Avatar of Norschtalen
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    1. Norschtalen 7 yrs ago


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With nothing else left to do at this end, Kyra would lead the party back to the dragon room, and there lead them towards the corridor they didn't take, which would likely lead to the dragon eggs itself. Kyra had her bow and arrows at the ready, careful to prod the ground, walls, and even ceiling with her bow for any kobold traps. Soon they'd reach a cave that had a heavy scent of water, and somewhere in the darkness Kyra could vaguely make out the shape of eggs. She raised her hand to halt her allies and got low to the ground, scanning the area for hostiles. There was no way to know what was in here guarding the eggs, but she was certain there was something. Either kobolds who retreated here to let Cyanwrath and his men fight, or possibly something worse. Either way, Kyra didn't plan to risk her or the other's life as she quietly spoke of her plan.

"I believe I can see the eggs from where I'm at, or a silhouette at least. I don't know what else is in here but no sense in running into danger. Allow me to just shoot them full of arrows; all I need to do is crack one open, and that will surely kill any dragon inside, if the arrows themselves don't do it. I'll need the rest of you to watch the area around me in case there is something else here protecting the eggs."

The GM tends to be rather on/off. I'd like to keep playing, but unless she intends to make this a very played-controlled RP, I'm not sure if it'll even begin.
I vote we head back to the other area and take the east hall. I’m sure that’s where the dragon nest is. We just need to be careful of any surviving defenders and traps.

It happens, and frankly it wouldn't surprise me if someone else from that sort of background managed to make it out. If anything, maybe they know one another?


I resized my image. Hopefully it'll be fine.
While everyone settled in, Kyra kept careful watch over the various entrances. She tried to rig the trap back up but she knew that despite how simplistic it might've been, she wouldn't be able to do it alone. Or at least if she did, it would be tedious and stressful work. She needed to focus on resting for now instead of possibly catching any kobolds in their own trap. Instead she simply kept an eye on things, bow and arrow in hand, relaxing but keeping watch until everyone else was good and ready to go. Once about an hour passed and everyone seem rested Kyra began to look around the area more thoroughly. She wanted to know what exactly they were going to be dealing with soon and she wants to be armed with knowledge.

At Parum's suggestion to investigate the southern hall, Kyra nods. "It'll be good to secure an exit once we're out of here. Just be careful. I'm trying to get an idea of just how many people might be left in this place, because I am certain that this entire cave hasn't been entirely cleared out yet." Kyra continues to follow the trail for kobolds or people, particularly anyone who might've come through the southern hall.

As hawkin said,

gender ratios are stupid, go for a gorl
It would seem that everyone was going to take some time to rest. Fine by Kyra, she could use the rest. Orchid said he was going to take watch at the previous room and Brannor suggested not resting here, so Kyra quickly caught up to the orc. ”Orchid, don’t split the party, let’s all get out of here and stick together. Last thing we need is to get picked off one-by-one.” Kyra would join Orchid in the previous room, presumably with everyone else as well. Additionally over the course of her rest/watch she’d see if she can’t rig up that trap that sprung on Parum before. She didn’t have any rocks on hand but there were a few kobold corpses. Afterwards whether Kyra succeeded for failed, she’d keep watch at the hall that led to the dragon room to keep a keen ear open for any hostile.
Kyra has no concerns over these people, so feel free to do what you wish against them, Cyanwrafh in particular. I’m not against resting here or in the previous room either, and frankly I don’t have much to say that isn’t just affirming that.
Kyra looked down the hall. "Another passage here. Looks like it leads to somewhere important. Perhaps we could check it out?" Hearing that everyone else wanted to rest, Kyra couldn't help but think it would be a good idea as well. She was all tapped out for magic and they were all heavily wounded. No where was safe, but at least if they waited for the enemy to come to them, they could ambush them like they did with the warriors from before. "Let's rest here. I'll keep watch and keep an eye out for anything that'll come and threaten us. Perhaps we can make some defensive cover if or when they arrive."
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