Avatar of Outlaw0023
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    1. Outlaw0023 7 yrs ago
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Current From dealing with writers block to a throat infection that makes it difficult to breath and having some rp partners leave....
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2 yrs ago
Currently trying to fight off writers block, to anyone I'm currently rping with I apologize for the inconvenience.
2 yrs ago
I can't do this anymore......
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The ic already started? I'll post soon my laptop is being buggy so I've been trying to get it fixed
I fixed Castle's Character Sheet a bit, so it doesn't crowd the thread too much, also updated his equipment.
Name: Frank Castle

Nickname: The Punisher

Age: Early to mid 30's

Gender: Male

Crush: None

Powers/Skills(if any):

Weakness(es): Human Body, Untreated PTSD, Lack of sufficient sleep due to daily night terrors, short temper.

From: Amazing Spider-man #129(first appearance)

Species: Human


Personality: "I know who I am ... I am smack-dab in the middle of my right goddamn mind, and any scumbag, any- any lowlife, any maggot piece of shit that I put down, I did it because I liked it! Hell, I loved it!"

Frank Castle is a man who has come to see the world in pure black and white terms and believes that the only way to keep the streets safe is to kill criminals so they do not harm innocents again. His sense of morality has turned to the extreme, differing greatly from what most would consider acceptable ideals of good and bad. He firmly believes that the wicked deserve to be punished and stopped permanently, and that their deaths - no matter how brutal and even illegal are needed as they better the world. His military past has hardened him to even the most extensive violence, as well as his iron mentality; he claims to not suffer any PTSD for his actions as a Marine nor did he claim to feel particularly disturbed when he saw his friends die or kill for the first time. However, it did cause him to have extreme exhaustion when he was too tired to even read a bedtime story to his daughter.

When his wife, son, and daughter were murdered, a devastated Castle turned into a violent almost sociopathic individual, determined to kill every single criminal who had a hand in his family's death. When dealing with criminals, he becomes an extremist. He is brutal, cold, and efficient. He would use extreme tactics such as torture, brutality and eventually kill them. He firmly believes that the truly evil deserve no mercy, and as such he holds no regret in the deaths of any heinous criminal he kills.

However, despite this Castle greatly values the lives of innocents, and will do his absolute best to make sure that civilians are not harmed, as shown when he went to the hospital looking for Grotto and made sure not to harm any patients or Karen Page. Castle upholds an honor code of "One Shot, One Kill", getting the job done as quickly as possible, whilst trying to avoid any collateral damage. He also avoided killing Daredevil, and when presented with the chance to kill him, Castle simply resorted to knocking him out.

Despite his cold and ruthless demeanor, beneath it all, Castle is a man who strongly and deeply misses his beloved family, and wishes only to make up for what he sees as his inability to protect them. Castle also appears to believe in returning favors, since him helping Daredevil defeat the Hand ninjas can be seen as him repaying the vigilante for rescuing him from torture at the hands of the Kitchen Irish.

Frank dislikes being thought of as insane or not in control of his actions as it goes against what he believes his mission stands for. At the same time, he does not seem to care what the citizens of New York and the law enforcement think of him as he has witnessed their ineptitude in dealing with his family's murder first hand. He openly sneered at Daredevil for considering himself a "hero" as he claims that he was only "one bad day away" from being like Castle. Indeed, Castle knocks out Daredevil when he claimed that he was insane and goes into a furious rant in court when they planned to instigate him into a mental asylum, admitting he was fully sane and enjoyed killing every criminal he encountered.


Killing Criminals
Protecting The Innocent
Saving Anyone or Anything in need of help
Being Left Alone, unless the someone bothering him is of some use.

The Current State of the Justice System
Being followed
Having his time wasted.

Other: Equipment
"Military-grade hardware you seem to know your way around. You sure carry stuff like a soldier."

Frank takes and uses firearms and equipment bought from pawnshops or taken from gang armories and weapons shipments. He has an extensive arsenal of street level and military grade weaponry but nothing above class 4 ordinance(no nukes, or bombs, but lots of grenades). In addition to this, he has at one point stolen War Machine's suit and repainted it, taken captain america's shield and repainted it, hawkeye's bow and specialized Pym Arrows developed for hawkeye by hank pym(ant-man, these special arrows have a round arrowhead containing thousands of arrows shunk by ant-man suit technology, at a certain speed the arrowhead will crack open and the cloud of arrows will rain down upon anyone unfortunate enough to be under them).

Other Equipment

Riot Gear: Castle has made it a habit of wearing full riot gear when hunting down criminals, his trademark skull is painted on his bulletproof vest as always.

Polymer Weave Lined Trench Coat: Castle lined an old leather duster with ballistic polymer weave, essentially making it bulletproof.

Battle Van: Castle took an old 1987 Dodge Vandura and had it fitted with a titanium roll cage as well as a weapons locker, armored frame, bulletproof water grip 4x4 tires and a V8 engine and halogen headlights.

Max & Loot: Max is a 3 year old Rottweiler he found in the street, he took him in, fed him and trained him a but as a hunting and attack dog, Loot is a coyote he rescued from gang members a few months ago, like Max he has him well taken care off and trained.

Current Location: Big City
Ok Thanks :)
Question, do i use OC's or cannon characters or can i do both?
Thanks, I'll check them out :)
Thanks, also phrasing lol. I have a few rp ideas, but i need to have some things verified before i post them up since i need to see if i need to trim any fat in any areas of things such as the rps world, general subject matter and other additional things like what kind of humor it can have and such.

Know any superhero rps? I'd like to join one, cannon heroes or ocs, or both.(hopefully both) I can play a lot of characters.
Thanks, I hope i can finally stop wandering around. :)
I'm new to the site but not to roleplaying, I've been roleplaying since late 2010. I'm on the look for a good rp site i can finally call home.
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