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Cuttersbury - Trail towards Drych Lake

“Ah, Q.T! Are you alright?” Marcus asked with a warm, reassuring smile as he saw the haggard water mage stumble his way towards him after his spat with one of the Varrens. Ceasing his concentration and incantation of channelling another agility buff to one of his friends, he turned his attention towards Quentin and his dangerous pursuer, watching with interest and appreciation at the way in which Quentin channelled the water from a tree branch, delicately controlling it and weaving the floating puddle of water in midair between them. Marcus’ eyes lingered briefly on the state of the branch left behind, and then looked back at the sweating Quentin and his water.

"Marky, I don't have enough water to make this hurt, so I need a little air on this one. You feelin' me?"

“Fascinating,” Marcus stroked his chin. “You’re quite talented, Q.T.” Marcus smiled. “I think I can help...”

A strong gust of wind suddenly swept between the two, snatching the ball of water out and shooting it through the air towards the Varren. The brilliant gust of wind took Quentin by surprise, almost breaking his concentration of maintaining the water together completely, were it not for the attack being over almost as soon as it had begun. The Varren was struck dead center in the chest, feeling the hard sting of the water whiplashing against it and bowling it over onto the ground in pain. Before it could even catch its breath, to its disbelief the water soaking him started to turn and change, growing harder and more solid, as Marcus focused on implementing his less practiced ice magic to pin the Varren against the ground, despite its struggling.

“How was that?” Marcus turned back again towards Quentin, his face resuming his usual calm smile.

“Woah, Syed, that was awesome!” Estelle jumped for joy and screamed in jubilation as Syed’s foot swung out and booted one of the two charging Varren with an electrically empowered crack to the snout. At the same time, the other Varren collapsed to the ground, clutching its belly in agony as it trembled greatly in pain, Estelle sheathing her fireblade back into its place after she deftly smacked it back with the flat of her sword. She turned back around to her friend, and winced in concern at the way in which Syed was still trapped. The Varren below, clutching onto him, was being incredibly persistent… and Tobi was still trapped too. How to get them out?

“Trixie!” Estelle shouted over the din of battle. “Do you have anything… smelly we can throw down here?” She said, pointing to the hole that Syed’s arm was stuck down. The electromage shot a look towards Estelle. Did they not have any better ideas? She shrugged. “Only thing I can really think of is something super smelly that’d turn away the Varren and make him let go of you… sorry, Syed!”

To carry such a rancid smell on his hand for the rest of the day, though… was it wrong for him to almost hope Trixie didn’t have anything that might fit the description?

“Moira!” Estelle continued. “Could you… punch the ground around Tobi and smash him out?”

A glint twinkled in the berserker’s eye.

“What about punching my hand out?!” Syed panicked.

“Couldn't that risk the Varren slicing your arm off…?”

Oh, Vayū.
Holas everyone! Wonderful posts, everybody. :) I'm gonna type one up right now!

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

I'm guessing Cemetery Day is just another name for Halloween maybe, idk, hehe

The animation! :0

Ryver et Rhine said
@Pach: We did. His yo-yo is in his pocket. Is it a Guild requirement for all members to register with a weapon? I kinda fudged the details slight coz I wasnt sure how much of a novice I have to be. Can I be a total beginner or must I have at least some basic knowledge? :/

I would imagine he'd have some basic knowledge of being able to fight with it, otherwise why would he use it as a weapon compared to other, more conventional types? I wouldn't say registering with a weapon is a Guild requirement per se, however for someone to join a monster mission like this they should be able to defend themself somehow (otherwise why join)? Don't be afraid to have him use it!

Cuttersbury: Trail towards Drych Lake

As the ground beneath her became enveloped in light, Estelle could feel the terrible grasp of the Varren clutching her ankles below weaken and let go, Syed’s blinding attack throwing the unseen Varren into a fit of panic and relinquish its hold upon the Pride’s leader. She stepped away from the two holes, warily raising her fireblade before her, for when she’d need it. “T-thanks Syed!”

“You’re wel-!” Syed’s body suddenly lunged forwards, the hand he had thrust into the hole in order to discharge his blinding spell being dragged forward by yet another dangerous Varren aiming to incapacitate Syed, dragging his whole arm in to almost his shoulder. He cried out in pain, as Estelle watched in horror.

“Syed!” She yelled, racing to him. “Don’t worry, I’ll…!” Interrupting her speech, the ground around the pair rumbled and shook once more, as two fresh holes exploded either side of Estelle and Syed, with two new, smartly dressed Varren both jumping out, curling into balls and preparing to spin charge at them. “Crap!” The Pride’s leader swore.

An emerald glow surrounded Estelle’s body, buffing her speed up just in the nick of time. She dashed forward, grabbing the back of Syed’s robes and pulling him out of the two Varrens’ path as she jumped out of their way, the two spinning monsters narrowly missing them and skidding along the ground, continually rolling in a wide arc as they aimed to try yet another charge again.

“Ow ow ow!” Syed winced, his arm shooting fresh jolts of stabbing pain from the way his body had just been moved. He was lucky he didn’t have it dislocate.

