Avatar of Ocheewa
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 58 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Ocheewa 7 yrs ago


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Female, 17+, not from USA/UK/Australia
Open minded :D
Shy T.T A littly shy lizard... okay... that sounds strange O.o

Most Recent Posts

In Fireball!!! 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
But yeah... it quiet funny.. ^^ Maybe I am your 'Argonian Maid'? XD
In Fireball!!! 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"Next time... could you please be quiete... there are some non human beings in your house, which want to sleep... so... PLEASE go somewhere else to voilate poor female organs", Nameless growled under his mask and shoved the next on underneath it. "Because I swear to myself... I am not going to be forever this nice to a dirty bastard like you!"

His muscles got tense and his wings grew intimidating. "And don't you even dsre to hurt that little sweet thing, or I ripp your head of", genesis took a big breath and drank from his tea. He chew on the cookie and felt the choclate melting on his tounge. "Now... if you excuse me, I should look after her!"

In Fireball!!! 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
It took a while to long for the Nameless. So he went the stairs up and knocked on the door. "Are you alright? Are you ill? Do you need medicine? I have cookies and Tea prepared... uhm... if you... want to... I am waiting downstairs... ... please... don't leave me with Dirk alone!", he sighted and went downstsirs.

In the dinningroom he sat down and began to eat one cookie. Delecious bastards! But nothing can challange cake! Cake is the devine under all sweets. A deep breath and he tried to focuswhat he could have done wrong. Oh yes... the babbeling... well done! Now he was alone with Dirk again... evil bastard!

Namless just stood there, confused of that what happened. His wings were all fluttered and were shaking. For now... a very long time he had no contact to any human being. "Uhm... well... eh... wait", he pointed his pointer-finger to the celing, while his other hand was roaming through his bag. "Just... one... uhm... where is it?", he mumbled through his mask. "Ha! There it is!", Genesis held a little piece of folded paper in his Hand.

He cleared his throat as he began to talk. "Hello dear host! I am not good at talking with other living things than animals, but it is okay! I am Nameless...", he stopped and the mask turned to the man named Faust. "I know, a strange Name... but at this time... there was no existence, so no names", he chuckled nervous. "Sorry. Okay, now... you can call me Genesis! I like to watch the sky or to read things. I am familiar with the earth history and... normaly I do not talk much, because... uhm.. wait a second", as Nameless turned the paper he began to unfold the piece of paper. "I don't know what to talk with you anymore...", he finished his sentence. "I once knew! But these are ancient times... You once prayed to me as a god", a little laughter escaped his mouth, just because of nervousity. "Excuse me, it is not funny."

Once again he cleared his throat. "You know what? This... piece of paper... does bad work for me...", Genesis sighted. Then he held his Arm out for a handshake. "Call me Genesis, if you like it more and also I would like some Tea, blood orange please! No sugar", he took his bags to bring them in his new home.

In Fireball!!! 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
What the actual fuck just happens here? He... got really irritated and didn't know what to do. "Eh... do you want tea... or... fresh clothes? Okay... just... uhm... come in...", he slowly pushed her aside and took her box. "I think you need... to.. change? The toilette is the third door to your right... I make tea", confused he walked on the kitchen. What happened?

He cooked water and threw some herbes in it. Nameless hoped she would like mint tea... it wasn't his favorite... but he didn't want to take the industrial packages.
In Fireball!!! 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"DIRK! DIIIHIIIRK! WHEEEERE AAAAARE YOU?", yelled and sighted as there was no response. "Human being... strange being... But for once I was there God... now they get dumber with every new mobile phone like innvention", he thought by himself. A little bit cracked he stepped to the door and tried to calm down. "Ooookay... here we go! Don't mess this up! You aren't good in talking with people... but I know... you can... do... it...."

As he opens the door a strange noise comes from his throat, like a little... squee. Then there she was. A little girl... or was he just this tall? She had red hair, like flames from the beginning of earth, as she formed her to a wonderful place. "Uhm... hi... I am... Nameless... and... I think this is your new
home... uhm... I am really sorry! I have to excuse our host... he is... somehow... strange. Yeah! He is strange! Come in and... to you like Tea? I love Tea! I also love caocao!Eh... I mean hot choclate... do you want some? Or juce? OH sorry! You surely are tired from your trip! Do you want to go to bed?", he babbled.

