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Jonathan Harper&Thomas Dircks

Jon looked up as Thomas said hi and sat down in the booth with him. After Thomas ordered Jon smiled at him and offered a waffle, “C’mon, ya know you want it.” Jon put the waffle on a napkin and slid it towards Thomas. Looking around the room he saw the blonde woman stand up and was surprised at her height. Looking back to Thomas then her, Jon guessed she was probably taller than his friend. “It looks like this is a popular place for students from our school.”

Taking the waffle from his friend Thomas gave him a grin saying “You sound like a drug dealer when you say it like that.” Looking around Thomas once again was surprised by the number of students that were in the restaurant. “I know, it's kind of weird that we are all here.” Thomas looked around to see if he could recognize anyone from the previous year. Of the ones he saw he couldn’t really say he knew them. He had seen most of them at one point or another but never really talked to them. Not that he wasn't friendly or anything but he just rarely talked to people. Once his food arrived in front of him Thomas said a prayer before completely devouring his food like a madman along with Jon.

Finishing off another waffle Jon took a long drink of water and slouched back in his seat. “So what is the team you wanted me to play for like? How good were you guys last year.” This time Jon was speaking in Japanese to practice for school. As he waited for a response he heard someone yelling about their high school a few booths down. Jon leaned out their booth to look over at the students and smiled. Coming back into the booth Jon took another bite of a waffle.

Switching over to Japanese Thomas had to think a bit harder about the words he had to say. “We did good. We made it the playoffs but lost in the first round.” Thomas still found it hard to speak in Japanese even for something he loved like sports. “We will do better this year especially with the dream team back together aye.” he finished by nudging Jon in the side. “Have you been keeping up with the workouts over these past few months?”

Taking another bite of the waffle Jon nodded his head and tried to swallow quickly. Just managing to not choke he chugged the rest of his water. “I have also been eating healthy…” Looking down at the plate of half-eaten waffles he shrugged at Thomas, "...mostly. So when does school start I can’t quite remember.”

Thomas just chuckled at his friends apparently ‘healthy’ eating habits. “I can see your healthy choices. Lord knows only you could find a way to get waffles in Japan.” looking down at his watch Thomas realized that they still had about 40 minutes or so before they had to leave. “We have plenty of time to hang out for a bit. We’ve got about 40 minutes I’d say before we have to leave.” Eating the last of his rice balls Thomas pushed his plate forward indicating that he was done with it. Looking around he noticed some interesting students that had decided to stop by the restaurant. For starters, there was the blonde girl that seemed to be as tall as him who had to be American, who was talking to a girl that she literally dwarfed in size. Then there was also the girl that had walked in not long before him who had green hair but seemed to be the athletic type. Turing back to his friend “This should be an interesting year.”

“Of course it will be, I’m here.” Finishing off his waffles Jon looked through his wallet until he found enough money for the food. Wincing as he put the money on the table he could almost hear his mother in America telling him not to spend all his money on food. While tugging at his collar he was playing with the glasses hanging on his shirt. “It is strange wearing school uniforms, I just don't know how I will get used to this.”

“Don't worry you get used to it. Also as time goes on you find your own kinda style to make it more comfortable. And as for you making it interesting… well, that's what I’m afraid of.”

collab with @sly13
@DendurisOw my feelings.
Jonathan Harper

Jon had been up for a few hours already staring at his ceiling and trying to sleep. His internal clock still hasn't caught up with Japan time, so his sleep schedule was all wrong. He had only arrived in the country four days ago. Hearing his alarm finally go off he reached over and turned it off. Groaning Jon rolled out of bed and stumbled into his bathroom. Going through his personal hygiene routine he tried multiple times to get his hair to look neat, but he failed every time. Giving up, Jon grabbed his sunglasses and hung them on his shirt collar. Looking at his clock it was still much to early to arrive at school, but it was too late to go for a run. Guess I'll just wander a bit

Making sure his apartment was locked Jon slowly began to meander towards the school. He was quite early and decided to look for a place to eat. Wandering through the street Jon closed his eyes and let his legs just take him wherever. While coming up to another street he heard a bike coming and opened his eyes. He was unable to see who the rider was and let his eyes follow the bike. Lights drew his eyes and he saw a diner up the road in the direction the bike was going. Smiling Jon set off towards the diner at a slow pace. “I wonder if they have waffles.”

Walking inside Jon looked for an empty booth and sat in it. Noticing the other patrons, Jon realized quite a few were wearing the same uniform as him. Guess this is a pretty popular place in the neighborhood. Getting a plate of waffles Jon knew if anyone he knew saw him they would kill him for eating so unhealthy. That thought made him grin with the realization he was truly independent now. With intense gusto Jon devoured the waffles in front of him rapidly.
...I just realized I forgot to put a phone in personal... Well then guess who is getting a carrier pigeon.
Well my life has gotten a bit harder. So has yours now @Denduris.
Halek listened to the disembodied voice with little interest as he looked up at the sky. As the voice was monologuing Halek was looking in the sky for whoever was speaking, hoping they were within sight. Halek felt chills as the city was ravaged and the marching resounded throughout the area. Worried that an attack might be coming, Halek half-drew his sword and stepped towards the city. As the marching slowly quieted and the chains left Halek put his sword away and turned towards the body of the beast. Watching as Lilianna examined the body he looked for his knife by the beast. Listening as he looked he found some of her findings interesting. Such as how weak the body was without magic sustaining it. The beast must have been in constant pain throughout its existence.

Finding his knife nearby he tested the blade to make sure it was no longer leaking venom. After making sure it was safe Halek noticed some of the beast's blood was still on the blade. Bringing it up to his nose he sniffed the blade, wondering if the blood had been warped along with the rest of the beast’s body. Bringing up a vial he put a few drops of the beast's blood in there for later use and study. Feeling a stinging feeling in his palm he realized he had yet to tend to the cut on his palm. Pulling a bandage out of his satchel he quickly wrapped it around his hand, covering the wound. He would have to get that healed eventually, but it would be a waste of time now because if they were to enter combat soon he would likely have to open up the wound again.

Walking back towards the rest of the group he looked towards the city. They were unlikely to find anything inside of it, but it wouldn’t hurt to make sure by checking. Halek wondered what his master would think of this situation. Likely to be curious the old man would bury himself in scrolls to find the answer. Likely Halek would be dragged into studying with him. But that wasn’t until he returned so all he has to do now is focus on the mission. Stepping next to Ardur he kept his eyes trained on the city. “Any idea what that creature was? The Commander is going to be asking a lot of questions about this.”
Jonathan Harper

looks interesting.
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