“Sorry, Syed, sorry!” Estelle bit her lower lip. She raised her sword up, ready and determined to stop the Varren’s next charge at them. However, she would only be able to defend against one of them at a time, and Syed’s arm was still forciably trapped by another Varren below ground. How could she free him…?

Meanwhile, Tobi’s wild thrashing of legs grew even more frantic. With his torso trapped under the ground, he hadn’t heard Syed’s warning at all… and so had been blinded.
Holas everyone! Happy Halloweeeeeeen!!! 8D

How's everyone doing? I'm going to get to writing a short-ish post right now for Estelle and Syed. Tobi's still kinda... stuck, so if anyone wants to help him, feel free. I'm gonna keep Marcus free and available for Rapid to interact with. :)

Ryver, does Jett not have any weapons or something...? I thought we'd decided on him having a particular type in his CS?

One thing I want to compliment everyone on is not having any of the Varren be killed by the Pride. Monsters are actually fair-ish game to be killed by Guilders (whereas humans are a naughty no-no) but I like how everyone has made a distinction between dangerously, aggressively attacking monsters and those who are... more of a nuisance then a real danger like these Varren. Killing any of these would be like killing one of Don's bros. :'( So I'm glad no one's done that. :)

Junji Ito x Pokemon is a thing 8D

Cuttersbury: Trail towards Drych Lake

“Ahahaha, this is awesome!”

As his gunblade swung through the air, parrying against the three Varrens surrounding him, all jumping up and down and swiping at him with their long sharp claws in tow, Tobi looked to be absolutely oblivious to the danger he was in, and more then anything else, was simply laughing. He had a very unusual sense of humor, finding great joy and mirth in the situations that were most dangerous, and this… this was a lot of fun.

He turned and spun, swinging his gunblade up to parry and knock back an attacking Varren, as he spun his body around to deflect another attack from behind him. As the second Varren was sent recoiling off, a third hopped and bounced in the air, jumping at him with both dangerously sharp claws reeled behind its back, shooting forwards directly at the marauder’s chest… before being sent flying backwards with incredible force, rolling backwards and falling into one of the several holes made by the Varren that led to their underground tunnels.

“This is great fun, eh Nani?” Tobi smirked as he glanced to the pirate over his shoulder. Smoke wisped up into the air from the barrel of his gunblade, the force of the shotgun implement having done a considerable amount of pain to that third Varren, pain it would surely remember. It would have one hell of a bruise, although it was a shame about the new hole the Varren’s shirt would sport on its chest. “How are you doing? Do you need any help?” He cocked the gunblade, a spent shell flying out and bouncing off the ground.

His victory was shortlived, however. In his overconfidence, one of the two Varren from earlier had gotten back up and charged at him again, this time curling into a spiked ball, and bowling Tobi over from behind. He was sent flying backwards just like the third Varren from before, and straight towards one of the holes as well! Except this time…

This time, Tobi fell into one head first, and became stuck halfway at the waist. After a second of remaining motionless, exasperated muffles and moans came from him, and his legs thrashed about wildly in the air.

Tobi was now stuck, just like Estelle, and both in need of help.
Beards are sexy though, Rex. I'd still love you even if you had a beard. Maybe love you more, actually

Jeff the Killer piano ver is badass. I love it! 8D

Definitive version of Sweet Dreams:

And from Resi Evil:

EDIT: I'mma get up a quick post!

EDITEDIT: Annnd up! Don't be afraid to have someone come in to rescue both Estelle and Tobi. Marcus is also available if people would like to interact/set something up with him. :)
Magic Magnum said
I'm excited to see a Marvel series in a more realistic/gritty light.Where people are suffering and terrorized, and it's not just a "Shield saves the day" thing.Which the trailer seems to lead to them doing.

Winter Soldier?
Gwazi said I know anime is popular, but it ain't that popular. Unless if you hunt down an anime club people will generally just know something about Naruto, Bleach or One Piece.
Maybe Death Note and Attack on Titan, the interest is there but minor. Cause they're more invested in say Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones.

But super heroes? Almost everyone has seen and likes Batman, Superman and Spiderman. And Marvel is exploding in popularity with their Avengers movies, the individual movies of each of those heros, and with all the X-Men movies. You could get a big discussion with almost everyone about superheroes, but not with nearly as many people on anime unless if it's "That anime girl's hot. She has big tits".
And I say this as someone who does enjoy a lot of anime myself, it just is not nearly as prevalent or popular in everyday life unless if you consciously surround yourself with anime fans.

You're overgeneralising the popularity of these things outside of rping, which is missing the/Innue's point. There is a great audience and demand from rpers for anime rps, regardless of whatever its popularity is in the mainstream because that's what a lot of people who are rping are interested in.

Also, superheroes are indeed a lot more narrow in genre for rps... it's an rp about superheroes. Whereas anime inspired rps do not need to be about any specific show/manga, but can instead be based and influenced on anime/japanese video game tropes, of which there's a great many deal of things. You can extend that to literally anything you wanted, from slice of life highschool rps, to fantasy, scifi, whatever have you. Superhero rps on the other hand just tend to be... comic book influenced tropes which are again comparitively more niche and are based only around superheroes.

This is why there's more 'anime focused rps', because the possibility of what someone could do with them is simply that much greater in comparison.
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