Because of all that driveling he didn't realized how much of a creep he is being right now! He just got too excited to stop babbleing. He just begged internal to himself to stop babbeling... but... no... it won't stop.
In Fireball!!! 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"DIRK! DIIIHIIIRK! WHEEEERE AAAAARE YOU?", yelled and sighted as there was no response. "Human being... strange being... But for once I was there God... now they get dumber with every new mobile phone like innvention", he thought by himself. A little bit cracked he stepped to the door and tried to calm down. "Ooookay... here we go! Don't mess this up! You aren't good in talking with people... but I know... you can... do... it...."

As he opens the door a strange noise comes from his throat, like a little... squee. Then there she was. A little girl... or was he just this tall? She had red hair, like flames from the beginning of earth, as she formed her to a wonderful place. "Uhm... hi... I am... Nameless... and... I think this is your new
home... uhm... I am really sorry! I have to excuse our host... he is... somehow... strange. Yeah! He is strange! Come in and... to you like Tea? I love Tea! I also love caocao!Eh... I mean hot choclate... do you want some? Or juce? OH sorry! You surely are tired from your trip! Do you want to go to bed?", he babbled.

Because of all that driveling he didn't realized how much of a creep he is being right now! He just got too excited to stop babbleing. He just begged internal to himself to stop babbeling... but... no... it won't stop.
In Fireball!!! 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay

Nameless slowly opens the door. "Huh? Oh...OH! Wait! I just 've to get my mask!", with a bang the door closed. He rushed to the table in the middle of the room. It would be rude to interrupt The-First while he is putting his mask on. Genesis wings flattered and got huge because of excitement. What should he do now? Should he call his host to get here?

One second he thought about it and then he did it. "DIRK!", he yelled out of his lungs and hurried to the door again. Hopefully he looked nice... or... good enough... or something like that! He wanted to make good first impression... and somehow... people mostly got crazed out because of his appearance.
Name: Nameless
Nickname: Genesis
Age: He doesn't age
Species: The-First

Description: His body resembles the body from a healthy young man, which also is really tall. There are good trained muscles under a white Shirt, black Cargos and Boots. He also wears a long leather jackett. He has long withe hair and his eyes differ from colors. One eye is darkbrown and lightblue, the other one is dark green and lightgrey. There are scars all over his body and he wears a mask. The Mask is split in half in the middle. One side is black, the other is white. On the Mask are three eyes, each one pair. The pair in the middle, where normaly eyes are, resembles normal eyes in form of a rhomboid, another pair above resembles happy eyes and the ones undeneath the middle ones sad eyes. On the black side of the mask the eyes are white and on the other side black. He also has a huge pair of wings, these are similiar to the wings of a white falcon.

Personality: Well, Nameless is most of the time a calm personality and talks not much. Most of the time he likes to watch the sky. But sometimes he can be really difficult, cause he is more sensitiv to some things than humans are. Also he is very curious and loves to learn new things.
History: When you ask him, he only will tell you that he is the first one of The First. By that he often means he was there when there was nothing but void and then *they* came. Sometimes he tells that the humans prayed to them, but forgott them, because of war with other humans. And then he says that he misses his kind, like he was the only one left.

But beneath what he is saying, he can easily read anciente writings like it is his native language. That's because he lived that long and learned much by this time. Now he wants to live with humans again.

House Shared With: Faust Arzt
In Fireball!!! 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Name: Nameless
Nickname: Genesis
Age: He doesn't age
Species: The-First

Description: His body resembles the body from a healthy young man, which also is really tall. There are good trained muscles under a white Shirt, black Cargos and Boots. He also wears a long leather jackett. He has long withe hair and his eyes differ from colors. One eye is darkbrown and lightblue, the other one is dark green and lightgrey. There are scars all over his body and he wears a mask. The Mask is split in half in the middle. One side is black, the other is white. On the Mask are three eyes, each one pair. The pair in the middle, where normaly eyes are, resembles normal eyes in form of a rhomboid, another pair above resembles happy eyes and the ones undeneath the middle ones sad eyes. On the black side of the mask the eyes are white and on the other side black. He also has a huge pair of wings, these are similiar to the wings of a white falcon.

Personality: Well, Nameless is most of the time a calm personality and talks not much. Most of the time he likes to watch the sky. But sometimes he can be really difficult, cause he is more sensitiv to some things than humans are. Also he is very curious and loves to learn new things.

History: When you ask him, he only will tell you that he is the first one of The First. By that he often means he was there when there was nothing but void and then *they* came. Sometimes he tells that the humans prayed to them, but forgott them, because of war with other humans. And then he says that he misses his kind, like he was the only one left.

But beneath what he is saying, he can easily read anciente writings like it is his native language. That's because he lived that long and learned much by this time. Now he wants to live with humans again.

House Shared With: duchess duchy duchiest Dolly
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