Avatar of Ozzy Cross
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 3 yrs ago
  • Posts: 54 (0.05 / day)
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    1. Ozzy Cross 3 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Love is a double edged blade, no matter what, you always get cut.
1 like
3 yrs ago
What if I told you we were in the Matrix? Now what if I told you that I wasn't joking? Its impossible but now the thought is in your head. Enjoy.
3 yrs ago
"What if you woke up and the world was full of monsters?" . . . "What if you woke up and realized the world was always full of monsters but you just never noticed?"
3 yrs ago
Does this table really exist or does it only exist in my mind?


First and foremost...

If your a lurker or a perv just know that your welcome here! (Me too) Anywho, you all just feel free to call me Oz or EVEN Ozzy if your feeling energetic! I am a severely bored 29 year old man from the northern state of Michigan. I have been a writer for most of my life but I have been out of the game for quite awhile now and am only now starting to get back into it. I am a chill, relaxed, let the world flow by type of individual. As long as you show me basic human respect, I will always reply in kind. I am not one for drama, or someone's love letter to themselves, or anything of that ilk, if that's you please just move on. I love a good story and I love a good relationship with my writing partners even more. I am heavily into music and will often incorporate it into my scenes as inspiration or even a characters theme song so expect to receive lots of music from me! I can oftentimes have an exotic personality and some have said I am an acquired taste but you can just judge that for yourself! I am very heavy on communication, most times a problem can be easily resolved if its known about, so I want you to be open with me if your writing with me. Even if it's to tell me my story sucks and your moving on, I can respect that way more than being ghosted. I always try to be approachable so don't be shy!

Lets see... hmmm

I am a gamer, I love movies, I read books, I love dinosaurs, I write fanfic, I cook chinese meals at home, and many many other things that I won't bore you with! If you wanna get to know me better, wanna write together, or even just are nosy and wanna know something about me, shoot me a message or a PM!



⚠️ OZ ⚠️

Most Recent Posts


Awesome! I will throw an opening post together later tonight when im back at home! Also, I am going to use my relationship section in my bio to include some of my NPCs and a short description of who they are ^^


The guy who can get any kind of exotic food he wants? No contest :P but yeah we can see what happens story wise lol


About 300 yrs old


Half-blood Mesmer[Pronounced: MEZ-ME-AIR]


Thaddeus is extremely eccentric, its due to this personality that a lot of people considered him a pirate or at least believed him to have been one. A paradox is how some have come to view him, one minute he is strict and barking orders and the next he is in an arm wrestling contest over a crate with one of his crew. He is quite a talker when he wants to be and loves to boast and tell stories of his past which most don't believe could possibly be true. He loves music and to dance and most definelty considers his crew and much of the town like family and often treats them as such. As weird as he might be to some, people enjoy his company, hes a kind individual if not a bit of a rough houser and sometimes drinks a bit too much and has to replace a table he fell on. He does have a bit of a tempermental side but it rarely shows its ugly head and most are quick to bring him back into a good mood with a free drink.

Not much is known about Thaddeus, in fact a lot of people are not even aware of his last name or if he even has one. For as long as he has existed to the people of Lorenstad, they have always known him as Thaddeus but most have just come to call him Captain or Mr.Thaddeus which he has no problem with. Captain Thaddeus came to Lorenstad port over thirteen years ago as a Privateer looking for work and ended up making Lorenstad his home when he is not working on the seas. Around town he has become almost a staple at least around the pub, he and his crew often celebrate a successful return with some ales and singing.

(Will reveal his past through the story and update this accordingly)


Assuming I am accepted into the roleplay me and you could definitely work out something with my characters adopted son Thomas, he would definitely adopt a cute kitty ^.^


About 300 yrs old


Half-blood Mesmer[Pronounced: MEZ-ME-AIR]


Thaddeus is extremely eccentric, its due to this personality that a lot of people considered him a pirate or at least believed him to have been one. A paradox is how some have come to view him, one minute he is strict and barking orders and the next he is in an arm wrestling contest over a crate with one of his crew. He is quite a talker when he wants to be and loves to boast and tell stories of his past which most don't believe could possibly be true. He loves music and to dance and most definelty considers his crew and much of the town like family and often treats them as such. As weird as he might be to some, people enjoy his company, hes a kind individual if not a bit of a rough houser and sometimes drinks a bit too much and has to replace a table he fell on. He does have a bit of a tempermental side but it rarely shows its ugly head and most are quick to bring him back into a good mood with a free drink.

