning his disguise.

When he was finished, Dilan looked like a simple trainer, not a criminal. He tied his long pink locks back in a ponytail. With that finished, Dilan pulled out his phone and dialed a number. The call was picked up quickly. "Reporting already?" Giovanni said on the other end.

"Unfortunately, those idiots you sent with me have already begun to reveal our presence. I give it two days, max, before the authorities know who we are."

Giovanni sighed angrily. "Those idiots are necessary, but expendable. Let them take the heat and do your work in the shadows. This isn't like Silph where all you have to deal with is a bunch of cowards, this is another criminal organization, you need backup."

"I know. I'll stick with the plan. Tear Cipher apart from the inside, and get my hands on a Shadow Pokemon, so I can send it to you and we start working on producing them ourselves."

"...Get two. Consider it your bonus for a job well done."

Dilan smiled, not his usual devilish smile, but a genuine one. "Sure thing boss."

With that, Dilan hung up. The criminal grabbed the last of what he needed and headed out the door of his room. Today, he'd scout the area, get a lay of the land and gather information on the enemy. Tomorrow, he'd become a member of Cipher and work on getting his hands on one, or two, of their Shadow Pokemon. That was the one thing the idiot grunts were good for, causing panic. Cipher would no doubt want to be arming themselves again.
Ashe nodded and was only moments behind Sam as he started to move. Only her path wasn't taking her to Roxas, she was going straight at the red haired one and the Emperor. She didn't have time to put any focus on Sam and Roxas, she had to trust that he'd be able to handle himself until she could get the Emperor to safety. The diplomat should be safe for now, they seemed more interested in the Emperor right now, he was priority number one.

But before she could get there, the red haired one summoned his own weapons. Two flame wrapped chakram. He proceeded to fling one at her. Not wanting to deal with getting set on fire again today, instead of knocking it out of the way with her sword, Ashe rolled to the side. Unfortunately, that gave the red haired one enough time to slit the Emperor's throat. "No!" Ashe cried out. The two Imperator's disappeared into one of their portals shortly after that, but Ashe didn't even notice. She was making a beeline to the Emperor.

If the Imperator had stabbed the Emperor, then things would be over already, but they were lucky. Though a dangerous wound, he still had a chance. Especially when he had someone who knew how to keep people with serious injuries alive. Ashe grabbed the Emperor and gently lowered him to the ground. "I need you to focus on breathing, okay?" She said as she started pulling her shirt off. All that she was left in was her bindings to cover herself, but she didn't care. "I'm going to have to put pressure on this, just keep breathing, through your nose would be best."

Ashe tore the tails off her shirt, for later use, balled up the rest, and pressed it against the Emperor's throat. She put as much pressure on it as she dared, trying to stop the bleeding, while also letting the Emperor breath. When Sam asked about the medical bay, it took Ashe a moment to answer. "Yes, I think so. Sam, I need you get the ship as close as possible to here. I'm buying us time by doing this, but I need to keep pressure on the wound, I can't do that if we're carrying him. Miss diplomat, I need you to talk to him, keep him awake. That'll give him a better chance." Ashe had gone into full warrior mode, an expression even scarier than her usual fierce one was on her face right now.
Ashe swore under her breath as Sam started explaining what had happened. Her and Leon had a heck of a time against one Imperator, but there were possibly two of them here? The odds were not good, but Ashe didn't care, she had a mission to do, and she would complete it. She had fought and won under worse odds before. It was amazing how much pain and damage the human body could take when the mind connected to it was so stubborn, and so strong. All she needed to do was make sure there was enough life left in her afterwards to get to the Gummi Ship.

While Sam sheathed his blade, Ashe kept hers out and followed the other warrior as he led her through the palace. She listened as he continued to explain, quietly taking in all the information with a perfectly blank expression on her face. The only time that changed was when he mentioned the Keyblade. She hesitated in her steps, before continuing after him. "Sora is the only one who can wield the Keyblade that we knew of. Clearly we were wrong and there's at least one more." Ashe stated.

They were at another large set of doors when they both heard voices coming from behind it. Sam immediately burst through the doors very loudly, and Ashe nearly slapped a hand against her own forehead. There went any element of surprise they may have had. There were four people inside the throne room, none of which Ashe had ever seen before. She could gather that the duck inside the cage was probably the diplomat, and the old man chained to the throne was probably the Emperor. The other two were clearly Imperators, which made Ashe swear again.

The first Imperator was a young man with a shock of spiky red hair. The other was still hooded, but judging from the small stature was either young, or female. Ashe may have been tall, but most women were much shorter than she was. She towered over most of the other female warriors in her homeland. Ashe took a slight step back as the hooded one, Roxas apparently, leaped between them and the hostages, then proceeded to summon what must have been a Keyblade.

There were only two of them, dealing with two Imperators. This wasn't good. Ashe dropped into an offensive fighting stance. "If things get bad, you flee and I'll cover your escape. You have far more information than I do." Ashe ordered quietly so that Sam was the only one who heard. It was the smartest thing to do in this situation. Sam had been here longer, he knew what was going on. Ashe was a warrior from a land of warriors, she could keep these Imperators at bay long enough for Sam to escape. "There's a Gummi Ship waiting outside the gates to the palace."
Online_Delta Server_Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground

Duskwalker offered a smile as Allegory tried to comfort her, but in the wrong way. She hadn't said this place was scary, or dangerous, she had said it felt too peaceful. There was something very off about this place. But she didn't bring it up, the gesture was still very nice. There wasn't time to bring it up anyway. Marill and Cyann showed up shortly after that. Duskwalker was happy with the amount of her friends that were willing to show up, she had really thought that she'd be the only one to care about this.

