Avatar of pandapolio


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6 yrs ago
Current well...I guess I'm back.
6 yrs ago
In the past hour I have refreshed the guild 80 times
7 yrs ago
Really busy so replies might be slow. Sorry
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Name: Sevro Barca
Faction: Addisons
Ship: None
Location: Saturn

“I agree with the pilot, we might as well take off now. Any way what is the point of worrying about the past? What's done is done.” With that comment Sevro started walking towards the ship's ramp and stopped as he reached the woman who had been lecturing him. “This isn't the first time the police have come after me, nor will it be the last. I know what I'm doing.” With that Sevro turned to the man next to her and gestured at the ship. “Permission to come aboard captain?”
Same here
Yo Imma gonna regret this, but looks interesting. I'm thinking a demon of sloth.
I meant a version of them, not copying it exactly. ok
Hey just wondering if I can make a race in my faction Uruk-hai? srry
cool Ill start working on something
Looks really cool, are there any more spots open.
Halek had been observing the others discuss their plan of action with a bit of interest. While some of them believed in taking fast action, the commander gave the order to wait, so wait he will. Halek stared out towards the destroyed city with curiosity. The gate was blown outwards so the enemy had either began its rampage inside the city, or had help. For so many bodies to be impaled like that a large force must have done this, because a small force would take forever to do all this work. Some magic must have been used to trap the city and its inhabitants inside seeing how there were no survivors. This was an interesting puzzle.

Halek turned back towards the others and began studying them. They were a mismatched rabble, but looked like good fighters. The half-goliath would be a devastating force in a fight, while the plains elf would probably be a competent mage considering the races affinity for it. The half elves were incredibly fast and fairly strong, and the tiefling appeared to be strong and menacing. Their leader seemed calm and level headed, and Halek knew of his strong fire magic. Halek thought this was one of the better teams he had worked with.

I find it it interesting that the people have misconceptions about their gods, and heroes and villains work together in the same guild.
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