Not much is known about Thaddeus, in fact a lot of people are not even aware of his last name or if he even has one. For as long as he has existed to the people of Lorenstad, they have always known him as Thaddeus but most have just come to call him Captain or Mr.Thaddeus which he has no problem with. Captain Thaddeus came to Lorenstad port over thirteen years ago as a Privateer looking for work and ended up making Lorenstad his home when he is not working on the seas. Around town he has become almost a staple at least around the pub, he and his crew often celebrate a successful return with some ales and singing.

(Will reveal his past through the story and update this accordingly)

Adoptive son / Cabin Boy on The Mesmer
Thomas Thaddeus

"Seriously dude, you need to come back to the city, I wouldn't know what to do if there wasn't an Outback nearby to eat at." Denny chuckled at his brothers remark as the sixteen oz porter steaks cooked on the grill in front of him. The fumes hit his nose and tickled his nostrils, a smoke flavored like fresh hickord wood, it made a little drool drizzle down his chin. "Your drooling again, you seriously need to work on that Ganon." Without warning Denny would drop the spatula and pick up a half drinkin bottle of water and throw it at Norman with a precision that most would not think a man his size had.

"Ow! You fat bastard!" Norman squeeled in pain as the bottle knocked him right in the side of the head. He grabbed at it with his hand to hold the spot that was now becoming red. "What did I tell you about calling me Ganon you big ass piece of danish with extra cheese!?"Norman rubbed his face as he pouted lowely to himself stretching his face into a grimace. "Oh stop all that pouting you faker."Norman let go of his face with a smile having been called out as he retaliated and threw his own water bottle at Denny whom turned and slapped it with his spatular knocking it onto the lower roof of his two floor ranch. Son of a bitch! I swear if that blocks my gutter im rolling your fat ass down the biggest hill I can find! Denny his this out as he saw the water bottle hit his gutter however the serious look on his face didn't last long as they would both laugh at each other, Denny would return his attention to the grill shortly before driving his steel fork through the steaks as he placed them on a couple plates. Beside them was two large baked potatoes with a healthy piece of cobbed corn, charred, he would quickly bring them over to the picnic table which was littered with condiments, napkins, silerware and drinks. "About time, the damn turtle beat the rabbit faster than your cooking." Norman made the joke as he pulled his plate to himself and placed a nearby napkin in his shirt before he would cut into his potato and throw some sour cream in it. Denny just made a 'you talk to much' hand gesture as he poured some A1 steaksauce on his place and dug in himself.

"So, hows life in the big city? You got yourself a life yet?" Denny asked the question casually as he placed a piece of medium rare steak in his mouth. 'Psh' Norman made the sound with a hint of sarcasm in it knowing well his brother was referring to his love life. "Well my land lady has been giving me signs lately." Denny would gag as the piece of steak went down the wrong way at Norman's response, he would guickly beat on his chest to get it down. "Your gonna make me choke you jerk! You damn well know that old bag has hated you since she invited you to dinner and you left that surprise in her toilet. I know because Roto Plumber came by my place and thought I was you." Denny laughed at Normans expense as he remembered the incident, old Mrs.Portia lost the use of her bathroom for like half a day. "That did not happen you ass, at least not like the way you tell it. I had some bad mexican that day..." Norman spoke lowely and his face reddened alittle bit, Denny spit alittle bit and he laughed behind his hand, it was fun when Norman got all red faced.

"Well reguardless of what happened, she told me to tell you that you were never allowed to use her facilities again. Took them five hours to get it working." Norman rolled his eyes as she chose to ignore the remark and just let this one die. Instead he would pose the same question to Denny: "What about you, hm, wheres your wife and kids? Seeming you have a life compared to me." Norman smiled a bit evil like as he posed the question sarcastically, Denny however did not miss a step: "That will come after I am Sheriff, you know that, and you would do well to remember, Im single by choice not because I got to speed dating events and scare all the woman away." Norman picked up his fork and quickly threw it toawrds Denny who ducked it with relative ease as it flew over his head and landed somewhere in the yard. "Your picking that up porky so keep that in mind if you intend to scatter my silverware to the four winds." Denny was almost casual as he said this, Norman just crossed his eyes and made a face as he imitated his brothers words dorkily. "So did you hear? I have heard some things through the grapevine about something weird involving bugs. It wasn't anything specific just that some places in the east had some kind of big problem."

