Avatar of NyanCaxx
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    1. NyanCaxx 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Maybe is I put it in an language the bots can understand: 01000110 01110101 01100011 01101011 00100000 01101111 01100110 01100110
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8 yrs ago
@Spybuster HERESY!!!
8 yrs ago
Hey Kevin, why don't you keep some of that viagra for yourself. Maybe it'll help you GET FUCKED
8 yrs ago
My life would be hollow and unfulfilling without Noot Noot memes
8 yrs ago
@Rawk I suppose it depends on how....uh bouncy the gif is.


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Ok I'll leave this up for a bit longer to see if I can get some more interest and then I'll get to work on the OOC
This'll be a school-type roleplay set in an original universe which combines human's with modern age tech and Elves, and Beastkin with magic. The following is background information on the universe, just the important bits, however I am constantly adding to the expanded lore as I go. Anyway, have a read through what I've got so far and let me know if this is something you are interested in.

Creation and the Fairies
At the beginning of time, when the Goddess of Creation breathed life into the world, she was aided by the Fae, each of them magic personified, commonly known as Fairies. The Goddess created the Beastkin and the Humans and, for a time all was in balance, under the watchful guidance of the immortal Fae. But then the Humans, driven by their lust for power began to enslave the Beastkin, believing them to be less than Human. But it wasn't until the Humans began to dabble in forbidden dark magics that allowed them to corrupt the Fae to steal their power and immortality that the Goddess herself stepped in. She gave birth to a new race, beings born from the very trees of the forest, that would come to be known as the Elves. The first of the Elves were bonded to chosen Fairies to share in their power and immortality, becoming the first of the Guardians.

The 1000 Year War
The Elves and those Beastkin that had avoided or escaped slavery, lead by the Guardians, made war on the Humans in an attempt to restore balance to the world. It was a costly war that lasted a thousand years and left a scar on the world that would never truly heal. As powerful as the Guardians were, the Humans wielded dark and corrupt magics powered by the stolen energy of the captive Fairies. But finally the Guardians stood victorious and, for their crimes, the Humans were stripped of their magic and banished from the Forests for all eternity. Those Immortal Guardians, with their bonded Fairies settled down to watch over the world as it slowly healed and found it's balance once more.

The Guardian Academy
Three hundred years have passed since the end of The 1000 Year War and the world has settled into an era of peace, a tenuous peace, but peace none-the-less. Without magic to rely on, the Humans have built cities of metal and glass, based on technology. There they live in relative harmony with one another and the Beastkin who are descended from those who chose to remain among the humans after being freed from slavery. In the great forests the Elves and remaining Beastkin have remained unchanged by time.

But the state of the world has not rested well on the mind of the first and oldest of the Guardians. He believed that the world could only find true balance once all the races united in peace. He came to believe that the Guardians were the key and, with the blessing of the Fae created a place deep in the forest where chosen young people of all races, even humans, would be brought to be bonded with Fairies and taught the ways of the Guardians. It is to this new, united generation of Guardians that the First hopes to entrust the peace of the world.

Character Info

Elves: Created by the Goddess to answer the threat of humans, the Elves have settled into a peaceful existence since the end of the war. They live in tight-nit villages inside the forest and are the only race of which every member is innately capable of learning to use magic.

Beastkin: Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! The Beastkin are the half animal half human races of the world. As varied as they are they all share several similar traits. Firstly, even in human form they retain some indication of their animal nature such as horns, ears, tails, etc. Secondly, they are also able to transform completely into their animal form. Few of this race are born able to use magic, however. The Beastkin races are widespread, living in deserts, forests, mountains, swamps, seas and even in Human cities.

Humans: After being exiled from the forests and stripped of their magic, the industrious Humans went on to build great cities and develop a society based on technology. In these cities they live alongside the Beastkin and, despite their inability to use magic, they prosper.

Fairies: Creatures of pure magic, the Fae are able to take any form they wish, though their natural form is that of a small winged humanoid, While not physically strong the Fairies are capable of great magic and are the only race capable of forming a life-bond with other races.

The Guardians are those chosen by a fairy to be bonded to them for life. This bond comes with many perks and one great responsibility. Guardians share their Fairy's immortality, but may still fall in battle. They have increased physical strength and speed and the ability to use powerful magic, regardless of their race. In return for these perks a Guardian is tasked with protecting all of Fae kind and preserving the balance of the world. A Guardian is chosen the moment they first make contact with their Fairy. A permanent mental connection is formed between them and a unique symbol is magically branded onto the Guardian's body to symbolize their bond.

Magic comes in two forms, Fairy Magic is magic in it's purest form and while very powerful it is unpredictable. The Magic used by the other races is based on an individual's Elemental Affinity. There are six known affinities: Fire, Water, Earth, Air and the two rarer affinities of Light and Darkness. The four common affinities encompass simple elemental magic while those of Light are able to learn advanced Healing spells. Dark magic is considered taboo if not outright forbidden, as it was Darkness magic that allowed the humans to corrupt and siphon the power of the Fae during The 1000 Year War.

Non Player Characters
Huh... It never even occurred to me to make an abomination character. +1 for originality.
Viela looked down at the Grand Cleric as she raised her dagger high over her head. The woman's face didn't show any fear. Viela was about to bring the dagger down when she noticed a flash of movement out of the corner of her eye. Reacting on instinct, the elven assassin reversed her grip on the dagger and swiped the arrow out of the air a moment before it would've hit her. This was bad. She'd only had a small window of opportunity to begin with and every second she wasted, the guards were closing in. Viela turned back to the Grand Cleric and caught sight of a strange glint in her eyes.

