Avatar of Pannette
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  • Posts: 62 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Pannette 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current "Life is a crazy, mystical thing, and sometimes you just go out like a buster. And there's nothing you can do about it." - MaNg0


Mia. 18. Aspiring writer. Constanly flustered lesbian. Goofing off with RPs when I'm not writing short stories. You can call me Pann for short.

Most Recent Posts

Clair Carnelian


Clair's head snapped to face the direction of the stranger's voice. Standing a short distance away from her was a tall, bulky Faunus, with a somewhat unsightly mouth and nose.

What high schooler besides Miss Perfect and I would be up at 7 AM on Sunday? she wondered. She had dozed off shortly after Sarina brought her back to their room. When she woke up, there was no sign of the stony girl and her long blue scarf. And here I thought I picked a good time to get some peace and quiet.

She was used to waking up early now: after her last mission at Haven, she found it harder to sleep and would often wake up once or twice in the early morning. Her old dorm was situated right next to a park filled with old, shady trees, and so to fight off her sleepiness she would climb out of bed, take a cold shower, and go for a walk while her hair dried. Thankfully, her new dorm wasn't far from the campus's incredible gardens; filled with all kinds of sweet spring flowers, it was the ideal place for her morning walk.

She found herself wanting to sit for a moment, in hopes that the brisk morning air would clear he mind. So there she was, sitting on the edge of the warm stone path, letting her feet hang above the pond's surface, eye-to-eye with some other early riser.

Looking at his build - broad-shouldered, muscle-bound - she guessed he was an athlete. Maybe he's up this early so he can get a workout in? Going to the gym first thing in the morning is something I could never do, but to each their own, I guess. She looked away from him, back at the lily pads near her feet. Meatheads, she thought, letting out a quiet sigh.

"Good morning," she mumbled, making sure to avoid eye contact.
Christ, you all managed to cover so much political stuff while I was gone for the holiday. Glad to see there were no hard feelings, though.
Is that directed at me as well?
So, if we've fast-forwarded, are even non-mission scenes cut short? Sarina and Clair were just hanging out, but I'm guessing that since time has officially "passed" I'm free to wander without waiting for Shadow to post?
Clair Carnelian

"'Ugh' is right," Clair said, dropping her bags on the floor.

Day one at Beacon Academy, the school of her dreams, had only turned out to be an exercise in sensory overload. Between her arrival, sudden introduction, and the drama that unfolded in the dining hall, there was nothing more that Clair wanted to do than to collapse on Sarina's couch, but she couldn't think of her new room assignment as anything but surreal.

Do all Beacon students get to live like royalty, or is this kind of treatment reserved for upperclassmen?

Back in her cozy single in Haven, she could scarcely fit more than a desk and a dresser, let alone her bed. In comparison, Sarina's dorm room was like a penthouse apartment, the kind that millionaires buy for themselves in crowded cities. All of the furniture was spotless, as though it had just been assembled in the hallway outside and brought in moments before her arrival. The only exceptions to this were the other three beds, all pushed together in the corner, gathering dust.

"Well, looks like I'm home," Clair sighed. She pulled a bed away from the other two and dusted off the bare mattress. Sarina's belongings occupied most of the usable space in the room, making it hard for her to stake a claim for herself.

"Hey, Sarina," she began.

Any chance you could move all of your crap? Living in a royal suite must be nice, but I'm here now, so -

"No, never mind," she said. "I'm exhausted." She fell face-first onto her bed. "Tell me there's nothing else I have to do today, Princess."
@LugubriousIs it alright if I change Clair's weapon since it hasn't appeared yet? I thought of something that fits her design better.

Also, looking forward to SoL shenanigans. Hopefully Clair will be able to jump in.
Well, okay, whatever you want to call the thing that just happened between Shiro, Gratia, etc.
<Snipped quote by Pannette>

I thought so, at least.

Oh, whoops, my bad. Super tired me somehow thought that Shadow hadn't addressed the fact that the fight had taken place, but it was totally addressed.
<Snipped quote by shadowkiller912>

She's running like hell, she isn't gonna stop running once she gets outside the door. Don't bunny my character please.

Also, no one knows that Emmy is gonna be with team MODA because that hasn't been decided yet, Aurellius, the guy she is replacing on the team, hasn't even left the team yet IC. So no she can't possibly know that.

I'm guessing I should refrain from writing a new post until you two resolve this.

EDIT: Also, wait, were all of us still in the dining hall when that little scuffle took place?
Oh, by the way, what's this contest people are talking about?
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