Norman would shove a big piece of steak in his mouth and savor it after posing the question, Denny would just shrug his shoulders: "Can't say I have, I keep my attention on my own town more than the outside world. People be getting crazier these days, just last week we had someone running through town naked with a meat cleaver. Apparently he was high off his ass and thought he saw aliens everywhere." Denny shook his head at the memory, things like that didn't usually happened in their small town so naturally it was the front page news for a week as the story progressed. "Ah well, in the city thats fairly normal, I am not surprised, was bound to make it to our little old town eventually. Sometimes it gets so crazy I think your were right about moving out here where its peaceful." Norman would take a large swig of his water while he spoke, Denny would nod his head understandingly: "You know I have an extra room here if you want to escape the city for awhile, be nice to have company. Ever since mom passed its been pretty desolate around here." Norman would smile at the offer but shake his head back and forth: "Nah, can't right now, got a lot of important inventions I am working on, but who knows I may take you up on it for a vacation sometime." Denny would nod his head, holding up a water bottle in front of him Norman would clink it with his own.

_That was the last time I saw my brother, it wasn't too long after that dinner that everything went to shit. It happened so quick that by time the news had reached out small little town, the bug were already there and running through the streets._

Denny raised the Beretta 92 and pulled off three shots toawrds the large thick shell of the bug before him. The shots rang true, it would squeel in pain as one of them pentrated and came out the other side dragging a thick darkened blood trail with it. Sheriff Ken Baker fell from its hooked arms and rolled away as the bug quickly disappeared from view. Denny raced forward and grabbed Ken under the arms and dragged him back managing to get him back into the police station slamming the door shut. Denny quickly raced and grabbed the medical kit from the back, tearing into it he pulled out some gauze and quickly pressed it into the large gash that went across Ken's stomach. He could smell the stomach acid already, the smell of it mixing with blood, Denny knew that it was over but he had to try, he couldn't just give up. "Denny... i'm done, you know it already, my guts are coming out boy." Denny swallowed hard as he pushed the compression bandage harder, "just stay quiet your gonna be okay.." he was intent to do something, anything. "Enough boy, enough, you saved me from the monstrocity, its more than anyone else would have done, you need to get out of here. Save who you can." Kens voice was weak as he spoke, he was slipping and Denny knew it all too well, a tear raced down his dirty cheek, "I'm sorry Sheriff, I am sorry." Denny spoke the words as he bowed his head in shame, when he felt a cold piece of metal hit his hand he would look down to see Ken's badge in his hand.

"You make me proud boy, its yours now, keep it safe and always remember who you are."

_My town fell that day, there was no stopping it, I tried to help who I could but there just wasn't anyone left by time it was over. I was one of the only person who escaped that day. I went for Norman but it was useless, the city was in turmoil and there was no way to get in. Later after everything had died down I managed to make it to his apartment but it was ransacked and he was gone... that or dragged away._

Denny swallowed hard as he looked around the apartment that was once pristine and kept cleaner than a hospital room. Everything was scattered around like a huge struggle had taken place in the room, picture frames shattered, computers smashed, the couch was torn to shreds, it was like a tornado had swept through this place and destroyed everything in its path. The only missing thing or rather person was his brother Norman, he was no where to be seen, dead or otherwise. Denny wanted to say he was happy he did not find him but the grimness he felt in his tightened chest made him feel otherwise. He knew better than anyone that for as quirky and sarcastic Norman is, he is defintly no fighter, that was always Denny. Back in school Norman would shoot his mouth off to the bullies thinking they would leave him be but instead Denny had to tackle them and drive them back from his brother. The reality was more than he could bare, he could hardly face the fact that Norman was gone. Slowly bending down he would pick up a picture from beneath the broken glass of its frame. It was the picture they had took on vacation in a Costal Villiage years prior. Denny brought the picture to his chest as he closed his eyes and fought back the tears he wanted to cry. No... he wouldn't believe Norman was dead, he couldn't, no he would find Norman, in his heart he could feel his twin was out there still alive.

