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    1. Pepperm1nts 10 yrs ago
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Current Remember to disrupt any and all instances of peeing and pooing by members of the exploiter class. #resist
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Like I said, I like it and don't see anything wrong with it. Good to have you back.
The only places taken in Russia are St.Petersburg and the surrounding area (known as the Russian Empire), Moscow and some of the surrounding area, and Ukraine (and some of the surrounding area). The Russia map on the front-page is mostly up-to-date I think.
Russia is in such a chaotic and lawless state that, really, anything goes. There's no major problem with that idea, and if that's what you want you're free to write an app/sheet. I don't know to what extent a group like that would have control of Siberia, though. In all likelihood, their territory would not make up all or most of Siberia because Siberia is a big place that is not easy to control and administer. There are also likely other groups in the area that would exert their own influence and control so they'd have to deal with that as well. Beyond that, the only concern I feel is worth pointing out is that China will invade in force at some point. If you want to deal with that, then you're free to stay in Siberia. But fair warning that, when that happens, things will be very difficult for a group such as yours. People on the west side of the Urals are protected by the mountain range, so they aren't as vulnerable to it, but in Siberia you're pretty much right in the way of the eventual Chinese invasion. Again, if you're okay with being an underdog, then there's no problem.

My two cents, but Aaron should also have a say here because Siberia is his side of Russia.
The list isn't up-to-date, but most of Russia is available. The only claimed areas are:

Russian Empire/St. Petersburg

Everything else is up for grabs.

EDIT: We have too many cossacks pls no more
None of the unclaimed states have anything set in stone for them, so you're mostly free to make up whatever you want for them. You can also alter the borders however you want as long as it makes sense. There is no one in particular that you need to talk to about any of the Russian states, but there are some players in Russia, like myself, that you can ask specifics to since we're the most in tune with what's going on in that part of the map. And nah, you don't have to PM anyone. I meant that if you wanted to ask specifics, you could PM me, but you don't have to.

Most of the canon for Russia is, sadly, not IC.

This is the gist of it, though:

During the final years of WWI, the Russian Empire withdrew its forces and squashed the communist rebellion at home. This means that Nicholas II was never overthrown, and the civil war was prevented/delayed. Nicholas II would go to rule over Russia for decades, adopting a deeply anti-communist stance that resulted in the suppression of any kind of workers movement, or threat to the Tsarist regime. He rolled back some of the limitations that had been placed on his power in the early 1900s and Russia became a full-on autocracy again. His son followed his footsteps, but was not as strong of a leader, which allowed for communists to slowly resurface again and chip away at his power, culminating with his assassination a few years before the RP start date.

The assassination of the Tsar threw Russia into civil war and split it up into a multitude or warring states. The Imperial government withdrew to Petrograd/St.Petersburg and the surviving heir was brought forward to become the new Tsar. Since then, Imperial Russia has more or less been in a standoff against other Russian states, mainly Moscow. In Moscow, the children of an old Imperial general came to power and turned it into another Tsardom, but those are not legitimate heirs because they aren't related to the Romanovs. Ukraine became independent after the death of the Tsar and became a Hetmanate. In Akangelsk there are some socialists in power. Nothing else on that side of the Urals is controlled by a player, but basically imagine it as a big mess of competing states of varying ideologies, in constant war. In between all that there are warlords and criminals doing stuff.

Japan has a foothold on the east side of the Urals, and China has been snooping around getting ready to invade Siberia. Beyond that, there isn't much else to say.

As for your idea... You're free to do whatever you want, so you can play as a small group if that's what you're interested in, but if you can you should probably do something a little bigger than that. In my experience, limiting yourself will result in you running into a lot of dead-ends with what you can realistically do on a scale that small. Don't be afraid to snatch one of the Russian states. You can change the borders a bit if you want, as long as it's within reason.

If you want to ask specifics about Russia, you can PM me if you want.
If anyone still takes Dave Rubin serious after the Joe Rogan podcast I feel bad for them. Dave Rubin is the epitome of an intellectual lightweight. He's an idiot and a sell-out. It saddens me that we're at a point where people that dumb are idolized.
EDIT: I just realized I don't give enough of a shit to argue about it so nevermind this post.
The last good Saints Row was the second.
I don't understand the claim being made. Are you saying that because America is big, you don't see many foreigners? If so, that's hilariously wrong. You can't go out in America without seeing foreigners. The only places without foreigners are isolated, rural places where no one bothers to go and everyone knows each other because the population is 53.
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