Avatar of Patches
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 455 (0.12 / day)
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    1. Patches 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Think I'm gonna finally get to RPing here. Don't know if I'm gonna commit, don't know where to start, and don't know what I'm gonna do, but I'm gonna do it.
7 yrs ago
I've had Johnny Cash on my mind all day. Can't get "When the Man Comes Around" out of my head. Tempted to let it influence some writing or make it a character's "theme"
7 yrs ago
I'm a bit scattered brained lately, so if I need to respond to a roleplay response, just remind me, I could've forgotten.
7 yrs ago
Finally done with the college semester, so I decided to treat myself to a expensive burger and a walk on the beach
7 yrs ago
Finally got Kokotha thread up. It's gonna be awkward in the first day of moving it here.


Hello, I am Patches

I roleplay as a hobby, as well as designing OCs to be used in various types of roleplays. No matter the setting, I believe I have one just for the situation.

Most Recent Posts

Such exquisite design! Folds up for easy transportation and follows simple orders. Hueco said, marvelling at the creation, inspecting it. Sure he was more into Amalgamates, but that didn't mean he wouldn't be fascinated by the creations of others... And from the looks of it, bystanders were interested as well, staring at the two, many noticing their uniforms.

"The Universal Machine? Here? They must be on official business.
"What is that device? Looks like something out of a book."
"If that girl has a robot... Wonder what that beastkin's suitcase does...?"

At Juniper's question, Hueco shook his head. The contents of this suitcase are a bit... Finicky to handle. I'd rather it be in my hands. I only let my boss hold it. Patting the suitcase, he added Plus, it's kinda heavy. Heavier than it looks at least.

Rubbing the back of his head, Hueco chuckled quietly, proud of himself. Nice to get praise now and again, especially from people who look up to him. The town of Bishmare. One of the earliest settlements of Kokotha, since built up... Hasn't been changed in decades though, other than a few technological improvements. Hueco said, looking around, seeing the town as a piece of history.

Hueco pointed past the train station, keeper into the Town. Right up there. An apartment building just over yonder. The members will meet us outside... Hueco held his suitcase tightly. Seems suspicious doesn't it? I was wary about it, but the stories about their leader helped me keep trust in them. I will tell you more about him along the way.
As the two would exit, they'd come out on the otherside to the sight of a small town. From the looks of it, they were at a train station, in a vacant part of the platform where people would get on and off. Hueco was already looking around and observing the area. This must be the place... Now to find the Radiance members... he said, talking to himself, as he looked around.

From where they were, the Town was rather small, but still up to date on the technologies being introduced to the country. Nothing compared to New Wickborough though.
With that, Hueco lead her to the end of the hallway. Now came the hard part. It was easy to open a portal to his sanctum within Yim and easy to come out in the place he entered. But now he needed to go to a new location. It was a common rule among Casters traveling this way that you could only travel to locations you already visited. Other precautions needed to be taken, such as not opening it in a busy area or accidentally opening it high in the air.

But soon, thrusting his palm forward, he opened another portal, this one reaching all the way to the other side of the country. Phew... Think I got it right. I'll go first this time just in case I sent it to the wrong location. He said, stepping through, after a brief moment of hesitation.
The beastkin waited for her to change. Keeping his promise that he wouldn't look, he waited patiently. He wondered what type of outfit would she wear? Something to represent the Universal Machine or something formal and pretty looking for this occasion?

Once she was done, Hueco looked over. A formal outfit, plus it suited her quite well even with the visible calluses and how it hugged her larger build. Giving a thumbs up, he gave a compliment. Looks good! Glad you came prepared. Now that you're ready, you want to head out? The Radiant's are expecting us.

Although, if there was one observation the beastkin made, was Juniper's collar. Even with her formal outfit, she kept her mouth obscured... Possibly an injury? She was a non-caster, so he ruled out the possibility of it hiding a Brand. Hiding a scar, maybe...? Best not mention it.
Hueco nodded, Exactly! With permission and supervision, dangerous weapons are tested in these personal sanctums. It's safer in worlds that are blank slates rather than ones with a complicated infrastructure like Kokotha or my home of Gishka.

As he walked, he listened in on her question. Right... Keeping changed. His face blushed a bit. He was far too much of a gentleman to have a girl undress and change clothes in front of him. With a quick motion, he extended his hand to the wall on his left. With a grinding sound, the bookshelves moved backwards and parted... Revealing a small empty room.

I have a few of these to test my creation abilities... But you can use it to change. I won't look, don't worry. As long as you don't leave anything behind it shouldn't be a problem.
The young girl tensed up a bit, finally showing some signs of fear. As she felt him get closer, through whatever means she was using to sense him, she clutched tighter at the rune in her lap.

She spoke up again, her voice a bit quieter and quicker. Is this a matter of the curse? She asked, You know so little... But you wish to know more. What have you to gain from coming here? From touching upon the slaughter? From confronting me? She hummed, gazing down despite her lack of sight, seemingly looking in the direction of his knife, I will talk... If you put away your weapon.
Chuckling, Hueco nodded, It's all good. Everyone has a bit of culture shock, you could call it, when entering a world in Yim. Hueco said, walking down the hall, suitcase in tow, running his fingers along the shelves. Books upon shelves upon walls of literature.

It might be a bit confusing, but let me explain... he turned to face her, Yim is in fact the dimension of storms, rain, and mist that you are taught about. But a skilled caster is able to enter Yim and draw upon its powers, greater than they could when in the physical world of Kodo. He pointed to himself with his thumb, looking proud. I am one of those skilled Caster! A Caster can create whole worlds made from magic, their own personal spaces in the world. It's a technique said to have been learned from Amalgamates, back before Kokotha was even a concept of a country.

Still looking proud, the beastkin began to show a bit of humility in his art, O-of course I can't create a huge world or one too big. This is about as far as I've gotten. I mostly use it to get alone time. No one else is here... Just the two of us. I rarely bring anyone in, even my son.
Such an odd girl... Grazia said, observing the young girl as she rambled on about the card. Buying things with her father's credit card when he isn't around? ...Wonder if father had one of those... Grazia thought to herself. She'd hate to me living off her late father's expenses, but the idea of having money at all times was a pleasant prospect.

But, her train of thought was cut off, as the knife wearing girl ran up to her, excited as ever and covered in soapy water and blood. Acting casual, Grazia chuckled Weeeell... Guess you were lucky to go through one. They're meant for cars, ya know, not little girls.... And the cashbot? It was a bot that takes money to pay for things.
Okay I forgot to post, sorry about that.
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