_Its been a year since than, and while I still hold out hope that Norman is alive, the chances of him living this long on his own are rather slim. But thats all I have left now and I won't give up on him even if I may never find him. Its foolish but its the only comfort I have left in this world, that I will be able to hug him one more time._


STATUS: Alive / Unharmed
LOCATION: Upper Rio Grando Region


Denny opened his eyes slowly, the room before him was blurry, a semi dark blurriness as his eyes adjusted and came alive again. Looking around slowly, methodically, he would view the old cellar he had been napping in. It was the same as when he had passed out, just a small root cellar with a dirt floor and broken down shelving. He didn't know why he expected it to be any different, maybe he just thought one of those large burrowing bugs would come while he was sleeping and take him away. Couldn't exactly say that he minded that fate as morbid as it may have sounded. What did he care? He could be eaten in the next five seconds and not one person would know or even remember he existed. That was always reality really, but with killer monsters being the cause it just seemed to make it all the more grim of an outcome. Rubbing his eyes he would lift himself up as his body cracked in several places, the consequences of old bones and sleeping upright on dirt floors. Disting himself off he approached the workbench where his items were and grabbed at his duffel taking out a single piece of jerky. Chewing it slowly he pulled an old map out of his bag and opened it across the table turning on a flashlight.

The entire map was one big marked up piece of paper, sircles, x's, lines, there was literal canvas of explored areas and other places marked Shelter and some were just marked KEEP AWAY in big bold letters. Denny would grunt as he swung the flashlight around the map and located his current area, he wasn't too far outside of a small town, maybe half a mile. His next stop was to a small store in the town, he needed provisions or at least something anyways. He really didn't want to approach one of the shelters, in fact he preferred to avoid them all together unless he had to and most of the time it was to ask about Norman. People in those shelters see you and all of a sudden someone wants something from you because your not afraid to walk outside the walls. He wasn't a ranger but people often thought him one given his rough appearance. Ever since this all started he had dropped a good amount of weight and he was way more grizzled now than he used to be, a new look with his new personality he supposed.

Sighing to himself he drew a line to the town and circled it indicating he had yet to search it. He would have to be careful, town were often hotbeds for bugs sometimes, people were always trying to scavenge or what not. This often attracted attention and most used guns which drew in even more, another reason he avoided shelters, it was only a matter of time before the bugs found a way to get in and destroy whatever or whoever was inside. Placing the marker back in his bag along with the map he took a swig of his water and hooked it back onto his bag before tightening the strap on his machete. Placing his old faded stetson on his head he approached the barred up entrance and listened quietly for anything that could be moving outside of it. Doing this for at least a minute until he was satasfied nothing was out there he removed the bar from the handle of the door and pushed on open slowly, peaking his head out, he looked left, right and than above himself before leaving the safety of the cellar.

The hot air hit him almost instantly, it was early but the air was already heating up or maybe he just never liked the heat. He slowly made his way around the house to where a large bike was laying on the ground. Bending down he picked it up and got on top of it. Adjusting his dirty glasses on his nose he looked ahread on the road and sighed... another day. Pushing off from the ground he headed for the town just ahead of him.

Moved over and edited to fit one character. Added a few more things, nothing that changes anything just some keepsakes and a novelty photo I made of hte brothers on vacation.

<Snipped quote by Ozzy Cross>

Wow, that's kind of a lot. Either one is acceptable to me, but I'm going to have to ask which one you're actually going to play?

I don't let my players multi, man.

Uh oh I guess I went a bit overbored without asking haha

Hm.. I like both brothers and each their own sort of special personality and both are useful in their own ways... Denny would be my ultimate choice, I could definitely work a story off of his brother norman and tie it into his current story perfectly. I can just say that Norman is missing and presumed dead and this gives him a great personal story to follow through with.



"Value loyalty above all else."





Russian / American



Gunslinger / Hired Gun

  • 1x Wool bedroll
  • 1x Carving knife
  • 10x handcrafted arrows
  • 1x Sharpening stone
  • 1x leather canteen with mysterious concoction inside
  • Provisions consisting mostly of dried and salted meats

  • Archery
  • Gunslinging
  • Close quarters combat with blades
  • Carving
  • Working with metal
  • Horseback riding

  • Intelligent
  • Quiet
  • Cynical
  • Honorable
  • Cold

  • Integrity
  • Loyalty
  • Music of any type
  • Playing cards for money
  • A quiet night under the stars
  • Carving animals

  • Those who target the weak or the innocent
  • Blatant disrespect
  • Whiskey
  • Money men
  • Yellow bellies
  • Cheaters

(If it is all the same I prefer to disclose my history through the story and will update this accordingly.)
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