Before there was much time to chat, two more people showed up. One was Roamer, the other was KISU. But the person behind KISU wasn't the usual one, even if she hadn't known that already she would have been able to tell, they way they moved even as the same character, was completely different. Duskwalker was silent as KISU began to explain everything. She nodded when she mentioned the possible connection between the game and the coma, if her own theory was right then that was very true.

When KISU mentioned the possibility of investigating outside the game, or hacking the game and going beyond what normal players would, Saya sat up a little straighter, and Duskwalker who's head had been down as she listened, suddenly snapped up. "I'm your girl for that. Hacking isn't my strong suit, but I can learn, and I'm already working on some theories outside the game. Speaking of, I've got some questions to ask you about your mother and her condition, might help us get closer to the truth."

Duskwalker put her hands on her hips. "I do agree with Grim though, if we're going outside the rules of the game, we need people on the inside as well. It's gonna be dangerous. But, what's an investigation without a little danger?" Duskwalker was clearly excited about the possibility of doing a real investigation for once. Of course the situation was tragic but it wasn't as if the professor was dead, comas could be reversed, people came out of them all the time. If they could find out what caused the coma, it would help doctors bring her back.
Here's that Team Rocket grunt we discussed me having. Meant to have it up sooner, but I've been busy.

Offline_Apartment_Living Room

With the amount of papers scattered across the coffee table, you'd think she was a detective already. But no, she was just a simple, Criminal Psychology student with the coolest professor ever. In front of her was all the pieces to what appeared to be a set of murders that had no seeming like and a list of suspects. One of them was a serial killer. You would start to notice something was strange with this when you realized that one of the victims was Saya Oda herself. With the other seven being some of her classmates.

This was why she had the coolest professor ever. He had designed all the murders, all the suspects, everything, as the best winter break homework ever to be created. Their job was simple, link the murders and find the killer. Saya would be lying if she said she didn't have fun being dressed up and posing for the victim pictures. Each victim had some fun quirks to them that were individual for each person. Saya had put up one heck of a fight before being stabbed to death.

Saya sat on the floor, with her back against the couch. Other than the papers, the coffee table also held a cup of hot apple cider, as well as a notebook and pencil, which already had notes scrawled into it. Stone colored eyes were sweeping across the file she current held in her hands. This was the fourth victim she had gone over today, making notes about things that may have linked them together. She was starting to get an idea, but to be sure she'd have to go through the rest of the files as well.

Before she could get much further, a sound on her computer indicated that she had just recieved an email. The future detective in her wanted to ignore it, but the social part of her said to take a look. Another moment of glancing at the mess on her coffee table, and she decided to listen to the social part. She could ignore emails when there were actually lives at stake. With a sigh, the dark haired woman got to her feet and went over to the computer desk. She clicked on the email and started reading. Halfway through, she got up from the desk, quickly she grabbed the pencil from the table and pulled an unused notebook from a shelf that was overflowing with crime novels, psychology textbooks, and notebooks. Then she returned to the desk.

As she finished reading, Saya began to write things down in the notebook. The detective in her wanting to solve this case that actually meant saving lives.

Coma victims. All have The World accounts. Comas caused by game? Flashing lights messing with brain waves? Possible seizures beforehand. Victims have anything in common besides The World? Investigation needed.

There was no question about it, Saya would be at that meeting. She did have to work tonight, but she was working the crazy shift at the bar. She wasn't starting work until 8 P.M. she'd have plenty of time to meetup with her friends. If anybody else was even interested in this.

Online_Delta Server_Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground

Duskwalker was the lowest level player out of all her friends. Between working nights at the bar, classes, and a lot of complex but extremely fun homework to do, she just didn't have as much time to play as the others. But that suited her style just fine. She usually left combat to them, her skills lay in the same areas as it did in reality. Finding things, solving puzzles, and noticing things far before anyone else did. But that was fine with her, she wasn't in the game to get to max level, she wanted to explore dungeons and uncover secrets.

Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground was probably the prettiest area she had ever explored. At the same time, it was rather eerie, making the hair on the back of her neck stand up. For a moment, she just stood by the Chaos Gate, examining the world around her. There were no signs of anyone else here yet, at least outside. There was no point in hanging around there much longer. The Knuckle Master made her way to the large doors of the cathedral, before entering inside.

She was greeted by the sight of two familiar figures standing inside. "Hey Allegory, Grimsley. I was worried I'd be the only one interested in this." She said with a wave. Duskwalker's brown eyes swept around the room, taking in everything around her. The detective in her making it's way to the surface. "This place feels, too peaceful, too quiet. It's as if it was meant to be something more important, but was forgotten about. I, don't like it."
Working on my character now. How are we handling Pokemon? Like do we care about levels? Are we limiting it to four moves? If we do care about levels, around what level do you want us to start at?
@Tranquility OMG! You have put so much work and thought into this. I am so excited for how this is going to play out.
Bit shorter than usual, but the only way I could have made it longer is by using fluff, which I didn't want to do.
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