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Yamcha defeated Frieza, spoiler alert~
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Just Noodles who like eating noodles

Age: 22

A bit late to say this, but retired

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"Damnit," Janet snorted a curse at the abrupt appearance of the girl Musashi. "All my careful plans of infiltration have gone to shit!" The name Musashi was a rather peculiar name. No use of playing along with foiled plans. At least I get to know this ship enough, I'll have no choice but to go with this...

Janet's spear flickered under the rising sunlight, its tip sent towards the ground in front of the two marines as the javelin smothered into an explosion.

"We still don't know who our enemies are, I'll play it safe this time," Dozens of Janet's javelins started dotting the sky, raining it down the ship deck with the ever familiar fireballs. "Spear Barrage, I won't do anything rash, so I'll just slowly demolish this ship from the top to bottom."

Bertol let out a whistle upon the sight of the ballista arrow 'boarding' the TRUE BLUE ship. The ballista's accuracy is better than he'd thought. And that's before complimenting about the craftswork of the arrow. Quite brilliant fireworks this one makes.

The corner of his sight caught a glimpse of someone standing too casually at the back of the ship. Too suspicious for someone to relax at one corner of the ship, not to mention inappropriate. "It isn't a good thing for someone to go slacking off in a crew..." Bertol grabbed a rope from the rigging, carrying his staff by his shoulders, swinging down the TRUE BLUE's quarter deck. His left hand had maintained his grasp on the Moon Materia.

Boarding the TRUE BLUE, he swung out his staff in a whirling arc, clobbering a crew member of the enemy ship on the head. Time to move. A familiar chuck of rock appeared beside the yellow-haired man, as Bertol sent it towards the back of the ship, on the direction to the one who was slacking off in the ship. You can slack off all you want in the afterlife, fool. He let out a smirk, getting a firm one-handed grip on his staff.

Royse laid against the ship railings, glancing upon the view of the oceans. Its just another ship's travel for her, just another... There are some passengers with seasickness, but she'd been travelling a lot back in her younger days as a mercenary. The ship trip is one of the quests she would be taking on. She hoped that it wouldn't be a blunder, not like the last time at Crocus.

Taking a bite from her packet of crackers, she pondered whether she could create arrows that can heal with her magic. Better not take this risk... Her usage of magic is more inclined towards the more offensive purposes, or to put it bluntly, maiming and killings. Healing is a different art altogether, and she wouldn't want to use something that she doesn't understand well enough.

"Rather than to make such humourous accusations," Janet shook her wrist away from Jack's grasp, her amber eye letting out a fierce glint towards the older marine. "Shouldn't you be dealing with actual intruders? A short girl with a bandana, escaped before I could apprehend her."

Janet's hands was ready to twitch at any moment, she kept wary of any hostile intents from the Marines. But for now, she will remain civil unless attacked. "So I repeat again, we've all hands on deck at the moment, so let us through." She made herself sound reasonable in the dire of the situation.

So... the reinforcements have arrived, Klaus took a glance towards the familiar gold hair, and realised the girl was smaller than the one she'd assumed to be. The young healer?

It was summons back to the castle. She let a slight smile at the faries before turning back and without a word, trotted her horse back to the town of Brennan.

"They're starting to exchange fires, but they're barely at the range of my magic, hmm..." Bertol caressed his wooden staff, watching the start of the battle as he let out a whistle. His quickcast is ready for any stray bullets, but it seemed he had barely attracted any attention from the enemy crew. He doesn't consider himself as slacking off, doing nothing was considered a good strategy back in the scheming days as a noble. Once the timing is right, I will make my move...

"Alright Sir," Janet snorted, her hand twitched at the sudden grasp on her wrist. Had it be the day before, she would've let loose of her powers by now. But it was fortunate that she had figured out her Devil Fruit control well enough to continue the act. All she needed is to maintain her patience, and she's starting to feel regret over getting into this ordeal. On the brighter side, getting towards the captain was what she wanted to do since the beginning. A towing mission...? Those damned pirates are really playing games with us!

For now, she would continue with the act and 'assist' the Marine.

Bertol sat cross-legged beside the table, rolling on a set of 5 dices. He adjusted his straw hat, taking a puff on his gold-rimmed tabac pipe. The TRUE BLUE ship would be approaching in any moment now. As per usual, the die landed on all sixes. Five Sixes would be the strongest roll or the weakest, depending on the game. Of course, he wouldn't use his shaved dice carelessly.

Undoing the creases of his dark green sleeves, Bertol took out a moon-shaped Materia from his fat leather purse laden in gold coins. His Moon Materia glowed as he mantained out a small trickle of his magic that is ready to be casted at any timing. "How much treasure does they have? I wonder." He grabbed his wooden staff, as he turned to observe the TRUE BLUE vessel. Best that he do nothing for now, for he is the type of person who prefers catching his opponents by surprise.

Harken gasped for breath as she looked upon the approaching lady of Dark Clothing, Xia. No signs of any magic, yet... That black dress was more perculiar that anything she'd seen, and she found herself pondering on what was that thing in front of her eyes. An Artefact of the Shadow... Harken grimaced at the sight of Xia's glasses. She tensed up at the lady's young appearance, she'd heard of some Darkfiends capable of changing their face. Must never let down my guard...

"No! I live and die together with the spear!! We are proud warriors married to none but the spear, and the Spear Maidens of the Borderlands will not yield to the likes of Thag'dron!" The five finger's of her left hand scraped the surface of the soil. She knew what would happen after calling the true name of the Dark Lord. The incoming searing pain that reaches all the way down the bones, that will surface towards the very soul. But what does it matter anyways, since the Dark Pits Atudusna is the last place before she would cease to exist.

Nothing happened.

"Eh...? Impossible..." The shaft of Harken's spear dropped upon her buckler. Every single time without fail, she had seen those unfaithful to the Dark Lord naming him. And he was sealed deep within Atudusna, The Darkest Lands, but his name carries that influence. Nobody had ever killed a Dark General in a thousand years, let alone the Dark Lord. Yet the Dark Lord's name carries little meaning here... Now to mention, she doesn't look like she was lying, wasn't she...?

"... I was in the middle of a battle against those damned traitors... Are there anybody else with me?" Harken placed her bloodstained veil to one side, chucking her spear back to her quiver. Her hand was still near her side, as if ready to draw at anytime she needed. Yet she showed no killing intention, it was just how she was taught, a habit that she found it hard to get rid of.

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