Viela felt a surprising flash of pain as the Grand Cleric's palm was thrust upwards, straight into the underside of her chin. Viela stumbled backwards, shocked by this turn of events. The platform vibrated under the impact of armored boots and Viela spun, readying her blades. Her time was up. Guards charged the stage, swords drawn. Viela reached into her belt and withdrew a small chemical vial, which she tossed at the feet of the leading guard. The vial exploded into a noxious cloud of smoke that enveloped the elf and the first few guards.

A sword came swinging through the smoke and Viela ducked the swipe, lashing out at the source. She moved through the smoke, staying low. She saw a boot and kicked out at it, tripping the owner. She dodged another blind sword strike and leapt out the smoke, exploding into daylight only to find herself facing an armored fist coming straight for her. The world flashed white and Viela found herself flying off the platform and into the crowd. Dazed and winded, she tried to get up but was restrained by a boot on her chest and a sword point against her throat. She looked up at the guard standing over her and smiled, dropping her daggers and holding out her empty hands. "Well, you got me!" She said cheerfully.
Well Viela had quite an entrance.
The new Grand Cleric's inauguration had drawn quite a crowd of spectators. They filled the Chantry courtyard and, even as they all watched the Elven woman on the raised platform in front of the the Chantry doors, they were in turn watched. By the City Guard, the Viscount's mercenaries, and, of course, dozens of Templars. The inauguration of such a controversial Grand Cleric was not something to be taken lightly and they weren't taking any chances with security. Only a fool would be stupid enough to try anything while down there in the courtyard, which is exactly why Viela was not in the courtyard.

She watched the events unfolding beneath her from a vantage point in the shadows, high up on the Chantry roof, from an eave overlooking the courtyard. From her perch she looked down on the elven woman in her religious garb and felt nothing. She understood why the client had requested an elf carry out the contract, a human assassin would turn the woman into a martyr, but if it were to be an elf who carried out the deed then the Chantry would likely just crack back down on elves everywhere. Viela knew this, and still felt nothing. She had no loyalty to her own kind, her own kind had sold her to the Crows in the first place, and she wasn't exactly Andrastian either. Death was the only god that Viela believed in. This was a contract, nothing more.

The proceedings began down below and a chorus of cheers and jeers reached Viela up in her perch. The elven assassin stood up and drew her daggers. The contract was clear: It had to be public. Viela stood up from her perch and, taking a breath to steady herself for what was to come, she dropped down onto the platform, between a pair of armored Templars. Even as they turned to look at her, still unaware of the danger she represented she drove her daggers up under their helmets, straight through the underside of their chins and into their brains. The holy knights dropped instantly and cries of shock, horror and outrage came from the crowd.

Viela was now well and truly the centre of attention and she could see guards closing on all sides. The closest threat came from the other two Templars standing on the other side of the new Grand Cleric, who had also turned to stare at her. As the Templars charged forward to get between Viela and her target, drawing their swords, the assassin leapt forward and ducked a sword blow from one, sliding a dagger through a point in the man's armor under his outstretched arm. As she withdrew the dagger she threw her weight into a kick, pushing the dying Templar into his comrade with caused them both to tumble off the platform and into the crowd. Viela turned on the Grand Cleric and leapt towards her, driving the woman to the ground with her knees, where she knelt atop her, and raised her dagger for the killing blow.
<Snipped quote by NyanCaxx>

That was a good post Nyan :D

Haha thanks.

Alright, hope it's better than mine lol. The first post was a brick on a window in terms of how nice it was.

Nah it was fine. I liked it.
Okie dokie, I got my IC post up
Lucius Alexandros Juran

It was a big night and everyone had been hard at work since the moment the sun went down, making sure that everything was perfect for the Princess's exciting debut. With his black hair slicked back and looking excellent in his black tuxedo and blood-red shirt, Lucius had been in the atrium for hours, welcoming guests and making polite small talk with the aristocratic families as they passed on their way towards the ballroom. Many of the more realistic nobles, who realised that they wouldn't have a chance of marrying off a daughter to the future King, instead took the chance to introduce Lucius to their daughters, no doubt hoping he would take to one of them. None of the girls aroused Lucius' interest, but he made sure to remain polite and cordial with each and every one of them.

Finally a servant appeared at Lucius' side and quietly informed him that it was nearly time for the three siblings to make their entrance into the ballroom. He excused himself from the conversation he was having and headed towards the entrance hall where he was to meet his brother and sister. Matthieu was already waiting when he arrived and Lucius gave his Older Brother a nod of greeting. Not long after Viridiana arrived, with a small entourage of servants. As the Princess came into Lucius' view he couldn't help but stop and stare. He had always thought his Sister was beautiful, but he had never seen her like this before. He became aware of the fact that he was staring like a fool and managed to recover himself before anyone noticed. He turned towards the large double doors as the three of them were announced to the guests and, as Viridiana took her place between Matthieu and himself he unconsciously reached out to take her hand, stopping himself just in time.

Lucius stood up straight as the doors opened and, with his shoulders back and a polite smile on his face. It took every ounce of self control that he had to keep his attention on the guests and not turn to watch his sister. With their entrance complete, Lucius decided to grab a quick drink before subjecting himself to a few more hours of meaningless small talk. He slipped through the crowd of guests, offering polite refusals to each attempted interaction, until he reached the refreshments table and picked up a glass of wine. There was fresh blood on offer as well, but Lucius didn't really feel that kind of thirst at the moment. He took a sip from the wineglass and turned to look out over the ballroom, finding that his eyes inevitably came to rest on his beautiful Sister.
@Rex Piratum
Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!
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